Sign in to the waste stream and get

Three days later!

Wu Yun and Lin Dong stood on a towering mountain.

"Phew, it's finally here!"

Looking at the huge ancient mountain range in front of them, the two of them also had some deep surprises in their eyes.

Although they haven't penetrated into it yet, even standing here, they can vaguely feel some powerful aura hidden in the ancient waste stream.

These auras are extremely ferocious, with a faint ancient smell, presumably they should be those powerful monsters with a trace of blood inherited from ancient times.

"According to the information, the ancient Dragon Ape is in the deepest part of the mountain stream. Brother, shall we go directly there?"

Lin Dong pointed at the mountain stream full of ancient charm.

"Well, go ahead, take the blood essence of the ancient dragon ape, and find out if there are any treasures here by the way. Since it can attract people to shop for treasures all year round, there must be many good things in it."

Wu Yun nodded, and the two agreed . Towards the ancient ruined stream.

As the waste stream approached, there were more and more people, and many of them had the same purpose as them, to enter the waste stream.

However, Wu Yun found out that these people's strength was not very strong, and they were all under the shape-making environment.

However, each of them looked embarrassed, as if they were still speaking beautiful words,

"Damn, those bastards from the ancient sword gate are too arrogant, and they directly blocked the way into the ancient waste stream."

"This group Cattle and horses, domineering behavior, and the ancient ruins are not his Gu Jianmen, why don't you let us in."

"Don't scold, Gu Jianmen is powerful, we can't do anything about it, and this kind of blockade, Gu Jianmen We always do that once or twice a year, so let's count it as unlucky for us this time."

Oh, the local snake is doing the same thing again!

Along the way, after listening to several people's discussions, Wu Yun understood.

Gu Jianmen blocked the ancient waste stream and searched by himself.

Lin Dong: "Hehe, the ancient ruined stream is so wide, how many people will need to block this ancient sword gate, it is impossible for them to block all of them, big brother, shall we sneak in quietly, or break in?"

Wu Yun looked Looking at the second younger brother who was acting more and more vigorously, he patted his head and said,

"Uh... there is no need to fight in. Our goal is the blood essence of the ancient dragon ape, as long as we cross the blockade of the ancient sword gate, there is no need to be troublesome."

.Gu Jianmen is well-known in Dahuang County. If there is a conflict with them and we accidentally destroy Gu Jianmen, then the reputation of my two brothers will spread, which will not help us to keep a low profile. "

" Well, what the elder brother said makes sense!" Lin Dong nodded seriously.

Baiyun and Xiaoyan turned into cute pets again and were hugged by them.

The two climbed up the giant tree, and quickly shuttled through the forest. After a long while, they stopped on a dense tree and looked towards the road ahead, where there were dozens of figures standing with swords , just blocked the intersection.

They were wearing the same clothes with an ancient sword logo on them, obviously they were the men and horses of the ancient sword gate.

The two of them have strong mental strength, and they can easily detect all the people in the ancient sword sect.

The ancient sword gate only blocks those frequented roads leading to the waste stream, and there are still many places that are empty.

Afterwards, the two found a gap and flew directly into Yujian.

Entering the interior of the waste stream, you can still see many people from the Ancient Sword Sect. These people form a team very regularly and spread out. The ferocious monsters hunt and kill them, so as to hunt for the monster crystals of the monsters.

Obviously, at this time, he regards the ancient waste stream as his back garden.

"This ancient sword gate has done too much. No wonder those people can't get in. The people they arranged don't have the strength to create three realms, so they can't get in at all."

Lin Dong sighed quietly.

That is to say, they have strong mental power and can easily avoid wave after wave of people.

"Oh, I met the treasure so soon!"

Wu Yun said in surprise, the spirit-gathering talisman in his hand had already lit up.

Look in the direction of Yuanli fluctuations.

Wu Yun's eyes quickly focused on the place not far ahead, where there was a stream running from the mountain stream, and in the crevice of the rock at the end of the stream, a dark purple flower was slowly blooming. And as this flower bloomed, suddenly, a thumb-sized, purple pearl-like small round bead appeared on the bud, and there was a faint fragrance floating in it. Take a sip, It's refreshing.

"Purple cloud fruit is comparable to the fruit of the seventh-grade elixir!"

Lin Dong also said in surprise.

They have used a lot of seventh-grade elixir.

Surprisingly, he had just entered the ancient ruined stream, and encountered this level of elixir, which proved that there must be many treasures in the ancient ruined stream.

"Hey, big brother, I'll get it!"

Lin Dong volunteered.

"Be careful, there is a small thing down there." Wu Yun reminded.

Most of the high-grade elixirs are guarded by monsters. Although the creek in front of him is extremely quiet, Wu Yun can feel a fierce aura hidden in the creek.

"Brother, don't worry, I've noticed it a long time ago, it's just a monster python in the Forming Realm."

Lin Dong chuckled, and the ancient halberd appeared in his hand.

Xiaoyan jumped down directly and transformed into a fighting form.

"Angry python halberd!"

Lin Dong shot out a python-shaped halberd and smashed it into the creek.


There was a roar from the creek, a huge jet of water shot towards Lin Dong, and a huge blue boa constrictor appeared.

There was already a hideous wound on its body, bleeding blood.

Xiao Yan jumped over and got entangled with the demon python.

The sharp tiger claws shone with the light of thunder, and soon tore apart the body of the monster python.

Today's Xiaoyan, digesting the corpse of the Lightning Origin Crystal Beast, and absorbing part of the Lightning Tribulation Liquid and Yang Yuan Liquid, has doubled his potential, and his strength is already able to crush the Xiaocheng of the Forming Realm, and even the Dacheng of the Forming Realm dares to fight.

Soon, Xiao Yan directly tore the blue monster python into two halves, took out the monster crystal inside the monster python, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Lin Dong smiled slightly, moved his body, floated to the end of the stream, and carefully dug out the purple flower.

Successfully collected the elixir.

Just when Lin Dong was about to leap up, Wu Yun frowned, and someone came over.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect to be able to find Ziyun fruit here. It seems that the luck of me and the others is really good."

Four figures swept down from the tree, and then landed not far from the creek.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong looked at each other and looked at these four people. They were all wearing ancient Jianmen clothes, and three of them were relatively young, and their strength was only in the Yuandan realm.

Only the middle-aged man in the middle has reached the Xiaocheng Formation Realm.

"Well, you two little fellows, hand over the purple cloud fruit. We won't hold you accountable for your intrusion." The

middle-aged man said, his eyes greedily looking at the purple fruit in Lin's hand.

"Why did I give it to you?" Lin Dong rolled his eyes, he had long been displeased with the domineering behavior of people like Gu Jianmen.

"This friend, Liu Yuntian, the deacon of the ancient sword gate, today belongs to the blockade of my ancient sword gate. According to the rules, outsiders are not allowed to enter, so I hope you understand."

The middle-aged man was a little jealous of Lin Dong, Arched his hands and smiled.

"Hehe, here in the barren mountains and wild forests, why do you say that it is blocked? The rules are just to see who has the biggest fists. If you want purple cloud fruit, you can get it."

Lin Dong said disdainfully . The practice of setting up a memorial archway.

"Deacon Liu, why are you talking so much nonsense with him? Just kill him. This kid doesn't pay attention to our Gu Jianmen at all."

"Hmph, here, our Gu Jianmen's fists are big."

" You are provoking Gu Jianmen, boy, find out whose territory this is!"

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being rude." Liu Yuntian said with gloomy eyes.

Wu Yun couldn't listen anymore, this Liu Yuntian was very ignorant of current affairs, and said flatly, "

Kill it, we have to hurry!"

"Okay, big brother!"

It surged onto the thick black ancient halberd in his hand.

"Fish-scale halberd!"

"Raging python halberd!"

"Huajiao halberd!"

"Tianlong halberd!"

Directly with a set of four combos, the four halberd lights shot at the four Gujianmen who were opposite.

The strongest Longxing halberd aimed at Liu Yuntian.

"Be careful!"

"Ah!" The

four quickly resisted, but they were no match for Lin Dong.

Instant kill.

After searching the universe bags of the four, they continued up the mountain.

Through the spirit-gathering talismans, many high-quality elixir were found along the way.

Also killed a lot of monsters.

In the ancient waste stream, the monsters are relatively powerful, and after being hunted by the ancient sword gate and other forces, most of the monsters that survived are very powerful, and they are above the shape level.

As the two went deeper, the people from Gu Jianmen had disappeared.

They shuttled through the depths of the forest like lightning. After about ten minutes, his speed finally slowed down.

At this time, a huge valley appeared in front of him. The surrounding valley was covered with huge skeletons. It was unknown whether they belonged to monsters or humans. An extremely violent and fierce aura spread from the valley.

Flying to a high place, under the Purple Demon Eye, he saw a huge shadow about tens of feet in the valley, appearing in his field of vision.

That huge shadow is extremely shocking, and the oppression it brings is very strong. Under that oppression, even the strong in the Formation Realm are as weak as ants.

At this time, a ray of sunlight poured down from the sky, shining on the huge figure in the valley.

I finally saw it clearly, it was a giant ape, the whole body was pitch black, it looked as if its whole body was made of the hardest fine iron, and the cold and vigorous luster flowed on the surface of its body, as if it could be transformed with a little movement. The power to destroy the heavens and the earth erupted.

Ancient Dragon Ape!

Its aura is so strong that it is the most powerful among the monsters Wu Yun has seen so far.

However, it was still not as great as the pressure that Ling Qingzhu put on him at the beginning.

Under the Ziji Demon Eyes, Wu Yun could easily notice that there was a sharp black horn protruding from the giant ape's forehead. On the black horn, there were obscure and complicated lines, an ancient and Powerful flavour, radiating from above.

At this time, Xiao Diao's demon spirit came out,

"That is the dragon horn, and it is also a characteristic endowed by the dragon blood in the ancient dragon ape. This dragon horn is extremely powerful in attack, but it is not a last resort, and the ancient dragon ape will not use it easily."

"This is the ancient dragon ape It 's stronger than the Shaking Demon Ape."

Lin Dong swallowed, the stronger the power of this ancient dragon ape, the more he would be greedy for its blood.

"There should be something good inside!"

Wu Yun looked at the valley behind the ancient dragon ape, and the spirit-gathering talisman in his hand had formed a small vitality vortex.

To be able to attract the reaction of the spirit-gathering rune, there must be treasures in this valley that are not weaker than the ninth-grade elixir.

"Brother, what are we going to do now?"

Lin Dong said eagerly through voice transmission.

Although his current strength is still not comparable to that of the Ancient Dragon Ape, the Admiralty Body's defensive ability is very strong. Lin Dong felt that even if he couldn't defeat the Ancient Dragon Ape, he would have no problem resisting two hits of damage.

Wu Yun: "Don't worry, let's survey the surrounding environment first. We can't kill the ancient dragon ape in seconds, and the movement will be very loud, which will inevitably attract the surrounding monsters and the ancient sword gate. Then We will be the target of everyone's criticism."

He got up and looked around the valley, then took out the runes and started to set up the formation.

This is the first time they have a life-and-death battle with monsters in the Creation Realm, but there is still a Qi Creation Realm between them.

Although his strength has greatly increased and he is confident, Wu Yun has to act cautiously.

Soon, a simple sealing formation surrounded the valley.

The main function is to isolate the breath of the valley and block the fluctuation of Yuanli.

After doing all this, a quarter of an hour has passed.

"Okay, you can do it!"

Wu Yun moved his palm. He hadn't made a move for a long time, and now he was going to use this ancient dragon ape to test his true strength.

"Second brother, third brother, it's fine for you to stand by and watch me play first."

"Okay, big brother!"

Lin Dong and Xiao Diao agreed happily, and they also want to see how Wu Yun can play now. great power.

Wu Yun directly stepped on the ice sword, jumped down the valley, and flew towards the ancient dragon ape with Yujian.


The ancient dragon ape, which finally sensed someone approaching, let out an angry roar. It directly grabbed a boulder beside it and threw it at Wu Yun who was in flight.

Purple-golden light erupted from Wu Yun's body, and the Frost Sword was stored in the Qiankun bag. Wu Yun directly faced the boulder and stepped on it.

A huge weight burst out.

"Bang!" The

boulder exploded, and Wu Yun pressed against the ancient dragon ape with a strong force of gravity.

The male body can increase its own weight infinitely, and the attack and defense will naturally increase accordingly.

"Smashing Sky Demonic Tablet Palm!"

Wu Yun descended from the sky, forming a palm print of the Demonic Tablet on the left and right sides, and suppressed it.

The boulder was shattered, and the ancient dragon ape raised its head to the sky and let out an angry roar. It clenched its huge palm into a fist, and then punched out suddenly. Suddenly, a wave of black energy waved with incomparable rage and violence. Undulating slammed fiercely at Wu Yun in the sky.


The sound of violent collision resounded through the valley.

The Qi machine oscillated, and Yuan Li fluctuated wildly.

The huge body of the ancient dragon ape was directly smashed into the ground.

The skin of Wu Yun's whole body has turned into a purple-gold color, and his physique is fully developed. The gravity field centered on him makes the foundation of the valley sink.

"Hiss, big brother's physical strength is so strong."

Lin Dong and Xiao Diao took a deep breath from a distance.

It is obvious that Wu Yun's cultivation base of Yuanli is only a great achievement in the Formation Realm, but the explosive power of his physical body has already head-on to the ancient Dragon Ape, a monster in the Creation Realm.

At this moment, the suppressed Ancient Dragon Ape became angry. It stepped on the ground, and the whole mountain stream shook. Under Wu Yun's pressure, it slowly stood up.

His hands formed fists, and the black light condensed into light clusters, and he fought Wu Yun hand-to-hand.

Clang, clang!

Fisting to the flesh, one man and one ape were completely fighting in physical strength, and the surging force caused the valley to shake like a strong earthquake.

"It's too strong. Is this a monster from the Creation Realm?"

Lin Dong was stunned. He couldn't bear this level of power even now.

Boom boom boom!

One man and one ape were still fighting fiercely. The ancient dragon ape was originally very flexible, but under the pressure of Wu Yun's gravity, it couldn't give full play to its flexible advantages.


Wu Yun shouted happily.

"Try mine, the Spear of the Underworld God!"

His energy surged wildly, and the particles all over his body trembled, forming a huge vortex on the surface of his body.

An incomparably strange purple-gold spear completely condensed from Yuanli extended out from the vortex.

In an instant, the surroundings were filled with hell-like evil spirits.

This is the supernatural power that automatically awakens after the Shenxiang Prison-Suppressing Strength has been cultivated to a certain level.

The Spear of Hades!

This spear of the god of the underworld is not randomly condensed, but a pure offensive weapon condensed from the awakening of the divine elephant's prison-suppressing power, which is based on the origin force and emanates from the body's acupuncture points.

It is not impossible to condense Yuanli into magic weapons, but most of them are condensed indiscriminately, and their power is not great, and it is not as powerful as ordinary swords. It's different.

It is the strongest attack method, and it is condensed with the power of the god elephant's prison-suppressing power and the vortex of hell!

There is an astonishing aura on it, like a hell-like aura, strong and oppressive, and there is even blood on the spear tip.

Just looking at it makes one feel like falling into hell.

The ancient dragon ape looked at the purple-gold spear that was gradually taking shape, and there was a trace of fear in the crimson pupils.

Even Lin Dong and Xiao Diao, who were on the periphery, felt their hearts beating faster at this moment.

Xiao Diao: "Brother, what kind of supernatural power is this? It is able to condense weapons in such a weird way. The breath on the spear is really terrifying!"

Lin Dong: "Brother, is this going to be a showdown? That's it !" The

Zijin spear burst out of the air, hovering in front of Wu Yun, and was held in his hand immediately.

"Spear of the Underworld God, stab!"

The ancient dragon ape in the energy center slammed his fists heavily on his chest, making a deafening bang sound, and the black dragon horn on his forehead actually emitted a wave of pain at this moment. A strange black light!

It used the power of the dragon's blood, and the black light burst out, blocking Wu Yun's Hades Spear.


The hills around the valley were directly flattened by the explosion of the two, and the seal Wu Yun had arranged couldn't bear being broken.

Centered on the valley, this powerful energy swept across the entire ancient waste stream.

And at the center of this eruption, the purple-gold spear penetrated deeply into the body of the ancient dragon ape, ending its life.

Wu Yun panted heavily, and the purple gold spear in his hand slowly dissipated and turned into nothingness.

A sense of weakness spread throughout Wu Yun's body.

This was the first time he used the Spear of the Underworld God, mobilizing almost all the power in his body.

The effect is very good, killing Xiaocheng the ancient dragon ape in the Creation Realm in seconds!

But this is just barely condensing the shape of the Underworld Spear, and there is still some distance from the real Underworld Spear.

If this supernatural power is cultivated to great success, it will not be a problem to kill the gods.

The Spear of the Underworld God is just the beginning, and there are more supernatural powers waiting for Wu Yun to learn.

Wu Yun has just practiced to the first level. If this set of exercises is cultivated to the extreme, let alone the Profound Sky Continent, even if it is in the vast world, it will be easy.

"Okay, come here and extract its blood essence!"

Wu Yun took out a handful of elixir from the Qiankun bag and swallowed it, and said to Lin Dong and Xiao Diao.

[Ding! Arrived at the ancient waste stream, do you sign in? ]

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[Sign in successfully, get rewards, the sky is full of blood! ]