Greeta crazy wish

As I exited the room, a female soldier with a concerned expression greeted me. She rushed over, clearly worried.

"Mistress Janifer, I heard some noise from inside. Is everything alright?" She examined my body for any signs of harm.

I smiled and reassured her, "No, I'm fine. You've been waiting for me since I went inside."

"But Mistress Janifer, it sounded like there was screaming from in there," she insisted, still trying to check for any wounds on the clone of Janifer.

With a warm smile, I replied, "I appreciate your concern, but I'm truly alright."

"It's my duty to protect a member of the Suquen family. I would even give my life for you, Mistress... Sir Ano." The female soldier expressed her dedication, her voice filled with loyalty.

However, she suddenly noticed Ano's silence as I walked out. Her concern deepened. "What happened? Why is Sir Ano so silent? Has something occurred inside?" She pondered and continued to gaze at him.

My voice brought her back to the present. "Hello, you there? Why are you staring at him like that?" I inquired, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked at me with a startled expression and quickly composed herself.

"I-I was... I wasn't staring at him!" she replied, her voice trembling, and lowered her head.

"I see I don't want to waste time. Let's go," I declared, leading the way toward the hall where I had instructed the clone to gather all the soldiers.

Ano trailed behind me in silence, while the female soldier, Greeta, nodded and started to follow us.

Curiosity led me to inquire further, and I asked Greeta, "What is your name?"

Greeta appeared surprised by the question. "My name?... Yes, my name is Greeta," she answered with a hint of hesitation.

"So, Greeta, are you married?" I questioned, observing her expression.

"Married!... No, I'm not married, Mistress..." Greeta exclaimed, her voice betraying her surprise. She immediately stopped herself, realizing she had shouted, her face turning a shade of red in embarrassment and shame.

Apologizing profusely, she knelt and lowered her head, expressing her regret for her outburst. "My apologies, Mistress. I shouldn't have shouted at you," she said in a contrite tone.

I accepted her apology and instructed, "I accept your apology. Now, please raise your head."

As we continued to walk, I found myself pondering her situation. "She is not married! I didn't expect that. Judging by her physique, anyone would assume she has at least five children. This reminds me, Koigylev... I haven't seen her yet. I remember I had to create a weapon from her. I'll meet her as soon as I return to the Dragon Kingdom. Well, it's good for me. I can add her to my harem of clones anyway."

After sighing, I looked at Greeta and asked, "Greeta, tell me, why aren't you married yet? You look beautiful. It's quite odd that a woman like you is single.

Greeta suddenly stopped in her tracks and fixed her gaze on me. She began to speak with a fervent and furious tone, "I don't like males. They are nothing but disgusting beings. They don't appreciate anything except toying with women like they're their possessions, doing as they please. I wish I could rid this world of all those filthy men, making this land a paradise for us women."

Her words were filled with passion and anger, as if she believed she could achieve her wish through sheer willpower.

I continued to walk without saying anything, pondering her extreme sentiments. "She wants to eliminate all males from this world? She has quite an ambitious dream. If it were to come true, this world would become a mirror image of my home, where everyone blindly supports women's empowerment without considering the injustices faced by men. Perhaps I should create a clone of her and make her realize what is to be a man"

"System, create a clone of Greeta," I instructed.


(Scanning completed)

(Name: Greets Race

Ice Realm Resident Stamina: 345

HP: 190

IQ: 130

Mana: 240

Power: Seduction, Stealth

Level: 4 (Lower Being))

"Huh... She doesn't have as much power as I was expecting, but still, I can use her," I sighed in mild disappointment until I realized I had already reached the hall. What I saw there surprised me. The hall was bustling with soldiers, many from various groups. At least 6,000 heavily-armored soldiers filled the space.

"What! Why are all these soldiers here, from our area and the inner region? Mistress, did you call them all?" Greets asked, her expression a mix of surprise and fear as she looked at the troops.

"Huh, why would the mistress summon us all at a time like this? Has something happened?" wondered another.

"I don't know. Everything is peaceful outside, so something might have occurred inside the mansion, I guess," I replied, equally baffled by this unexpected gathering.

"If that's the reason, why would the mistress call us when it's related to the mansion? Isn't it the job of the inner soldiers to handle things inside? Why make us do their job? That woman is gaining confidence after-"

"Don't you dare speak ill of our mistress! She called us for a reason."

"Huh? You female soldiers always take her side. Don't be blind, ladies."

"You scoundrel, say another word and I'll gut you!"

"Try it, if you dare. You know the consequences; if any swords are drawn, Lord Suquen will execute you."

The female soldiers gritted their teeth in anger. The man standing in front of them wore a smug smile.

"Look, mistress, there she is. She's looking at us."