Uncomfortable dinner

Currently in the dining room, my stomach is practically empty since I haven't eaten anything since leaving in the morning. The growling in my stomach is getting harder to ignore, and I know that if I don't eat soon, I might even faint.

Rose and Sendra are in a hurry, bustling around the kitchen to prepare food. My stomach can't wait any longer, and its rumbling seems to echo through the room. "Dear, the food will be ready in just a few moments. Please hang in there," Rose assures me with an apologetic smile before returning to her cooking.

Turning my attention, I notice Sophia's intense gaze fixed on the elf girl. The little one clings to me, seeking comfort and safety. She hasn't let go of me since we leave the slave trader's clutches.

"Mom, please try to relax a bit. Remember, she's just a child," I say, hoping to ease the tension that seems to radiate from Sophia.

"Son, I haven't done anything. Why are you upset with me? Is it because of that elf? I'm sensing ill feelings unleashing her. Just let me take her away," Rose implores, extending her hand toward the elf girl.

"No, Mom, it's not like that. You're overthinking things," I quickly respond, refusing to let go of the elf girl. This seems to agitate Rose, evident by her clenched teeth and growing frustration.

However, just as tensions rise, a delightful aroma wafts into the room. I follow the scent to find Sendra and Rose returning with a variety of delicious dishes.

"My dear, please forgive your wife for this mistake. I apologize for not having food ready for you in time. Please enjoy, my dear," Rose says, trying to smooth over any annoyance caused by the delay.

"My Xzson, come and eat before everything gets cold," Sendra chimes in, eager for me to dig into the food.

As I look at the table, it's a feast of delicious dishes. The maids keep bringing more, and the spread seems endless.

"Let's dig in," I suggest, and we all start enjoying the food. But then my attention is drawn to the elf child. She gazes at the table with a mix of surprise and longing.

Has she not eaten anything? Considering the conditions she was in, especially in that cart, I wouldn't be surprised if she hasn't had proper meals in a while.

"Open your mouth, I'll feed you," I offer, and she looks at me with wide eyes. It's not just her, though; even Sendra, Rose, and Sophia seem taken aback by my sudden declaration.

The elf girl nods slightly and opens her small, delicate mouth. Gently, I place a bite of food in her mouth, and she eats it with a joyful smile. I continue to feed her, ensuring she eats until her belly is full.

As I'm feeding her, I notice something intriguing. Her gaze is fixed on me, her cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. Her breathing becomes quicker, and she clings too me, eventually falling asleep in my arms.

"I know you're pretending to be asleep. Can you let go of me for a moment?" I tried to loosen her grip, but suddenly her eyes popped open, and she clung to me even tighter, letting out a small scream. "No, don't leave me!"

Her sudden outburst caught all of us off guard - Rose, Sendra, and Sophia - we all exchanged surprised looks. "Wait, you can talk! So why didn't you answer me earlier?" I questioned her, curiosity getting the best of me. She hesitated, her green eyes meeting mine with shyness.

Finally, she broke her silence. "I... I couldn't... talk... I was... nervous," her voice was soft and hesitant, her tiny hands clutching her own clothes. Her explanation prompted Sophia to burst into laughter, leaving all of us baffled. "Nervous? You, a mere creature, should be kneeling before a superior race. Why would you feel nervous? Is it because of my son? I suggest you leave his side as soon as possible, or I will drain your mana."

Sophia's extreme words left the elf girl speechless; she remained quiet in my arms. The tension in the room grew as Sophia's anger intensified, her gaze fixed on the elf girl as if trying to pierce through her. Meanwhile, Rose and Sendra exchanged knowing smiles, watching the situation unfold.

"You dare to ignore me, you wretch!" Sophia slammed her hand on the table, her anger palpable as she glared at the elf girl. Her anger only seemed to grow as she turned her gaze towards me, with a clear intent to harm the elf child.

"Mom, enough!" I commanded, my voice firm. Sophia froze, her threatening posture halted by my words. "Now, go and take your seat," I instructed her, and she complied, her steps shaky as she moved to her seat. "Do not attack her again, ever," I emphasized, my tone leaving no room for negotiation.

With a reluctant nod, Sophia fell silent, her body trembling with fear. I turned my attention towards Rose and Sendra, who wore similar expressions - a mix of surprise and concern.

"What is your name? Tell me, and where is your home?" I asked gently, patting her head in an attempt to comfort her. She looked up at me, a nervousness still present in her eyes, and finally spoke.

"My name is Luna Swarathm, and I am a descendant of the Swarathem tribes. My home is in the elf forest," she replied, her voice gaining some confidence as she spoke, her gaze unwavering.

"Luna Swarathm, that's such a lovely name. But how did you end up as a slave?" I inquired, a mix of scepticism and shock in my voice. The fact that she was a descendant of the tribes was surprising, and I couldn't help but wonder how she had come to be in this situation.

"My home was attacked by the Duke family. They killed everyone and raped the women, including my mother. My father told me to escape from the forest. I didn't want to leave him, but it was his final wish. I managed to escape through the forest, but then I was captured by those knights. They mistook me for an ordinary elf and sold me to a slave trader," she recounted, her words heavy with the weight of the tragedy that had befallen her and her people.

Hearing about the horrors Luna and her tribe had endured ignited a fierce anger within me, directed at those responsible for such atrocities. It was clear that Luna's journey had been one of hardship and pain, and I felt a deep sense of sympathy for her.

Rose stared at Luna, absorbing every word that came out of the elf girl's mouth. The confirmation that the attackers were indeed from the Duke family seemed to have brought a sense of grim understanding to her.

"Why did those Duke family knights attack your home?" Rose finally broke her silence, her gaze locked onto Luna as she waited for the answer. Luna, clearly nervous, looked to me for reassurance, and I offered her a comforting pat on the head and a nod.

Luna began to recount the events leading up to the attack.

"Prince Aleric Duke visited our tribe with his 100 knights. He demanded that my family give me to him as his future wife. But my family refused, seeing through the greed and intentions of those humans. In response, Prince Aleric threatened to destroy the entire Swarathem tribe if they didn't hand me over to him. Despite his threats, my family stood strong and didn't yield."

Her voice wavered as she shared the heartbreaking story of her tribe's refusal to bow down to such demands.

Rose, Sophia, and Sendra listened intently, their expressions a mix of sympathy and anger at the injustice Luna had faced. Sensing Luna's distress, I offered a gentle pat on her head, signaling my support.

"Luna, do you want revenge?" I asked her, a question that seemed to catch her off guard. She looked at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and uncertainty. Tears welled up in her eyes as she nodded, and then she suddenly clung to me tightly, her voice trembling as she answered, "Yes, I want revenge. I want to avenge my father and mother."