Was this really an impromptu intrusion or did the devil's son saw it coming? Warona couldn't stop thinking about that whilst Utasha looked rather laid back. Like he had it all under control and Warona's instincts were wrong.
But there wasn't time to question. Upon the devil boy's order, Warona and Calvin both began the fight. As much as she preferred the inmates tucked safely on her back, they joined in the commotion.
Humans against spiritual beasts. Ones they hadn't a logical understanding of. And Ren didn't hesitate to fight alongside her sister.
A demon lunged forward, Warona ducked and swiftly stabbed it in the stomach. Calvin used his dagger to cut down another demon, while Utasha fought with his own weapon. The trio moved in sync, a well-oiled machine, each covering the other's back and, most especially, keeping the hostages unscathed throughout.
Isis moved towards Ren, almost striking her dead, but Warona caught him right in time, taking over.