It was early in the morning, everyone was present in the emergency room waiting for Ann to wake up.

Silver was seated on the bed next to Ann while she held her hands tightly, hoping she would open her eyes any time soon.

Dante stood behind Silver with his hand placed on her shoulder while Marcus stood back at the entrance of the room as he watched from afar.

Ann gradually opened her tired eyes as she woke up in an unfamiliar surrounding. She turned her head, trying to recognize where she was only to realize she's in the hospital.

Slowly, she tried to lift her hand but felt something weighing her down.

"Ann", Silver called out excitedly when she noticed Ann was awake.

Marcus hurriedly walked up to them to see her face. "Ann", he called out but she stared at them like they were all strangers.

Ann couldn't recognize the faces staring at her. She frowned as she sat up on the bed,"Who are you?", She asked coldly.

Everyone was shocked by her question and her cold attitude towards them.

"I'm Silver, your best friend, remember?", Silver said with a smile on her face, hoping Ann could remember who she is.

Ann placed her hand on her face that was covered in bandage. She was shocked as to how she got here and what happened to her. She couldn't remember anything nor could she remember how she entered up here, at the hospital with some strange people that were claiming to know her.

"I need to get out of here", Ann said in a haste as she began to peel the bondage off her face.

"What are you doing Ann", Silver stood and grabbed Ann's hand in an attempt to stop her.

"Get your filthy hands off me, I need to get the hell out of here". Ann yanked her hand out from Silver's grasp and pushed her away.

Dante caught Silver from falling and gently gestured her up on her feet. "We should call the nurse", He suggest and immediately, Marcus left the emergency ward to call the nurse.

"Take this Damm thing off me, I am not fucking sick", Ann said, ripping the bondage off her face.

Silver began to cry at Ann sudden cold attitude towards her. She was sad that Ann couldn't remember anything about her.

Ann slid down from the bed and raced out of the room.

"Stop her", Silver yelled as she released herself from Dante's grasp and ran after Ann. "She's getting away", She alerted the nurses around so they could stop her.

The nurses who were closed, rushed to stop Ann from leaving the hospital but she nudged them away when they tried to hold her back. She ran out of the hospital and headed for the road. "Taxis", Ann screamed out as her body convulse in fear as she was being chased.

The taxis halted and she quickly entered.

"Take me out of here", Ann yelled at the cabman and immediately, the car zoomed off. She looked out through the mirror, watching how a lady didn't stop running after her and screaming her name from behind. She heaved a sigh and relaxed back on the backseat, relief that she had finally escaped from there. Next she was going to hide so they wouldn't find her but then she remembered she didn't have any cash at hand.

"Sir, do you know anywhere I can get fast money?", Ann asked the cabman.

The cabman stared at her through the rearview mirror and smirked,"Except you wanna work as a stripper". He said then adjusted the rearview mirror so her face could clearly appear in the mirror. He smiled devilishly and looked forward as he drove.

Ann who noticed his awkward movement suddenly felt uncomfortable. "Please end the drive here, I can find my way", She said but the cabman snickered at her statement.

"You said you want fast money right? I can take you there", The man said and increased the speed of the car.

Ann's heart began to beat out of her chest when the cabman refused to drop her. "I said you should end the drive", She demanded but instead, the man pressed a button and the windows of the car automatically rolled up.

Ann began to panic, she had no idea where this man was talking to her and was scared that she couldn't call out for help. She knew no one could see her through the dark tinted window, so she just gave up trying to escape.

The man drove for about an hour before he slowed down to a stop and came down from the car. He walked towards where Ann was in the backseat and opened the door. "Come out", the man ordered.

Ann cowered back, scared of what the man might do to her. "No please take me back", She cried to the point that she regretted ever escaping from the hospital. She had left the hospital because she didn't trust any of those strangers claiming to know her and now she had landed herself in a horrible mess. "Please just take me back", She pleaded but instead, the man leaned in and roughly grabbed Ann by her arm.

"No, you are coming with me", The man retorted as he roughly pulled her out from the backseat before he locked the door with his feet.

Ann looked around, having no idea where she was. The road was dry, not a single car could be seen around. The place seems familiar but she couldn't tell where it was.

The man dragged her towards a tall building as she struggled to pull herself from his grip.

"Let me go", Ann demanded but he didn't stop dragging her towards the door of the building. "Help, somebody help me", She screamed aloud but to no avail.

The man pushed the door open then forced her into the building.

It was a clubhouse with a few women just like her inside, all dressed in black lingeries.

Immediately, Ann was pushed inside, she landed on the floor so hard that it made her wince in pain. The man went back to lock the door while a woman appeared from the hallway with a devilish smile on her lips.

"Ruby, have you found her?", The woman asked as she walked towards where Ann was.

"Of course madam", The cabman who turned out to be Ruby, responded.

Ann lifted up her gaze to observe the woman who looks like she's in her early sixties. She was claded in a white dress that showed off her curves and revealed her wide hip. "Sorry but you got the wrong girl", She said, standing on her feet immediately.

The woman grasped her chin and brought Ann's face close to hers. She pressed her red lips against each other as she observed Ann's face,"She doesn't look like her", She mumbled. "But, she looks more beautiful and I think Mr. Alec will like her", She said and snapped Ann's face to the side, observing her beauty. She freed Ann's face from her grasp then looked down to observe her body. She was clad in a hospital dress which made her unable to see what kind of shape was behind the long gown. "Take off your dress", the woman ordered and Ann's eyes widened.

"No way. You got the wrong woman", Ann crossed her hand against her chest protectively as she leaned back.

The woman glanced at her hard as she spoke,"If you want to get out of here alive, then do as I said '', She said coldly which made Ann's whole body tremble in fear.

Ann didn't want to die yet, she still had many important things to do with her life. She hesitated at first because of the man standing behind her. She wasn't scared about taking her dress off but not in front of this man.

"Turn around Ruby", The woman ordered the cabman as if she knew what was in Ann's mind. "Now, we are the only women here, take off your dress", The woman ordered again and immediately, Ann took off her dress and stood half naked in just her panties.

The woman leaned back in delight, observing Ann's body,"She's perfect for our master", She said, walking around Ann in circles then stood in front of her. "Welcome to Angel's club, and I am your boss, Linda", The woman introduced with a welcoming smile on her lips.

Ann crossed her hand on her chest to cover her breast,"I am not a whore madam", She said.

"Well you are one now, you are Alec's whore", She said.

"I belong to no one", Ann protested.

"You will cost a lot of money so I don't care about what you say", Linda said and turned to the women behind her. "Girls, take her in and prepare her for tonight ", She said.

"Excuse me?"Ann scoffed unbelievably as the woman moved towards her then dragged her into the hallway as she struggled to pull free. If she ever knew she would end up here, she wouldn't have escaped from the hospital.