Winter is not yet here, plum blossoms are blooming again

Lin Dong's fighting spirit was high, and he swung the ancient Tianlin halberd fiercely at Luo Jiu.

He is a master of the bronze thunder body, using the big sun thunder element to bless the ancient halberd of the sky scale, and every attack he makes is comparable to the master of the shape-making realm.

The heaven and earth double hammers in Luo Jiu's hands were powerful and heavy, but they couldn't shake Lin Dong's ancient halberd at all.

Wu Yun could tell that Lin Dong didn't attack fiercely, he was using Luo Jiu to test his martial arts, using Luo Jiu as a tool in battle.

Otherwise, with Lin Dong's current strength, he could kill Luo Jiu quickly.

"Boy, you are not from the Eagle Martial Arts Academy, why are you here to join in the fun!"

Luo Jiu shouted, from his anger at the beginning to being beaten now, he gradually became scared.

"Master Luo Jiu, who said that my brothers are not from the Eagle's Martial Arts Academy, we joined the Eagle's Martial Arts Academy yesterday, right, Brother Jiang!"

Wu Yunlang said, with a sense of peace of mind. .

"Haha, yes, Luo Jiupifu, Brother Wu Yun and Brother Lin Dong are all members of my Eagle Martial Arts Gym." Jiang Lei laughed heartily.

"Hmph, do you really think I'm easy to bully at the Blood Vulture Martial Arts Academy!"

Luo Jiu's face was gloomy, and he was about to make a big move.

The crimson flame-like energy erupted from Luo Jiu's body like a tide, and from a distance, it seemed to be wrapped in a rising flame.

What's more, with the surge of Yuan Li, the pupils of Luo Jiu's eyes changed slightly, and a dangerous breath like a wild beast penetrated from his body bit by bit.

At the same time, Luo Jiu's palms also slowly swelled a little at this moment, like the giant claws of an ape, firmly grasping the heavy hammer in his hand.

This change surprised everyone around.

"Brother Lin Dong, be careful, that guy is going to perform Demonic Ape Transformation. It is a superior martial art, which can increase a huge physical strength in a short period of time!"

Jiang Lei shouted nervously, reminding Lin Dong.

"Magic ape transformation!"

Luo Jiu's hands, blue veins wriggled like horned dragons, filled with a sense of majestic power, dark red Yuanli, entangled in his palms, and continuously drilled in and out along the pores.

"Brother, don't worry, my second brother won't lose to him in the competition of physique!"

Wu Yun looked sideways slightly, seeing Luo Jiu's body suddenly swelled a lot, and complained, "It's like being possessed by a martial spirit." Yes ."

However, he still paid a little attention to this magic ape transformation in his heart, and after using the magic ape transformation, Luo Jiu's aura rose for a while, comparable to a small achievement in Qi creation state.

This martial art was born specifically for leapfrog battles.

While Wu Yun was speaking, Lin Dong's shirt in the arena suddenly exploded, and golden energy surged, and his skin turned golden inch by inch. In the blink of an eye, he looked like a vajra arhat.

A golden bell wrapped his body.

Even though his body was not as inflated as Luo Jiu's, the powerful aura emanating from his body still made people secretly speechless.

"Boy, if you can force me to use the magic ape transformation, even if you are killed by me, you will have no regrets!"

Luo Jiu's pupils have changed at this moment, looking like a deformed magic ape, The corner of his mouth showed a ferocious smile at Lin Dong, and then he kicked his feet suddenly, and his figure turned into a red light and flew out!

"It's just right, I just thought you almost meant it, but now it's exactly what I want!"

Lin Dong faced up to the difficulties, and he fully displayed the admiralty body. At the same time, there was a layer of bronze color on the surface of the admiralty body. Thunder flashes.

Admiralty body plus copper thunder body!

"Strong Demon Ape Hammer!"

Luo Jiu was already insane at the moment, and the Demon Ape Transformation would make him lose his sanity and return to wildness.

The crimson in his pupils became deeper and deeper, and a sound almost like the roar of an ape suddenly came from his throat, and then his figure turned into red light and rushed out, the huge hammer shadow in his hand , glowing with a terrifying power, even the emptiness of the air escaped under its hammer!

"Smashing Sky Demon Monument Palm!"

Lin Dong put away the ancient sky-scale halberd, and his body soared into the air. He formed seals with both hands, and fully displayed this ninth-grade martial art.

Holding a huge magic tablet in each hand, like a god of war holding a mountain, just looking at it makes people feel suffocated. Two majestic auras swept across the sky, and two huge monster tablets formed directly in the sky.

"Stand back!"

Jiang Lei yelled to make the surrounding disciples retreat quickly under the terrifying force.

Jiang Xue and Xiao Yinyin, who joined in the fun, hurried to Wu Yun's back.

A huge surge of mental power surged out, and Wu Yun directly condensed a mental power barrier to block all the disciples of Eagle Martial Arts Hall behind.

Now Lin Dong and Luo Jiu's power has accumulated to the peak of the Formation Realm, and this power can even threaten the strong ones in the Taoist Qi Realm.

The two palm prints of the demon tablet directly hit Luo Jiu's double hammers.


Violent Yuan Force oscillated and opened, and the bricks and tiles in front of the entire Eagle Martial Arts Hall flew up into the sky, making a mess. Those disciples of the Blood Eagle Martial Arts Hall who were not protected by anyone who were close were directly blown away and vomited blood.

Luo Shan is one of them, already half dead.

Looking at the field again, Lin Dong was floating in the air like a rainbow, like a body made of gold, emitting a dazzling light, as he looked at Luo Jiu below him domineeringly and fiercely.

At this moment, Luo Jiu's body had returned to normal, his face was stained with blood, and he was in a panic. His Heaven and Earth Double Hammers were directly smashed flat by Lin Dong's Demon Tablet Palm.

"Brother said, I want you to die!"

Lin Dong said without emotion, the ancient Tianlin halberd appeared in his hand again, a halberd flashed across, and Luo Jiu's head flew directly.

On the other side, Luo Shan, who had just been dragged up by the disciples of the Blood Vulture Martial Arts, opened his eyes and saw his father's head flying up.

Just as he was about to shout, a palm print hit him.

With the seal of Qimen, Luo Shan's head was split open, ending his suffering.

"After today, there will be no more Blood Vulture Martial Arts Hall, you guys get lost."

Lin Dong pointed at everyone in the Blood Vulture Martial Arts Hall.

"Let's go, let's go!"

They all didn't dare to look at Lin Dong, they all backed away and fled in embarrassment.

The owner of the museum is dead, so what's the point of their insistence.

Lin Dong stretched out his hand, took Luo Jiu's Qiankun Bag into his hand, took the trophy, and walked up to Wu Yun,


He handed the Qiankun Bag to Wu Yun.

This scene made the disciples around swallow their saliva.

Lin Dong showed great power, like a god of war, and killed Luo Jiu with a destructive force, but facing Wu Yun, he still looked respectful.

"Just keep it."

Wu Yun said lightly.

Looking at the fleeing members of the Blood Eagle Martial Arts Academy and the two corpses on the ground, the boulder lingering in the hearts of the disciples of the Eagle Martial Arts Academy finally disappeared.

They looked at Wu Yun and Lin Dong excitedly, their gazes had changed from jealousy to admiration.

"Thank you two brothers this time."

Jiang Lei's eyes, full of vicissitudes, throbbed a little!

If it weren't for the Wu Yun brothers this time, the Eagle Martial Arts Academy would have been doomed, and it would be their Eagle Martial Arts Academy that will be disbanded today.

"Brother Jiang, you're welcome, our friendship is here, who else will you help if you don't!"

Wu Yun patted Jiang Lei's shoulder, as if he was the elder brother.

Seeing this, Jiang Xue's eyes narrowed, Qiong's nose moved slightly, she stretched out her small white hand, and pinched Wu Yun's back forcefully.

"Two brothers, you are very loyal. From now on, I will always have a place for you brothers in the Eagle Martial Arts Gym." Jiang Lei said excitedly.

"Brother Jiang is polite, but you accidentally destroyed your gate, you have to repair it." Lin Dong cupped his hands.

There is already a mess in front of the Eagle Martial Arts Hall!

"Small problem, small problem!"

"Brothers, go to the inner hall to rest with Xue'er first, and let me handle the rest!" After

killing Luo Jiu and his son, the Blood Vulture Martial Arts Academy will have no leader. Eagle Martial Arts will definitely annex them all.


Lin Dong went back to his room to change clothes.

Wu Yun took Sister Jiang Xue into another room.

"Yinyin, how was your cultivation yesterday?"

Wu Yun asked Xiao Yinyin about the effect of her cultivation on her physique, and sent out a wave of Yuan Force to probe her body.

Sure enough, Xiao Yinyin's physique became a bit stronger, and her vitality became stronger and stronger.

"Big brother, I feel so sleepy and want to sleep!"

Xiao Yinyin said innocently, rubbing her big bright eyes.

According to Wu Yun's "softness" to practice, although she has experienced it from the words, but the more she practiced, the more sleepy she became, and she even practiced directly in her sleep.

"Oh, it's actually like this!"

Wu Yun's eyes lit up. From this characteristic, he could judge that Xiao Yinyin's cultivation direction should be the longevity body.

Another way of saying this physique is the physique that comes out of sleep.

The cultivation of this physique relies on sleep, and the better the talent, the more sleep, and one can cultivate in one's sleep.

To be honest, Wu Yun is very envious of this way of upgrading while on-hook.

It can be said that it is the cultivation method that most people dream of.

"Don't worry, just practice according to your feeling, sleep when you want, don't have any psychological burden, as long as you can understand that word, go to sleep at ease."

Wu Yun smiled and rubbed Xiao Yinyin s head.


Xiao Yinyin said happily.

"En!" Wu Yun nodded seriously.

As soon as Xiao Yinyin heard it, she immediately climbed onto the bed, "Then I'm going to sleep!"

After she finished speaking, she fell in love with her eyes and fell asleep instantly, with the sound of calm and rhythmic breathing.


Jiang Xue was dumbfounded.

"Brother Wu Yun, Yinyin..."

"It's okay, it's normal. Yinyin cultivates a physique that requires long sleep."

"Long time? How long will Yinyin sleep for?"

Jiang Xue was still a little worried.

"She can sleep all the time, for a long time, even for centuries. If she is really successful in cultivation, she might really sleep until the sky is dark."

Wu Yun said with a smile.

But Jiang Xue couldn't laugh.

Relying on sleep to cultivate, what kind of cultivation method is this, she has never heard of it.

"Let's go, don't disturb Yinyin's sleep, let's talk in another room, and I will tell you slowly."

Wu Yun took Jiang Xue's hand and said, he felt that he should explain this matter to Jiang Xue, after all, Yinyin It's not as simple as sleeping for a day or two.

Change another room and close the door.

"Xue'er, you are already my woman. I can tell you some things, but don't tell others."

Wu Yun said seriously.

Jiang Xue blushed, she was no longer a simple girl, and now she belonged.

"Brother Wu Yun, tell me."

"Yinyin cultivates a very powerful body training method called longevity body. If she succeeds in the cultivation, she can even live forever."

"What, immortality?" Jiang Xue said in surprise, covering her small mouth.

"Don't be nervous, I believe you can see that Lin Dong and I have very strong physiques. It's because we have practiced similar exercises, so I didn't lie to you."

Wu Yun felt that he should explain clearly, otherwise She promised to teach Xiao Yinyin how to practice, but she kept sleeping, fearing that people would misunderstand and teach the child something wrong.

"Brother Wu Yun, it's not that I don't believe it, it's just that this cultivation method is too wonderful."

Jiang Xue quickly explained, at this point, if Wu Yun's strength wants to harm their family, there is no need to be so troublesome, and they all treat each other frankly Yes, she also has a deep enough understanding of Wu Yun.

"By the way, Xue'er, you are still young and have a long way to go in martial arts. Let me teach you this cultivation method and try it. Your talent is not bad."

"Ah, can I do it too?" Jiang Xue was a little flattered.

"You are my woman, of course you can."

"Come on, relax and let me in!"

Wu Yun said softly.


Jiang Xue slowly closed her eyes, stretched her brows, and waited quietly.

Wu Yun's mental power gushed out, and in the same way, he passed the six characters of body script into Jiang Xue's sea of ​​consciousness.

Everyone who can open the sea of ​​soul consciousness to him is trustworthy.

Because opening up the sea of ​​consciousness is tantamount to being slaughtered by others.

If Wu Yun's mental power is strong enough, he can even directly win over the opponent.

Jiang Xue cooperated very well and received the six characters.

Then according to Wu Yun's guidance, it began to sense.

After a while, she had an obvious reaction.


Same as Xiao Yinyin, it is soft.

Wu Yun immediately imprinted the spirit of Rouzi on Jiang Xue.

He said, "You and Yinyin have the same choice. They are indeed two sisters. If you practice according to this word, you can cultivate two kinds of extremely strong physiques. One is the longevity body that Yinyin is cultivating, and the other is called the holy spring." Body.

Every physique is different, and everyone's cultivation is also different, so it depends on what you can understand from this word.

Now that you two sisters are both practicing soft characters, you can discuss cultivation together on weekdays Experience."

"Thank you, Brother Wu Yun!" Jiang Xue nodded softly.

The experience just now has made her feel the incomparably vast information contained in this soft word.

As the senior sister of the martial arts school, she also has a heart to pursue martial arts, and also wants to better protect the martial arts school.

Eagle Martial Arts has her best childhood memories, and it is the kindest place that grew up with her, entrusting her most sincere feelings.

If she can become stronger, she can also develop the Eagle Martial Arts Gym.

"Are you just thanking me like this? Is it too dry!"

Wu Yun joked.

He had just finished speaking, when suddenly a faint fragrance came to his face, but he saw Jiang Xue standing in front of him pretty and alive, so close to Chi Chi, her pretty face was flushed, and then she couldn't react to Wu Yun's teasing eyes Step down, lightly touch the toes, the soft red lips, glowing with a heart-pounding heat, once again covered Wu Yun's lips.

The soft and comfortable touch made Lin Dong's heart tremble, and he stretched out his arm involuntarily, wrapping around that soft and boneless waist. When his palm was pressed against Jiang Xue's smooth jade back, Wu Yun could clearly feel it. Suddenly, the latter's delicate body became stiff for a moment.

She is also Xiaojiabiyu's new daughter-in-law!

In the room, the moonlight poured down, and the shadow was reflected on the windowsill, making it quite peaceful and warm.

Soon the two shadows both fell down and rolled over.

Outside the window, the plum blossoms in the corner are in full bloom again!