The door is sealed?

"Quantum pixels? The system explained to me this" I asked from the system while witnessing the pixels immobilise everyone who was animosity toward me.

(Host quantum pixel is the forbidden knowledge which has been far beyond hidden from the mortal and God's approach, to use this power user has to understand quantum knowledge and physics. Only one user has managed to use this quantum magic in this world millions of years ago)

"And who was that user" I asked from the system in curiosity.

(#|~%#*&, Host my data is corrupted the request information cannot be granted)

I saw a strange pattern which I couldn't read even though I tried 10 times. "I can't understand these words what are they? More than that system can I use quantum power pixel?"

(host you could use these powers but you cannot now due to your body being possessed by Qi devouring venom and understanding its function would consume more time before you can master this)

System Explained which made me more confused and sad that I couldn't use this power.

"What sorceries is this I can't witness this type of power before" Epquen spoke in shock as the pixel tightened its grip breaking his plasters and already broken fractures and making him let out pain full scream in agony.


While Epwuen was suffering in pain Zavaren and Msppiien realized that they were tied up.

"What this thing wrapped around me"

"This magic is controlled by that lass, she must be a God messenger she cannot be taken lightly"

Both of them tried to break free but each attempt failed. While soldiers and her daughters were struggling to stand up.

Luna was astonished to see that I had swapped the situation to 180° " Onii-chan, please explain to me, who she is and what kind of magic she is performing it's clear that she isn't using any mana"

"Luna I will explain to you later we have got Sendra Aura to leave this realm as soon as possible, she won't be able to hold her for long," I said to Luna but unwieldy I never desire to run away like a coward ever again from bastard like those. " I don't have any choice but to escape but I will kill them once I come back"

Luna didn't force me to answer nor did she ask any further questions. She gave me a nod extending her hand to carry her.

I carried her in my chest and looked at the system. "System, we are going now!"

(host once you escape I won't be able to hold them you have to fly away immediately)

"Okay now!" I shout as immediately disappear from where I was standing, the pixel fades away as everyone regains their mobility to move.

"That f#cking human runs like weaklings. Once I capture you I will not let you go anywhere you f#cher!" Mspiien curses the human child loudly, she turns to her soldiers "Ready the iron cannon now"

"As you wish," Soldier said and walked away.

Epquen struggles to move. His bone fractured again and plasters were scattered in pieces. He somehow reached his lower rob and took out a healing potion. After drinking he feels relief but the fracture pain didn't fade away.

"That girl was so beautiful I had never seen anything like her before except our goddess but her beauty was far superior to her" Epquen's thought flowed with the images of the girl floating behind that human who looked like an angel of God. Just one image of her made his manhood hard and his intense desire for sex with her.

"That girl was so beautiful I almost lost my focus that I came here to hunt that human down." Zavaten woke up and wiped the dust from his attire.

"Zavaten that human is going toward the ice palace for Ice Goddess Aura if we don't reach there on time he will -" Before Epquen could complete his phrases Zavaten interrupted him.

"Don't act like a dimwit. He can't take her Aura the room is being sealed and cannot be opened until he has the key, only we three possess them separately each" Zavaten spoke with a laugh.

"I-I almost forgot about that he can't open the door. In the meantime, we will take him down" Epquen signed a relief and both looked at Gyzen's head.

"I'm coming too"

"We are almost there I can see the Ice Palace " I thought and saw the giant palace made of ice crystal which looked similar to what I had seen beyond that mountain then I met the Sendra first time.

Then I landed on the ground I was again surrounded by the guards. Each one of them wearing white armour with an emblem on their chest of a woman who looks like Sendra. They pointed spears at me with vigilant gazes.

"Who are you, how dare to put your filthy foot on our Goddes's residence" one soldier asked as his patience was losing.

Luna stays behind me and observes everything quietly.

"I won't take you again speak or both of you will die" the soldiers shouted at me again loudly at this time.

"System a clone quickly"

(Okay host,)


(Scanning completed)

"Good now you all die"

I immediately fly toward the soldiers and smash their heads on the ground killing them intently.

"What! He killed our guards kill him-" Before others could say or react I smashed their skulls on the floor giving them the instant deaths.


"where I can't see that bastard-"


"come out or I will kill this elf-"


"He is a monster! Ring the alarm-"


I didn't stop and kill all the soldiers until the ground became bloodier, those who were blocking my path were all dead, their bodies without heads lying on the ground.

"Who do they think you all are? I'm your Goddess husband you should show me respect instead of these useless hostile looks." I said and looked at Luna.

"Onii-chan you were ruthless but I like this. Your ruthless nature makes you cool and unapproachable for those who think you are cute but can't do anything" Luna said as she grabbed my hands.

"Thank you Luna for your compliment but I cannot say much we must hurry and take that Sendra Aura"

Luna smiles and gives me a nod.