Classical music and beautiful memories


Being back to all good terms with Levi was nice. I felt good again but something in the base of my gut told me that as much as I had all these good times, bad times would come.

That scared me because I didn't know what they would hold and I didn't know if I would survive. Otherwise, I chose to enjoy where I was and soak up the moment.

I started at Levi for a moment as he slept. Angry, sad, happy, turned on, murderous, exhausted, injured, hungry ...... There was all sorts of sides to Levi and I liked them all, it was nice too see all the forms Levi took and enjoy having him around despite which one it was.

I turned from my side to lie on my back and spend a few moments to myself to prepare for the morning and my day. My sister's had closed school, so I could sleep in. Raven and Noelle shooed me off of breakfast duty so I had nothing to do.