Past memories part 1

Meanwhile, inside the soul void...

Frosty observed my body resting on the icy grass. My eyes were closed, and my body was motionless. She had sent my soul into her illusion world, hoping I would find a way to escape from there.

[I didn't expect you to have such a dark past, Xzson. What actually happened to you that your mana is this unstable? I hope you find a way to escape,] 

She realized that the illusion world she created from my past memories was more dangerous than she had anticipated. Creating an illusion world and escaping from it is no small feat for anyone, especially for mortals. But the dark past I carried was too much, even for her.

System, noticing that I hadn't moved, grew concerned and came to check on me. She held my cheek and examined me closely.

(Host, wake up!)

[Hey, what are you doing there? Stop now or you'll push him into the abyss of nightmares!]

Frosty saw the System interfering with my body and tried to shake her off. However, the System refused to leave me alone.

(Quantum Barrier)

The System created an invisible shield around us as she clung to my body.

[Forbidden magic! So she's the one behind his strength. Hey, listen, you soulmate! Open this damn barrier or I'll break it myself!]

Frosty shouted at the System, but her voice didn't reach inside. She sighed and tried to break the barrier, but each attack failed. She used her ice aura, careful not to harm my body.

[*Smash* *Smash* *Smash*]

[What in the ice realm is this barrier made of? My overwhelming ice is useless against it. I've never seen anything like this. What kind of magic does she possess?]

Frosty couldn't help but look at the System clinging to my body. All she could do was hope that the System didn't disturb me while I was inside the illusion world.


When the crowd heard my voice, they turned around and looked at me. I stood in the same place, my eyes fixed on my mom in her luxurious dress, holding a child in her embrace. Beside her was a dark-skinned man with colored hair, showing off his sports cars to my classmates. There was no doubt she was living her desired life with him.

When Mom heard the familiar voice calling her, she looked at me with wide eyes in surprise and murmured, "Xzson!"

She saw my disheveled dress and my face looking very sick. She knew that Suzon had disappeared without a trace, leaving me alone.

"Is that f#cking loser Xzson calling this woman 'mom'?"

"I heard that too! There's no way this woman is related to him. Look at her, she doesn't even look the same."

"That f#cker's lost in his own world. Will he ever come to his senses?"

My classmates started speaking ill of me as soon as I called out to Mom. They didn't know that the woman in the luxurious dress was my actual mom, who had left me for a better future. I couldn't help but stare at her, standing there with the man and the child she was holding, but I couldn't do anything about it. She had chosen this life, leaving me behind.

"Mom, are you happy with that man?" I asked her, looking directly into her face. My classmates glared at me with annoyed looks, clearly wishing I would go away.

"F#ck off, Xzson. Go away or I'll kick your butt!"

"Do you want to be forced to strip in class again? If you don't walk away, you will!"

The dark-skinned man recognized me immediately. He pulled Mom closer, smirking as he whispered to her, "Isn't that your son from your previous ex? *smirk* Hehehe. You see, you made a great choice coming with me. If you had stayed with them, you'd probably be as pathetic as that f#cker."

"Don't say that. Stop this," Mom said, shaking her head. She didn't want to hear him speak badly of me, but she felt powerless after Suzon had left. She looked at me with a sad expression and sad I'm sorry without moving her lips.

"Uahhhh!" The child in her embrace started to cry, Mom looked at her baby and immediately tried to stop his sobbing.

"Do you want me to take him with us?" The dark-skin man spoke with a smile, he saw my condition and wanted to see me more suffer and mom was my preferred thing to use against me. Mom's eyes widened in shock when she listened to him but before she could reply he put a figure on her lips.

The dark-skinned man looked at me with a smirk. "Xzson! It's been a year since I saw you. I see you've become like a beggar. Hehehe!"

He laughed at me, mocking my appearance. My classmates were surprised to see that this rich man knew my name.

"They know each other? Wait, is that woman really that f#cker's mom?"

"No way, you've got to be kidding!"

Everyone started chatting about this revelation, while I stared at the dark-skinned man. I knew he wasn't someone who would help without expecting something in return.

"I need a worker to clean my toilet, or you could become my dog. What do you say?" He spat and barely held back his laughter.

My classmates erupted into laughter as they heard him. They clutched their bellies, looking at me with mocking expressions.

"Toilet cleaner and personal dog! Hahaha! What else could we expect?"

"Hay Xzson, The rich man is offering you whether you become a toilet cleaner or his personal dog. I suggest you choose now or he will change his mind"

They continued to mock me, their laughter echoing through the surroundings and attracting everyone's attention.

Mom looked at him in disbelief at the dark-skinned man's words, but she couldn't speak back or stop him. She stood there, refusing to look at me.

"Wait, did you really think I'd let someone else's kid live off my money? F#ck you, bastard. Go live in poverty with your father. Oh, I'm sorry, did I forget that he left you because you're so f#cked up that even he refused to help you? Eheheh!" His laughter grew louder as he showed me his middle finger. Others joined in, laughing at me together.

I lowered my head, and my eyes became teary and blurred. I couldn't understand why I was enduring all this, why I was the only one standing here crying while everyone else laughed at me with joy. Why did I have to see my mom standing with the man who took her away from me, just watching and not doing anything? Why was no one helping me? This was the question I asked myself. Why?

"Why? *Sob* Why? *Sob Sob* Why am I being left alone and looked down upon? Why?" Tears dripped from my eyes as my body started to tremble. I sensed I had reached my limit for enduring this humiliation, both mentally and physically. I could barely stand, but I didn't know if this was just the beginning.

"Hey, f#cking loser Xzson!"

I turned around and saw a familiar figure. A chill ran through my spine as this figure approached me. He looked at me with disgust, disdain, and a cruel joy at seeing my miserable state.
