trace of forbidden magic

Yogan's eyes widened in surprise as he saw the white barrier protecting Xzson and Luna. His smile quickly faded, replaced by a mix of anger and frustration. "Good, now let me cut off this bastard's... motherf#cker dick. He has touched my things which he should never think of in his life now he will understand what is going to happen when someone tries to snatch Yogan woman away" Yogan's voice trailed off as he raised his sword, only to be interrupted by an unexpected turn of events.

He noticed the System's unusual action and froze, perplexed. "What? What is she doing?" Yogan's eyes flicked between the System and the barrier, trying to make sense of the situation.

(System initiating self-defense mechanism!) The System's voice rang out, devoid of emotion.

Yogan's heart raced as he realized he was facing a power beyond his understanding. He took a hesitant step back, a sudden sense of dread creeping over him.

(Initiating self-defense mechanism!) 

The room fell into an eerie silence, save for the faint echoes of the System's soft, feminine voice. Yogan and Luna stared in astonishment as a multitude of minuscule pixels materialized on the System's palm, spreading to cover her forearm. Each pixel was so tiny that they eluded the naked eye, their number beyond reckoning—perhaps a million or more.

"Initiating... Self-defense... Mechanism?" Yogan's voice wavered with uncertainty, his gaze fixed on the enigmatic display. He couldn't fathom the origin or purpose of these mysterious pixels. They seemed to defy the fundamental principles of magic, as they neither required nor consumed mana.

Luna's mind raced with theories and possibilities. "Why isn't this magic consuming any mana? It's a fundamental principle that all magic requires mana to be activated... Unless..." Her eyes widened in realization. "Is this forbidden magic?" The weight of her conclusion was evident in her rapidly shifting expression, from wonder to concern.

Yogan stared at the System with a restless expression. The tiny pixels danced aggressively on its palm, and watching each pixel flow or dance bellicosely made him draw his sword toward the System. His instinct told him to run away, but his ego as the son of the Suquen family wouldn't allow him. He stood there, trembling.

"What are you doing? If you attack me, I will punish you—" Yogan couldn't finish his phrase when the tiny pixel on the System's hand instantly flew toward Yogan's chest. He was thrown back by the pixel's impact and crashed into the wall. The tiny pixel quickly wrapped around his chest, pinning him to the wall.

"Aaaaaa! Stop it! You worthless woman! Stop now or you will pay for your actions! Let me go!" Yogan shouted as he coughed up a mouthful of blood. The tiny pixel gradually shrank, breaking his ribs into pieces and squeezing his lungs.

"No... Please... Let me go... I'm sorry... Please... Spare me... Don't kill me... I don't... want to die... I'll release you... Please, I beg you... I won't harm that human anymore..." Yogan pleaded, his voice filled with agony as he continued to cough up blood. The system remained indifferent, showing no emotion as it observed Yogan's suffering, while Luna's heart raced, pained by the torment she witnessed.

"This is undoubtedly forbidden magic... There's no need to explain, but how is she doing this? Those magics have been lost for centuries and forbidden by The God One. If this girl can use forbidden magic, when the heavenly turbulence occurs, the Gods won't ignore it. She's related to Onii-chan, and he'll be dragged into their conflict, possibly even killed... No, I can't let him get involved with someone who challenges the heavens and gods," Luna murmured, her expression filled with concern, as she glanced at the System. She then turned her attention back to Xzson's lifeless body, tightly hugging him.

"Onii-chan, wake up! How long do you plan to sleep like this? Please, wake up, Onii-chan! Save us from that scoundrel!" Luna shouted at Xzson's ears.

Suddenly, Xzson's body began to stir, and Luna watched with hope as she cried, "Onii-chan, wake up... Please, wake up and save us from that monster!"

Here's a revised version with enhanced clarity and tone:

I slowly opened my eyes, greeted by Luna's frantic screams. "Luna, what's going on? You look exhausted. And is that... the system?"

I was taken aback by the system's appearance. At first glance, it was as though I was gazing upon a goddess. Her beauty surpassed even that of Sendra, I thought. She had long, silky pink hair cascading down to her waist, while her butt and breast were perfection of perfection. When she turned to look at me with her pink eyes, I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine. My heart raced as I found myself face to face with one of the most beautiful girls I'd ever seen, right after Sendra.

(Host, you're awake! I've healed your wounds from when that resident of the Ice realm hurt you, Host!) the System exclaimed, flying toward me and settling on my lap. I blushed at our close proximity, and to my surprise, the System was blushing too, her gaze fixed on me.

On the side, Luna couldn't help but watch us with a hint of envy. "Onii-chan woke up, but the first thing he looks at is that strange girl calling her the system. Why isn't he talking to me? I saved him too."

I gazed at the attacker who had harmed me while I was controlling Janifer's clone. As I saw him lying there, coughing up blood, I quickly recognized him.

"Wait, he's Jenifer's son. Why is he trying to kill me... Wait, he's here to take you away Luna, isn't he?" I questioned and turned to look at Luna.

"Yes, Onii-chan, he's trying to kill you and wanted to play with my body," Luna replied, her voice laced with anger.

"In that case, I've already dealt with his father and that old bastard. Now it's his turn. This horny bastard won't get away with this," I declared, attempting to get up, but I stumbled and fell back onto the bed.

"Onii-chan, what's wrong? Are you not feeling well? Your mana is almost depleted. How did this happen?" Luna asked, her expression filled with concern.

(Host, your mana capacity is empty. You can't perform any magic without mana. It will take some time to recharge your mana,) the System informed me.

"Huh, no, I can't fight without mana. I'll need at least a few minutes," I muttered, glancing at the System and noticing an unusual change around her.

"Huh? System, what's happening? Why is your body becoming transparent?" I inquired, and then the System's body vanished from my sight.

"Onii-chan, where did that girl go? What happened to her? She can't be a living being, right?" Luna asked, scanning her surroundings in search of the System.

"(Host, due to my mana deficiency, I can't maintain a human appearance.)"

"Alright, I'll just have to wait until my mana is restored. This confinement room should be safe in the meantime," I assured Luna, giving her a reassuring smile.

"It's okay, she's here, but she won't come out until my mana is replenished."

"But who is she, Onii-chan, and what is she? She was using forbidden magic, something the gods would never accept. You must distance yourself from that girl," Luna began explaining, but her words were abruptly cut off by a sudden voice.

"That... woman dared to make me beg... I won't let her live... and she's not here anymore... now, I can deal with you... and have my way with that elf," Yogan, now recovered, emerged from the ground and charged toward me.