Chapter 30

"You are about to be dispatched on a risky mission."

The room was immediately filled with an intense mood; we all knew we were going on a mission, but no one anticipated us to be hauled out to a perilous operation so quickly. Sekki and Oz were staring intently at the Acting Field Commander. Their expressions indicate that this assignment will not be taken lightly. The two unknown people appear to be more relaxed.

"Ahh, isn't it exciting? We've been unoccupied for about a half-year, and the empire finally decided to give us some spare missions," one of the guys explained.

"That's correct. The Montella household always gets the nice mission while we get the bad. They probably can't manage the assignment right now, so they tossed it to us," stated the lady next to him.

"Enough. Whatever the Empire decides, we can't change the reality that our standing has fallen in recent years. We require this in order to acquire excellent standing. If you wish to reclaim our rank, you must all work hard," said the Acting Field Commander.

To be honest, I'm not sure why they're all going for merit. Oz once told me that merit is for popularity. Why would they want to be popular in the first place?

"Alright. Before we continue. Sylvie and Zuilly, please introduce yourselves to Euphemia and Sekki. They are both new to the Cadre. Consider these two to be your juniors. Is that clear?"

Sylvie, Zuilly, but I'm not sure who's who in either of them.

"Yes, yes. My name is Sylvie," says the girl pointing to herself. "And I'm Zuilly," says Zuilly. The one who has pink hair is Sylvie and Zuilly was her brother, and he had blue hair. Both of them are brothers and sisters, huh? That's unusual; they may have both entered the chasseur and passed. They must be quite powerful.

"I'm Euphemia. Nice to meet you."

"Wait a minute, Zuilly, this girl is wearing a collar! She has to be one of Chasseur's best students!"

"...Wonderful! I can't believe we'll be able to spend time with the top students! " They are brimming with optimism. They just don't realize it yet, but my Artes is still missing! I must not reveal that I lack artes, or else my name will be tainted with shame.

"So, this person here must be Sekki," Sylvie said abruptly as she approached Sekki with a foolish expression, "see how short this guy is, they're the same height as the Vice."

I know Sekki is short, but I can't help but laugh in secret. Sekki, on the other hand, merely gave us an irritated look.

"Hey! Stop comparing me to him! I'm at least a couple of inches taller than him! "

"Vice, no matter what you say, you're still short."

"All right, since everyone took their time introducing themselves, let's get started. Let me now give you some background on the assignment." And the Acting Field Commander resumed her explanation of the assignment we are about to embark on.

"The name of this mission is the Mirror toy box." she continued, "If you all noticed, it was already given what is it and what it will be. So, the Mirror toy box is a massive household that has been abandoned in the depths of the mountains around Empyrean city. This toy box has already devoured fifty individuals. No one knows what happened to those people, but it is obvious that if the Schatten is engaged in their disappearance, those people are long dead."

Uh, the toy box. It may sound unsettling, but there are just three types of Schatten. I can easily counter them, but I almost forgot I don't currently have artes.

"Why are those fifty people there? Why are they so ignorant? they already know that the toy box eats people." Sylvia asked.

"They're all after valuable artifacts. This task is related to that relic; to be honest, the empire is pursuing it. They might be bold enough to enter the Toy box however, no one really goes out after that."

"Gosh. It appears to be really harmful. What does the Schatten do to the victims, what is the Schatten's power or level, and so on..." Zuilly enquired.

"About that, since no one has escaped alive. There's no information about it."

"W-wait! So, you are telling us we are going to walk on our own death path?"

"Don't worry. You have the Vice and the top-notch students; you will be safe. I believe in you."

I see what Sekki is pointing to now. The perilous mission that could endanger one's life with a single snap.

"No way! I-I don't want to die yet!" Sylvia's voice trembled, and her eyes were filled with unresolved feelings. But we can't blame her; if things go wrong, we'll be sacrificed regardless of who is to blame.

"Don't worry! I'm here, the Vice. Everyone will be safe with me! Leave everything to me!" Oz tried to cheer Sylvia, smiling as he patted her back gently.

"As my nephew stated. He will safeguard the rest of you." The motion is seconded by the acting field commander, "I will talk to the Vice privately. And Euphemia, you go to the tailoress, she'll give you a uniform. She can be found on the second level in the private dressing room. Simply tell her your name, and she will know what to do."

"Copy that."

"All right, dismiss."


Sylvia and Zuilly parted ways, but I could still hear Sylvia's frustration with the assignment.

"I can't believe we're going to be used as a sacrifice! Why didn't she simply choose another member? I hate her."

"Shh, Sylvia. Someone might hear you, slow down your voice."

While Sekki and I went to the second floor to get the uniform. We were walking together, however, none of us was really engaging in a conversation. I wonder what is in his thoughts.

The mission sounds dangerous. We could die from it; I could die from it because I don't possess any Artes. What about Sekki, though? I've never seen him use his. If Sekki is also Arteless, then both of us are doomed.

I shook my head, attempting to erase the negative thoughts from my mind. Sigh. I'm not going to die like that. I was able to graduate, therefore I am confident that I will be able to defeat whatever Schatten resides in that location.

"Are you worried that you might die on the mission? Do you want to back out?" All of a sudden, Sekki said something. With a solemn look, he cast a quick glance at me. "—W-what are you implying, that I am a coward?!"

"Idiot. "All I'm saying is that we should just break the contract and get out of here."

"No. I can't…"

"Why not?"

"The contract I made with the suspicious guy before was very important. Furthermore, if I refuse to sign the contract, they may cause harm to your family. Haha! Don't you know who I am? My name is Euphemia Sei Altair! Nobody will be able to kill me because I am strong! Hahaha!"

I've tried to cheer myself up, but the butterfly in my stomach is still cringing in distress." I can't really cheer myself up when I know I'm missing artes.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you."

My heart skipped a beat when he nonchalantly uttered the things I simply wanted to hear.

"W-what are you talking about? I can protect myself! I will be fine!" Sekki moved closer to me and flicked my brow without even saying anything.

"Stop pretending to be tough. Sometimes, you need to rely on someone to relieve the burden." My mind was lit. I blinked twice or even thrice, as I slowly avoided his stares at mine. I'm so embarrassed that I don't know what to reply to him.

"Uh...hmm... then I'll leave myself in your care..." Shit, what the hell am I saying!? This is not me! Ugh, Sekki what the hell did you do to me!?

I couldn't even say the things on my mind.

"Great. Now we should take your uniform, tomorrow we'll be on the mission so better to take some rest."

"Hmm! Sure."