The power of women, weeds need to be eradicated

What is the matter is already very clear!

But this Tao Lao still couldn't let go of his Lin clan's arrogance, and wanted to use the Lin clan to suppress Wu Yun.

It seems that people in a small place like Wu Yun should be inferior to others, and if you are told not to care about it, you should not care about it.

But Wu Yun won't be wronged by this. If you make me unhappy, I will definitely not be able to make you comfortable.

So, just be tough!

Of course, it would be very unwise to fight against a behemoth like the Lin clan without anything!

Even if they couldn't suppress Wu Yun himself, it would not be easy to deal with the Crazy Saber Martial Arts.

That's why Wu Yun showed the Heavenly Sword Token!

Barking dogs don't bite, but they are tough.

These people can't represent the Lin clan, they are just some juniors of the Lin clan, but they can cause you a lot of trouble to disgust you.

Wu Yun is naturally not worried about himself, at worst, he will kill someone and wander around the world!

But he was worried that these people would take revenge on the Crazy Sword Martial Arts Hall after they inquired about his details, so he showed the Heavenly Sword token just to let them know.

Everyone has a background.

If you want to be reasonable, be reasonable!

Move your fists, move your fists!

Hear the Heavenly Knife Gate!

The juniors of the Lin clan even cried out in pain. They looked at Wu Yun with fear and reverence.

Tao Lao: "This old man is blind. I didn't expect that you are a high-ranking disciple of Tiandaomen. Today, our people are wrong. You have taught them a lesson. Can you just let this matter go!"


"The matter wasn't so serious in the first place. You were the ones chasing after me, but at this point you think I've overdone it. Then when you utter bad words, you should think about the consequences in advance."

Wu Yun is funny, no matter what Wherever it is, the essence remains the same, whoever has the bigger fist has the final say.

This Tao Lao is also an old guy who is arrogant.

They dared to bully Wu Yun from Yancheng, but he didn't dare to bully Wu Yun from Tiandaomen.

Yancheng Wu Yun beat them,

They feel that the dignified Lin clan has been insulted.

Now that it was Wu Yun from Tiandaomen who beat them, they felt much better.

Fairness can only be discussed between people of equal status!

Class solidification!

Wu Yun didn't want to complain any more!

But he understands that truth must be punched out with fists!

Lin Ke'er looked at Wu Yun blankly with beautiful blue eyes, it seemed that Wu Yun's identity was beyond her expectations.

Tiandaomen, one of the super sects, is no less important than their Lin clan in the Yan Dynasty. Although it has declined in recent years, it is not something their juniors can bully.

Seeing Wu Yun teach Lin Chen and others a lesson, Lin Ke'er didn't feel too much dissatisfaction. Instead, she felt that this could make these people restrain their temperament, so as not to embarrass the clan like this again and cause trouble!

"If you don't get up yet, go and apologize to Mr. Wu Yun!" Lin Ke'er scolded.

Among these juniors, except for Lin Chen, no one dared not listen to her.

Everyone got up, including Lin Chen, who didn't dare to be arrogant anymore, and bowed their heads to Wu Yun.

"Mr. Wu Yun, I'm sorry!"

"Old Tao, take your people away, I hope they don't cause trouble in the future, or don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Wu Yun warned lightly.

The members of the Lin clan followed Mr. Tao out of the small courtyard in a disheartened manner.

How smug they were when they started from the family, what a shame now!

"Mr. Wu Yun, goodbye!"

Lin Ke'er finally cupped his hands, and took a deep look at Wu Yun and his white tiger.

"People of the clan have always been arrogant and used to being arrogant. Wu Yun, don't take it to heart. This time, the old man was negligent and almost put you in danger. But when did you join the Tiandaomen?"

Lin Zhentian asked curiously. .

"That's right, brother, I was the first to hear about the Heavenly Knife Gate. Judging from Lao Tao's reaction just now, it seems to be very powerful?"

Lin Dong looked at his brother in admiration, thinking that his way of thinking is too broad.

In the past, within a few days of coming to Yancheng, the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, the Talisman Master Association, and the City Lord's Mansion were allied.

Now it is even more important to catch up with a force that is not weaker than the Lin clan.

The members of the Lin family all looked at Wu Yun curiously, admiring him very much. The people of these clans were showing off their power in front of them, looking superior to others, and seeing Wu Yun they were all devastated.

Wu Yun briefly explained to them the relationship between Frenzied Sword Martial Arts and Heavenly Sword Gate. Everyone cleared up their doubts and left the small courtyard.

Only Wu Yun, Lin Dong and Qing Tan are left!

Wu Yun: "Didn't they invite you to explore the Ancient Tomb Mansion together?"

"Grandpa wanted me to go with them, but I refused. With them, I can't feel comfortable with my elder brother!"

Lin Dong said with a smile.

Wu Yun nodded,

"In that case, get ready and we'll set off early."

"Looking at your aura just now, you should have broken through Yuan Dan's small consummation, right?"

"Well, I'd like to thank you for the sixth-grade elixir that elder brother brought back. , Yaoxue Zhuguo, I broke through yesterday."

... the

next day!

Wu Yun and Lin Dong left Yancheng on a tiger.

Enter the Tianyan Mountain Range!

However, the news about the Ancient Tomb Mansion these days has spread almost at a terrifying speed, causing Yancheng, a city that is closer to the Tianyan Mountain Range, to become more violent, and many people flock to this city , made a slight rectification, and then rushed towards the Tianyan Mountains in groups.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong set off early, but there were hundreds of teams entering the mountains like them.

In the past, few people dared to set foot on the mountains, but now they are almost out of the way.

The tomb of the strong Nirvana possesses a great allure for anyone.

As long as you get the mind of Nirvana, you will be able to leap into the dragon's gate, and the three realms of good fortune are not a problem, and you may even hit the Nirvana realm.

Nirvana is already the ceiling of the Yan Dynasty.

"There are too many people, let's speed up and try to go where there are few people, so as not to attract unnecessary attention!"

Wu Yun suggested, the two tigers under their crotch are too eye-catching, it is not suitable to go with a large group, This is not conducive to their low-key style of winning treasures.

"Okay, but big brother, the Tianyan Mountain Range is very big today, we can't go too far, and it's too deep, it may be dangerous." Lin Dong reminded, he had done a strategy before coming here, and carefully checked the information of the Tianyan Mountain Range .

The Tianyan Mountain Range is located at the edge of Yancheng and the two nearby cities. This mountain range is extremely vast, almost spanning nearly half of Tiandu County. It is said that it is the first mountain range in Tiandu County. Not too much.

And there are countless ferocious monsters in it. If it goes too deep, even a strong person who has stepped into the three realms of good fortune, it will be extremely difficult to escape if he is not careful.

"Don't worry, Sister Xuan Su gave me all the information about the Ancient Tomb Mansion that their chamber of commerce has investigated, you just follow me."

Wu Yun said confidently.

Apart from other things, he probably remembers the plot of the Ancient Tomb Mansion most clearly!

Going deep all the way, I met many teams.

In the wild, there are no rules to limit, all kinds of robbery and killing, the risk is not only from monsters, but people are the biggest part.

However, the two beasts, Baiyun and Xiaoyan, are very powerful, no matter if they are humans or monsters, basically they dare not draw their attention when they see them.

On the way, both Wu Yun and Lin Dong kept letting go of their mental power to explore the surroundings.

"Hey, it's Sister Xuan Su and the others!"

Suddenly, he detected the front, and there was a group of people fighting, and one of them was the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce and others led by Xuan Su.

"Let's go over and help!"

Xuan Su was dressed in strong clothes and was extremely plump, but her face was solemn at this time, and her body was stained with a lot of blood.

They were at a disadvantage. A rough man with a big knife on the opposite side looked at Xuan Su wretchedly in his eyes

. , I will feel distressed!"

Beside the rough man, there is a charming woman in red dress, who is staring at Xuan Su.

Hearing the man's words, she said dissatisfiedly,

"Song Dao, stop talking nonsense, can't I satisfy you, kill this bitch quickly, so that I can deal with Xia Wanjin!"

"Hey, Manager Su, since you don't cooperate , don't blame me for being cruel."

"Zhilan, run quickly, I'll hold them back!"

Xuan Su resolutely pushed Xia Zhilan away.

"Not one of them can escape!" said the woman in the red dress.

"Hehe, I really can't escape, you all stay!"

Wu Yun Yujian descended from the sky!


A dark red Thunder Flame Knife flew out, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the opposite party.

Lin Dong, Bai Yun, and Xiao Yan also joined the battle, and the opponent who was instantly killed was in a mess.

When Wu Yun landed, only Song Dao and the woman in the red dress were left on the opposite side.

"Sister Xuan Su, Miss Xia, are you all right? What's going on?"

Xuan Su pointed to the woman in the red skirt and said, "She is Yue Shan's wife, Zhou Yanxia. Song Dao."

"Oh, so it's for revenge!"

When Zhou Yanxia saw Wu Yun and Lin Dong, she was furious and angry, her chest trembled, and she said fiercely, "Wu Yun, Lin Dong, I want to kill you."

"He is Wu Yun who killed Yue Shan!"

Song Dao panicked, Hear Wu Yun's name.

"If you want to kill me, you should reincarnate earlier in your next life."

Wu Yun didn't talk nonsense at all, the ice sword flew out, and beheaded Zhou Yanxia.

But Song Dao ran away.

Although he is also a Yuandan Realm Great Perfection, how can he beat someone who even Yue Shan can't beat.

Zhou Yanxia is only at Yuan Dan's small perfection stage, and she can't stop Wu Yun's Frost Sword at all.

A stream of blood spurted out, and the beauty disappeared.

Lin Dong is going to chase Song Dao!

Wu Yun called and listened to him.

"Don't chase, let me come!"

"Try it, my newly refined Lihuo Sword!" A

fiery red long sword flew out, it was the Lihuo Sword whose runes had been re-modified by Wu Yun.

It was also the first one he made with multiple rune combinations.

call out!

Li Huojian quickly caught up!

Intense flames bloomed, and the blade was filled with flames, turning into a sword shadow, piercing straight through.

This is the effect of Fire Rune and Speed ​​Rune.

Xiao Diao: "As expected of a boss, you can create Lingbao-level weapons with just a shot."

In the stone talisman, Xiao Diao praised him every day.

"Lingbao, what is a Lingbao?"

Xiao Diao: "To put it simply, something with spirituality is called a spirit treasure. At least a spirit talisman master can forge this thing. In your Great Yan Dynasty, this spirit treasure is considered a rare item, but your elder brother is amazing." The most important thing is that he is still a three-seal talisman master, and he turned decay into magic by just using runes, and raised an ordinary talisman to the level of a spiritual treasure."

Lin Dong: "Brother is so powerful!"

Sensing the approaching danger, Song Dao drew out his sword to resist, but his sword was as brittle as paper in front of the strengthened Lingbao.

The Lihuo sword easily passed through his knife and shot into his body.

Song Dao, pawn!

After solving this problem, Wu Yun hurriedly asked,

"Where is President Xia, let's go and save him!"

"President, he was entangled by a group of monsters attracted by that bitch Zhou Yanxia, ​​come with me."

Wu Yun waited . People rushed over, and sure enough, Xia Wanjin was being besieged by a group of monsters, one of which was Yuan Dan Realm Dzogchen, who was already injured and struggling to support himself.

Baiyun and Xiaoyan rushed up to save Xia Wanjin.

Xia Wanjin was excited and grateful, "Thank you Brother Wu Yun, Brother Lin Dong, if it weren't for you this time, our Wanjin Chamber of Commerce would be over!

" Well, and there are reasons for this matter between our two brothers."

Wu Yun hurriedly let it go!

They were the ones who killed Yue Shan and the sisters of the Yue family, and Yue Shan's wife found her new love to take revenge on Wanjin Chamber of Commerce.

"Brother Xiaoyun, it's really thanks to you this time, otherwise my sister might be at the hands of Song Dao." Xuan Su said emotionally.

Xia Zhilan also quickly bowed to express her thanks, "Thank you Mr. Wu Yun, Mr. Lin Dong !


"Sister Xuan Su, you have been seriously damaged, so don't go any further this time. There are too many masters in the battle of the ancient tomb mansion. You should go back in your state!"

Xia Wanjin: "We also have that intention, this time The next time I go back, I must wipe out all the remnants of the Blood Wolf Gang and the Dao Tu Gang!"

Xuan Su: "Brother Xiaoyun, be careful, sister will wait for you to come back, thank you very much!"

"Yeah!" Wu Yun nodded!

After the people from the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce left, the two continued to move forward.

Wu Yun: "Second brother, that's why we must get rid of the roots when weeds are cut. Look at this time, Zhou Yanxia was only at the Yuandan Small Perfection Realm, but she recruited a gang with Yuandan Great Perfection Realm to take revenge on the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce. If she chooses our two families this time, and we happen to be absent, what do you think will happen?"

"Brother taught me a lesson!"

Lin Dong was deeply inspired, and now he doesn't feel guilty about killing Yue Ling.

"This time it was also the negligence of their Wanjin Chamber of Commerce. didn't close the ending properly, which led to Zhou Yanxia being let go!

" The more they come, the more powerful they become.

The power of the two tigers was no longer so effective, and finally many monsters comparable to the Great Perfection of Yuan Dan attacked them and attacked them quietly.

Even if Wu Yun and Lin Dong had strong mental strength and detected it in advance, they still couldn't avoid it.

The two had no choice but to make a move.

Solved all the monsters who didn't know the current affairs.

And Xiaoyan happily feasted on their demon crystals.

After many attacks, Wu Yun and Lin Dong also became more cautious, and finally passed through a natural forest barrier and appeared outside a huge mountain.

There is no peak on the mountain peak, and the lush green spreads in the mountain, but you can still vaguely see that there are some huge stone-like ancient buildings revealed on the top of the mountain covered by the lush greenery.

The Tomb Mansion has arrived!