Chapter IX Le Nozze [The Wedding]

Weddings are nice but Imperial Weddings are on a whole different scale. The planning took two months, and it was absolute hell. We both would be in our military dress, and we would have to do two different sets of vows. He is Chalcedonian I'm Old Roman Pantheon (Jupitism). This is a rare occasion in Imperial history.

100s were invited to the actual wedding and festivity. Eventually the day would come. We would ride up to the Imperial Cathedral on actual Horses. Plebs and Merchants alike throwing flowers and shouting different things in Latin. We ride for 40 minutes until we reach the steps of the Cathedral. The guests were already seated. We walk up to the stand and do Old Pantheon rights. Then I left and was escorted by my father back and done chalcedonian rights. The whole thing took 2 hours. Eventually we would be done. We ride together back to my villa I purchased outside Roma. There we have festivities and lots of people get intoxicated. Eventually I meet a certain fellow by the name of Maximus Decimus Meridius. He was engaging in conversation with a few other officers. I went up for he did look familiar. "Hello how are you this fine evening?" He spun around quick like and said, "Dear, don't scare an veteran as myself."

"A veteran you say? You look mighty young to be a veteran."

"Ah yes a young veteran indeed. I've spent much of my young adult life suppressing revolts and uprisings in Germanica. The stories I can tell. Say, Your dear Husband wouldn't mind if I steal you for a dance?"

"I dunno I presume you'd need to ask him."

He walked away toward my newly wed. They talk for a brief minute and he returned, "Ma'am would you mind dancing?"

"My dearest husband allows?"

"Indeed. You may ask him yourself if you do not believe my words"

"Trust is given."

He takes my hand and soon we are on the dance floor dancing to a slow dance. This stranger was quite charming. "So whom are you?"

"Ah, Neapolia, Dancing with a stranger I see? Quite dangerous if I may say."

"Indeed, but you are not a stranger I believe. It seems you are somewhat familiar in looks"

"Well, my name is Maximus, Madam. And I believe we have met before. I believe it was whilst we were young. My father and yours were meeting. I was a mere 5 years older than you. We were over at you Father's villa in Americana. I believe ,aswell, that we are 5th cousins or something to that."

"You are of Imperial Blood."

"Indeed I'm born in the purple, Ma'am"

I was astonished at the fact that this charming fellow is related to me. I wish it wasn't the case. whilst distant cousins marrying isn't unheard of... Why am I thinking such. I'm bloomin married!

We eventually ended the dance and he went to drink. We would chat here and there, but alas I informed the party I must go to bed for I'm deeply tired. My new husband accompanied me making sure I was in bed comfortably and then he left. I was shocked. I thought he would take me then and seal our marriage. Either way I drifted off to sleep.


Eventually I awoke to a loud *boom*. I put on meager clothing and ran outside. To my dismay the crowd was going nuts. This old man whom I met earlier as Maximus' Grandfather was smiting a man. Him and Maximus then proceeded to torture the man as I ran over shouting. I was stopped by my Praetorian. More rushed to me and began shielding me with their bodies and shields. "I demand to know what the hell is going on in my villa!" The crowd thinned as I saw my husband laying in a pool of blood. "MEDICUS!! MEDICUS!!" I ran over my Praetorians in pursuit and kneeled by him. He felt cold to the touch. He whispered to me. "Take care of Octavia" He passed out as two Medicus' rushed in and carried him away.

Maximus walked up to me," Neapolia we must get you back to your chambers. After that we will sweep the compound and make sure no more would be assassin's are here." I was then kited away.