Odomo and soldiers

All the soldiers in the room turned their attention toward Mistress Janifer, who stood there, gazing at them.

One of the high-ranking military officers approached Mistress Janifer and knelt before her. "Mistress Janifer, I heard your call. Please, let me know why you've summoned us at this time."

The officer was none other than the man who had previously attempted to take me away When I first arrived at the mansion with Gameya. I decided to play with him, a wicked grin forming on her lips.

"What is your name?" she asked him, her tone filled with amusement.

"Huh? My name is Odomo," he replied with a perplexed expression.

"Alright, Odomo. I want you to cut off your manhood. Now," I declared in a commanding voice, shocking everyone in the room. They exchanged incredulous glances, as if they had misheard her words. Greeta, one of the soldiers present, was equally stunned but chose to remain silent.

"Did you all hear what Mistress just said?" a soldier exclaimed, their expression one of utter disbelief.

"Yes, I heard that she ordered him to cut his dick off," the other soldiers murmured amongst themselves, their faces etched with fear and anticipation for what would unfold.

Odomo watched in disbelief as I gave him an order that was beyond his capabilities. He rushed towards me, desperation evident in his voice and eyes, and clutched at my feet. "Mistress Janifer, please! I cannot do this. It's... it's too much. I have done nothing to deserve this," he wailed, his voice cracking like that of a distressed child.

"Get away from me, you wretch!" I snarled, delivering a powerful kick to his face, sending him sprawling backward. He mustered the courage to approach once more, but this time, Greeta intervened, brandishing her sword and aiming it at his face.

"Keep your distance and do not lay a hand on Mistress's person, you vile man. I am aware of your heinous acts, forcing young female guards to have sex and rape them until. Rest assured, your crimes will not go unpunished," Greeta seethed, her eyes blazing with fury. She held back, fully aware that Odomo was a high-ranking military officer, but the threat in her voice was unmistakable.

"He forced and rape them. Well, that makes things easier," I murmured and approached him. Leaning in, I whispered in his ear, every word slow and deliberate.

"I'm not doing this because you raped them. I'm doing this because you shouted at me when I arrived. This is the consequence of thinking you can do anything, act however you please, and attain whatever you desire," I declared, leaving him to mull over my words. Greeta, perplexed by the exchange, remained silent.

"What? What do you mean, I shouted at you?" Odomo demanded, his voice tinged with panic.

"You wouldn't understand," I retorted, pretending to smoke.

"Greeta, go ahead. Cut off his manhood and end him in agony," I ordered Greeta. Before I could fully turn away, she was already upon him, severing his manhood in one swift, she cut off his manhood.

"AAAAAAAA!... Nooo-" His agonized scream reverberated as Greeta violently severed his manhood. She appeared to take a twisted pleasure in his suffering, even pushing his head into the ground to silence his cries.

"She smiles like a crazy woman. No wonder she's single. I can use her to make things easier," I mused with a grin as I approached the soldiers. It was clear that they were horrified by the spectacle, some of them instinctively shielding their manhood.

"You all might not understand why I've gathered you here, soldiers," I stated, pausing for their reactions. But there was only silence; no one dared to speak.

"No, Mistress, no one has informed us," finally, a female soldier nervously responded from the crowd.

"I've gathered you here because I intend to eliminate all the Suquen family's soldiers and find a way back to my realm."

Another heavy silence fell upon the assembly, their expressions ranging from shock to disbelief. Greeta and Odomo were no exception to this collective astonishment.

"What is she saying? Has the mistress lost her mind?"

"I think she's unwell. She might be overworked, and it's affecting her sanity."

"We should inform Lord Suquen or Lord Surmo. We can't take any action against her; we might not see the light of day."

"Hey, isn't that Sir Ano over there? Why is he so quiet after hearing her statement? Why isn't he stopping her?"

The guards began to approach Ano. Greeta, however, turned to me and asked, "Mistress, do you realize what you just said?"

"I'm well aware of what I said, dear," I replied in a flirty manner.

[System, create clones of all these soldiers.]

(What! You want me to create clones of all these soldiers?)

(Do you want me to create clones of all those soldiers?)

"Yes, don't hesitate. I know you can create that many soldiers. Hurry up and do it," I ordered the system. It hesitated at first but complied.

(Okay, Host, I'll try.)


While the system was scanning, I looked at Greeta. She gazed at me with uncertainty. "Don't be afraid; you will meet me again," I assured her. Then, I turned my attention to Ano.

"Hey, start killing everyone present in the room," I commanded Ano. He summoned his sword and lunged towards Greeta and Odomo, taking them out before they could react.

"Why didn't Sir Ano kill them? Everyone, get ready to attack them-" a soldier began to speak but was cut off as Ano beheaded him. He didn't stop there; he continued to slaughter soldiers without pause.

"He's killing everyone!"

"No, please, don't kill me, I have a kid!"


I watched Ano as he swiftly killed thousands of soldiers within seconds. "I didn't expect this to go so quickly, even though he's not stopping. But he won't keep up this pace; he'll tire and be killed. But I have a backup plan."

(Scanning completed)

(I have scanned 4000 soldiers.)

"Alright, create them now," I instructed the system.