Old Tao looked at the word Tiandao!

Baiyun's speed is very fast, even if Lin Keer is flying with the sword, he will not be able to keep up for a while.

Within a few sweeps, Bai Yun had already returned to Lin Dong's small courtyard.

Actually, Bai Yun wasn't afraid of Lin Ke'er, if he really wanted to fight her, Bai Yun felt that he could slap her away with a slap.

However, this woman didn't have any malice towards her, unlike the man before, who wanted to touch her as soon as they met.

Therefore, running away is not for oneself, but for not hurting this woman.

If the other party dares to push forward, Bai Yun doesn't mind showing her how powerful the tigress is!

"What a fast speed, what agility!"

Lin Ke'er couldn't help admiring from behind.

Such a big tiger body is actually more flexible than the cat demon. Lin Ke'er even felt a strong threat from the momentum and aura displayed by the other party.

This white tiger might not be weaker than her!

This piqued her curiosity even more.

Among the small branch families, the head of the family is only in the small Yuandan realm, so how could there be a monster comparable to the Yuandan realm in the Great Perfection.

There must be a master in the Lin family in Yancheng.

Seeing the white tiger stop in a secluded small courtyard, Lin Ke'er hovered in the air with her sword.


Xiao Yan in the yard roared, staring at Lin Ke'er viciously, this strange woman was actually chasing his sister.

Xiao Yan, who has always been very brave, with his tiger hair standing on end and his python's tail raised, made a fighting posture, staring at Lin Ke'er, growling!

"There is another tiger!"

Lin Ke'er was surprised, feeling like she had entered a tiger's den in a daze.

Xiaoyan's strength is not weak, and his aura is comparable to that of Yuan Dan's Small Perfection Realm.

"Xiao Yan, don't scare people!"

At this time, a hearty voice came out, the door opened, and Wu Yun came out from inside.

Hearing Wu Yun's call, Xiao Yan obediently put away his fierce look, and moved to Wu Yun's side wagging his tail like a dog licking.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow !

, yelled !'

It wasn't her fault.

"Under Lin Keer, I didn't mean to break into Your Excellency's room on purpose, but just saw the handsome look of this white tiger, and I was yearning for it, so I chased after him to have a look!"

Lin Keer flew down with her sword, and bowed her hands politely. road.

She couldn't see through Wu Yun's cultivation, but seeing that these two demon tigers were getting close to him, she knew that each other must be extraordinary.

Seeing that Wu Yun was about the same age as Lin Dong, she was still wondering if Wu Yun was from the Lin family.

That Lin Dong was enough to surprise her, if there was another Wu Yun, then the Yancheng branch would take off on the same spot!

"Oh, it's nothing. This is your Lin family's territory. I'm just a guest. Bai Yun is a little mischievous and shy. It's good that I didn't hurt you!"

Wu Yun said calmly.

Lin Ke'er regards him as an expert, but it's obviously not suitable to pretend to be an expert now. For the upcoming battle in the ancient tomb palace, they have to meet frequently and pretend to be tired.

Not from the Lin family... Lin Ke'er was a little disappointed.

But he was even more curious about who Wu Yun was.

"The injury didn't hurt me, but it hurt one of my companions!"

Lin Ke'er said in a flat tone, and she couldn't understand what she was trying to express. Was she trying to hold Bai Yun accountable? Or just to mention it?

"Oh, Baiyun hurt someone!"

Wu Yun was slightly surprised, and then checked Baiyun's body.

He himself knew Baiyun well. Although Baiyun didn't like strangers, he wouldn't do anything to them easily, unless the other party had bad intentions.

So, the first thing he did was to see if Baiyun was injured or dirty!

After looking around, Wu Yun found that Baiyun was intact, so Wu Yun said coldly,

"If you were injured by Baiyun, you can only blame your companion for what he deserves. Fortunately, Baiyun was not injured, otherwise I would have to trouble him."

Lin Ke'er frowned slightly, blue light flashed in her double pupils, Wu Yun's tone was very calm, but the meaning expressed was very strong.

He should know that I am from the Lin clan, but he doesn't seem to care...Lin Ke'er thought to himself.

She cupped her hands and apologized,

"It is true that my companion was reckless and almost offended your monster, which caused a misunderstanding, please don't take offense!"

She had just finished speaking when suddenly a group of people came from outside the yard, a The young man in gray said angrily,

"Lin Ke'er, how can you speak for that monster? Didn't you see that it hurt me?"

Lin Zhentian, Lin Dong, and a dignified old man in gray and others left came in.


Lin Dong walked directly to Wu Yun's side.

Lin Zhentian nodded towards Wu Yun.

Qing Tan also tidied up her clothes and came out of the room, stroking the heads of the two tigers to calm them down.

The gray-clothed old man looked deeply at Wu Yun and the two tigers. Just the monsters he raised could defeat Lin Chen, who was in Yuan Dan's Small Perfection Realm, so wouldn't he be a stronger master?

"Old Tao, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding here. Wu Yun is the best friend of our Lin family, and his white tiger often comes to our Lin family and never hurts anyone..."

Before Lin Zhentian finished speaking, a young man from the Lin family said He said ,

"Lin Zhentian, what do you mean? Could it be that brother Lin Chen hit the wall by himself!"

"Yes, it's obviously that evil animal who hurt people!"

"Those who hurt our Lin clan, don't you think that's the way to go! "

You should kill it, and make amends for Brother Lin Chen!"

... Everyone

from the Lin clan followed suit.

In the small city of Yan, as members of the Lin clan, they are incomparably superior.

They look down on these Yancheng bumpkins at all!

The young people of the Lin clan were furious, and the members of the Lin family, including Lin Zhentian and Lin Dong, looked extremely ugly.

Lin Ke'er also frowned deeply, feeling a little impatient with these family members!

She couldn't bear the look of their arrogance after they came out.

He was obviously an ordinary person in the family, but after he came out, everyone felt that he was superior to others.

If you put aside the influence of the clan, most of them went out alone, nothing at all.

"Shut up!"

At this moment, the gray-clothed old man called Tao Lao spoke up and scolded everyone.

He is the leader of the Lin clan this time, with the strength of Yuan Dan Realm Dzogchen.

Tao Lao is also very difficult to do at the moment, he and Lin Zhentian have been friends for many years, so he should give Lin Zhentian some face, but if the head of the family was injured by the demon tiger, if he does not uphold justice, he will not be able to justify it.

"Ke'er, you were there the whole time, tell me what

's going on?" All eyes were on Lin Ke'er.

Now, one word from her can determine the nature of the matter!

Lin Ke'er took a deep breath, and finally decided to tell the truth. She didn't look at her family's winks, and said slowly,

"It was Lin Chen who wanted to get close to the white tiger, and was blown away by the white tiger's sound waves!"

Lin Ke'er When the people of the clan heard this, they became anxious and chattered endlessly, "Sister Ke'er, why are

you talking to outsiders?


What is the difference between monsters in the wild?"

"It's just a savage beast, it deserves to be shot to death!" Wu Yun's eyes


across the faces of these young people who spoke surprisingly, remembering everyone who spoke.

This group of juniors from the Lin clan is even more unreasonable than the group from the previous Tiandaomen.

Typically, they have not been severely beaten by society.

He, Wu Yun, has always acted perversely. He has never lost a quarrel or coaxed a fight.

Nature can't stand it.

"Baiyun, let's go!"

Wu Yun patted Baiyun on the head, and led her towards the group of juniors in the Lin clan who were shouting loudly.

Seeing a person and a tiger walking over calmly, the voices of those juniors stopped abruptly.

Everyone fell silent.

Seeing this, Lin Dong also brought Xiao Yan up, what about the Lin clan, he naturally wanted to stand with his elder brother.

Wu Yun walked up to a young man.

"What are you going to do?" the young man said with a high air.


A slap!

Wu Yun: "It's okay if I touch you, you shouldn't hurt me!"

This is the young man who said before, "What's wrong with touching you, why hurt others?" Look to Mr. Tao for help!

Wu Yun looked at the person who said "Don't get close, it's a beast".

Wu Yun: "I approach your horse, your sister, and all the women in your family. Is it possible? If not, are your horse, your sister, and all the women in your family all pheasants?" The

young man's face turned red, dare not speak.

Because Bai Yun was right next to Wu Yun, she really stared at this group of people, and if anyone dared to fight back, she would slap her paw on it without hesitation.

The tiger king's aura frightened them, so that none of these young juniors dared to stand out.

"Who else!"

"Who said they want to kill Bai Yun!"

"Come and fight!"

Wu Yun took a step forward, and these young people took a step back.

Wu Yun and Bai Yun's aura stunned everyone.

That Tao Lao quickly stood up, "Little friend, please don't be impulsive!"

"I'm very calm, you are the ones who are impulsive, don't you just want to bully others by relying on the Lin clan? Let's see what you bring out !" Shit, a bunch of bullshit trash, without the Lin clan, they are nothing."

Wu Yun turned his head to meet Mr. Tao, confronted him tit for tat, and then ordered Bai Yun to spit at these strong-mouthed kings of the Lin clan,

"Bai Yun , Roar them away!" The

white tiger groaned!

Bai Yun let out a loud roar, and's manic sound waves shook the seven or eight people in front of him, including that Lin Chen, into the air.

She had targeted these people a long time ago, and they were full of malice towards her just now.

"Hey, don't do it..."

Lin Zhentian wanted to stop it, but it was too late, those people were all blown away and hit the wall, excruciating pain.

"This is the price of a broken mouth, Mr. Lin, today I am showing mercy to them because of your face, otherwise they would already be corpses!"

Wu Yun said to Lin Zhentian lightly.

Tao Lao: "Young man, I know you have some strength, but you have just passed the tenuous truth..."

"Okay, you don't need to teach me, you know what's going on in your heart, don't always bully others with your power, and you can't use your power to bully others." You have to look at your opponents, others are afraid of your Lin clan, but I am not."

As Wu Yun said, he waved the token of the inner disciple of Tiandaomen in his hand!

Old Tao looked at the word Tiandao!

His complexion changed drastically!