Super Spiritual Talent

 Wu Yun and the two walked in.

  A simple and magnificent hall appeared in front of their eyes.

  In the hall, there are many counters, and the counters are filled with a variety of items.

  Elixirs, pills, weapons, demon crystals, martial arts...

  Looking around, all kinds of objects filled the eyelids, and judging from the fineness, it was clear that these objects were not ordinary things.

  "This is much richer than the trading workshop in Qingyang Town!" Wu Yun sighed.

  Lin Dong: "But they all look expensive."

  "Hey, what is this?"

  The two were quickly attracted by a cyan cloth bag.

  It has a price on it.

  "Low-level Qiankun bag, forty-eight Yangyuan stones!"

  "A bag is so expensive." Lin Dong whispered.

  "Little brother, this is a low-grade Qiankun bag. It is made of Qiankun wood, and a second seal talisman master engraved the runes. Don't look at it's small size, but it can hold something as big as a counter inside. Carrying it can save you a lot of trouble."

  Seeing that Wu Yun and the two seemed to be interested in the Qiankun bag, the young man in Tsing Yi quickly introduced it with a smile.

  Wu Yun: "Do you still have this Qiankun bag? Let's buy two!"

  "Yes, yes, yes!" Seeing that Wu Yun asked for two, the young man in Tsing Yi hurriedly said.

  "We don't have Yang Yuan Stone, but we have this!" Wu Yun took out a bottle of elixir from his bosom, which they refined with a third-grade elixir.

  These third-grade pills have little effect on them now.

  Soon a person in charge came to identify the elixirs, and the two sides negotiated the price, and finally spent 15 elixirs and won two Qiankun bags.

  The two of them took the Qiankun bag, experienced it immediately, and put all the things they bought just now into it.

  "It's really convenient and practical!" Wu Yun was satisfied.

  "Brother, what is the talisman master he mentioned just now? It's amazing that he can refine such a thing." Lin Dong asked curiously.

  I feel that the profession of Fushi is also very profitable!

  Wu Yun: "I've heard from my master that during the journey of martial arts, there have been many side branches, and this talisman master is one of them. The so-called talisman master, in the final analysis, is just another kind. The only difference in the method of casting the Yuanli is that this method also needs to be driven by spiritual power, which can condense the Yuanli of heaven and earth into strange runes."

  "What is spiritual power?"

  "Spiritual power is also a kind of power... let's go, you will know it in the future!"

  "Brother is really well-informed!"

  Lin Dong was full of admiration, but Wu Yun just smiled lightly. At this time, Lin Dong hadn't left Xinshou Village yet, so he didn't know much about it.

  And he will be a master of spiritual power in the future!

  "Brother, these runes are so strange!"

  Lin Dong looked at the runes on the Qiankun bag, and was surprised to be caught in it.

  "Sure enough, he is worthy of being the son of the plane. He showed a powerful talent just after he came into contact with it." Wu Yun secretly sighed, Lin Dong actually had a mental reaction to the rune for the first time.

  When Lin Dong was watching the runes on the Qiankun bag to stimulate his spiritual power, a drowsy old man in gray clothes suddenly opened his eyes in a corner of the hall of the Strange Object Building, and turned his head to Lin Dong's. Direction, his eyes focused on Lin Dong, and a deep look of shock flashed through his eyes.

  "What a strong spiritual talent!" the old man muttered to himself.

  "I'll take a look too!"

  Wu Yun was curious, so he also studied the runes on the Qiankun bag.

  "Well, there is indeed a clue!"

  In just three seconds, Wu Yun actually saw something in it.

  Vaguely, he felt that his surrounding vision was blurred, but the runes on the Qiankun bag became more and more clear.

  In this strange state, a special fluctuation suddenly came out of Wu Yun's mind.

  "Could it be spiritual power.


  At this time, the invisible spiritual power penetrated from the brain one by one, and finally it was slowly outlined in front of him, which was exactly the rune he saw just now.

  "Well, there is actually a stronger one!"

  The old man turned his eyes to Wu Yun in shock.

  Just now Lin Dong only outlined half of the rune, but Wu Yun outlined the entire rune.

  "Spiritual power is different from ordinary people!"

  Master Yan sighed.

  Lin Dong's mental power is still within the range of normal people, so Wu Yun's mental power has already surpassed normal people, even twice that of normal people.

  When Lin Dong woke up from that weird state, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

  He looked at Wu Yun with lingering fear, seeing that he was also in the state he had just been in, waiting quietly.

  Lin Dong: "Brother doesn't seem to be under any pressure, he really deserves to be a big brother."

  Soon Wu Yun also woke up from that state.

  Lin Dong: "How about it, brother, have you outlined all the strange runes?"

  Wu Yun: "Well, what about you?"

  Lin Dong: "I only sketched half of it, and I can't take it anymore."

  "It's strange, do I also have a talent for mental power?" Wu Yun was puzzled.

  According to this meaning, his spiritual talent is stronger than Lin Dong.

  In the future, Lin Dong will be a character at the talisman ancestor level.

  If the original owner, Wu Yun, had such a strong spiritual talent, it would be impossible for him to pass through Xinshou Village without being heard of.

  "It should be because of my time travel."

  Wu Yun thought, UU reading www. The spiritual power of is to a certain extent the power of the soul, the power of ideas, and the fusion of the original owner's memory is naturally equivalent to the fusion of the original owner's soul.

  "Hey, are you selling this pill?"

  A crisp and arrogant voice suddenly came, interrupting the communication between Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

  The two looked back. Behind the counter next to the Qiankun bag they bought just now, a woman in a light red dress asked with Wu Yun's pill bottle just now.

  "Well, that's right."

  "Is there any more? I want to buy more from you!" said the woman in red.

  "Sorry, no more."

  Wu Yun simply refused!

  "You must still have it, don't worry, sell it to me, and I will give you a satisfactory price!" The woman continued to ask, her complexion was already a little bit bad.

  Apparently, she is rarely turned down!

  "I've told you it's gone. If you don't believe me, you can come and search." Wu Yun spread his hands and said rascally.

  "Where did the country bumpkin come from, dare to tease Qingxu?"

  At this time, a handsome man in a brocade robe came quickly, looked at Wu Yun and the two with disdainful eyes, then turned his head and said enthusiastically to the woman in red.

  "Hehe, Qingxu, if you need pills, just tell me, who else do you need to buy?"

  The woman in red frowned slightly, obviously impatient with this young master.

  Well, it's the second generation of dog licking rich... Wu Yun slightly shook his head.

  Why do I say "again"?

  This trick is all too common.

  Obviously, this rich second generation wants to use Wu Yun and Lin Dong to please the goddess.

  "Oh, let's go!"

  Wu Yun pulled Lin Dong up and prepared to leave. They are indeed country bumpkins now, and they can't afford to play with these city people.