Chapter 14: The Devil's Trial

"Utasha!" Warona's scream of terror resonated a moment after Utasha's outcry reverberated throughout the dim-lit dungeon as he became engulfed beneath the rubble.

"Utasha?" Calvin called, his perturbed tone cutting through the air.

He wore a more terrified expression and was first to get on his knees to confirm what happened.

"Jesus." Warona fought the urge to pull her hair off while she fetched the flashlight from where it fell and put it back on. "What the hell is happening?"

"Fuck." Calvin's mind added things up, eyeing where Utasha previously stood."There's a hollow on the ground!"

"Utasha? Can you hear me?" The girl shouted, leaning on the space where the demi-devil's feet once stood.

"Yeah–Down here!" Utasha's voice echoed from beneath the gravel.

"Are you okay?" The girl asked, worried.

"Um–yes. Just stuck." Utasha's voice was faint now, hard for the two cousin siblings to even make out some of his words.