Symbiote 0216: Breaking Out

The translucent green force field blocking the entrance of the cell shut down, and the green circuit all around the cell completely also shut down, causing the previously bright cell to dim down as the main source of light disappeared.

Just as Jane felt the response of her weapons, she charged out of the cell, reaching the two guards who manned the front of her cell. She extended her arms in both of their directions they extended into a thick black mass that enveloped both guards before devouring them.

As the black mass returned to Jane, she asked, [Are you killing them?] There was an uncomfortable sense in her tone.

[I need to replenish my biological energy reserves, Jane. I'm not going to waste my time on keeping random guards alive.] Alex told her.

[Fine, I guess.] She agreed, much to Alex's surprise.

[That's it?] He asked, [I thought you would throw a tantrum or something.]

[What do you take me for? I don't like killing people meaninglessly. That doesn't mean that I don't kill.] She scoffed, [I understand that we can't be holding back in the current situation.]

[Ah, I see. So you aren't a psychopath like me.] Alex acted disappointed, [It's fine, people will consider you to be the psychopath anyway.]

A helpless laugh escaped Jane's lips as both Mjolnir and Hofund broke through the ceiling and approached her. She quickly grabbed both of her weapons and started moving along the corridor.

[Shouldn't we free these three?] She looked at the still-trapped Thors in their respective cells.

[None of them have access to either the Thorforce or the Odinforce. They are the base versions of Thor and can't hope to contend against Infinity Stones with their strengths. That's why they were captured in the first place.] Jane continued moving through the corridor, ignoring the calling from the three versions of Thor. At the same time, Alex split three small bodies that slipped through the translucent force fields and entered the cells of the three suppressed Thors.

[Thorforce?] Jane asked, unfamiliar with the term.

Meanwhile, the three lightning gods disappeared from their cells, appearing within the Klyntar Soul Dimension as Alex made sure that they were suppressed under the light of Mind Stone. 'I'll devour them later. I don't have the time to break through their natural resistance right now.' He decided. They may not have the formless energy of the Odinforce to power them, but their natural defenses were still comparable to the Cosmic Energy user Inhuman that Alex had previously devoured, seeming even stronger than him.

Alex answered Jane's query, [What happens in a reality where Thor reigns as king after the loss of Odin?] He didn't need to say anything more to make Jane understand.

A stray thought entered Jane's mind as she slammed her hammer on the main door of the prison, [Can create my own version of it if I can make Asgard prosper …]

[No.] Alex mercilessly rejected her, [It's not that simple. The Odinforce is the culmination of the strongest of all Asgardians becoming one.] His answer was cryptic and unclear since he couldn't truly tell Jane that he knew more about the History of Asgard than her. Not to mention that due to her being from a different reality, his story might conflict with what she knew.

[Which means that if the Asgardians prosper, then I can get my own version of the Odinforce.] Jane took his words in another way.

[Only if you kill and absorb all of those 'prospering' Asgardians and their powers.] Alex said, [I have something figured out when it comes to the Odinforce and creating my own version of it. Leave it to me for now, okay?] He tried to get her to focus on the plan.

Just as she broke through the door of the prison, she was met with four guards. [Promise me you'll call it the Janeforce!] She said while jumping to the guards, slamming her foot in one of their faces as Alex promptly devoured the Xandarian. She swung her sword and hammer at the same time, hitting one of the guards in the skull with Mjolnir, instantly killing them. As for the other, they were bisected in two after Jane's sword cleanly cut through their weapon and subsequently their body.

The final guard didn't even have the time to make a plea as Jane's foot struck their abdomen and Alex enveloped them, killing them, [Hell no. The other girls will kill me if it becomes the core of my strength. And it very much might if everything works out the way I envision.]

Jane felt a sense of extreme irritation and annoyance at Alex's words, [Then I'll kill them.] Expressing herself, she smashed another door. Arcs of lightning exploded out all around them as a huge hole was made in the door, allowing Jane to pass through.

[Jane.] Alex said with a serious tone, [You have to understand. I can give you all the love and attention that you need from me. The way I work allows me to use different bodies to exist in multiple places at the same time. These bodies are essentially all me, like my limbs. If you aren't comfortable with the idea of me having other women, I understand and we can ignore that they exist without any issues. But you cannot threaten them. Do you understand?]

The slime man's words struck Jane like a hammer, her aggressive momentum diminishing as her steps grew weaker, [I don't know, Alex …] She had complicated feelings toward those words.

[Jane.] Alex spoke and Jane felt her chainmail tightening around her, giving her the illusion of a hug, [What do you say we first get out of here and then have the difficult conversation that you think you need to have with me?] He asked.

Seeing a troop of fifty soldiers approaching her with their weapons drawn as an alarm started blaring through the prison, Jane took a battle stance and spoke to Alex, [Don't you dare forget about your words.] She said before swinging her hammer in front of herself and summoning a violent gust of wind. The advancing soldiers were forced to slow down as their movements got sluggish and impeded.

Jane might have agreed to postpone the conversation, but that didn't mean her mood was good. She stopped swinging Mjolnir, the windy tornado weakening as it started dying down. With a battle cry, she swung Hofund horizontally, seemingly slashing nothing. A crescent arc escaped the path that she traced and extended toward the guards who had appeared in the room. Along with the mini tornado, everything was cut. Two pillars that were in the path of the arc, the wall behind the soldiers, and of course, the soldiers all got bisected. Their torsos slid to the floor as their legs collapsed, giving rise to a particularly bloody scene.

Alex knew that Jane's outburst was related to his previous words and didn't say anything, he focused on guiding her further while scooping up all of the dead bodies. All of that biomass ended up giving him a little over a point of EP.

Soon enough, they entered an elevator that they couldn't use without a key. Before Alex had a chance to take control of the elevator, Jane smashed her hammer on the floor, breaking through and falling down the elevator shaft.

[What floor?] She asked with suppressed annoyance.

[Keep going.] Alex said, [You'll know when you hit the bottom of the shaft.]

[Okay.] She said, expecting to collide with the ground at any second. As the seconds passed, she got impatient, [Forget it.] Shaking her head, she started twisting Mjolnir to propel herself downwards.

[Slow down —] Before Alex could tell her, Jane breached Mach speed. Alongside the resultant sonic boom, the entire building shook as Jane collided with the bottom of the shaft and exploded in a blast of lightning from her hammer.

[Goddamn it, woman!] Alex shouted in her head while protecting her from the huge force with which she just slammed into the ground, going much deeper than even the lowest floor of the building.

[What?] She acted nonchalant and flew upwards before dropping onto the lowest floor's corridor, [I miscalculated my speed.] Her tone was as flat as possible, but Alex was bonded to her. The imperceptible tremble was easily noticeable to him no matter how much she suppressed it.

Unfortunately for him, he was on a horrible time crunch right now, having already spent upwards of five thousand EP, he couldn't spend ten minutes talking to her to calm her down. In the end, he just comforted her by tightening her armor as if he were hugging her while guiding her to the main room that contained the Soul Stone.

Jane felt his actions and wanted to shake him off, but sadly for her, he was her clothes. If she shook him off, she wouldn't be in a state to battle.

Following the instructions, It didn't take long before Jane was breaking through a door that led her into a huge chamber. The first thing that she noticed was the huge turbine-like generator that was releasing a familiar green glow. From the sheer power radiating off of it, she could tell that it was the Soul Stone. The energy from the slowly spinning turbine was moving up into the ceiling through a tube that was glowing green.

Walking forward, Jane realized that she was on a balcony, overlooking a huge chamber. She'd only seen what was on top of the chamber, but what she saw on the lower part of the chamber left her gasping in sheer horror.

Before she could say anything, a man, enveloped in golden energy broke through the ceiling and floated in front of her, "Stop right there!" He exclaimed as his glowing form got tinged with green.


Some constructive criticism would be helpful. Please let me know if I made any mistakes, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

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