Apprenticeship Yanxuan

Seeing Wu Yun and the two turn around and leave, the man in brocade twitched his mouth in disdain.

  But the woman in red was in a hurry, and blamed,

  "Hey, don't spoil me. It seems that only they have this pill. I haven't seen it anywhere else."

  The man in brocade clothes was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that he would ruin the goddess.

  "Ah, then I'll call you back."

  Pointing at Wu Yun and the two, he proudly shouted,

  "You two wait."

  Wu Yun ignored him and continued on his own.

  He is in a hurry.

  He rushed up fiercely and grabbed Wu Yun's shoulder.

  "I can't stop you, get out!"

  Wu Yunyuan force surged out, and he pushed him away with a backhand palm.

  "How dare you fight back, do you know the Liu family in Yancheng?" the man in brocade clothes said angrily.

  His arm was numb from Wu Yun's palm just now.

  "Come again!" The green light of his palms converged, and the thick vitality gushed out.

  "Late Earth Element Realm!"

  Wu Yun frowned, he didn't expect to meet a rich second generation randomly, and it turned out to be the late stage of the Earth Origin Realm.

  The world of Yancheng is indeed bigger.

  He also displayed his Xuanyu hands, his palms were like white jade, lingering in ice blue.


  The two palmed each other again.

  The man in brocade was sent flying by Wu Yun's black jade hand, but luckily a middle-aged man following him caught him.

  But Wu Yun was taken aback,

  "What the hell, flashy!"

  He secretly commented.

  This brocade-clothed man has the strength of a late-stage Earth Origin Realm, but he has a lot of energy and doesn't gather it together, so he is not as good as a mid-Earth Origin Realm.

  "Master, you are no match for him!"

  After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he was ready to make a move. His origin force surged, and the strength of the Tianyuan realm burst out in an instant.

  Both Wu Yun and Lin Dong were nervous, the two became more cautious, one drew his sword and the other formed a seal, ready to fight.

  "In the Building of Odd Objects, fighting is prohibited. Don't you guys know this rule?"

  A deep voice came from behind Wu Yun and the two of them.

  Wu Yun turned his head, and at some point, the old man in gray was already standing behind them.

  "Master Rock!"

  The woman in red and the two members of the Liu family quickly saluted respectfully.

  Master Yan just glanced at them indifferently, ignored them, and instead looked at Wu Yun and Lin Dong with a smile.

  He pointed out with one hand, and two invisible forces submerged into the eyebrows of Wu Yun and Lin Dong respectively.

  "Can't move!"

  Wu Yun was horrified to find that at this moment he lost control of his body.

  As for Master Yan, seeing the unusually lively and restless spiritual power in the minds of the two of them, especially Wu Yun's spiritual power is close to the level of a Yinfu master, a look of surprise appeared on his old, unsmiling face .

  "You two, are you interested in becoming a talisman master?"

  As soon as this word comes out!

  People around were amazed.

  Master Yan's status is too noble, he is the only four-seal talisman master in Yancheng, and his status is not lower than the city lord.

  He even offered to take these two people as disciples!

  In Yancheng, I don't know how many people want to worship Master Yan as a teacher, but they have no chance. These two people were actually recruited by Master Yan.

  The woman in red and the man in brocade were dumbfounded.

  The person Master Yan valued was actually offended by them just now.

  Wu Yun and Lin Dong looked at each other, and there was hesitation in Lin Dong's eyes.

  "I think, if I can become a talisman master, of course I am willing to, but we have already occupied too much time in practicing martial arts on weekdays, and if we are distracted to practice the way of talisman masters, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve anything. This is too big a matter, please also master Let us go back and discuss it with our family, and if we have made up our minds, we will come to the master again!" Wu Yun said implicitly.

  He didn't directly refuse!

  Master Yan is the strongest person in Yancheng,

Can serve as an umbrella for their early development.

  In the original book, Lin Dong was worried that the stone talisman would be exposed so he did not worship him as a teacher, but he also accepted the gift from Master Yan, which is equivalent to being a master and apprentice.

  Wu Yun felt that it was impossible for his system to be exposed, so he didn't have to worry about it. He had no worries about taking Master Yan as his teacher.

  Moreover, Master Yan is a good man.

  "Hey, well, you must think about it carefully, or you will waste your great mental talent." Master Yan said very regretfully.

  Such a good spiritual genius, no one can bear to give up, he naturally has a heart of love.

  If you can't receive them as apprentices, you may regret it for a long time.

  He took out two items from the universe bag, one was two identical talisman cards, and a dry book.

  The talisman was given to each of the two, and the booklet was given to Wu Yun.

  "You two can read this book together. If you are interested in talisman masters, you can use this talisman to come to Wanjin Chamber of Commerce to find me!"

  "Thank you Master!"

  After Wu Yun and the two thanked each other, they left the Building of Odd Objects!

  Lin Dong: "Brother, that master Yan is not simple. If we can worship him as a teacher, we will not only learn the skills of a talisman master, but also we will have a backer in Yancheng in the future."

  "Oh, then why were you hesitating just now?"

  "I'm just worried that Master Yan will see the secret of the stone talisman."

  Lin Dong expressed his fears.

  What Master Yan said just now, he must also be moved.

  Wu Yun: "I also thought about this, so I didn't agree immediately. Your worry is not unreasonable. Compared with mine, stone talismans are more likely to be exposed. If you have been close for a long time, it will be difficult to hide it from Master Yan. for such a strong spiritual power. However, Master Yan values ​​us so much, which proves that our spiritual talent must not be weak, and we cannot waste this opportunity. So, I think, I will go to worship Yan Master is a teacher, you don't have to worship, I will teach you after I learn something, that's the safest way."

  "Well, that's it, brother is still thoughtful!"

  After discussing, the two returned to the inn.

  When Luo Cheng and the others came back, Wu Yun told him about Master Yan, omitting the part about Lin Dong.

  "Yun'er, you are actually valued by Master Yan!"

  Luo Cheng said in surprise.

  He knew Master Yan's position in Yancheng better than Wu Yun.

  For the four major forces like Qingyang Town, Master Yan can make them rise or fall with just one word!

  "Bye, why don't you worship, you are blessed to be able to climb Master Yan, Master Yan is stronger than the City Lord, follow him, you can learn skills!"

  Luo Cheng immediately made a decision and agreed to Wu Yun's going to worship under Master Yan.

  Although he is Wu Yun's master, he has always treated Wu Yun as his son, so naturally he doesn't mind Wu Yun having another master, on the contrary, he is happy for Wu Yun.

  "Master Yan took the initiative to recruit you. You didn't agree on the spot. It was a bit rude. I will accompany you to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce to meet Master Yan!"

  Luo Cheng attached great importance to it and asked the others to wait at the inn. He took Wu Yun to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce.

  After a while, when they arrived at the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, Wu Yun showed the talisman.

  "The two of you are actually distinguished guests of Master Yan, please follow me."

  The servant at the door saw that it was Master Yan's talisman, and immediately took them respectfully to the VIP room to wait.

  "I didn't get this kind of treatment when I came to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce before. Master Yan really values ​​you!" Luo Cheng said, he didn't expect the talisman to be so respectable