Jenifer feelings

I watched Yogan steadily approaching me, his eyes bloodshot, and his body covered in wounds. He staggered with each step, but his sole intent seemed to be to kill me before he succumbed to his injuries.

"No... I have no mana... I can't defend myself... What can I do now?" I wondered, feeling helpless as he drew nearer.

"Stay away, you perverted bastard! You are not allowed to touch my hubby. If you walk away now and find a healing potion, you might have a chance to survive," Luna spoke, positioning herself in front of me in an attempt to protect me.

"Luna, you can't fight against that man. Stay behind me," I shouted, concerned for her safety, but she met my words with a determined gaze and said, "Onii-chan, I won't let him harm you. I'll do whatever it takes to protect you."

"Hubby, are you being foolish? You can't even wake up properly, and you're telling me to stay back? You are my hubby. How could I allow anything to harm someone so precious to me? Your innocent face is asking for help, and I won't let any filthy being hurt you. You're mine, Onii-chan and Hubby... You're adorable and priceless to me," Luna said, managing a smile while trying to hide her tears.

"Luna..." I struggled to find words, my gaze fixed on Luna's face, her determination to protect me touching my heart.

"Why is she so determined to save me? Is it because of my divine bloodline, or is it something more? What if I didn't have this divine bloodline... Would anyone, let alone a girl or woman, even spare me a second glance? I doubt it. Back in school, I was nothing but a plaything, someone to be beaten and mocked. No one would intervene; they'd join in for the amusement. Who would save someone like me, who felt like nothing but trash and lacked even average looks? Whether I live or not, my existence doesn't seem to matter," I thought, my self-doubt gnawing at me.

"But I had been given a second chance at life in this world, and I couldn't let such divine luck go to waste. Most people never get a second shot at life. I had to change myself; I needed to transform right now to ensure a better future."

I was determined to improve myself, and Luna seemed surprised by my newfound seriousness.


"Luna! How dare you, you Bastard, try to hurt her!" I glared at Yogan as he struck Luna's cheek, causing her to tumble off the bed. Though she didn't appear seriously injured, she struggled to get back on her feet. Yogan then redirected his gaze toward me and threatened, "I'll have my way with your body soon you elf. Now it's your turn, you F#cking human."

Yogan mumbled as he attempted to penetrate the sword on my dick, and I swiftly leaped off the bed, stumbling onto the floor just before his blade could reach me.

"Stay in one place and don't mess with me, you despicable scum. I won't rest until I've killed you," Yogan hissed as he limped toward me, sporting a maniacal, satisfied smile.

"No... I can't allow myself to be killed by this horney man. I want to live a happy, peaceful life with Rose, Sendra, Mother Sophia, and Luna. I don't want my second chance at life to end at the hands of this man like Shaitan's did. I have to defeat him now or never... System, do I currently have any clones?" I asked, catching my breath.

(Host, you have two clones that you haven't created yet: Gameya and Sameya.)

"Wait, I forgot about them. Quick, create—" I began to issue my orders to the System, but an unexpected visitor entered the room, halting my words.

The door swung open, and a woman stepped inside, her expression filled with concern. Yogan, Luna, and I stared in surprise as the woman revealed herself to be none other than Janifer Suquen.

"Mother, what are you doing here?" Yogan asked Janifer, his face wearing a sullen expression. However, Janifer didn't respond to Yogan's question. Instead, she examined the room, her eyes scanning the surroundings. But as soon as her gaze landed on me, her expression darkened.

"Huh? What's going on? Why is she looking at me like that? Could it be the effect of my Divine Alluring Body?" I pondered, my gaze locked onto her.

Janifer's heart skipped a beat, and her eyes met those of her human child, struggling to escape from her son Yogan's clutches, desperately fighting for his life. She looked into the adorable, shining blue eyes of this human, a world she had never witnessed before. There was an aura of godly cuteness about him that stirred her heart. She sensed something in his eyes, a silent plea, a cry for help, urging her to save him and take him away from this monstrous situation, to embrace him and keep him safe forever. Her teeth clenched as she turned her murderous gaze upon Yogan.

"What is that wretched creature doing? How dare he harm that adorable human baby? How can someone inflict pain on someone so cute and innocent? He's a demon, and I'm ashamed to call him my son. I can't believe I gave birth to him. I won't stand for this; I won't let anyone harm my precious little human. He's mine," Janifer pondered, drawing her sword from her waist.

"You demon, stay away from my human. You don't deserve to touch or even look at him. If I see a single scratch on my human, you will meet your end," Janifer declared, her eyes locked onto her son, Yogan.

Luna observed Janifer's actions and swiftly grasped the situation. "She's fallen for Onii-chan! His beauty and cuteness have captured her heart, making her our puppet. This could be our ticket to escape from this mansion and return to the Dragon Kingdom," Luna thought with a sly smile.