Symbiote 0215: New Dynamic

{ «Status- Host #7»

«Name: Jane Foster (Mighty Thor)»

«Bonding Rate: 2%»

«Bonding Level: 2»

«Powers: Low Cosmic Physique— Lightning Divinity (Mjolnir)— Bifrost Summon (Hofund)— Cosmic Energy Manipulation (???)»


Since Jane was already much further beyond the level of Alex's other hosts in terms of her power, the level two bond didn't truly affect her that much. Except for the most important parts. Her cancer was no longer a thing that she would ever need to worry about. The Asgardian physique that gave her all of the physical boosts had now become permanent. It was no longer dependent on Mjolnir, which meant that she no longer needed the hammer to sustain her and the divine weapon could now show its true potential without being limited by her physique.

Another important thing was that now she could truly improve her physique. Previously, her physical attributes had been completely dependent on the hammer and even if she tried to train to get stronger, once she reverted back to her original form, all of those gains were gone. Even when turning back into Thor, the hammer used the original template, which meant that her training and improvements were all for naught. Still, she didn't have a major problem with the situation since the template that the hammer used was Thor's. It gave her a physique much stronger than most Asgardians, comparable to the strongest of them.

As for Alex, nothing much had changed. His physique creation skill was still at Low Cosmic — the threshold between Low Cosmic and Cosmic was like a vast chasm that Alex would have to spend a lot of effort traversing — and his Lightning Manipulation was also still of the advanced grade, albeit with a higher level of mastery with the ability. Unlike the Lightning Manipulation ability, the other two abilities that Jane had — stemming from Hofund and an unknown source — seemed to be even more detached from her, not allowing Alex to get even the slightest benefit. The Bifrost was understandable, but even Cosmic Energy Manipulation stayed the same, still an incomplete ability.

The bonding process lasted for almost four hours since Alex wasn't able to have a fully intimate experience with Jane. Not to mention he, unlike what was actually visible, could see and hear all of Jane's blissful reactions to what he was doing to augment the bonding process. When it was finally finished, the woman's mind was completely exhausted and she needed at least twelve hours of genuine rest.

Jane's current state gave Alex the time to continue working on breaking into the Sovereign's systems. His focus here was on two main things. One was to take control of their military aspects — in this case, their remote piloting system that kept their citizens safe would backfire on them — to disable them from coming after him and Jane like annoying flies; the other was to form a viable plan to go to Morag. He not only needed the coordinates for the planet but also a nice ship that would get him and Jane there since they couldn't use the Bifrost.

As Alex kept working things out and formed an escape plan for him and Jane, the tired woman finally woke up after ten hours, still hung from the cuffs that kept her arms attached to the wall. She groaned out, "Alex …" Resistance against the cuffs came naturally to her as she tried to free herself while looking down at her side and craning her neck. Alex was seated on the floor with his head lowered.

Hearing Jane's call, he looked up, "You're awake," He said with a smile and stood up, naturally wrapping an arm around Jane's waist and pulling her close. Instead of the emotionally high state that she was in previously, right now, she was completely sober, and feeling Alex wrap his arm around her waist made her tense up for a moment before she gave him a light smile.

"How long was I out?" She asked him as the warmth of his body calmed her down despite being tied up.

"Ten hours. We've been in this cell for almost fifteen hours," Alex said, not mentioning Jane's hesitation. She was still not completely used to the presence of another man in her life. Previously, they had both done everything in an emotionally high state, but now they had to work with reality. And reality needed time and patience.

"Oh," She raised a brow and asked absently, "did they capture another Thor?"

"Not yet. I can only assume that the two there were here before had been here for a while. The one who got captured right after us might have been an outlier," Alex said.

"When are we going to get out?" She asked, "I'm dying to get out of these cuffs."

"Soon," Alex said before smiling, "And don't think you're getting rid of cuffs so quickly. I'm going to be the one cuffing you soon enough."

Jane rolled her eyes, but the imperceptible blush that appeared on her cheeks gave her inner thoughts away, "We'll see about that," She said, "If you think you can just tie me up and top me, then you're dead wrong."

"Well," Alex said, getting closer to her face, "we'll see about that, won't we?" He then met Jane's lips with a gentle peck that made her shiver. She tried to suppress her reaction, but the rattling of her cuffs gave her away. "Now, are you ready to get out of here?" He asked her with a knowing smile on his face.

Jane looked away from his piercing eyes, "Yeah …"

"Look at me," Alex said, holding her chin and gently guiding her head back to make her meet his eyes, "never avert your eyes when I'm talking to you. Understood?" His forceful words mixed with the tone made Jane nod meekly, having lost all her previous defiant momentum as she started recalling the overwhelming experience from before.

The reminiscing of the helplessness and pleasure made Jane feel limp as she completely leaned herself in Alex's arm. Before a whimper could escape her lips, Alex pulled her in for another kiss, this one as deep as possible, making sure that Jane understood the depths of Alex's lust and passion toward her.

A trail of saliva, glistening, connected Alex and Jane even when they separated. The string broke, the remnants falling on Jane's chest plate. Alex spoke, "It's time to get going. I will truly show you the depths of my lust when we leave this planet."

The woman's misty eyes, filled with warmth and expectation were enough for Alex to know her response without a single word escaping her wet lips. Jane felt lost in his piercing green eyes and leaned forward once again.

A clanking sound interrupted her actions as the handcuffs suppressing her broke, her eyes widening as she fell to the ground. Shaken, her feet met the ground, making her stumble as she leaned in Alex's arms, her arms naturally wrapping around his neck as her grip tightened.

The abrupt change had shaken her out of her reverie. When she pulled her face back, a fiery glow shrouded her pupils. She was ready to wreak havoc on this planet if that's what it took for her to get out of here.

"We have less than ten minutes before my energy reserves get too low to continue resisting the Soul Stone without both of us feeling immense pain. Any more than that and the Mind Stone will start consuming our life force to power its resistive force. I can easily replenish your lost life force with time, but the pain …" He didn't need to complete his sentence for Jane to understand.

"Ten minutes are more than enough." She said.

'I need to actively work with my two EP farmer girls now. It's time to clear out Earth-Z a little.'

Alex's thoughts trailed off to something completely different from the current situation. He had realized that this conflict was going to reduce or completely finish his EP reserves.

Returning from stray thoughts, Alex's body started to lose its color as the clothes started turning black. Soon, he turned into a humanoid black slime that was just a little taller than Jane, [Get ready.] He said to Jane before merging into her, the cuffs on his wrists falling to the ground with a clank as he covered Jane's Asgardian form and gave her a distinct look to depict his presence. She was covered in black chainmail with prominent parts like the silver disks and the knee and arm braces staying the same as before. The chainmail extended up to her neck and her head was left bare. Alex decided that the helmet wasn't as aesthetically pleasing as Jane's face.

[Dumbass, the helmet is supposed to keep my head safe …] Jane felt some heat on her cheeks as she somehow 'felt' Alex's thoughts about her face.

[I'm the one keeping your head safe. You don't need that winged helmet.] Alex said and Jane felt that there was a transparent material wrapping around her face for a moment before the feeling disappeared, [You don't need the armor either, but I'm not into exhibiting my women.]

Jane felt cold sweats at the thought of fighting against the hundreds of Xandarians naked. [Yeah, let's keep that armor on. Preferably forever.]

Alex laughed at her words, [We'll see about that. Can you summon Hofund to yourself?]

[It has the same enchantment as Mjolnir.] She told him.

[Then start trying to summon them. The moment you feel a response, run out and incapacitate those two guards.]

[Tell me the plan —] She said, following Alex's words to summon her sword and Hammer.

[Just follow along with whatever I tell you to do. It's not that complicated.] Jane wasn't sure why she didn't push back against Alex's words. At any other time, she would've gotten herself in on the plan before doing anything else. Right now though, she merely responded with a light nod, trusting Alex.

She continued calling her sword and hammer with concentration, not noticing the yellow arcs of energy that kept appearing all over her body, slowly increasing in intensity. Just as the arcs of that energy reached a threshold, Jane felt the response, opening her eyes wide.


Some constructive criticism would be helpful. Please let me know if I made any mistakes, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

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