Sekki and I both joined the Silversehl Cadre. We signed a contract yesterday, and now we went back to the inn to pack our belongings. We were asked to live in that household because both of us are now a member of it. Thinking about it now, those cretins weren't really after the faerie; they were just exploiting it to get me. The faerie is peacefully supporting Sekki's father, which is a good thing, but I've once again become embroiled with the Empire's servants. I'm sure I'll have a difficult time escaping from them, but I'm Euphemia, and I'll do everything in my ability to do so. I'll get out of here after I retrieve our property. Going to a different kingdom won't hurt, and imagine living in a different kingdom where no one knows who you are.
"Ah, that'll be wonderful."
I went outside. I'm still on the staircase but I can clearly hear Sekki's father crying.
"No, Sekki! You've just arrived a few days ago, now you are going again?"
"Brother no! You're leaving with that girl!? You can't be serious!"
What the hell. It sounds like we're going to run away together. Why do they have to say that?
"It's my duty to protect her."
Though, it kind of startled me when I heard him saying those words plainly. Back then, he said he was asked to watch over me, but protecting me is no longer his responsibility.
"Gosh, my Sekki is an old grown man now! I can't believe I'm hearing this right from you."
"B-brother! Don't tell me… you actually like that ugly?"
Hahaha. They're asking that question from nowhere. These people are surely stupid, huh?
Sekki's gaze shifted slightly through mine. He is aware that I am present and listening to them.
"I like her."
When he confessed his silliness to his family, the luggage I was carrying fell to the ground instantaneously. When they heard the luggage fall, everyone looked at me in surprise.
"Oh my gosh. Love is so sweet, isn't it?" said the Faerie who was giggling.
"Ahhhhh!!" I couldn't help but overreact.
We're strolling down Empyrean Street. It was just the two of us. He was carrying my luggage despite my protests that I would be the one to do it. He didn't listen to me, and I couldn't argue with him. He doesn't act appropriately for his height. I can only see him as a little brat but look how mature he moves. Who I cannot even guess what he is thinking.
"Why are you so quiet? You're not this quiet before."
This brat. He's clearly trying to strike up a conversation with me. Is he not ashamed of what he previously told his family? I've heard it as well, and he seems not to mind.
"W-w-w-w-why did you say that?" I can't believe that I'm stuttering, this is really not me!
"Said what?" Damn it, he is trying to act cool. Don't tell me he forgot what he just said back there, "Ah. I said that because that's what I feel."
I felt like my heart was stabbed with knives several times and even my face was so hot, I'm not blushing, aren't I? I can't respond since I can't see what kind of expression I'm wearing right now.
"Ah…" he glanced at me, "You're so adorable."
Wait, wait. What is he—
"I like you!"
Is he not ashamed in the least? What the hell is his problem?
Did he eat poison earlier? He's embarrassing me so badly that I can't stand it. I feel like I'm going to die because of his words; he's so blatant that I can't ignore it any longer.
"Y-you know what!? You shouldn't say things so—"
"And look how you call me by my name—"
"Let's try that."
"You're not listening at all don't you?"
I was attempting to express things that he should think about before uttering. Because he is forthright, he may get into trouble.
"Let's give it a shot. Euphemia," he says, pointing to a food stall. "Geez..." I'm not a big fan of food, but he appears to be interested in it, so I should let him.
We went to the food vendor there. "Hello, what can I get for you two?" Inquired the seller. I observed the food he was selling being grilled; it was a red long on a stick that was being grilled. I haven't seen anything like this on the chasseur; we just eat vegetables and meat, but nothing like this.
"Hey, what is this fancy food called?"
"F-fancy?...T-that's so rude, my lady." the vendor said. "Pardon her manners, this lady here hasn't gone out since birth." Sekki covered for me but it does sound like he is mocking me.
"W-what!?" I yelled at him. "Who do you think you're talking to? I haven't gotten outside before—?! I have—"
"G-guys please do not fight in front of my stall; you're giving me bad luck."
His demeanour and attitude have altered since we got to that realm. He was obnoxious before, but he's even more so now. What the hell happened to this guy? He's just annoying.
"Anyway, the food I offer is known as Hotdogs. A wiener sausage is used. It's made of beef and pork, and it's designed to make it easier for individuals who eat on the go. Yeah?"
What exactly is this seller saying? When I was with my family before, I assumed I ate some; it was just like it was in the past, and I can't recollect it vividly.
"Thank you for the explanation but she doesn't really get it."
"Yeah, I realized that just by looking at her."
These two are really making fun of me.
"Here you go."
The grilled hotdogs are finally done. Sekki paid for the food; he drew me here, thus it was his obligation. I held the hotdog stick at the tip because the vendor warned me that it would be hot if I held it at the top. Of course, I am aware of this! I wasn't born today! They're making fun of me a lot.
I sniffed it first since who knows whether this stuff contains poison.
"H-hey! "How will you know if this has no poison at—" It was a surprise when Sekki ate it like it was nothing. This guy doesn't give a damn if he gets poisoned!
"Just eat it," he said as he stared at me. He seemed to be having a good time. I might give it a shot as well. I bit it a little at first. This is against my will, but I can't throw it away. It's free, yet wasting food isn't good.
"Eh?" Somehow, the taste wasn't bad at all. "Are you stupid? Why do you bite it that way? Bite it this way," Sekki demonstrated how to bite a hotdog.
"Wait, what are you showing me?!?"
"What? It's hot, so I have to be cautious."
"But isn't it …the shape of this hotdog..."
When Sekki realized something to himself, his eyes widened. " pervert! What!?" he yelled at me.
"I am not!"
And the two of us ended up fighting again. Though, in the end, we brought another plastic of hotdogs because it was indeed delicious…not that thing in my mind again! No! My conscience is clear.
We were halfway there when I inquired about something with Sekki.
"Hey, haven't you been injured before? Does it not hurt somehow?" because he moves perfectly well. He doesn't appear to be wounded in any way. "No. It doesn't hurt in the least."
Are you even a human? My body is still in pain from that examination. It's unthinkable that he doesn't feel his injuries; is he trying to hide the pain or something?
"You said the Cadre is dangerous, but it doesn't seem to be."
"It is. Because Cadre members are being sent on some dangerous missions. That is also why I don't want to join any Cadres."
"But in the end, you've still joined."
"Who do you think is to blame for this?"
"I never asked you to follow me!"
"I need to… because I like you."
Ugh, what the hell. I didn't even use a love potion to make him this way.
When we arrived at the household. We were led to our own room by the maids. In comparison to the inn room, it was quite large. This makes me feel like I'm back in the chasseur.
"Miss Altair. The Acting Field Commander requested your presence."
"Already? But I wanted to take a nap, ei… whatever."
That's why I went to where I was summoned.
But it was weird I saw Sekki, Oz, and two unknown people in the same room.
"Finally, now let's start discussing your first mission."
"You five will be sent to the Schatten's lair. The toy mirror box."
The toy mirror box?