Silver's heart was beating out of her chest and her hands, trembling in fear. She had just ran a long miles from the hospital , chasing after the car that Ann entered. She had screamed out her name a lot of times while running but didn't get a response from her.

Silver fell to the ground, feeling exhausted. She cried out and kept screaming Ann's name hoping she would come back but she didn't. She wondered why Ann ran away and what scared her too. She felt like someone was after Ann, that made her run away like that.

Immediately, Silver brought out her phone from her pocket and dialed the police number.

The phone rang for some seconds before the caller responded.

"Hello sir, my sister, Miss Ann Hamburger, just left the hospital. In Fact she went missing", Silver didn't hesitate before she spoke to the caller. "St Joseph hospital, please..."

"Please relax madam, the police will be there at any minute ", The man assured before he hung up the call.

"Why did you leave me Ann?", Silver cried out. Just when she thought everything would be fine, it got ruined again for the worst.

"Silver", Dante called out her name as he ran towards Silver. He stopped to catch his breath when he got to where she was seated on the ground. His face and his hair was covered in sweat as he squatted down on his knees to rest a bit after a long run. After keeping silent for a second to catch his breath, he finally spoke,"Silver she's gone, we should call the police to search for her", He suggested then stood up.

Silver sniffed in then wipes the tears from her eyes,"I've already called the police"

"Then there is no need to be scared", He assured. "Now give me your hand", Dante said as he outstretched his hand down to her and immediately, Silver clasped his hand and he pulled her up on her feet. "Come let's go". He said and they both strode back to the hospital.

By the time they got to the hospital, the police were already there, questioning the nurses.

Marcus, who also stood among them, was also answering some questions being asked by the police. He noticed Silver approaching and immediately scooted towards her.

"Where is she? Did you find her?", Marcus asked curiously and Silver just shook her head negatively without saying a word. "What?", His heart felt like it would rip out of his chest as he stepped back and turned around to hide his face from her while tears welled in his eyes. "Fuck...", He said through gritted teeth and ran his hand through his hair.

"Where do you think you are going?", Silver asked as she watched Marcus run to his car.

"To find Ann", Marcus yelled back. He won't be able to bear it if anything happens to Ann because it's all his fault that this happened. Assuming he had accepted her or just told her the truth earlier instead of making her suffer, this wouldn't have happened. He kept blaming himself, and mumbling curses on himself as he entered his car. He started the engine and zoomed off into the direction the car had taken.

"How many patients went missing?", The police asked the nurses.

"Two patients", The nurse responded and that caught Silver's attention.

"Excuse me did you just say two?", Silver asked, approaching the nurse.

"Yes ma'am, the lady you claimed to be your sister and a man that was also involved in the incident", The nurse responded.

"A man?", Silver wondered who the man might be. "Oh my God", She gasped when she realized that man could be Lorenzo.

"Do you by any chance know who that man may be?", The police asked Silver, who seems like she's related to the man.

"Yes sir, that man is my brother, Lorenzo and I am sure he is behind all this. He must be the reason she ran away from the hospital", Silver responded. "Sir", She grasped the policeman by the arm tightly. "My sister is not safe asfar my brother is involved", She says to the policeman.

"I have sent some of my men to trace her, but for now, you are coming with us for questioning", The policeman said then released his grip in her arm and held her wrist.

"Let her go", Dante came in, trying to remove Silver's wrist from his hand.

"Dante please", Silver looks up at Dante with pleading eyes. "It's all about my sister right now. She needs me"

"Fine", Dante retreated. "But I'm coming with you", He said.

"Sure, let's go", The policeman said and led them into the squad car.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In the clubhouse;

Ann followed the women from behind as they led her through the dark hallway into a room at the corner.

One of the ladies locked the room behind them immediately they entered.

Ann looked around, observing the room. There was just a bed and a length mirror hung on the wall.

"You should have your bath while we get clothes for you to wear", One of the ladies said calmly and Ann scoffed.

"No way", Ann objected , walking towards the door to leave but the lady grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back.

"You should be lucky you are gonna have a one night stand with Alex Hudson", The lady who held her arm says and Ann frowned at her utterance, wondering what was so special about this man that made her say that.

"I don't understand, Who is Alex Hudson?", Ann paused to ask the lady who held her.

The three women who were in the room giggled at her statement.

"Are you sure you are from this world? Since you don't know who Alex Hudson is?", The lady standing at the door asked her in disbelief.

"No...", She shook her head negatively. "Why?", Ann asked.

"Just tell her Janet", The lady standing at the door told the woman who held Ann captive.

Janet heaved a sigh before she began to explain,"Alex Hudson is a billionaire who owned mostly all the brothel companies in America and Mexico , but the brothel here, especially this one belongs to his twin brother, Alaric and Alec Dario. So every year, either his twin brother or him, Alex would come here to have sex with one of us. The twins were the one always coming but this year, it would be Alex Hudson. He will be coming here tonight to have fun with you".

Ann felt like she had heard those two names before but didn't know where. Her brain was trying to remember where she had heard those names and all she could hear were male voices echoing in her head;

“Take it easy on her Alaric, she's a virgin”.

“Honey I know you want more but Alec will have to take it from here”.

Ann snapped out of her thought when she heard a voice speaking.

"Call yourself lucky because Alex is really good in bed", The lady standing at the door said with wide eyes.

"Oh my gosh Sarah, you should see his cock. So fucking huge, every woman's dream cock", The third woman said in delight while licking her lips lasciviously.

The three women giggled as their cheeks flustered while Ann just stared at them blankly.

"But why won't the twins be coming?", Ann asked.

"Oh sweetie, I don't know but from what I've heard, the police are searching for them so they had to escape back to Mexico to avoid going to jail. So, since then they haven't shown up here but just their step brother, Alex Hudson '', Sarah responded and Ann muttered an 'oh'.

"I know you want to know what they did and why the police are after them, but Miss Linda said we shouldn't talk about it", Clara said.

"Anyways, sorry for not introducing ourselves earlier", Janet said then released Ann from her grip. "That is Sarah", she pointed at the woman standing at the door, and immediately the woman waved her hands. "And that is Clara", She pointed at the lady standing next to Sarah, and she waved her hand. "And I am Janet", She introduced.

"I'm...I'm...", Ann paused for a second, trying to remember her name. "Anna", She finally said.

"Welcome here Anna, a home of pleasure. Now you are here, there is no going back because the brothers will always find you and bring you back here", Janet said calmly with a sly smile on her plump lips. "Miss Linda is a bitch and she's gonna make you suffer in here if you try anything stupid, like escaping of course", She added, staring at Ann intensely in a way that it could scare her.

Ann felt threatened by her words but chose to stay silent and do as she was told for the rest of the day.