36>< You and Me



So this chapter gets spicy. But not too too too in the feels nitty gritty spicy. Just spicy enough. So if you don't want to read it, just go to the next one. It's no big deal.



"Goodnight Levi." Coco yawned as I tucked her into bed.

"Goodnight coconut." I teased and kissed her forehead then went to tuck Lila in as well.

It was past ten and Lila had knocked herself out. After I changed her into her pajamas I placed her in her bed and tucked her in as well.

"Night Lila." I murmured as I kissed her forehead then turned the light off and left them to their soft snoring.

Next was the big girls' room. I knocked on the door and waited for Mica to let me in.

"Hi you." She said, sitting under the covers and tapping away at her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked, making myself comfortable leaning against the door.

"Just writing a little. But I'm almost asleep anyway. What's up?" she said.