Jiang Xue: No matter how far you fly, so what, it will still come back to me

Be the big brother and turn the clouds and rain next door!

The second younger brother was messing with the Qiankun bag alone in the room.

Lin. The tool man. The steel tough guy. Moved, he was checking his loot with a smile on his face at the moment.

As the master of the first pavilion, Luo Jiu's universe bag is still very full.

Looking at the high-grade purple-black Qiankun bag, Lin Dong smiled slightly, and his mental power surged out, and tens of thousands of pure Yuan Pills were lying in it glisteningly.

But what caught Lin Dong's attention was a strange piece of bone.

With a flash of light, the piece of bone appeared in Lin's hand. On the piece of bone, there were some imprints like words. Lin Dong looked at it, and the corners of his mouth could not help but slowly curl up.

"Devil Ape Change!"

In the reflection of the light, Lin Dong saw the three strange characters with a hint of fierceness.

It was the strange martial arts that Luo Jiu used to change his body shape, which made Luo Jiu's aura rise to a level comparable to that of creating Qi.

Lin Dong had to use the Ninth Grade Martial Arts Broken Sky Demon Monument Palm to kill him.

High-quality martial arts are very rare. Even Lin Dong has only mastered two of them now, the Heavenly Scale Halberd Technique and the Skyshattering Demon Monument Palm.

This Demonic Ape Transformation is obviously not under the Heavenly Scale Halberd Technique.

Brother Yin Diao also showed a demon spirit, and examined the bone fragment with great interest.

"This is a kind of martial arts that imitates the power of monsters. It can give yourself some beast-like abilities in a short period of time. Speaking of it, it can be regarded as a kind of martial arts that is somewhat similar to the Great Sun Thunder Body. However, this kind of martial arts, It should appear more complicated and dangerous."

"That guy has completely gone astray in his cultivation, and that's why he has achieved that kind of virtue. If he has really cultivated this kind of martial arts to the point of great success, he can completely control that kind of power freely. , to contend with your Heaven-shattering Devil Tablet Palm."

"You can study it. This set of martial arts is also quite suitable for you. It can better display the power of your Great Sun Thunder Body, and it will be easier for you to leapfrog the battle."


Lin Dong nodded. A strand of golden energy poured into the bone fragment, and the originally dark bone fragment suddenly burst into a strong light, and then, a large piece of small light characters appeared in front of him.

"The demonic blood enters the body, imitates its shape, obtains its power, controls its spirit..."

Soon after Lin Dong finished watching this cultivation method, his brows slowly frowned, "It really is a bit complicated. Do you need the blood essence of ape monsters?"

Xiao Diao also browsed through the content of martial arts, nodded his head and said,

"Well, and you also need to introduce the blood essence into your body to refine it. At that time, as long as As soon as you cast the Devil Ape Transformation, your body will undergo a temporary change under the influence of the blood, allowing you to possess the power of the transformed object."

Lin Dong: "But this method of cultivation has some risks. Brother

Yin Diao rolled his eyes, "Nonsense, there is no risk in practicing any kind of martial arts, and the demon blood enters the body. If it is not fully refined, it may appear similar to the guy today, and some even more unlucky ones will be killed by this guy." Things made people look like monsters."

"However, what are you afraid of? When you first cultivated the Great Sun Thunder Body, you were not even afraid of sky thunder."

Lin Dong said excitedly, "That's different, this If my practice is broken, but I want to become a monster, then how can I face my parents and them, and I will marry a wife and have children in the future. If I become a monster, I can't marry a monster, it's not human. What's the matter!"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Diao was not happy,

"Hehe, second brother, what do you mean by this, do you think we monsters are the ones you can marry if you want to.

Hmph, our monster race is no better than Your human race is poor, you are really ignorant, the real monster race is far from the wild beasts you saw in the Great Yan Dynasty, after reaching the Nirvana state, monster beasts can also be transformed into human forms.

Not to mention the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, Nine-Life Cat Clan, Kunling Clan, etc., which are famous for their beauty, just talk about our Sky Demon Sable Clan.

A sister of mine, in human form, is even more amazing than those saintesses and princesses of your human race.

How many stunning beauties have you seen? Jiang Xue from the Eagle Martial Arts Gym is considered beautiful, but she may not even be able to rank in the top 100 when she enters the Demon Realm. "

Xiao Diao said a long list full of righteous indignation, rectifying the name of the demon girl, saying that Lin Dong is too prejudiced, the demon girl is not what he wants to match, and he can match it if he wants to.

Speaking of this topic, Xiao Diao remembered his first love again Diao!

Can't help falling into sadness.

Lin Dong didn't expect Xiao Diao to be so excited, but he still disagrees with Xiao Diao's words

. Aesthetics are not on the same line at all.

" In the heart of the third brother, maybe a big black female mouse with gorgeous hair is the most beautiful woman! "

Lin Dong couldn't help slandering in his heart!

For the ignorant second brother, Xiao Diao didn't want to discuss too much on this topic. He continued,

"In addition, the strength you gain from practicing this kind of martial arts depends on what you have obtained. Just how strong is the blood essence of the demonic beast, I think the power that Luo Jiu amplified after using it today, he should use only the blood essence of the ordinary demon ape who stepped into the shape-making realm. "

Oh, that means that if we obtain stronger blood essence of the demon ape, the increase can be even higher." "

Lin Dong was a little moved. Luo Jiu is just the blood essence of the ordinary shape-making ape. If he can get some stronger blood essence of the magic ape, wouldn't the increased strength be quite terrifying?

" The greater the reward, the greater the risk. The more powerful the blood essence of the monster, the more difficult it is to refine it, and the chance of being turned into a monster by backlash naturally increases accordingly. "Xiao Diao said lightly.

"With your current strength, if you give you the blood essence of the Nirvana Demon Ape, do you dare to refine it?" "

Lin Dong smacked his lips, and suddenly returned to reality. Every point of strength comes with every risk. Everyone wants to refine the blood essence of powerful monsters to obtain more powerful boosting power, but if they don't have that ability, they are really looking for death. .

"I definitely can't bear the blood essence of the devil ape in the Nirvana state, but I can definitely bear the blood essence of the Qi creation state, or even the creation state." Lin Dong said confidently.

At the beginning, he could bear to refine the thunder source of the thunder source crystal beast that had already advanced to the creation realm, let alone now.

"With your current physique, there is no problem. If you can get the blood essence of a demon ape at the peak of the Creation Realm, and meet the Lin Langtian back then, you will be able to compete with him." Xiao Diao also agreed.

The Great Sun Lightning Body he gave was the next best thing. It was mainly because of the body training method given to Lin Dong by his elder brother, which allowed Lin Dong to successfully cultivate the Golden Bell Body, which made Lin Dong's current foundation extremely solid.

There is a big difference between the training style of the body script and the Da Ri Lei style given by Xiao Diao.

Admiralty body directly changed Lin Dong's physique fundamentally.

"However, in this small Great Yan Dynasty, do you know if you can find a magic ape that satisfies you?"

"Dahuang County has a vast territory, and there are many powerful monsters hidden in the deep mountains and forests. There must be some monsters among them. " The Demonic Ape of the Creation Realm, but my current strength is not enough to deal with the Creation Realm, so I have to ask my elder brother to help me, I will go to the elder brother!"

Lin Dong happily walked out of the room and came to Wu Yun's door, but he saw Wu Yun's door. close up.

"Hey, what's going on, there is still a seal in the big brother's room."

Lin Dong said in surprise, he was about to use his mental power to detect if the big brother was in the room, but was blocked by a force.

"Maybe big brother is in seclusion, don't let anyone disturb you, let's wait."

Xiao Diao also used mental power to detect, but was also blocked by the sealing power.

Although he could forcibly break the seal, there's no need to do that, it's not good to bother big brother.

However, in the room, Wu Yun was working hard!

With the lessons learned from Xiao Yinyin's ignorance and mental power, Wu Yun became vigilant, so before falling down with Jiang Xue, he conveniently made a sealing talisman, pasted it on the door, and sealed the whole The room was sealed, let alone the sound of people outside, he couldn't detect even a little breath.

And as long as someone touches the seal, Wu Yun will sense it immediately.

He was concentrating on it, but only used his mental strength to investigate a little bit. After finding out that it was Xiao Diao and Lin Dong, he didn't care anymore.

After the cloud and rain in Wushan!

Only then did Wu Yun get fully dressed, and after comforting Jiang Xue a few words, he came out of the room.

Go find the two brothers who just moved the pussy!

"Second brother, third brother, why are you looking for me?"

"Oh, big brother, why did you seal the room when you came out? What's the matter, you can let me guard the door for you, it's safer." Lin Dongshi Shi Ran said.

"It's just a sudden realization. It doesn't need to be so troublesome. For ordinary trivial matters, you don't need to bother your second brother to do it yourself."

Wu Yun said without hesitation.

They have come all the way from Qingyang Town, and they are used to this kind of practice of protecting each other.

Back in the Lin family, it was Qing Tan, and Lin Dong was the gatekeeper.

"Hey, big brother, I need you to do something here. I wonder if you are sure to deal with the monsters in the Creation Realm?"

"There should be no problem!"

Wu Yun nodded after thinking for a while.

Although he doesn't know his current peak strength, compared to the fight against Ling Qingzhu back then, with his current strength and means, it is not a big problem to deal with the Creation Realm.

Hearing the elder brother's answer, Lin Dong was overjoyed, immediately took out the bone piece, and then told Wu Yun his thoughts.

During this period, Lin Dong flipped through the Qiankun bag, a piece of ordinary kraft paper caught his attention, and with a thought, the kraft paper appeared in Lin Dong's hand.

Carefully spreading out the kraft paper, Lin Dong found that it seemed to be a map. On this map, there were about ten red dots. The positions of these red dots were all among some mountain ranges.

Lin Dong's eyes lit up as soon as he saw it,

"Brother, look quickly!"

He spread out the kraft paper and placed it on the tea table.

The eyes of the three brothers immediately focused on each red dot. Come out,

"Tianniu Mountain Range, Great Ape, Create Formation Realm."

"Moyun Peak, Move Mountain Golden Ape, Small Achievement of Qi Creation Realm."


"Shake Tianshan Mountain, Shake Heaven Demon Ape, Small Success of Creation Realm."

"Ancient Waste Jian, the ancient dragon ape, Xiaocheng of the Creation Realm,"

the two reddest marks, which look like blood, are the Demonic Apes of the Creation Realm.

Before, they were worried about finding the magic ape, but now they came out immediately.

Wu Yun's eyes fixed on the words "ancient ruined stream".

This is his next check-in location.

Lin Dong: "Two apes from the Creation Realm, big brother, which one should we choose?

" Be stronger, right, Xiao Diao?"

Wu Yun turned to look at Xiao Diao.

"Yes, big brother, the ancient dragon ape is a kind of monster with ancient blood. There is a bit of dragon blood in their body, which makes them quite powerful in the world of monsters. An adult ancient dragon ape is comparable to a strong man in the Nirvana realm, and this ancient dragon ape has only made a small achievement in the realm of good fortune, and should still be in its infancy, if the elder brother makes a move, it will be easy to handle."

Mink added.

As a monster, he knows monsters best.

"Well, let's get the Ancient Dragon Ape!"

Lin Dong naturally had no objection, the stronger he was, the more he liked it.

Wu Yun: "In this case, then we are sure, stay in the Eagle City for two days, and then we will set out for the ancient ruins!"

"Brother, why do we have to wait for two days?"

Lin Dong asked puzzled, he couldn't wait. I really want to hunt the Dragon Ape.

"It's only two days, not long!"

Wu Yun said calmly, he would definitely not tell the two brothers that he had just captured the hearts of the beauties, so they couldn't leave in a hurry, at least in the last days, let's do it!

He said righteously, "You mustn't collect some information about the ancient ruins? Although I can deal with the Creation Realm, I can't be careless. Everything must be well prepared."

"Well, you go to collect information now, and by the way The Qiankun bags we snatched from the Di and Liu families before, and all the useless items are exchanged for pure yuan pills!"

"During these two days, I want to guide Miss Jiang's cultivation more."

Lin Dong Without doubting him, he responded immediately,

"Oh, brother is still thoughtful, I'll do it now."

He then packed up those Qiankun bags and went out to do errands.

Wu Yun returned to the room and continued to teach Jiang Xue the details of physical fitness.

"Xue'er, I will leave Eagle City in two days!"

"So, these two days..."

"No rest, let's practice!"


Two days later!

Under the reluctant eyes of Jiang's father and daughter, Wu Yun and Lin Dong led the two tigers on the road.

"Brother, I have already inquired about it. The ancient ruined stream is similar to the ancient stele of the Great Desolation. There are ancient relics left in it. People often go there to search for treasures, which has formed a lot of forces around the ruined stream. It is even more famous than the Great Eagle City. Among

them, the strongest is a force named Gu Jianmen. Even in Dahuang County, this ancient Jianmen has an extremely strong reputation. There are three strong men who have stepped into the Qi-creating state sitting in the gate. Formation!

In addition, in the ancient abandoned stream, there are a lot of ferocious monsters, and many of them are like ancient dragon apes, with a trace of ancient blood inheritance, extremely tyrannical, even the ancient sword gate dare not break free, of course , the ancient dragon ape is still the overlord there!"

"Well, yes, the information collection is very detailed, so let's go directly."


In front of the Eagle Martial Arts Hall, Jiang Lei looked at the backs of the two leaving, feeling deeply Feeling,

"Wu Yun, Lin Dong, these two brothers are definitely not things in the pond. They will definitely be able to soar for nine days in the future.

Great Eagle City and Great Wilderness County are just the places they passed through temporarily, and even the Great Yan Dynasty can't restrain them. "

He looked at the elder daughter who was full of nostalgia and determination in his eyes, and couldn't help sighing in his heart,

"Unfortunately, our martial arts gym can't keep them."

"Xue'er, it will be very tiring to catch up with such a man!"

Although the old father didn't know the details of what happened, as someone who had experienced it, he could see it very clearly.

Jiang Xue thought of the kite and string that Wu Yun said, and immediately clenched her little white hands, and said confidently, "No matter how far you fly, so what, it will still return to my hands in the end."