Quantum pixel

When smoke fads away every female soldier was in shock at what they were witnessing.

"Zavaten empen!"

I saw a bulky old man with a beard, wearing a bear fur behind his rear. His narrow sharp eyes gave the aura of a hunter who has been killing his prey without showing mercy. When his sharp eyes fall on me he grins in pleasure.

"He is Zavaten Empen the third and last family of the ice realm I wasn't expecting him here" I Mused and looked as a spectator.

Soon another figure appeared behind me from the white hole, his body was covered in bandages and plasters anyone could say that he had suffered from a bad accident. he was none other than Suquen Epquen.

Half hour ago

Zavatan family mansion.

"Lord Zavatan we had trouble. Suquen family head is here in critical injury" One soldier opened the door of the Zavaten room.

Zavatan looked at the soldier coldly before he uttered his words " Suquen Epquen! He is a critically injured?" Zagaten stared and immediately ran to see what was going on with Suquen. when he arrived his expression turned from curious to shock. Many butlers and maids are watching the horrifying scene.

"Zavaten... Ahhhhh!" Epquen let out his painful screams when the healer tried to heal his wound.

"What happened to you who gave you all this wound?" Zavaten's approach to Epquen as his curiosity is reaching its pick.

Epquen began to explain the Human whom he brought to give him punishment had given this all injury to him. Zavaten listened to all the incidents that happened to him. He showed a weird smile.

"Prepare the warship we are going to hunt down that human now" Zavaten looked behind his soldiers and said with joy.

"As your wish. The warship will be ready in 10 minutes" the soldier said left immediately.

"Finally I got real prey after many years of search. I haven't hunted any beast or monsters in the past 100 years but today I found none other than that human I wanna enjoy this hunting"

Current now

"That child over there that elf is holding is human he is hiding his true strength we have to kill him together at once," said Epquen in frustration when he saw my face.

"What you both are doing here? And Suquen who are you still alive?" Mspiien was shocked to see that both family heads had fastened up to kill Xzson.

"What I'm doing here? It is very straightforward I'm here to hunt that human who has defiled our goddess. If I were you I would already kill that human rather than negotiate" Zavaten spoke with a profound smile of joy and stared at me with his eyes hungry for my head.

"This is going to be much more fun when I break his attitude of eyes which he using to make me run for hunting" I mumbled inwardly while glancing at Zavaten.

Mspiien's daughters and her all soldiers were in a confused shape seeing this ongoing commotion between three family heads. The spectator couldn't help but stay silent and observe from a corner.

"Zavaten and Epquen explain what you both are planning to commit in my revenge. Don't come in my way get out of here or you both will pay the price!" Mspiien spoke and waited for their response.

"Mspiien are you blind? Don't you see? That human is stronger than each of us we can't kill him one-on-one but if we attack together we can capture him" Epquen spoke. He strains to convince Mspiien to attack a human at once it would be much easier and less time-consuming instead of a one-on-one fight.

After a lot of thought, Mspiien gave a slight nod "Fine, let's team up for only this time until we kill or capture him alive. My daughters do as I say"

"Yes, mother," Her daughters said at the same time.

Epquen's joy escalated to the sky seeing everything thing proceeding that he wished "Now, we all are together we can sure take down that human!"

Mspiien, Epquen, Zavsten, her daughter, and all the soldiers become animosity and draw their weapons towards me. While my daughter and female soldiers were reluctant to hurt the human.

"Are we going to hurt him? No, I cannot hurt a child like him instead I rather lock him in the house and take care of him"

"I cannot hurt such a cute child. They are monsters they don't have heart"

"F#ck this all! I need to protect that child I want to take him with me"

"Mother has gone crazy in anger of revenge if I don't stop her now she will end up killing him"

Luna seeing this all could not control her worry she pulled my robe and said "Onii-chan this isn't good they are going to attack us together at once. We will be dead!"

(Host, if multiple threats are detected near you suggest finding an escape,)

I stare in all directions coldly "I wasn't hoping that the entire realm would go against the fight with me and things are getting more nastier passing time. I can't fight with all of them now at once and I don't have enough mana more importantly, Luna is with me. If I fight I won't be able to protect her"

I begin to curse myself for being stuck Luna with me in a death situation. If I had listened to her and directly headed toward the ice palace I wouldn't in this condition.

"F#ck I don't have many options to create a clone and make them busy meanwhile Luna and I can find an escape" While I was planning the system feminine echo in my head.

(Host, making a clone in this situation wouldn't be a good notion. There are multiple hostile gazes and trying to make each of them clone would consume time while they can attack you)

(Instead, I can give you some while you can find a way to escape)

"Huh? You can... But how?"

(Just leave it to me! Please let me take my humanoid appearance Host!)

I was still confused by the system's suggestion but in this critical situation I didn't think too much and let the system do whatever she wished "Okay, system delay their attack while I find a way to flee"

Suddenly a white light emerged out of the blue, from my rear.

"What is that light? It is coming from that human, what he is doing?" Zavaten pondered as stared at me with anticipation

"Something doesn't seem good" Epquen mumbles and his bagger with agony.

Soon system's human appearance becomes visible to everyone. Each one's jaw dropped when they saw the system's loveliness and beauty like a goddess from heaven.

"What you again" Luna was surprised to see again system's human form once again, but the system didn't reply to her, which made her angry, Luna couldn't help but keep looking at her sulking

"What? What beauty is she?"

"She is so beautiful!"

"She is Goddess!"

Everyone's eyes were wide open when the system's capitative appearance distracted them. They looked at her as if they were watching a Goddess.

Zavaten eyes were locked on System's reaction naked body, being old his lust for woman was dead long ago, only the sight of Sendra could wake his sexual desire but watching the beauty being the human child his manhood arose after many years "Ice queen, what in the her beauty is? My lust is going beyond my regime. I cannot stop my manhood desire to have this lass in my head"

(Quantum pixels!)

System hands are suddenly covered in many tiny pixels which immediately scatter around and cover everyone's waist and hands making them immobilised.