35><The intricate art of karaoke


I wasn't sure where the courage came from in the morning to be so damn brazen with Levi, but thinking back on it, we'd spent close to six months, basically half a year, in close proximity to each other and all the sexual tension just built and built and built and was never let out.

That would explain so much. I don't ever recall a single point in my life where I was as riled up as I was currently so it makes sense that my senses and nerves were frayed.

That didn't, however, explain at all the reason as to why I had a vendetta to completely kill and destroy my eight your old sister at an innocent game of laser tag.

I was 22 whole years for goodness sake, why was I chasing after Coco like a maniac with a laser gun in my hands trying to shoot her down with the passion of a thousand suns?

That remains to be seen.

"I'm coming to get you Coco!" I said as she skillfully scrambled over a pile of plastic rocks to hide from my deadly beam.