God Wants You To Grow Up

Often in church brotherhoods, they lose hope especially in serving and doing duty for the Lord. They often think that they are failing because of the things they are holding on to and not trusting God. In today's people, they often voluntarily turn away especially from service. But when it's concerts, you can't hug them. They come willingly and no matter how expensive the fare is or how much they can spend. When in church, you are invited, pick up, free fare and free food especially in the spiritual. They rarely go. But when you invite them to church, they will say that we are busy doing laundry, we are busy doing projects, and we are busy with household chores. But when it comes to concerts, they are always present and they almost never miss going. But why when it's with the Lord? We can't make it a priority.

But when we ask him, we want it right away and it seems like we can't wait. We want it to be suddenly handed to us.

The Bible says, Romans 8:29 TLB "From the very beginning God decided that those who came to him—and all along he knew who would—should become like his Son."

God's goal has always been to make you like himself—not to become a god but to become godly, with godly character.

For us, we often lose hope whenever we face our duties in Life. Instead, let's pray to God for our weaknesses and ask to be given strength. In our faith, we are often discouraged.

But the Lord said, "Do not lose hope. With all the drops of your tears because of the heavy things you are going through in life, I am here listening to you and continue to listen to you with all the weight of what you are feeling." Because God knows our weakness. God knows all that we go through and even more God knows what and who we are. Even our hair in the beginning Until we grow old God counts how many lives are in our heads.

My dear sisters and brothers, if you are going through something in life and you feel like you are struggling and you have no hope and you feel like you are about to give up. No, Bring this to God and he will help you. The Lord has no desire for us but for us to grow up in our roles.

Because God has a good plan for us.

Things that often discourage us and things that cause us to fall:

• Money and many material things — when we don't have money we feel like we have no hope of living anymore.

We often think that saving is to get rich and not lose livelihood.

For people, the Always mind is a treasure and when they lose things that are their top priorities. They feel like they have no hope and they think they will never get up.

(Read the Bible, Luke 18:18‭-‬21‭, ‬23‭-‬24‭, ‬26‭-‬30)‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

My beloved brothers and sisters, no matter how dirty you are before God, as long as you are sincere, he will accept you. He will not disappoint you. Don't lose hope in every day you do. No matter what happens, God will not leave you as long as you trust in him. If tomorrow you have nothing to eat, God will make a way for you. So trust him and don't be discouraged.

The Bible Says in Psalm 119:1-3, "Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord! Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways!

• The weakness of the heart — It is only here that we think that we have no more sense in the world and that we have no hope of standing up again from our knees.

But fortunately, the Lord stayed with us and he will never let us down.

When you have a problem, pray to God and he will answer. Whatever you ask for, he will give it to you. God is always faithful. No matter what evil we have done and will do, he is ready to forgive us of our mistakes and sins. God is our support and support whenever we are struggling and are forced to suffer by trials, the Lord is ready to support us and is ready to help us. Because the Lord God is good.

It is said in the song," Salamat Panginoon by Musikatha."

"You are good every moment

Forever will remain

It cannot be erased or hidden

Even in the dark of night."

No matter what happens, trust God. Because he never wanted anything from the people who trusted him but to GROW IN HIS FAITH IN HIM.

The Bible says in Psalm 100:5 ESV,

"For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations."

Let's always remember, No matter what happens, trust God. Because our goals have a reason. We are here on earth to test our weakness. Test how strong we are. These trials are the reason why we are still going. God's purpose is for us to grow. Because God wants us Believers or unbelievers to grow up in faith and also in our personal goals. What God wants is for us to apply it in our personal life and thus make our spiritual life strong and strong in faith in him.

Because God has no goal but for us, his children, to grow up in our spiritual life in faith.

"Instead speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the head, that is, Christ" (Eph. 4:15).

Some people's idea of growth in their Christian life is knowing more worship songs than other people. They may really shout, "Praise the Lord." Maybe they are genuinely good worshippers. Others have Quiet Times every day.

All these things are great, but there are many things to grow up in. Here the Bible exhorts us to grow up in all things. So, for example, maybe you have really grown up in the practice of having a Quiet Time and being consistent to do it every day. But maybe it has become a ritual to you and you really aren't getting anything out of it.

Or maybe you are a great worshipper and you really worship your heart out at church, but you have not really learned to worship at home or in your Quiet Time.

Or maybe you are a great worshipper, but you don't act in love towards other people at school all day long.

Or maybe you are not very quick to forgive people.

Or you murmur under your breath at your parents when they want you to do something that you do not want to so.

So, in one part of your life you feel really strong, and you think that you are strong a Christian in every part. Yet, you have this glaring outage in other parts of your life that you are still not very strong in.

Paul wrote to the Ephesians, You know what, there are a lot of areas God wants us to grow in. There are a lot of areas where the world has trained us to live and act like heathens, to live and act like the world shows us in music, movies, and television.

God wants to affect all those areas of our life. He wants to influence us in the way that we think, the way we feel, the way we respond to people and situations, and in our personal habits that nobody knows anything about. He wants us to grow up in all things – not most things, not some things, but all things.

Now, you can't grow up in all things at once, but He still wants us to grow up in all things. It's time for us to start documenting areas we know we are not grown in so we can begin to ask the Lord, "God, how do You want me to grow in these areas?"