Twelve Supreme Celestial Physiques, the Supreme Foundation-Building Treasure Yang Yuan Liquid

One of the nine heavenly scriptures!

Isn't this the treasure that a certain king spent tens of thousands of years looking for after losing a sheep!

I actually signed such a compelling thing.

Is it the rhythm that wants me to become the King of Kings too?

Wu Yun is actually willing to accept the comparison of pretense, after all, everyone has a heart to show himself before others.

The information in the body book had come to his mind.

Different from the complicated exercises in the past, this time the "Tishu" only has six characters!

These six characters are:

yin and yang, rigidity and softness, and clearness!

Although the "Body Book" has only six characters, in a certain world, it has evolved the ultimate mystery of the physique of all living beings in that world!

Contains the most powerful Twelve Immortal Physiques!

If the six characters of "Body Book" are cultivated to the ultimate level, each character will produce two kinds of immortal bodies, and they are two different immortal bodies.

Yin: Heaven-swallowing demon body, void body.

Yang: Diurnal celestial body, solar body.

Gang: Indestructible body of King Kong, overlord body of angry immortals.

Rou: longevity body, holy spring body.

Qing: Wushou body, Feixian body.

Hun: The body of the ax that breaks the sky, the body of the god who suppresses the prison.

Although there are only six words, each word contains infinite profound meaning.

These six characters were born in chaos, and everyone can have different insights from them.

The Twelve Immortal Physiques represent the ultimate meaning of this word. This achievement is extremely difficult to achieve, but as long as you practice, you can achieve something. No matter how bad you are, you can cultivate into a post-celestial body.

Further up are the forty-eight innate bodies, twenty-four emperor bodies, and eighteen holy bodies!

These physiques are incomparably powerful, and placed in the Profound Sky Continent, even ordinary post-celestial bodies can thrive!

In a short moment, "Tishu" was filtered through Wu Yun's mind.

"Brother, look!"

Lin Dong's shout brought Wu Yun back to reality.

It is still in the foggy forest at the moment, and the crisis has not been resolved.

Wu Yun hurriedly looked around the situation. Just now he escaped the attack of the strange swarm, but now he doesn't know what will happen again.

A golden energy barrier blocked their way.

Through the barrier, one can see the golden light inside, and a strange pool of water is inside. The pool is not ordinary water, but golden juice.

And their position is just like when they were in the Ancient Tomb Mansion, between the outermost barrier and the inner formation.

It is the gap between the cell wall and the cell membrane!

Those peripheral bugs are all attached to the outside of the first energy barrier.

They are safe for the time being, but they are caught in the middle, in a dilemma.

Looking at the spirit-gathering rune again, it is no longer as simple as a whirlpool, but drops of golden liquid condensed on the rune.

This liquid contained extremely powerful Yang Yuan power.

"There is no way to retreat, let's go in and have a look!"

"Be careful, there may be danger at any time!"

Wu Yun reminded, and then prepared to break through the second energy barrier.

The energy barrier here is much stronger than that of the Ancient Tomb Mansion, and maybe the strong in Nirvana may not be able to break through it.

However, this is not a difficult task for Wu Yun.

Industry specializing in surgery.

No matter how powerful the barrier is, it is not a problem in front of the runes in his hands.

The original boundary rune is specifically aimed at this kind of energy barrier.

Wu Yun's mental power condensed the original boundary rune, and then inserted the rune directly into the barrier, breaking through this layer of energy film forcefully.

An extremely warm aura, as gentle as the sun's rays, spewed out from the crack in the film.

Seeing this golden energy, the bugs around frantically rushed over, trying to devour the warmth.

"Go, go in!" The two and the

two tigers got in through the crack.

Wu Yun immediately disbanded the boundary rune, and immediately the broken energy film closed again as before.

The space of the golden energy barrier is not large, and as soon as they entered, they felt a warm feeling. The feeling of comfort cannot be described in words.

It makes people feel like wandering in it unconsciously!

However, they did not relax. There must be something unusual about being surrounded by these black beetles.

Moreover, the energy barrier just now was not completely formed naturally, there were man-made traces.

Here is unknown.

Because in Wu Yunzhi's plot, there is no such place.

Their mental power frantically swept around, not letting go of every corner.

Except for the golden water pool, the place is empty and there are no other monsters.

They didn't feel any danger.

Wu Yun walked towards the edge of the pool, followed closely by Lin Dong, and the two tigers had already landed and returned to their original appearance.

"This pool of water is amazing, it's actually a golden liquid!" Lin Dong was the first to sigh.

Compared to Lin Dong's ignorant, crap-like exclamation, Xiao Diao is obviously more knowledgeable and knowledgeable,

"Yang Qi Transformation Liquid is all Yang Yuan, a whole Yang Yuan Lake, what a great handwriting!"

"Yang Yuantan?"

Xiao Diao: "Yes, these are the most concentrated and purest yang energies, which is similar to the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, which is the result of the power of thunder eliminating the power of violence. Liquid, and this yang element is also the mildest energy formed after the power of the sun purifies the scorching heat!"

"I know the reason for the formation of the misty forest. From the outside, this place is shrouded in mist all year round. The cold atmosphere.

It's all because of this Yangyuan Lake, which gathers the yang energy of the entire misty forest here. It

takes at least a thousand years of accumulation to form such a large Yangyuan Lake.

Sigh! Who the hell is it? The layout started thousands of years ago!"

Shocked and amazed, the little mink glanced at Wu Yun with his small eyes, which were self-evident.

Asked with an affirmative tone,

"Brother, who do you think it will be?"

While Xiao Diao said this, her admiration for her elder brother could no longer be described in terms of prostration. beyond the capacity of its head.

This time it is different from Lei Yuanshan's saber, it has to wait for more than a thousand years to have this effect.

The big brother's plan is so thorough that it's terrifying!

At the same time, he also understood why he couldn't guess which reincarnated big brother his elder brother was. It turned out that his elder brother was a big man from a thousand years ago.

However, Wu Yun didn't notice these small details of Xiao Diao at all.

Like Lin Dong, he was very shocked by Xiao Diao's words. Such a big Yangyuan Lake has been laid out for thousands of years. For the big guy who arranged all this, he only has four words in his heart.

"Hearing what you said, it's really unbelievable. We actually ran to such a place by mistake. It's been thousands of years. I don't know if the boss who arranged this place is dead or not?"

Wu Yun worried in his heart whether the boss might have other means.

Brother, I don't allow you to say that about yourself... Xiao Diao rolled his eyes and pretended to be here with me, "It shouldn't happen, otherwise, why would he do all this, it can't be to make wedding dresses for others, how could it be so Good boss?"

Xiao Diao didn't believe it at all, who would be so boring, or so great, and probably left such an opportunity a thousand years ago, just to benefit strangers.

Wu Yun: "Fortunately, who can say it clearly? It's like the ancient tomb mansion last time. The owner of the tomb mansion is a good person who helps others.

Third brother, you can't treat it with your little mink's heart." Gentleman Mink Belly, you are not a good thing, but it does not mean that all mink are not good things!"

"How can you slander these selfless and dedicated ancients?"

Brother, are you angry with me? I shouldn't have said he was bad! ...Xiao Diao didn't dare to respond to Wu Yun's retaliation at all.

"Opportunities and chances are for those who are destined to get them. Now that we meet them, it is ours!"

Wu Yun said without any scruples.

"Brother, what is the use of this Yang Yuan Ye?" Lin Dong asked curiously.

"Ask the third brother, should the third brother understand?"

Wu Yun pointed to Xiao Diao.

This is also the first time he has heard of this Yangyuan liquid. Just by using mental power to detect it, the energy is gentle and thick, and the benefits are definitely great, but he can't say what the specific benefits are.

When it comes to the function of Yangyuanye, Xiao Diao is energetic again, no longer entangled in whether the eldest brother understands or pretends to be ignorant.

Because including him, he is also very greedy for this Yangyuanye now!

"Yangyuanye can be said to be the best foundation-building liquid in the world. The

growth of all things is inseparable from the power of the sun. This is the most gentle and powerful cultivation resource with the least after-effects.

Its greatest role is to Make up for congenital deficiencies and cast a supreme foundation.

It can change infinitely, improve a person's physique, renew the physical body, and reach the purest innate physique.

For those who pay attention to physical cultivation, Yang Yuan Ye is the most precious treasure, not worse than Lei Jie Ye.

Both are improving physical fitness, but the direction of effect is different.

for example!

A big tree, absorbing the lightning calamity liquid, can make it more tenacious, and its vitality becomes more tenacious, that is, the effect of the lightning strike on the wood increases the strength of the tree itself.

And Yangyuanye can strengthen its roots, make its roots extend deeper and wider, make the big tree fundamentally stronger, even if the tree is cut off, its roots will still not be destroyed , but also rejuvenate.

It is radically enhanced!

The same effect applies to the human body.

Now we use Yang Yuan Liquid to transform the body, making it as innate as it is, pure without a trace of impurities, not only improving the strength of our physique, but also improving our cultivation talent!

Yangyuanye has effects on ordinary people and things, especially for men full of masculinity.

But for someone with a yin constitution like Qingtan, it is undoubtedly poison! After Xiao Diao 's

long discussion, he finally explained the function of Yangyuan Liquid clearly. In

a nutshell, this is a treasure that is not inferior to Lei Jie Ye.

They have already experienced the benefits of Lei Jie Liquid, and they can be described as flattering.

But the Thunder Tribulation Liquid is only a few hundred drops, less than half a bottle.

But the Yang Yuan Liquid here is a whole pool!!!

A pool, a pool!