Chapter VIII Praefuitne legatus legioni II [Levying an Legion Part 2]

As we head back to the Field et Mars. I Inform Marcus to start working with Astrid and Ali to get us Auxiliaries.

When we arrive I head to my quarters. outside the room are posted 4 Praetorian outside. They snap to full attention when they see me. I lay them no attention as I walk in. I look at my belonging and get them stowed away. After that I sit on the side of my bed and think about where I am and the events that bring me to it. I eventually fall asleep taken by exhaustion.

I awake and immediately get ready. I put on some simply sweat pants and sweat shirt. First time I've worn civvie clothes in awhile. I walk outside and two guards follow me. I head to the mess for our section of the field. I see Astrid, Marcus, and Ragnar sitting together with a lot of papers. Marcus is who I overheard first "...Legion is new. Not a whole lot of battle honors. So alot of Auxiliaries simply won't want to leave the Legions their working for, for us." Ragnar Responds, "What of mercenaries?" Marcus laughs, "With what gold their expensive for people who have no battle honor and the legion with no battle honor. She has one Medal to her rank. Yes she has Purple Blood, but Mercenaries don't give a fuck about that." Astrid speaks up, "The Imperial Treasurer's don't like what Neapolia did to get us Evocati. Yes we needed them, but trying to get gold from them would be a hassle and to ask direct to the Emperor would piss them off and he wouldn't do it for free" I walk up pretending I didn't here much, "Hello lady and Gents. What's the status on Auxiliaries that have answered our call?" Astrid responds since she's really the one in charge of this stuff. "Legatus, the issue is the Legion is brand spanking new with no honors or titles minus the name and you ha e one Medal, no honors, and meaningless titles to the auxiliaries. Gold is short due to the Evocati so our budget is small. You don't own your families coffers that's out of the window, and a plethora of other things. I'm afraid the pool of Auxiliaries we have is limited at best." I sigh and look to an Servant "Fetch me some coffee... Black. It's gonna be a long day." I look back at Astrid and pause for a second. "Lay it on me, What do we have." She starts reading of about 100 different formations from across the globe and final stops and looks at me. "So which ones?"

"Send a letter to all of em' and let them know to bring a small portion of their unit. I will inspect them and negotiate contracts if I'm pleased."

Marcus speaks up, "That will piss alot of them off."

"Good fuck em'. I want people that want to be here. I'm not chasing shit. They want pay and honor. They come to me."

Marcus grins a little and Ragnar laughs heatedly and says what on everyone's minds," Your brave. I'll give ya that!" Everyone laughs including me.

40 of the original 100 show up. I had a budget, a tight one at that. I picked what I wanted and told the rest that if more coin came down I'll stay in touch. Eventually training and drilling started as Legionnaires from Basic started flowing in. Eventually after 8 Months of training, drilling and mobilization the CCCCLI Legio Europa looked as follows.


CCCCLI Legio Europa

Legion Morale: 89

Legion Focus: Aviation, Cavalry, Artillery, Tanks

Legatus: Neapolia Lucanius Quintilicus

Prefectus Castrum: Astrid Olsen

Senior Centurion et First Cohort: Ragnar Olsen

Prefectus Equitatus: Victoria Krissen

Prefectus Saggitarii: Xavier Larson

Prefectus Evocatus: N/A

Senior Prefectus Auxilia: Ali Mohammed

CCCCLI Legio Europa:

300 Praetorian Guard (CeramiteGladius, Black Timinithium Gallic Helm, Black Timinithium Lorica Segmentata, Black Timinithium Greaves, Black Timinithium square tower Scutum, Purple Morilian Cloak, Plasma Heavy Pila, Explosive Light Pila)

5700 Legionnaires. (VibroGaldius, Composite Lorica Hamata, Composite Gallic Helm, Morilian Gambeson, Timinithium square tower Scutum, Explosive Heavy Pila, Acid Light Pila)

1300 Evocati (Composite Gallic Helm, Composite Lorica Segmentata, Composite Greaves, Timinithium square tower Scutum, Explosive Heavy Pila, Acid Light Pila)

900 Equites (Mechanical Cavalry, Heated Spatha, Composite Lorica Squamata, Composite Equite Helm, Composite Greaves, Timinithium Oval Scutum)

2800 Saggitarii (Las Rifles, Composite round helm, VibroGladius, Timinithium Round Skirmishing Shield, and Composite Lorica Hamata)

16 Anti-Infantry Ballista ( 2x Repeating Plasma, 6x Repeating Laser, 6x Autocannon, 2x MG)

8 Anti-Tank Ballista (2x Plasma, 4x ATGM, 2x Cannon)

Auxiliary Units:

2000x Spartan Hellenic Pike Hoplites (Pikes (Ceramite), Xiphos (Ceramite), aspis shield Spartan helm, lorica musculata w/ Battle Skirt, and greaves) Shield AR= 35mm

500x Germanian Shock Cavalry (Heavy Cavalry Lance (Explosive), Great Swords (Ceramite), Bastard sword (Heated), Potato Masher Grenades, Heater shield, and Composite Plate Armor, mechanical horses w/ composite plate armor) Horse AR= stops 60mm Sabo & Human AR= 30mm Sabo

300 Heavy Repeating Onager (120mm Howitzer) Mechanical Horse Drawn

100 Heavy Repeating Ballista (230mm Siege Howitzer) Mechanical Horde Drawn

50 Aquila Armed Heavy Dropship ( 35mm Scatter Auto Cannon, x16 ATGM, x1500 15mm HE Rockets, x4 F&F AA Missile) Carriers 100 PAX

2000 Auxiliary Gaulic Spear Infantry (Composite Square Helm, Composite Breastplate, Composite Bracers, Composite Greaves, Timinithium Oval Tower Scutum, Plasma Infantry Hasta)

48 Praecipua Pugna Plaustra Armata [Main Battle Armoured Wagon] (150mm Rifled Cannon, 20mm Coaxial Auto-Cannon, 10mm Mini-Gun GPK for Commander, 10mm Mini-Gun RCWS for Loader)

24 Cataphractos Equites Exploratoris Plaustrum [Armoured Cavalry Reconnaissance Wagon] (30mm auto cannon 2 atgm Launchers 10 Legionaries can fit inside)


I had them all form up in the massive parade grounds after inviting the Emperor, Imperial Army High Command, my father and Legatus Morkin.

They were arrayed in a hidden place and would march out into Standard battle array. I looked at the people assembled with me. "My Grace, Peers, and Honored Guests. I present to you the CCCCLI LEGIO EUROPA!" A horn Blows loud as the first units start marching out with one after another after another. All singing the Imperial March for our Legion. "Oh Ro-o-oma, Oh Ro-o-oma, Oh Ro-o-oma, Apud me aquila! La guerra contro Roma! Marcus non me mortuam dices, Se riuscite a trovare anche la prima sarebbe perfetto! Oh Ro-o-oma Oh Ro-o-oma, Legio... Europa! Victoria in aspectu est, Gladio apud me! Sed tu erras De Nocte,La Battaglia di roma! Oh Ro-o-oma, Oh Ro-o-oma, Legio... Europa. Legio... Europa!"

( With the Eagle by my side! I fight for Roma's Pride! Oh Mars dont let me die, but if I do let it be a good fight!... ... Victory is in sight, With my Gladius by my side! I left my Darling in the Night, To fight my Rome's fight!)

All in all CCCCLI Legio Europa has roughly 18000 Personnel that Includes me, my senior officers and all the logistics personnel necessary to run the legion. I look at the Imperator and say, "Does she impress?" He looks at me, "Most Certainly". Everyone else nodded their head in agreement. The Imperator looks at me, "Your task officially starts in 1 Year and 6 months. Be ready."

"As you wish my Grace"