"Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes."
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Because God is love, the most important lesson he wants to learn on earth is how to love. It is in loving that we are most liked him, to love the foundation of every command he has given us. according to the bible, "The whole Law can be summed up in this command; love others as you love yourself."
I hope you all appreciate this kind of thing. Often in life, love becomes just a fleeting and passing time. Therefore, God wants you to be in regular close fellowship with other believers so you can develop the skills of loving. Love cannot be learned in isolation. You have to be around people.
On the other hand, many people say that they know very well what the word Love means.
Love is not just a word or saying to our neighbor, to our special someone of course to our loved ones. Yes, it is delicious and sweet to hear this word. However, there is also a word engraved in the word "Love" which we call Life which means "Life" in Tagalog.
• The best use of life is love
Love should be your top priority primary, objective, and greatest ambition. Love is not a good part of your life: It is the most important part. So, the Bible says, "Let's love the greatest aim." And it's not enough to say, "One of the things I want in life is to be loving." as if it's on your top 10 list. Relationships must have priority in your life above everything else.
Always remember that, When you love someone, whether it's a woman or a man. The word Love is not just the word Love. It is worth your life. Because when you get hurt, your entire being is affected.
And sometimes life without love is worthless.
If you love someone you are ready to trust each other as a couple or partner. The word Love is not just Love. Love often comes to a point where it disappears due to a problem of misunderstanding.
Because, the word love is not temporary, but it is for life.
Life is not just based on wealth, possessions, educational level, or anything else. "Love will last forever." You will not be happy if there is no love in your heart. Love leaves a legacy.
And another reason God tells us to make love our top priority is that it is eternal.
In the World, in the reality of life, it is necessary not in the wealth of masterly things. But wealth is in the love of many friends. What is needed in the world is not the height of education, but Love and helping the needy in Life and not pride in what he has studied, but Love and concern for others.
As well as, life minus love Which is equal to zero.
There are many different types of Love:
• The first one is family — Of course, this is where you come from and this is where you learn, know the different types of families. It depends on the family you belong to. This is where you begin to know what Love is, it is still based on the family you belong to and how you treat other people.
Because it has Two types of examples below like :
• Your parents and friends are strict – in your house. So you grow up with a different kind of method of Loving and embracing yourself. Especially when it comes to the matter of a Boyfriend or Girlfriend because they want to finish their studies before build or create a relationship. They have no desire but to give you a comfortable life and as the saying goes, "This is the only wealth that can be bequeathed to you that will never be stolen by anyone."
And Not only that, but Being,
• Compassionate, Prayerful and considerate – This is a simple Love that is rarely seen in our society. Like simply waving and kissing parents when leaving and returning home. A simple method of Love and respect. because it has become a part of the tradition of the Filipinos that nowadays children do not do much. Because many young people are addicted and more than using gadgets.
• Secondly in brother or Sisters love / Brotherhood — Because of the brother, they were your first friends and you loved more than material things. And you also went through a lot like problems that you have now overcome such as fights, beatings and crying of course the laughter will not disappear either. This is where the true love we call "Love" first developed and sprouted and on the other hand I learned how to love them and treat them right.
• Third are our Friends— Because you learned to treat your brother as our first friend.
They are getting old and busy with his or her jobs. You need to find friends like neighbors and classmates. They are your friends who are not our blood and relatives, the fun is complete when they are with us. Especially when it comes to fooling around and laughing. And of course, disagreements and fights do not go away, but in a flash, their relationship returns to the way it was before. Because this is where love is measured in the trials we face and when we are successful, the foundation of the association and friendship gets stronger.
My constant reminder is, "Because of the trials you have as friends, the foundation of your association is strengthened."
So don't be shy to associate and socialize with them. Because true friends do not choose their gender. But always sympathizing. Whether you're a woman or a man, gay or lesbian, as long as you're true to each other and know how to get along, that's true love. Loving others regardless of your gender. Whether black or white skin, beautiful or ugly. The important thing is that you are always together in sadness and joy. So, if there are people who want to be with you or your Circle of Friends. Accept them and treat them as brothers or sisters and new colleagues.
• Fourth of your special someone/Loved one — Because you have experienced or tested what kind of Love you have in your heart, now you will let it out and make it feel to your loved one or lover. If you have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend and you like each other. It is possible and your marriage can be called love even if it is not sure if you are.
But usually, that's exactly what happens. You need to experience true love for others before you can find your true partner or special someone.
You have to face low-level trials before you can reach your desired prospect. Like entering real life or reality which in other words is marriage. The Lord is testing you if you are really ready to face the world of marriage or entering into a real relationship.
So pray to God for the person for you. Ask for your perfect wife at the right time that God will provide for you. Nothing is impossible for the Lord, I wish you to be sincere and honest with the contents of your heart. And if that is really the Lord's plan for your future.
Because everything that happened or will happen in our lives was already planned by the Lord before we were born into the world.
As long as we do the best and where we will be compostable and be happy. "Start now to pray for the person you want and know that the Lord will grant you."
• Fifth is to God — Which is why he loved us so much. His own blood was reserved for all sinners. Because man cannot pay for his sin, God did it for us.
1 John 4:7-21 says, "He who does not love does not know God because God is love. In this way God's love for us was revealed that God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. This is love, not because we love God but because he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice for our sins."
Because God is our Father, friend, brother, and whatever you call him. Just accept him as your God and savior of your life. Open and allow him to enter your heart so that God's holy spirit can work in your life.
Because man chose sin to rule the world. But no matter how bad and dirty you are. "The Lord is ready to forgive everything you have done or are doing. Because God is truly faithful and Good until the end."
So Brother and Sister, "Open your heart and allow the holy spirit of God to enter your life."
Be humble and be forgiving to others. God forgives those who sin against him. Because true love and affection are loved by God forever.
Just now pray and ask God for what your heart desires from yourself. Until the person, you want to be with forever and with whom you can serve God.
God's words below express what he said about love and as an example of what we can use in our lives:
John 15: 12—" My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."
Luke 6:31: "Do to others as you would have them do to you."
Corinthians 16:14: "Do everything in love. " and;
Proverbs 17:17: "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."
Love is the core of our lives. It is the purpose, passion and meaning of life. To love and be loved is the point of it all. Yet love, so important and central to our lives, is a complex experience and a confusing word.
Love is the core of our lives. It is the purpose, passion and meaning of life. To love and be loved is the point of it all. Yet love, so important and central to our lives, is a complex experience and a confusing word. We mean different things and misunderstand each other when we say, "I love you."
Love comes in many forms-as many as the number of humans that have ever lived.
I see love as a potential spiritual experience-to see and be seen as we really are-beyond what we each appear to be. To love is to recognize the divine in another person, and with that recognition, dedication, compassion and caring flow naturally. To be loved this way is like coming home, finding your authentic self and discovering that you are not alone.
Love takes us deeper into the self yet goes beyond self. It penetrates to the depths of the soul. We love the unique expression of the divine in the other, the other is no longer separate from us, and once that connection between you is experienced there can be no separation.
Life is all about relationships, and love is the point of it all. Life is imperfect, we are all flawed, life is unpredictable, and we all make mistakes. We waste our time and energy, we stray from our paths, and we harm each other. Yet love makes it worthwhile and allows us to forgive others and ourselves.
Unconditional love is an ideal form of love. It is the perfect, all forgiving love of parents for their children. But even the most devoted mother or father falls short of perfection.
We may search our whole lives for the perfect soul mate-one whom we love without judgment or reservation, one who loves us the same perfect way, but we will never find that perfection because we are each human.
We must accept and appreciate love just as we have received it in all its human imperfection.
It is through us that love is received- and expressed. It is in our lives, through our actions, in our words and in our relationships that divine love is manifest. But, of course, we are human-imperfect, frail and fallible. We do not see clearly-ourselves or others. We love imperfectly and we do not fully appreciate the love that we receive.
But that is how we experience love-divine love, unconditional love, compassion and grace-filtered by the passions and hunger of our bodies, clouded by our limited minds and narrowed by our little selves.
We must not only love the ones we're with. We must accept the love we have been given.
This morning, my thoughts began with a prayer of appreciation for love in my life-in the past and in the present, as I have received it, partly through the grace of the events and circumstances of my life and the gifts I have received but primarily through my important relationships.
I am thankful for love- perfect and unconditional- as manifest and expressed in my imperfect relationships. I accept and appreciate that love as expressed by my wife in our long relationship, in her concern and care for me, our home and our children. I appreciate the love of each of my children, the experiences we have shared as they have grown and we have all learned, in shared adventures, challenges and memories, in the rituals and routine of our everyday lives that seem endless but are finite.
There is so much talk of love in our societies, it would be natural to think that we must by now know what it is and why it counts. Love is the excited feeling we get in the presence of someone of unusual accomplishment and talent – great intelligence or beauty for the most part – whom we hope will reciprocate our interest and whom we badly want to touch, caress and one day share our lives with.
This definition sounds so plausible and enjoys such powerful cultural endorsement, we are apt to miss another vision of love altogether, this one focused not so much on the appreciation of strength as on a tolerance of, and kindness towards, what is weak and misshapen.
Love is a strength that needs to be tapped into and when combined with our creative action the world becomes better, happier, wealthier and stronger in every sense.
Other states of mind like when you are not focusing on your thoughts such as during a shower or driving are also times when ideas frequently come into our minds.
But simply having ideas is not being creative. Creativity is a marriage between ideation and innovation. These words are often used interchangeably, but they do not mean the same thing. Ideation is getting ideas, but innovation is executing these ideas in a practical manner. Both are needed for creativity to be a successful and game changing force.
Every product you see around you or that you use in your daily life is the result of somebody's creative action. It is not enough to merely have an idea. What if Steve Jobs dreamt of making a cool mobile phone that had a camera and other things and then just forgot about it? What if the Wright brothers had an idea of a machine that could fly but did nothing to make it into a reality? These are just two examples. The world is a better place today because of the creative entrepreneurship of many people.
This is also what will give people the ultimate satisfaction in life. Not just money, power, position or fame. These should never be the goal. The goal should be to do something that helps the world in some way. A book you write could change lives. A movie you make could stop wars. A song you write could increase compassion. A business you start could employ thousands. A product you manufacturer could change the way the world works. It all starts with an idea for something new or an idea to make something better. But action is needed to make it a part of people's lives.
The current global pandemic and lockdown Is a reminder that looking inwards and becoming more compassionate and creative can and will make our own lives better. In the process, new ideas have emerged already. Online meetings and online education have become the norm. But there is still a lot of ideation and innovation that is yet to come. Creative action will come that will change the way we live, work and play. New industries will emerge and the world will become a better place ultimately.
We now recognize that we are all in the same boat and that global problems affect everyone. This is a great opportunity and a great awakening – spiritually and creatively. Most great periods in human history were preceded by either pandemics or wars or both. This period is no different. If new creative action is taken by more and more people, the world that emerges from this cocoon of creative and introspective opportunity will be better and brighter.
Now briefly let us look at the first question that was asked to near death experiencers: What did you learn about love?
It is said that to "swim in a sea of love" is the source of creativity and that love is the creative dimension and creative energy that surrounds us and binds us. Love becomes us. Life's a journey to realize and remember that truth. When we give and receive love in its divine form which means an unconditional love that is when magic happens and our creative action becomes more effective and is able to touch not only the mind and the heart but also the very soul of everybody that comes in touch with that creative action.
Love is a strength and power that resides everywhere but needs to be tapped into and when combined with our creative action the world will become better, happier, wealthier and stronger in every way