troublesome nights

"Yes! We'll take revenge for you. Those Duke family bastards deserve to face the consequences of what they've done," I said with fiery determination. Luna stared at me in disbelief for a moment, but then tears welled up in her eyes as she cried in my embrace and whispered.

"Thank... you... onii-chan!"

"Huh, onii-chan?" I was taken aback by the unexpected term she used.

"Luna, what did you just call me?"

Rose and the others heard the same term, but its meaning was lost on them. They looked at Luna, waiting for an explanation.

"I called you onii-chan! It means big brother in the elf language. Would you become my big brother?" Her innocent words hung in the air, leaving me both surprised and touched.

"Who do you think you are! Calling my husband your big brother, you lowly creature!"

"Watch your tongue, mortal. Don't attempt to cross your boundaries."

"You insolent thing, may you perish now."

The room was suddenly engulfed in a tempest of anger as Rose, Sendra, and Sophia erupted in a cacophony of shouts directed at Luna. Their fury was so palpable that even a blind person could sense the turbulent aura and understand the imminent storm. In the face of their fiery outbursts, Luna remained surprisingly composed, nestled in my lap, seemingly unfazed by the torrent of hostility directed at her. Her serene demeanor seemed to provoke them even further, like adding fuel to a roaring fire.

Watching this I tired, to stop each of them again before they jump into the fight.

"I'm feeling rather sleepy now. I'm going to head to bed. We can continue discussing this matter tomorrow," I announced my intention to escape the escalating tension evident as I turned towards the door. Yet, Luna clung steadfastly to me, her grip unyielding as she matched my steps. "Onii-chan, I want to sleep beside you. Please, I don't want to be alone," Luna's soft, pleading voice carried a mix of innocence and vulnerability, and her eyes, wide and green, held a kind of earnest hope that was hard to resist.

The room echoed with Rose's vehement refusal, her words punctuated with an unmistakable determination. "No, I cannot accept that child sleeping between us, especially when we are intimate. My love, please understand. My passion grows each night when I imagine you and me, our hearts intertwined in those moments of intimacy. Having that little one between us would disrupt our connection," Rose's voice rang out, carrying the weight of her emotions and desires.

As her words hung in the air, I paused, her intensity catching me off guard. Sendra and Sophia, though clearly having differing opinions, found their voices silenced by Rose's resounding statement. The room was fraught with tension as each woman grappled with their own feelings and thoughts.

I was caught off guard by Luna's passionate plea, her desperate cry pulling at my heartstrings. Looking down at her tear-filled eyes and her grip on my waist, I found it hard to resist her earnest request. The conflicting emotions of the situation swirled within me - the desires of the three remarkable women waiting for me and the undeniable connection I had formed with Luna in such a short time.

As I pondered my decision, Rose, Sendra, and Sophia exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of understanding and empathy. They had already voiced their wishes and concerns, and Luna's plea seemed to create a moment of pause and reflection for all of us.

In the end, with a gentle smile, I whispered to Luna, "Alright, Luna. I'll stay with you tonight." Her eyes lit up with joy and relief, and she nestled in closer to me, her grip relaxing as a serene expression spread across her face.

I exchanged a glance with the other three women in the room, silently conveying my understanding of their feelings. They nodded, their expressions softening as they accepted my choice. As I settled down beside Luna, I couldn't shake the feeling that this decision was just a small part of the intricate tapestry of emotions and relationships that had come together in my life

Sendra's icy stare drills into Luna, and her voice finally slices through the silence. "Listen, mortal. Don't meddle in others' affairs. Mind your own business, or I know how to deal with insolent brats like you." Luna's gaze darts toward Sendra, her words chilling to the bone. A nervous gulp escapes Luna's throat, and she seeks refuge behind me, trembling with fear.

I'm on the edge of reprimanding Sendra, but I hold back as I take in the shared expressions of Rose and Sophia. The determination in their eyes is palpable; they have no intention of letting me escape tonight.

Especially Rose and Sophia—female dragons are known to possess a stronger lust and sexual desire compared to their male. Once ignited, their passion could lead to the forceful rape of males, driven solely by their own satisfaction. I learned this firsthand when I witnessed Rose's unrestrained ardor last night

"I can't sleep with you, Luna. You should go to bed by yourself like a good elf girl," I said apologetically.

"Huh..." Luna's defeated expression pairs with her tear-streaked face. She tightens her grip on me, refusing to let go.

I let out a sigh and lock eyes with her. "Luna, you have to sleep alone. I have some important matters that need my attention. But if you're insistent, I'll send you back to your tribe." Of course, I won't actually send her back. I'm well aware that those shameless bastard Duke family members are after her. Sending her back would be like offering her up to them on a silver platter.

Luna falls silent all of a sudden, her gaze fixed on me with wide, pleading eyes. She's caught in a dilemma, weighing her options. I know she's quite intelligent; she understands that if she resists now, she'll lose her chance for revenge on her family and people. After a moment, she opens her mouth, her teary eyes turning red. "Okay... Onii-chan... I'll... sleep alone... just... please don't... abandon me... Onii-chan, those Duke... family... they took me away."

"No one's going to take you away as long as you follow my lead. Now, go and get some rest," I reassure her gently, guiding Luna to the bed. As I lead her through the Inner Palace, I notice several lavish yet unoccupied chambers, meticulously maintained by the maids. I choose the room nearest to Sophia's Palace. Stepping inside, we're greeted by the sight of a grand, opulent room. Luna's eyes widen in amazement.

A massive bed sits near the window. Luna eases herself onto the bed with my guidance and remarks, "Onii-chan, this bed is so plush and cozy. Why don't you sleep here with me?"

"Luna, didn't you agree to sleep on your own?"

"Fine, I will. Just... please stay a little longer until I fall asleep, Onii-chan."

"Alright, I'll stay for a little while." We gaze out the window, taking in the breathtaking sight of the radiant dragon city. Its beauty leaves us both mesmerized.