Signing in the Misty Forest, the Body Book of the Nine Heavenly Books

Improving one's strength has always been the first priority, and Wu Yun naturally didn't plan to keep the Thunder Tribulation Liquid that he got by accident.

Still don't know how it tastes or how it works.

So Wu Yun didn't dare to use too much at one time, he first pulled out a drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid.

The purple, translucent spiritual liquid shone with lightning, and the liquid flew up. When he rolled his tongue, a powerful and dull lightning force exploded in his mouth.

His tongue immediately went numb, and his teeth chattered.

Wu Yun quickly circulated Yuanli, wrapped the drop of spiritual liquid and swallowed it into his stomach.

Chi Chi Chi!

Wu Yun's body was covered by thunder light, and his Yuan force was also filled with the power of thunder.

"Hmph, it's still crazy when it's inside my body."

Wu Yun snorted coldly, and immediately began to cultivate the power of the god elephant to suppress the prison.

As soon as the exercises were activated, the power of thunder began to circulate in the body, and there was a direction to guide it.

Soon the power of thunder was dispersed into the particles of various parts of the body.

During this process, the body is numb and numb, as if sitting on an electric bed.

very comfortable!

After refining a drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid, Wu Yun felt his body was full of strength, and the particles in his body seemed to become violent.

His physique could no longer be described as strong, but rather perverted and fierce.

"If I had been in the Ancient Tomb Mansion back then, my physical strength would have been as strong as it is now, and it wouldn't be Ling Qingzhu's turn to be arrogant, and I would have been able to suppress her all the way!"

Wu Yun thought as he lightly clenched his fists.

"Brother, how effective is this Thunder Tribulation Liquid?" Lin Dong asked excitedly.

When Wu Yun swallowed a drop of cultivation just now, the intensity of the thunder power made him feel stronger than the thunder source refined just now.

You know, it's just a drop.

"It's very cool, you should try it too."

Wu Yun also pulled out a drop and flew it in front of Lin Dong.

He collected a small half bottle, which contained hundreds of drops.

"The Thunder Tribulation Liquid has a very good strengthening effect on the body, almost seventy-eight out of ten of the energy is absorbed by the body." Wu Yun sighed.

This thing is very suitable for him to cultivate the spirit of suppressing prisons. Of course, it is also the same for Lin Dong to practice the Great Sun Thunder Body, and the effect is excellent.

Lin Dong was greedy for a long time, and immediately swallowed the Thunder Tribulation Liquid to refine it.

"Buzz..." A

vague idea came into Wu Yun's mind.

This inexplicable movement let Wu Yun know immediately that it was Ling Yun who was calling him.

In the dantian, the reduced Lei Lingtian Knife swayed gently under the Yuan Dan.

The faint consciousness of the Sky Knife was expressing to also wanted the Thunder Tribulation Liquid.

Wu Yun's Yuan force surged, releasing Ling Yun from his dantian.

"I'll eat it for you!"

He pulled out a drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid while holding Ling Yun in his hand, and dripped the Thunder Tribulation Liquid into the body of the blade.

Immediately, the blade trembled.

The drop of purple Thunder Tribulation Liquid immediately melted into the blade.

Ling Yun's blade trembled, as happy as a child who was suckling.

The Lei Ling Tian Knife is still a knife embryo at this moment, it has just been born and needs to be cultivated slowly. Its power at this moment is only stronger than the high-level Lingbao, and it has stronger penetration than ordinary knives.

It also needs the master's vitality to warm and nourish, and it will improve with the master's strength.

Obviously, the Thunder Tribulation Liquid was of great help to its improvement.

That's why it flattered Wu Yun so much, and constantly released the meaning of intimacy.

On the other hand, after Lin Dong refined a drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid, the copper thunder body became even stronger, and when it was cast, it looked like a bronze man.

However, in this bronze, there is already a trace of jade color.

This is the trend of the copper thunder body gradually advancing towards the stronger jade thunder body.

"The effect of absorbing the lightning calamity liquid is much better than being struck by lightning. Brother, I felt it just now. The effect of this drop of lightning calamity liquid is probably equivalent to the effect of being struck by lightning more than a hundred times."

Lin Lin Said excitedly.

As expected of a treasure that even Xiao Diao was moved and surprised, the one drop just now directly doubled the strength of his physical body.

"Let's go, let's move on, we can refine these Thunder Tribulation Liquids as we go."


[Ding! The check-in location has been refreshed, please sign in at the Misty Forest! ]

After walking out of Leiyuan Mountain, Wu Yun received a notification from the system.

Well, Misty Forest!

He immediately opened the map to check. The Misty Forest was at the junction of Dayang County and Dahuang County. They walked forward and passed through the Leiyuan Mountain Range.

Half a month later!

In a primeval forest, Wu Yun and Lin Dong were walking around with a big miniature cat in their arms.

They have lost their way!

In this forest, there is a kind of milky white mist lingering everywhere, this kind of mist is extremely strange, even the spiritual power is extremely difficult to penetrate, and, in the sky, there is also a kind of icy cold air, that This kind of cold air, even for Wu Yun and Lin Dong's strength, will not be able to bear it after a long time.

It has been two days since they broke into this forest, and they have basically been wandering around in it.

In order to preserve their physical strength, Bai Yun and Xiao Yan had to shrink their bodies, obediently lying in the arms of their master.

"This ghostly place, why is it so evil, you can't get out at all!" Lin Dong activated the Purple Demon Eye, but he couldn't see too far.

These fogs are so special that even mental power can block them.

Wu Yun: "This is the Misty Forest, a strange forest on the edge of Dahuang County. Entering here proves that we have come to the range of Dahuang County."

"Brother, do you know how to get out?" Lin Dong asked with some expectation road.

"Just like you, I'm here for the first time. How do I know how to get out?" Wu Yun curled his lips and asked back. Lin Dong meant it as if he had been here before.

"I don't know anything about the terrain here. According to the book, if you want to get out of the foggy forest, there is only one correct route. Unless someone guides you, otherwise, it may be difficult to get out."

At this moment, Wu Yun was worried, He has already arrived in the misty forest, why the sign-in reminder hasn't come yet.

It shouldn't be.

Could it be that he hasn't reached the place where he can sign.

Recalling the previous sign-in,

Ancient Tomb Mansion, you have to enter the main tomb, and

Leiyuan Mountain, you have to reach the top of the mountain.

There should be a special place in this foggy forest, and the sign-in will only be triggered when Wu Yun is about to go there.

And Wu Yun also discovered a strange problem. The places where he signed in before were basically the places where Lin Dong got his chance.

But Wu Yun recalled that in the original book, in the Misty Forest, Lin Dong didn't seem to have had any great opportunities here.

"Could it be that there is a hidden opportunity here, which was not obtained by Lin Dong, and my joining triggered this bug."

Wu Yun thought so in his heart.

Otherwise, it's hard to explain this sudden sign-in task.

With no direction to move forward, Wu Yun had no choice but to take out the spirit-gathering rune and follow the direction with strong vitality.

Spiritual power stimulated the spirit-gathering runes, and soon it was discovered that the power in a certain direction was particularly strong.

The spirit-gathering rune's response to the power of the heaven and earth is much more powerful than the detection of spiritual power.

In this direction, they continued to move forward.

Both Lin Dong and Xiao Diao didn't speak, and obediently followed Big Brother, not worried at all that they might not be able to get out.

Because in their hearts, they have already decided that this place was also visited by the elder brother in his previous life, and he will always think of how to get out, and maybe he will get some chances.

On the other hand, Wu Yun looked around cautiously and vigilantly. He had to pay attention to the fluctuation direction of the spirit-gathering rune in his hand, and release his mental power to detect the surroundings. The big brother was really worried.

"Be careful, there are monsters around!"

Wu Yun reminded, he had already let go of the white cloud in his arms, and the powerful blood power of the white tiger dispersed, stopping all the monsters that wanted to approach in the mist.

Xiao Diao and Lin Dong finally got a little serious, and released their mental power one after another, paying attention to their surroundings.

In the mist, there were indeed different fluctuations, and an unknown monster was watching them secretly.

Although Bai Yun's strength is only in the Formation Realm, but she releases the power of blood, even monsters in the Qi Creation Realm dare not approach.

Soon those monsters watching secretly were afraid to follow and let Wu Yun and the others pass by.

This directly saves them a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, in this fog where sight is blocked and mental power is shielded, the harassment of monsters is more dangerous and energy-consuming.

"The vitality is getting stronger and stronger!"

Wu Yun exclaimed in surprise, a small vitality vortex had formed on the spirit-gathering rune.

The fact that this level of vortex can appear in the spirit-gathering rune proves that there may be treasures that are not weak.

"Go further!"

The vortex formed by the spirit-gathering rune is getting bigger and bigger.

After walking for another quarter of an hour, a swamp appeared ahead.

"Brother, there are monsters in the swamp, they are leopards and crocodiles, and there are a lot of them, all of them are above the shape level!"

Xiao Diao sensed his spiritual power, and immediately discovered that there was a huge crisis lurking under the dark swamp.

He quickly reminded the eldest brother, the second brother.

Lin Dong: "Brother, do we still have to go forward? This swamp is huge, and the swamp is the territory of the leopard crocodile. In this environment, if we fight the leopard crocodile, it will not be conducive to our performance!"

He voiced his concerns!

Among the three brothers, Lin Dong is the more cautious, and when encountering things, he usually thinks more about the situation.

He knows that his eldest brother is a reincarnation, but his style of acting is too crazy, and sometimes he is not so reliable, like the last time he triggered the thunder on the top of Leiyuan Mountain, if they walked slowly, they would definitely be blown to pieces by the thunder Scum!

In that case, even if the eldest brother is a reincarnation, he will not escape death and re-enter reincarnation.

Wu Yun also hesitated, the front must be full of danger.

But judging from the vitality vortex of the spirit-gathering rune, there are definitely treasures in the swamp, and the chance must be not small.

Wu Yun took a deep breath and said slowly,

"The direction of Yuanli fluctuations is ahead, let's continue to walk around, if you don't go deep, just hang around outside!"

"Okay, brother, if you encounter danger, you must Hold back, don't go too deep!"

Lin Dong said helplessly, he still had to support his elder brother's decision.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong summoned the Frost Sword, held the two tigers in their arms again, and moved forward with the sword.


"Ho Ho!"

Right after they flew up, the leopard crocodile in the swamp immediately noticed them and roared one after another, trying to scare them away with their roars.

The roar of the leopard and crocodile made the originally silent foggy forest shake like an earthquake.

Many monsters were alarmed by them.

"It's okay, just fly a little higher. These leopard crocodiles are all soil turtles, and they can only be impotent and furious in the mud!"

Wu Yun observed the leopard crocodiles below for a while, and found that they couldn't jump at all, and they didn't have any remote control. After the attack, he said disdainfully.

However, just after he finished complaining.

His complexion changed drastically, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

Xiao Diao: "Brother, be careful, there are dangers in the mist in the sky!"


Wu Yun was surprised. Because he flew a little high, the fog above the swamp was thicker than before. There are strange and unknown bugs making buzzing sounds.

At this moment, they all detected a strong aura with their mental power, and a huge number of unknown bugs rushed towards them.

The ability to detect the mental power proves that the other party is not far away from them.

"Transform into light!"

Wu Yun directly used the mysterious skill of Qi level, transforming into a talisman, and created a talisman with mental power!

The flame light transformed by mental power immediately illuminated an area in front of him.

Dense black beetles were actually rushing towards them.

The flame spurts out.


One by one the bugs were shot to death.

"There are many more!"

Lin Dong was shocked.

The strength of these bugs is not very strong, but individually, they only have the strength of the Tianyuan Realm, or even the Earth Yuan Realm.

But there are too many of them, and they are very weird.

"Wanhuayan!" The

two cast the strongest talisman formation at the same time, and the two spiritual flame formations blocked the unknown beetle in front of them.

Fortunately, their spiritual flames have a restraining effect on these beetles, which can withstand the attack of the first wave of insect swarms.

However, there are still a steady stream of beetles flying over from behind.

"There are too many, big brother, what should I do?" Lin Dong's expression changed greatly when he saw the dense swarm of insects through the Ziji magic pupil.

"It's not just the swarm, the mist here is poisonous, hold your breath!" Wu Yun frowned, because he was a little sensitive to poisonous gas because he was familiar with the Xuantian Treasure Record.

These black beetles will release a black mist with mucus in flight, and after being burned to death by the spiritual flame, they will explode and turn into a cloud of smoke.

In this situation, you can't wait for long, or you will be consumed by countless insect swarms sooner or later.

Wu Yun also had the idea of ​​retreating, and at this moment, Xiao

Diao said,

"Brother, these bugs are just a fog barrier, and there are holes in it. If you can get through, the front should be the place you are looking for!"

In the demon spirit state, these black beetles had limited impact on him.

In addition, his mental power is the strongest among the three brothers, he can penetrate the insect swarm and detect the situation behind him.

Xiao Diao took the initiative to attack because seeing the frown of his elder brother, he felt that he was pretending not to want to.

Then he figured out the reason, probably due to the passage of time, the layout of the previous life, it has been hundreds of years, the environment here has changed too much, which has exceeded the expectation of the eldest brother.

That's why the eldest brother needs to use runes to help guide him to find the opportunities left by his previous life.

In addition, the current strength of the eldest brother has not yet recovered. Like him, although there are many means, but the power is limited, and he still needs to grow slowly and reach the peak step by step.

After figuring it out, Xiao Diao got serious and offered to help.

The eldest brother is not omnipotent now, he has not fully awakened the ability of his previous life.

Therefore, his help is still needed.

"Then let's go through it!"

"Second brother, use the three metamorphosis talisman formations together, and do it with me."

Wu Yun's face turned pale, and he made a decision immediately.

Lin Dong's mental power gushed out wildly, and all five natal charms appeared between his eyebrows.

Soon his mental power outlined three talisman formations.

On the other side, Wu Yun had already arranged his three talisman formations into a triangle, blocking three directions in front of them.

Lin Dong had a heart-to-heart connection, and formed his own three talisman arrays into a triangle to complete the other parts.

Immediately, they were completely in this hexahedron.

But the power of such a talisman array is far from enough.

Wu Yun immediately used his mental power to outline two primitive confinement runes and two primitive flame runes.

Stabilize the formation, and at the same time increase the power of the spiritual flame.

"Go forward!"

Wu Yun yelled, and the two brothers maintained the formation and walked towards the center of the insect swarm.

This time, it's not as simple as rubbing, they have to pass through this dark barrier.

Countless black beetles impacted the rune array, the sizzle of insect death spread continuously, and bursts of black smoke eroded their rune array.

"Rush!" The

hexagonal talisman smashed away the insect swarm and rushed out of the insect barrier.


A ray of golden light broke through the darkness and shone into the talisman array.

They rushed through the barrier of the swarm.

Came to the center of the misty forest.

An invisible natural water barrier blocked all these insect swarms from the outside.

Seeing these golden lights, those bugs stopped approaching, backed away in fear, merged into the black mist, and became quiet.

At this time, Wu Yun's expectant voice finally sounded in his mind.

[Ding, successfully arrived at the foggy forest, do you want to sign in? ]

"Sign in!"

Wu Yun replied without hesitation.

I am extremely looking forward to it, but this time he signed in, it is more difficult than before, what reward will he get?

[Sign in successfully, get a reward, one of the nine heavenly scriptures, "Tishu"! ]