Wu Yun: My second brother is invincible at the same level

Hey, hey ...

Late at night, after the storm, in the room, Jiang Xue sobbed softly.

She is extremely wronged!

There is no other reason, just because Brother Wu Yun is so good!

This made Jiang Xue feel cheated.

Just imagine, what a pure and affectionate person, every word he said speaks to your heart, and he speaks so affectionately, as if he only loves you.

However, all of a sudden, that proficient one hundred and eight moves were enough to shatter Jiang Xue's dream.

Even she who didn't know anything before could tell that Wu Yun was well versed in this.

She is not the first woman of brother Wu Yun!

And I don't know how many have gone.

The surface is serious, but in reality it is romantic.

It's okay to lie to people, but also to lie to feelings!

Knowing this earlier, Jiang Xue felt that a deal would make her feel better.

"Xue'er, why are you still crying? Could it be that I did something wrong?"

Wu Yun comforted because he didn't understand.

Compared to Ling Qingzhu, Jiang Xue was a little weaker, but she was not too weak to cry.

At any rate, he is a strong man of Yuan Dan Realm Dzogchen.

"Since you are that lustful person, why bother to lie to me with sweet words."


Xue'er, what do you mean by that, when did I lie to you?" Jiang Xue immediately expressed the resentment in her heart.

"Ouch, you really wronged me, Xue'er."

Wu Yun yelled that he was wronged. Because he was too good at it, he was labeled as a thief.

But this thing is really easy to misunderstand.

"At this point, I have to explain the matter clearly,

Xue'er, you should feel for yourself first, whether your vitality has improved a lot." Jiang Xue saw Wu Yun's appearance of crying but no tears, and then she started to feel sad Turning around in the middle, to feel her own Yuanli, and after running the exercises, she suddenly discovered that her Yuanli had really increased by a short amount.

The increased strength in just a few hours is equivalent to her cultivation for more than a few months.

what happened?

Only then did Wu Yun begin to explain, "Not everything has to be accumulated through practice. There is a way to acquire skills called inheritance. I was in the ancient tomb of a strong man in the Nirvana state before, and I got him by chance. He is a disciple of the Hehuan Sect in ancient times... just now this is the yin and yang dual cultivation technique, a secret technique of cultivation, which is of great benefit to both parties."

Wu Yun finished speaking earnestly, for Let Jiang Xue believe it, and demonstrated it again.

A busy night.

Until, the rooster crows!

The two of them ended their research on the secret technique.

Under Wu Yun's deliberate guidance, Jiang Xue's strength has greatly increased, and she is not far away from breaking through the Formation Realm.

It can be said that this encounter has benefited her a lot.

After explaining the misunderstanding, Jiang Xue felt sorry for Wu Yun and became more clingy.

In order not to be discovered by others, she left Wu Yun's room early.

After an hour, everyone started to get up one after another.

After redressing up, Jiang Xue has become more charming and charming. Compared with the youthful and astringent before, now she has a little more enchanting charm.

Holding a water basin, she knocked on Wu Yun's door.

At this moment, Wu Yun also changed his clothes and was exercising his muscles.

"Are you up?"

With a soft voice, Jiang Xue put the water basin on the table, wet the towel, twisted it gently with her jade hands, and then handed it to Wu Yun just now. She looked like a very well-behaved little daughter-in-law, and Wu Yun was taken aback for a while. Yes, he has grown so big, but he has never been served so caringly by such a beautiful woman.

Compared with the fierce Ling Qingzhu, Jiang Xue should not be too caring.

Stared blankly by Wu Yun, the blush on Jiang Xueqiao's face became more intense, she lowered her head slightly, and said in a low voice, "Wash your face quickly, and see what I do!

" Yes ."

Wu Yun smiled, reached out to take the hot towel that still smelled of body fragrance, and rubbed it hard on his face to wipe off all the saliva and sweat stains, and finally he was embarrassed to get some stains The snow-white towel was handed back to Jiang Xue.

"You go your way, it's not like I can't do without you!"

Jiang Xue said stiffly, pulling the towel off.

"I can leave, but my heart will stay with you forever, just like that kite, no matter how high or far it flies, the end of the string will be tightly held by you, as long as you don't let go , I will always be in your palm, someday you miss me, just recycle the thread, and I will fly to your side!"

Wu Yun held her hand and said affectionately.

Jiang Xue was slightly taken aback, raised her pretty face, and looked at Wu Yun with beautiful eyes. After a while, a touching smile spread from that pretty cheek.

"Big sister!"

In the slight silence in the room, suddenly a hurried shout came from outside, Jiang Xue hurriedly turned and left the room, Wu Yun also followed.

"Master, it's too bad, the Blood Vulture Martial Arts Hall suddenly brought people to surround our martial arts hall!"

"Don't be nervous, let's go out and have a look together."

Wu Yun walked to Jiang Xue's side, said calmly, and went walked to the outside of the martial arts hall.

"Brother, there seems to be trouble in the Eagle Martial Arts Hall, should we take care of it?"

Lin Dong also came out of the room, he said via voice transmission.

Why don't you care, it's a family matter now... Wu Yun curled his lips, "At least I slept in someone's house for two nights, you don't care?

" volunteered.

Since practicing the Great Sun Thunder Body and the word "Gang", the power in his body has become more and more tyrannical, and now he has reached the innate stage of the Immortal King Kong Body, the Golden Bell Body!

The Immortal King Kong Body, after cultivation, is known as the number one defense.

Now Lin Dong's admiralty body, which has been successfully cultivated, can almost achieve the effect of invincible defense in the same realm. In the shape-making realm, unless it is a perverted opponent like Big Brother, no one can break his admiralty defense.

And with the effect of the Great Sun Thunder Body, it has both offensive and defensive capabilities, and its strength is enough to sweep the Formation Realm!

Outside the Eagle Martial Arts Hall, it was completely surrounded at the moment. Most of them had the same badges on their chests, which were the badges of the Blood Eagle Martial Arts Hall. Obviously, these men and horses belonged to the Blood Eagle Martial Arts Hall. people.

Blood Vulture Martial Arts and Eagle Martial Arts are already deadly rivals, and they dislike each other. At this moment, the two sides are facing each other, and the atmosphere is tense.

At the gate of the martial arts hall, Jiang Lei stared at the dark blood vulture martial arts team with a sinking face. After a while, he said coldly:

"Master Luo Jiu, you are so impatient to kill me. Will the martial arts school be driven out of Eagle City?"

"Jiang Lei, the matter between my blood vulture martial arts school and your eagle martial arts school will be decided on the fighting stage tomorrow, and I am here today to I want you to hand over that little beast that injured my son and his demon beast!"

Among the crowd in the Blood Vulture Martial Arts Hall, a middle-aged man stood on a horse, standing in front of him, with a thin figure and thin clothes , his eyes were sunken, and his complexion was extremely gloomy at this moment, with ferocious killing intent in his eyes, obviously in a state of rage.

Beside him was Luo Shan, whose back was leaning on a chair and his mouth had turned purple.

The dragon's whisker needle curled up in Luo Shan's mouth has not been pulled out yet.

Yesterday, when Luo Shan went back, Luo Jiu searched for a whole city of doctors but failed to help Luo Shan take out the needle. They were all at a loss. Some doctors even asserted that the only way to get the needle was to cut off Luo Shan's two lips .

This made Luo Jiu furious, cutting off his son's mouth, how could it be possible.

So, there was no other way, early today, he led people to surround Eagle's Martial Arts Hall, asking for an explanation.

Jiang Lei and the others all looked at Luo Shan. They didn't know if they didn't look at them. Many people couldn't help laughing. Luo Shan's mouth was purple at the moment. He couldn't sleep because of the pain. His eyes were red and pale. Swollen, the whole face is deformed.

"It's done like this, it's so

fucking relieved!" "Kill this turtle to death!"

"I heard that it was Brother Wu Yun who beat him, and he was ruthless, I like it!"


The disciples of Eagle Martial Arts whispered , Seeing Luo Shan's miserable state, they felt much more comfortable in their hearts.

This Luo Shan is used to showing off in the Eagle City. He is a dandy, and he often misses their elder sister, so he is worthy.

Now that Wu Yun has achieved such a bear, the disciples are really happy from the bottom of their hearts, and at the same time, they have changed the sour feeling towards Wu Yun before.

In comparison, the eldest sister and Wu Yun are together, they can accept it a bit.

Seeing the ridicule of the people in the Eagle Martial Arts Hall, Luo Jiu's face became more and more ugly, and his gloomy face instantly became even more terrifying. He stared at Jiang Lei with ferocious eyes, and said solemnly:

"If you don't take that If the little bastard hands it over, don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Luo Jiu, you really think I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Jiang Lei didn't hesitate, and sneered, and with a grip of his palm, the epee flashed out. A majestic breath burst out suddenly.

"Since you want to do something, then I will finish you off today, hmph, let you see the gap between the great success and the small success of the Forming Realm."

Luo Jiu's eyes also sharpened, and he grasped the palm of his hand, a fine iron heavy hammer , it appeared in his hand, and he slapped the horse's back with his palm, and his figure flew away. The heavy hammer roared, like a rock falling down, and it hit Jiang Lei's sword light as fast as lightning.

The surrounding disciples quickly stepped aside to make room for the two to fight.

The heavy hammer collided with the heavy sword, and there was a clang.

A low muffled sound and fluctuations of Yuan force erupted from midair.

Afterwards, Jiang Lei's figure was so shaken that he kicked back and fell back to the ground, leaving a mark of about ten meters.

With one blow, Jiang Lei fell into a disadvantage.


the disciples of Eagle Martial Arts shouted worriedly.

However, at this moment, Luo Jiu was so angry that he just wanted to kill people to vent his anger. His Yuan power was shaken, and he slammed out with a hammer again. There was a fierce look in his eyes, and he rushed down like a vulture. The power and the fluctuation of Yuanli slammed down on Jiang Lei fiercely.

It is obvious that Jiang Lei is going to be put to death!


Jiang Xue yelled in horror, in her eyes, the huge hammer was about to hit her father's chest.

Just after she finished shouting, there was a gust of wind in her ears.

Suddenly, a figure flickered, and a handsome young man appeared in front of Jiang Lei.

Wu Yun punched out with a punch, and the small fist met the opponent's big hammer.

"Bang!" The

heavy hammer flew upside down, out of Luo Jiu's hand, and there was a deep fist mark on it.

Luo Jiu's hands were numb, shocked by the force from the heavy hammer, he was terrified.

Looking at Wu Yun on the opposite side, he was unscathed.

Just relying on the strength of his body, he knocked his heavy hammer into the air.

Such a vigorous performance stunned the people present.

"I read that right, he actually resisted Luo Jiu's heavy hammer with his fist."

"My God, what an abnormal physical strength."

"Luo Jiu's heavy hammer is a spiritual treasure."

"Lian Lingbao It can also be smashed!"


"Brother Wu Yun, thank you!" Jiang Lei swallowed, and clasped his fists.

After all, Wu Yun still helped them.

You're welcome, father-in-law... Wu Yun raised his hand slightly, "Brother Jiang, don't be too polite, this matter is for me, you should have someone call me earlier."

Hearing that Wu Yun called Jiang Lei, "Brother", Jiang Xue, who came from behind, felt a headache...whatever it is.

"Father, are you okay?"

The only way to address him is to wait for the relationship to be made public in the future, and then call him back. Now Jiang Xue is mainly worried about his father.

"It's okay, this old guy has something!"

Jiang Lei looked at Luo Jiu, who was a little confused after the hammer was knocked out.


Luo Shan, who was sitting on the chair, pointed at Wu Yun and yelled, "Father, it's him, kill him to avenge me!"

However, his father now With a dignified expression, she didn't even look at him.

What Wu Yun showed just now scared him.

"Your Excellency is the one who injured my son yesterday. I don't know what relationship you have with this Eagle Martial Arts Hall. This is a matter between our Blood Eagle Martial Arts Hall and the Eagle Martial Arts Hall. Please don't intervene at will!"

Luo Jiu looked apprehensively. With Wu Yun, against Wu Yun, he is not sure of victory.

"There is an injustice and a debtor. I injured your son. Master Luo wants to seek revenge today, so he can find me. Don't involve other people!" Wu Yun said lightly.

"Was your attack too vicious?"

Luo Jiu said coldly, furious in his heart, but he didn't dare to start a war rashly.

"Is it vicious? I don't think your stupid son behaved frivolously. I just taught him a lesson. It's kind of him if he didn't kill him. If he met other people, I'm afraid he would have been slaughtered yesterday. However, since you are still alive today Come on, let me teach you a lesson again." Wu Yun said with a smile.

"Second brother, don't you want to fight, go!"

"Kill their father and son!"

He turned his head and told Lin Dong that he was too tired last night and didn't want to do anything.

And Lin Dong kept a low profile for so long, so it's time for him to show off.


Lin Dong laughed innocently, and the thick black ancient halberd appeared in his hand.

"Brother, look out!"

The ancient Tianlin halberd fluttered in his hand, the runes on the halberd flickered, the power of the halberd swayed, and the power of the high-level spirit treasure surprised the people around. There was a sense of great danger.

"Fish scale halberd!"

"Raging python halberd!"

"Flooding dragon halberd!"

"Tianlong halberd!"

Four consecutive strikes.

Lin Dong unleashed four halberds in a row, four shadows of halberds, one after another, each bigger and stronger, and rushed towards Luo Jiu.

His eyes flickered slightly, Luo Jiu grasped the palm of his hand suddenly, and two red heavy hammers appeared in his hands. On the heavy hammers, the light flowed, giving people an extremely heavy feeling. These two heavy hammers are actually spiritual treasures. Although they are only low-level spiritual treasures, they are two.

"Sky Hammer!"

Two huge crimson hammer shadows overlapped and hit Lin Dong's four halberd shadows.

The terrifying Yuan Force swayed away, and everyone retreated in unison.

A huge pit appeared in front of the Eagle Martial Arts Hall.

"Brother Wu Yun, then Luo Jiu is a strong man in the shape-making realm. Will Lin Dong's little brother be his opponent?" Jiang Lei couldn't help but worried. He had never seen Lin Dong make a move. Looking at it now, Lin Dong was just The shape-making environment is as small as Chengdu.

I don't understand how Wu Yun dared to let Lin Dong fight Luo Jiu.

"Don't worry, brother, my second brother is invincible at the same level!"

Wu Yun said confidently!

In the arena, Lin Dong finally became interested when he saw that the opponent had blocked his four combo attacks.

Luo Jiu has always been a strong man with a great achievement in the shape-making realm, and his strength is strong. Although he has many means, he still can't crush him.

However, this is the only way to be interesting!

How can you fight without any pressure!

"Come again!"

Lin Dong said happily, he is a fighting martial idiot right now.

The golden light on his body is generous, and the golden sun thunder element flows on the surface of his body, showing his strong physique.

"It's actually so powerful." Jiang Lei was stunned. Lin Dong showed his strength, and his fighting spirit and aura made him also stunned.

Wu Yun, the second younger brother, is indeed invincible!