" They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, 19 thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly ."
1 Timothy 6:18-21
In our personal lives, God has no desire for us but that we reach the things that are beautiful and that our hearts desire.
No matter what mistakes you make in the things you want to reach and you always pray and you always make an effort in the things you want to reach. "God deserves all your skills in fulfilling the desires of your heart."
The Lord is happy every time you talk and relate to him, especially if it comes from your heart and you are more sincere in talking to him. And most of all, he is happier when you always talk to him, not only when you need something but always. Here the Lord is overjoyed for you to be his servant.
We have many things to do and finish, but behind the things we have done, we feel that we do not deserve it. But don't think that's all there is to it. Think this is just the beginning. Not everyone is good. Often they just try hard to do their best and thus be what they deserve.
But always remember that "No matter what you end up doing, don't listen to what other people say. Just keep doing what your heart tells you. Because that's what the Lord wants." Do what your heart desires!
There are things that we are often Weak to face these things:
• Fear of facing a good opportunity – often no matter which is the best opportunity, we lose the will to act. We often pay more attention to trivial things. And sometimes it's just spent playing online games and sometimes we put it in things that only focus on Online.
The bible says, "Deal with things that please you and the Lord will please you."
Don't miss the opportunities here to improve and grow in your personal awareness above all in your faith for him. Always do your best. If you think that you have no achievements to be proud of. I am your friend proud of you especially the Lord. If no one trusts you and you can't do these things, and you think you can, then keep going. This is an opportunity for you. Likewise, this is an opportunity waiting for you. The Bible always says, "Don't be afraid to face the trials that stand in your way, The Lord your God always guides you."
The important thing is that you are proud of yourself and that you are happy with what you do.
• Fear of service – Actually, There are many people who have no interest in serving the church. They think of many commitments. But nothing. If you know skills that can be used in service, use them. I said it's an opportunity.
This is an opportunity for you to use in serving the Lord. The Bible says, "Make full use of what you know, especially for God's pleasure."
But in fact, everything is pleasing to God. God is indiscriminate and partial. He is ready to support your battles. Don't lose hope to face all the trials of Life. You think you fail, but you did your best. God is by your side applauding and he is proud of your achievement that you proved that you can really do things that will please the Lord.
By the way, always remember "You can retire your career, but you will never retired from serving God." -Jholios E. Fatal
• There is no shame in doing what God displeases- many people disobeyed God. But no matter what we do that is not according to his will, he still accepts us as a son and brother in the faith .. He paid for our sins. But we need to prepare and fix something because what the bible says in Romans 6:23 ESV " For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
But if you repent of all your sins. God is ready to be a part and you belong to his disciple.
God is ready to forgive all people who sin. No matter how dirty you are, he is ready to cleanse you through the power of God and the holy spirit.
Do what you deserve and what you can do. And use your skills and abilities to serve the Lord. No matter what you are, you are the best for him. "Always choose to serve God, because God is not tired of blessing you with your many mistakes for him."
So brothers, get started!!
There is no harm in trying this kind of thing.
All your sacrifices in the service of God are not in vain, but he blesses you greatly.
Of shaking, dense and overflowing grace from God.
• Regrets the hours spent in service – Many people are afraid of spending time listening especially to the words of God. Many people regret losing their income in one day compared to one day of serving God in which only three or four hours are spent. Why are many people like that when it comes to money?
It's not bad, but think about the day that God has set for you, for everyone.
Six days are for doing work and one day is for him. The day of rest. A week of working but we still can't give for him and worship and thank him for a week of God's actions for us.
Brothers, let's always remember that we have no job if not for the Lord. "So serving him is more important than working." Many people cannot give four hours to the service of God, rather, they prefer to go to the mall, watch movies, and go for walks to spend time that should be with the Lord instead.
Many young people want to go to expensive discos, compared to free entrance to church. And most of all, many young people are happy to play online games compared to listening and reading the word of God in the bible.
My beloved Sisters and Brothers, there is nothing wrong with what we do, but let's prioritize the things that should belong to the Lord instead. Let's choose to make his day a priority, just as God prioritizes our cries and requests.
"Don't waste your opportunity to serve and serve your God."
Use the skills, talents and abilities you have that come from God. Use it to serve him.
Choose Him every day, because he chose you because you are the one he is preparing for tomorrow. And more, He chose you because you are important to him.
The Bible says, If He does not starve the sparrow or the bird in the air in any kind of weather, will you? Me or us? That's more than birds.
So, choose and set aside a day, time and time to worship God. There is no waste in what you do for God. Do your part as his servant and do your best.
"It is our best work that God wants."
– George Macdonal