Best friends, pianos from the ceiling and shower time




"You're my best friend right?"

"I think so?"

"That's racist."

Simone giggled but didn't break eye contact.

"Well, all my sister's just kind of branded their names in first place one on top of the other, so it's a scarred mess. I was forced I to it anyway, but you're the best friend I'd chose if I had a choice."

Simone and I were lying in my bed, literally just 5 inches away from each other, talking shit and laughing like teenagers.

"Levi?" She started.


"I'll let you start from the top again."

I rolled my eyes.

"Simone, you're plagued by dramatics." I said, wrapping my arm around her then rolling onto my back so she was lying on top of me.

"Mmmmm not really." She said, digging her fingers into my hair. "Dramatic is pianos falling through the ceilings and there is no indication of any such thing happening so I'd say we're good."

I laughed at that one.