Three hours trudging amidst faint darkness, the three found way into a lighter place.
Sconces of fire stuck on the wall instead of electric lamps. Like ancient times. The yellow light brightened up the cave, and most especially, made the dozen of wooden coffins set up on a lifted stand more vivid. Then the stench hit their nostrils and Warona immediately hated having a sense of smell.
"Please tell me that odor is not coming from some corpse or something because I'll faint right now." Calvin held his nose tight with his fingers, breathing through his mouth.
Warona would've laughed at that, but she didn't want to take in the disgusting stench into her breathing system either, so she kept her nostrils pinched together and tailed Utasha's feet. The demi-devil didn't seem to have trouble with the smell like the rest of them, he simply scurried faster as he led the way.