Talisman Association

Master Yan had just returned from the Building of Odd Objects, and he still had some regrets in his heart, worried that he might miss two genius disciples.

  Suddenly, the steward of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce came to him and told him that someone came to see him with his talisman.

  "Who will come to see me at this time?"

  Master Yan was wondering, but not many people had his talisman.

  Come to the door of the VIP room!

  Yanxuan had already detected Wu Yun through his mental power, and he quickened his pace in surprise.

  "I've seen Master Yan!" Luo Cheng and Wu Yun quickly stood up.

  "You can come to see me, you must have figured it out and are willing to worship under my sect!" Yan Xuan said with a smile.

  "Yes, Master."

  Yan Xuan's mood suddenly improved.

  Luo Cheng then added, "Master Yan, my son, Wu Yunde, is valued by Master. He doesn't understand the prestige of Master, and almost missed Master's teaching. It is his blessing to be able to worship Master as his teacher. This kid didn't agree immediately. ."

  "Oh, you are Wu Yun's father."

  "To be precise, I am his adoptive father. Both of Yun'er's parents died when he was young, so I adopted him."

  Luo Cheng briefly told Master Yan about Wu Yun's situation. This is the etiquette of apprenticeship, and the province's family will check the origin of the disciple.

  Yanxuan: "Crazy Sword Martial Arts, Luocheng, right? Well, Wu Yun will be my disciple of Yanxuan from now on. If you have any difficulties in Crazy Sword Martial Arts, you can come to Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, or you can cooperate with Wanjin Chamber of Commerce. , you take this token, you can go directly to the steward."

  "Thank you, Master!" Luo Cheng said excitedly.

  Being able to climb the high branch of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce is very important to the Crazy Saber Martial Arts. In the future, they will be taken care of in Yancheng. He can directly sell materials such as iron wood and Yangyuan Stone to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce.

  Immediately, Wu Yun saw Yanxuan as his teacher after seeing the apprenticeship ceremony.

  "Well, Yun'er will practice with me for a while first."

  Naturally, Luo Cheng had no objection, and Wu Yun was left behind.

  Wu Yun gave Luo Cheng the copy of Shen Dong Zhang,

  "Master, bring this to Lin Dong."

  He wanted to stay and practice, and he didn't need this exercise when he was with Master Yan.

  After Luo Cheng left, Master Yan asked about Lin Dong.

  "Another kid, why doesn't he come."

  Although Lin Dong's talent was not as perverted as Wu Yun's, it was the strongest he had ever seen besides Wu Yun.

  Wu Yun: "Lin Dong's family is not in Yancheng, so he probably has to go back to discuss with his family, but he probably wouldn't learn the talisman from you, teacher, otherwise he would have come with me just now. Don't miss him anymore."

  "Heh, you kid, it seems like I'm begging you to learn from me, two little guys!" Master Yan couldn't help laughing.

  In fact, Wu Yun's words are too mature.

  "Let's go, follow me to the Talisman Club!"

  "By the way, I have taken in two disciples in Yancheng, and you are the second one. You will be able to meet your senior sister later."

  Wu Yun: "What is a Fushihui?"

  He was not interested in Senior Sister, so he asked about the Master Talisman Association.

  Yanxuan explained: "The Talisman Association is a gathering of Talisman Masters. Every slightly larger city has its own Talisman Association, and Yancheng is no exception. I am the member of the Yancheng Talisman Association. long."

  Introducing the Master of Talismans Association, his tone was rarely proud,

  "There are not many people who know about the Talisman Masters, but it doesn't mean that the Talisman Masters are weak. There are three top forces in Yancheng, you should all know, and the strength of the Talisman Masters is not weaker than them at all, but the Talisman Masters are not weak. There are no such strict rules, relatively speaking, it is a little loose, but this does not hinder its influence."

  It turns out that there is such an amazing organization in Yancheng... Wu Yun said that he has gained knowledge again.

  "It won't be long before you should be able to become a member of the Talisman Society."

  "Then I'm organized too.



  Followed Yanxuan to a remote courtyard, walked in, the inside was very simple, but the environment was very quiet, there were a few simple bamboo houses in front, a large open space in the back, and a tall tower in the depths.

  There are quite a few people inside.

  "The Talisman Master Association is here, and the people here are all Talisman Masters. I usually live here, and you are here to practice during this time."

  "Master Rock!"

  "Master Rock!"

  Everyone who saw Master Yan saluted.

  At the same time, he looked at Wu Yun curiously!

  A young man who can follow Master Yan is no small matter.

  "Go and call Ziyue over!"

  Master Yan commanded a young disciple.

  After a while, a young and beautiful woman came over.

  She is tall and slender, dressed in a purple dress, with snow-like skin, slender willow eyebrows, melon-seeded face, small cherry mouth, and exquisite facial features. Tell others not to approach strangers.

  "Teacher!" The woman called out crisply.

  "Ziyue, you are here. This is the disciple I just accepted, Wu Yun, who will be your junior brother from now on. You should take him to practice first."

  Master Yan directly threw Wu Yun to Ziyue.

  "Oh, Junior Brother!" Ziyue said in surprise.

  There was a slight change in her icy pretty face.

  I didn't expect the teacher to accept a disciple... Ziyue finally looked at Wu Yun seriously. It is definitely not easy to be valued by the teacher and accept a disciple in person.

  At the beginning, Ziyue's talent surpassed all the young people in Yancheng, so she succeeded in becoming a teacher.

  She subconsciously released her mental power to investigate Wu Yun.

  Suddenly, Wu Yun felt something that wanted to be forced into his brain, com He immediately concentrated on resisting.

  "What a strong mental power fluctuation!"

  Ziyue was shocked, even with her mental strength as a second seal talisman master, she couldn't even control Wu Yun.

  And Yanxuan didn't stop when he saw this, just watched silently, he knew Ziyue's temperament, he didn't want her to see clearly, he didn't give up.

  Wu Yun had no choice but to endure the pain to drive away the force, and said quietly when he couldn't bear it anymore,

  "Senior sister, take it easy!"

  Then Ziyue blushed and stopped casting spells.

  This talent is much stronger than I used to be, directly approaching the level of a Yinfu master...Ziyue secretly contrasted in her heart, and when she looked at Wu Yun again, her attitude changed.

  "Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely teach my junior brother how to get started!" Ziyue responded with a rare smile.

  Originally, she didn't like teaching people because she didn't have that patience.

  But geniuses aside!

  "Okay, Xiaoyun, you can practice with your senior sister first, and then ask me if you have any questions!"

  "is teacher!"

  Ziyue: "Let's go, junior brother, you will follow me from now on!"

  Ziyue took Wu Yun to a bamboo hut, helped Wu Yun organize the sheets and bedding and other daily necessities, and also brought him to get acquainted with the environment of the Fushihui.

  During this period, Wu Yun suffered wave after wave of eye attacks.

  Ziyue is the most beautiful goddess in the Talisman Society. There are many people who admire her, but she usually stays away from others, and no one can get close to her!

  However, today, she went to take Wu Yun in and out.

  In the end, the two went straight into a room and didn't come out for a long time.

  In the room, Wu Yun and Ziyue sat facing each other.

  Ziyue: "Junior brother, I've started to practice, let go of your mind and do it with me!"