You are fool

"What? You are Xzson!" exclaimed Gozen in shock. Not only she, but all the female soldiers were staring at me with stunned expressions. They couldn't believe their eyes; I was none other than Sendra's husband.

"Capture him! Don't let him get away!" Gozen shouted and ordered her soldiers to surround me. They immediately closed in from all directions with a hostile gaze.

"Onii-Chan! I told you to make yourself anonymous, so why did you reveal yourself out of the blue?" said Luna as she glared at me.

"You will know soon! If I feel any danger, I will find a way to escape. More importantly, I have to figure out how to destroy that Iron cannon. But for now, let's do what they said," I shared my thoughts with Luna in a low voice. She stared at me uncertainly for a few moments but eventually nodded.

"Don't move and come with us. If you try to show any smartness, you know what will happen!" Gozen warned and gave me a stern look before walking away.

"Keep moving. If you stop, I will carry you!" said one female soldier, blushing and trying to control her nervousness and urges.

"No, Onii-chan would rather walk instead of being carried by a slut like you!" Luna snorted coldly and glared at the female soldier.

"What did you just say, you little elf-" The female soldier was about to retaliate, but before she could complete her sentence, Gozen looked back and shouted.

"What is happening? Why aren't you guys bringing that human!"

"Yes-yes, young lady, we are bringing him!" The female soldiers quickly changed their behavior, and then Gozen's voice echoed. I didn't say a word and walked with them. As we continued, I saw the Iron Cannon up close. "It sure is damn big up close. I wonder how the hell they put the shells in the side," I mused inwardly and continued to stroll.


The soldiers escorted me and Luna to the inner area, where hundreds of soldiers stood in a straight line facing a beautiful woman with other girls behind her. The woman had long white hair and stunning silver eyes, her mesmerizing features and alluring curves were enough to captivate the attention of anyone who saw her. When her gaze fell on me, I felt as if I were seeing Sendra's reflection.

"Wait, is she related to Sendra? She looks so similar to her like she's her sister. But things are missing, like Sendra's deadly aura and loving charm. Maybe she's a disciple, as that old bastard mentioned," I pondered as I looked at her.

"Come with me, and don't try to do anything if you want to keep your balls safe!" Gozen mumbled, turning to walk away. I gave a nod and began to walk with her.

"Mother, I have something special to show you!" Gozen kowtowed before the woman and waited for her response. Mspiien and her other daughters noticed that Gozen had brought two individuals with her. As I took a step, their eyes fixated on me, with lingering expressions, as if something extraordinary had unexpectedly appeared out of nowhere.

"Who is this boy? his hair is black he might not be from our land. Wow, he looks so beautiful and cute like a doll, his body is slim and his skin so white I want him I will make him my slave husband and fuck his dick curse manhood. I wanna see his innocent face begging for mercy. Wait did big sis bring him here as have him as her male slave request?" Suren's second eldest daughter mused as she kept staring at me.

Other daughters were thinking the same thing making me a sex slave except one of the Mspiien who faced me with animosity as she felt disgusting in my presence. 

"What is the special thing you are talking about and who are they, that elf and this f#cking male!" Mspiien said in strong hostility ton whilst gazing at me as though she would tear me to pieces if I stayed here any longer. Her loud voice attracted everyone people's attention to our commotion. all soldiers gather up there to see us as spectators.

"What is going on here? Is that a male? what is he doing here he is just a child, a beautiful child"

"Yes, he is so young and cute but sadly his fate didn't go well and he ended up here but none other than Mspiien Gyzen who hate male from the bottom of her heart, that poor child is going to die"

"But has he done anything wrong? He a child at such a young age who hasn't seen a world going to for no reason Doesn't it sound wrong?"

The female soldiers are mumbling with each other concern visible on their faces. Their anxiety was reaching their pick with each passing time. They were told and brainwashed by Mspiien Gyzen. Since they served the Gyzen family they were strictly told that males were savages creatures of devil creation and weeds on the lands. They only drool behind women and desire to fuck to fulfill their sexual needs. the only solution to keep them in control is to kill them. 

But seeing a child, His capitative appearance has captured every woman's heart at first sight making them drool around him. 

"Mother, this human child is none other than Xzson who had taken our goddess's virginity" Gozen spoke without showing any reluctance in speech. Silence appears in the surroundings the spectator's jaw drops when they hear Gozen.

Mspiien and her daughters looked at me with wide-open eyes as ghosts just emerged from beneath the ground. Gozen continued to speak "Mother I have a request we should not kill by torture to death I would like to make him my personal slave and make babies with him-"

But before Gozen could complete her phrase Mspiien burst into rage her deadly aura spread around immediately like fire. The spectators and her daughters kowtow down in terror of the Mspiien intention aura they didn't dare to look up into her eye if they did only death would be welcome the next moment.

"YOU! YOU ARE F#CKING MALE WHO DEFILES OUR GODDNESS I'M F#CKING GOING TO KILL YOU!" Mspiien shouted with all her might as she was facing her life's greatest enemy. Her intense ice aura was so cold that made the surrounding atmosphere around her cold and visible snowflakes which looked so pretty.

I stood unaffected by her aura and abstained from showing any fear meanwhile Luna was suffering from the cold winds from Mspiien, elves don't like cold they usually live in forests filled with mana that maintains suitable temperatures for elves. Luna clings to me like a magnet seeking warmth. I patted her head to make her feel good.

(host, an intension killing aura is detected near you advising you to quickly eliminate the threat or escape)

"I'm not going to run away besides I found beautiful milf with quite resembles Sendra I'm not going to leave her after slanging me!" I said inwardly with the system and looked at Mspiien's eyes which were flued with anger to kill me.

"How dare you to look at me with that eye. You f#cking male! let's see if you look me if I tear off your eyes and tactical." Mspiien said as she drew her sword and walked with a smile to kill me.

but before she could hurt me I suddenly unleashed my aura of immortality which was far superior to Mspiien making her step back in surprise. The entire place suddenly looked at me with stunned expressions no one was expecting me to have this aura at first as a cute little child.

"What is this deadly aura? is this coming from this male?" Ponder Gozen is startled.

"What you are immortality? How can you be? Immortality can only be achieved by killing a God or breaking the limitations of mortal" Mspiien stared at me with vigilant looks she became cautious and watched me each moment I breathed and moved.

"What is your name? Are you one of the disciples of Sendra"

"How dare you say her name directly you f#cking human a Human die!" She swung her sword in the air that flowed toward my neck. But I catch the blade with ease and smash it into the pieces as if that were nothing.

My power astonished everyone there. They couldn't believe their eye that the cute child had just broken the incoming sword from Mspiien. Her daughters were all shocked after witnessing this especially Gozen "He was hiding his power all this time what in the world this human is?"

Mspiien looked at me with narrow eyes and spoke "You are not weak male, You are hiding your true strength even more you are immortal! but that doesn't mean I'm going to leave you alive either until I hear your painful scream" 

"You haven't haven't introduced yourself to me yet why don't you land some time to let me know about you besides you are older compared to me and have this anger," I said gently in my cute voice which can stick to a woman's heart like an arrow.

Mspiien still stared at me with disgust despite looking at my face "I'm Mspiien Gyzen the head of the Gyzen family and these are my beloved daughters. I'm Ice goddess Sendra one of the most loved disciples she has ever had. And I'm here to punish you for what you have taken away our goddess' virginity and for having an intimate night with her. I cannot live any male freely after that"

"That's such a silly reason for killing me Mspiien are a fool you don't even care about Sendra's feelings you only doing what you wish, ignoring that she has already given herself to me as her wife she loved me dearly, you need to accept this fact sooner or later if you close your eyes you become blind but the world won't it keeps going how it used to be. And even if Sendra comes to know that you hurt me she would not leave you alive," I said and looked at her.

The spectators stared at me dazed as if they were listening to some story and legend they were speechless after hearing my reasoning which sounded right that Mspiien was doing what she wanted to do ignoring Sendra her own life.

"You human, You called me a fool who do you are? How did you dare to refer me to something like that? I'm going to kill you!-"

But before she could say anything something dropped from the sky which attracted everyone to the sources of that sound. "Everyone there is an intrusion"

Every soldier immediately circles the intruder and waits for the moment to attack. The smoke soon faded and the figure came into vision. Soldiers' eyes were in disbelief after recognizing this figure. 

"Zavten Empen!"