Frostreign Glaciusblade

"System, can you scan this palace chamber for any secret passages that lead elsewhere?" I queried the system and surveyed my surroundings once more.

"Yes, host. Please provide a directive, and I will scan the entire building at once," the system responded.

(Scanning... 1%... 20%... 50%... 100%, scanning completed!)

"Host, I have discovered a massive space directly below your feet, approximately 3,500 feet deep underground," the system reported.

"What? There's a massive space beneath me!"

I immediately peered down and observed something concealed with an unusual white concrete. When I reached down to touch the ground, it felt as cold as ice, reminiscent of the depths of a frosty ocean.

"System, what is this icy substance on the ground? It's obstructing the path to the other side."

(Scanning... Host, the ground is covered in 'Frostvile barrier,' a formidable enchantment rooted in the power of ice magic. When activated, it creates a semi-translucent barrier of enchanted ice that spans the width of a path, blocking any attempt to pass through.

However, Frostveil, while a formidable barrier against most forms of intrusion, harbors a critical weakness to the power of fire magic, specifically pyrokinesis. When subjected to sustained and concentrated flames generated through magical means, the enchanted ice weakens and eventually melts away.)

"So, it is vulnerable to fire! Then this should be a piece of cake," I mumbled inwardly, staring at the ground.

Seeing me focused on the ground, Luna became puzzled. "Onii-chan, what are you looking at? Is... Is there something below us?" Luna asked, shifting her gaze to the icy surface.

"Luna, move backward. I'm going to use fire magic on this place. Try to hide behind the door," I instructed, moving my right hand to face the ground.

Watching me, Luna nodded and walked to hide behind the door, while the clone also took cover on the other side. I immediately unleashed a torrent of fire upon the ground. The 'Frostvile barrier' began to vaporize like water. Soon, I stopped casting the flames and examined what lay beneath.

"What in the world is this now?" Once again, I found myself engulfed in surprise. Luna also joined me, her eyes widening in shock as she looked at the unexpected sight.

"What could this be, Onii-chan?"

"I don't have the answer, at least not for now."

As we gazed at the ground, we discovered an elliptical snowflake scripture depicting a colossal Dragon, unlike anything I had seen in the Dragon transformations of Rose and Tojorun. Its scales were intricately curved, and its expansive wings were as smooth as feathers, defying adequate description. However, the condition of the scripture wasn't ideal; numerous pieces were missing, hindering our understanding of this unknown race or creature.

"Hey, explain this ancient scripture to me. Who is this dragon?" I asked the clone. He approached and responded, "This is Frostwyrm Glacius, the legendary Ice Dragon who lived in the ice realm millions of years ago. He ruled and guarded our land for centuries. Unfortunately, one day, he was killed by an unknown creature from another world."

As the clone provided this information, I walked to the scripture, examining it once again. Luna, wearing a curious expression, questioned, "What do you mean by this unknown creature?"

The clone shook his head from side to side and shrugged his shoulders, leaving Luna disappointed.

"I don't think he would have the information we need. He's just a guard doing his job for a monthly payment. Leave him here—" I was interrupted as a voice echoed in my head again, but louder this time.


"Och! My ears! This is coming from down there! Is someone calling me? If this voice keeps ringing in my head, it will explode. Let's check this out, Luna, cling to me. Now, we are going down," I declared as I blasted the ancient scripture. Once the scripture was destroyed, I peered down into the dark abyss that seemed to lead to a hall.

"Onii-chan, are you sure we'll be safe down there in the dark?" Luna asked, looking down at the ominous crater with fear in her eyes.

"The answer will be known after we go down there," I replied and moved toward the crater. Luna nodded, clinging to my waist. After a brief contemplation of the dark crater, I jumped down with Luna holding onto me tightly.

As we descended, the temperature rapidly dropped. Sensing that the surface was approaching, I used some mana to slow down our speed and land safely. Upon touching the surface, a chill, frosty breeze swept through me, even though my feet were covered.

"Down here is ridiculously cold. The temperature is almost reaching the negative. Staying here any longer would freeze us to death," I pondered, looking at Luna.

"Onii-chan... this... so... cold... I... can't endure... this... longer," she stammered, trembling from the extreme cold. She wrapped herself in my attire, seeking warmth.

I petted Luna's head and released a warm stream to comfort her. She stopped shaking and exhaled a sigh of relief. I gazed into her green eyes and said, "We will leave after I find out the source of this voice."


Once again, the loud, brain-killing squeak assaulted my ears, making me wince. "Aaaaaaaa! This voice wants to kill me with this squeak. Where exactly is it coming from?" I shouted, scanning my surroundings.

As my gaze traversed the surroundings, my eyes were ensnared by a captivating sight — a magnificent longsword, a crystalline masterpiece of blue and white hues. Its blade, reminiscent of an intricate snowflake, was firmly lodged within a substantial boulder. Above it, a gentle cyan glow descended, casting an ethereal radiance that elevated the sword's grandeur.


"This squeak is coming from this sword!" I covered my ears and looked at Luna. "She doesn't seem to be hearing this voice. Why am I the only one who is hearing this? Curse this fate," I thought as I approached the sword and gripped its hilt.

As I touched the sword, an intense frosty aura flowed through my entire body, and my hand was covered in a layer of snowflakes. I immediately pushed Luna away and attempted to cast a spell, but the sword abruptly started draining my mana. Realizing that my attempts had failed, I immediately called the system.

"System, what is happening? I can't use my magic, and my mana is being drained."

(Warning, host. Your mana is being drained by a soul weapon.)

(If the host doesn't stop it from sucking your mana, you will die in 10 seconds.)

"I will die in 10 seconds!" Startled by the system's warning, I swallowed hard and looked back at the sword. "What the f#ck! Why is it sucking my mana? No, I don't have much to waste, or my life will be gone in vain! System, how am I supposed to stop this from sucking my mana?" I urgently asked the system.

(Host, you have to merge your soul with the soul weapon-)

"Do it now or you will be killed with me."

(Okay, the system has begun merging your soul with the soul weapon.)

Luna, on the other hand, stared at me blankly, unsure of what was happening. When she saw that my hand was covered in snowflakes, she ran toward me. "Onii-chan, your hand! Your hand is turning into ice. Leave that sword now-"

"Don't touch me. Stay there. Don't come near!" Hearing my shouts, Luna halted and looked at my grim face, realizing that something wasn't right. She didn't move and stayed in one place with a worried look on her face.

(Warning, 3 seconds remaining before your mana ends.)

(System is merging your soul.)

"Do it nowwww!" I closed my eyes and shouted with all my might.


After a few seconds, I slowly opened my eyes and realized that the sword had stopped draining my mana, but the snowflakes still clung to my hands like superglue. "Huh? What happened? It stopped sucking my mana? Has the system merged my soul with the weapon?"

(Host, soul emerging has succeeded!)

(Host has received a new soul weapon Frostreign Glaciusblade)

(congratulation, host for Soul Weapon recognizing you as the new master)

(Frostreign Glaciusblade)

(This blade, crafted from the essence of the long-gone ice dragon, carries the chilling power of its frozen breath and the majestic aura of its rule over the ice realm. The Frostreign Glaciusblade is said to have the ability to freeze time momentarily upon a strike, encapsulating its foes in an icy stasis. Legends tell of its wielder harnessing the ancient dragon's power to command the very essence of frost in battle.)