Lin Dong's Complete Explosion

Wu Yun stepped on the Scarlet Fire Sword and stared at the people under the ancient stele in the Great Desolation.

No matter who it is, they dare not look at him.

The invincible aura that Wu Yun erupted just now, with each punch, made the people of the three major clans scream in embarrassment. This strength successfully deterred everyone.

Those present, no one dared to clamor anymore.

Quietly looking at Wu Yun's pretense!

"Junior Sister, help me clean up the battlefield and take away their Qiankun bags."

Wu Yun smiled in the air and said to Mu Qianqian.

Fighting hard, you can't get nothing. Cleaning the battlefield has always been Wu Yun's good character.

Now that Lin Dong is still fighting, this work will be handed over to the newly recruited Junior Sister.

"Okay, senior brother!"

Mu Qianqian agreed with a sweet smile. She obviously didn't reject this kind of thing, and was even a little excited.

Stepping on his long legs, he walked towards the group of the three major clans who were lying on the ground half dead.

Sixty to seventy people were wounded by Wu Yun on the ground, and not all of them died, but those who survived were seriously injured.

Wu Yun did not kill them all.

Killing is not his hobby.

These half-dead people can no longer pose a threat to him, and they are too lazy to make a move.

Those who keep these residual blood, let them deeply remember Wu Yun's horror.

What he wants are the three major clans, all fear him and dare not mess with him again.

These people who were beaten to death by him are the best publicity.

Today's Wu Yun is not afraid of the three major clans, and even has the strength to slaughter the three major clans.

However, blindly killing people can't solve the problem. Only by making the other party fear you and knowing that you can't touch the people around you can solve the problem.

For more than a year, it was because of the fear of the Lin family that the Yancheng Lin family and the Crazy Sword Martial Arts Hall were allowed to hide in the ancient tomb mansion and grow up wretchedly.

Wu Yun didn't want to be like this, he worked hard to become stronger, just hoped that his adoptive father, senior brother and others around him could also come out and live in an open and aboveboard manner, without being afraid of anyone.

"Bring it!"

Mu Qianqian walked to Wang Pan's side and stretched out her hand.

The half-dead Wang Pan was lying on the ground, holding the golden Daluo golden gun tightly in his hands, as if he was unwilling to hand it over.

"This is my royal family's precious gun. If you dare to take it away, my father will not do it..."

Wang Panfang was only halfway through speaking when a golden needle as thin as a hair was shot into the center of his eyebrow.

His voice stopped abruptly, his eyes were bulging, and he could not rest in peace. He thought Wu Yun would not dare to kill him.


"Second Young Master!"

" Second Young Master!" The

members of the Wang Clan cried out in pain, tears streaming down their faces.

"Wu Yun, if you killed Young Master Wang Pan, the Patriarch will not let you go."

"You are dead!"

Wang Tong looked at Wu Yun with bloodshot eyes.


Wu Yun rewarded him with a dragon beard needle without even looking at him.


Many people gasped for air on the first floor, and they had a new understanding of Wu Yun's ruthlessness and decisiveness.

Lin Ke'er's double pupils blinked, blue light overflowed, and her small lips were tightly pursed. The mighty Wang Pan died just like this.

Any genius would be overshadowed by Wu Yun.

Even if he has a strong background, he can't keep him.

Lin Ke'er looked at Wu Yun with complicated eyes. In her eyes, Wu Yun always held some mystery.

Now, after not seeing him for more than a year, Wu Yun's strength is even more frightening, surpassing the scope of the younger generation, and is already enough to compete with the strong of the older generation.

Wang Pan is the son of Wang Lei, the current patriarch of the Wang clan. If Wang Pan is killed, there is no room for maneuver.

Wang Lei is a strong man in Nirvana!

Isn't Wu Yun afraid?

Mu Qianqian was also taken aback, but when she saw her brother's domineering figure, she didn't have any scruples anymore, and put away the Da Luo golden gun.

She came to Qin Shi's side again, and with Wang Pan's lessons learned, Qin Shi put his treasures, Qiankun bag, etc. beside him, and then lay down directly.

Qin Shi's wind eagle stared at Mu Qianqian covetously, as if wanting to protect its master.


Mu Qianqian was hesitating whether to make a move, when a tiger roared.

A crimson fire shadow flew over, before the Wind Hawk could spread its wings, Xiao Yan threw him to the ground, bit his neck, and instantly killed it!

Today's Xiaoyan is no longer what it used to be. It is also a wind eagle that creates Qi, and under its tiger's might, it has no power to resist.

Xiaoyan has cultivated the character "Gang" in the body script. Although she is in the body of a monster, she has made some achievements.

The physique it cultivates is to evolve in the direction of Nuxian Dominant Physique.

It can continuously burst out the strength several times stronger than the current one.

Its real combat power is already comparable to that of the half-step Good Fortune Realm.

After killing Feng Ying with one bite, Xiao Yan skillfully pulled out the opponent's demon crystal with his claws, put it in the tiger's mouth, it was crunchy, and ate it in two or three strokes.

Not only that, after eating the demon crystal, Xiao Yan even ate raw flesh and blood, making his mouth full of bird feathers.

Seeing his beloved Fengying being devoured by the big tiger, Qin Shi closed his eyes in pain.


The energy seal of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument shook again.

Everyone turned their eyes to the past again.

It was Lin Langtian.

One of his palm prints has already weakened the weakened seal energy by a few points.

With one-on-two, he still didn't fall behind.

It was difficult for Lin Dong and Wuci to suppress him.

Lin Langtian is not an ordinary fortune-telling powerhouse. With his grandfather, it is just commonplace for him to leapfrog battles.

After one's own strength erupts, even if it is a strong man who has achieved great success in the Creation Realm, he will still have the power to fight.

"As expected of a genius who has been famous for a long time, it's really amazing!"

Wu Ci vomited blood from the corner of his mouth, and said shyly.

He received Lin Langtian's palm head-on, and the energy in his body was already disordered, and he lost the strength to continue fighting.

"Go and rest and watch me defeat him." Lin Dong said to Wuci, he hadn't used all his strength just now.

Wuci left, just to let him see if he could defeat Lin Langtian with his full strength.

Wuci retreated to the back somewhat disappointed, it was his dream to fight against a genius of Lin Langtian's level.

But alas, he wasn't enough.

"Lin Dong, if you want to compete with me, you are not enough!" Lin Langtian said sinisterly while holding the hair by his ear.

He saw that the current situation was very unfavorable to him, but now he was very angry in his heart.

As soon as he saw Lin Dong, he thought of his lost brother.

He is a majestic man, and now he is neither yin nor yang.

The pain that is suppressed in the heart needs to be released.

Lin Langtian didn't dare to be careless anymore, he was going to be serious and killed Lin Dong!

His handprints are constantly changing.

With the change of Lin Langtian's hand seal, the heaven and earth energy in this piece of heaven and earth suddenly churned violently, and waves of majestic energy that moved people were like waves, flowing from Lin Langtian's body Sweep away!

These majestic energy condensed in the sky above Lin Langtian's head, faintly forming a silver phoenix shadow hundreds of feet in size, and an unparalleled fierce aura slowly spread out!

"This is the clan's unique skill, the Great Heavenly Phoenix Seal!"

Behind Lin Ke'er, a middle-aged man said in surprise.

Obviously, they didn't have to think that Lin Langtian had already mastered this martial art.

This is above the ninth-rank martial arts, good luck martial arts.

Now that Lin Langtian is actually displaying this kind of martial arts, he obviously doesn't want to give Lin Dong the slightest chance, he wants to truly kill Lin Dong with one blow!

"Lin Dong, next, I will let you see for yourself, my Lin clan's good luck martial arts, I want you to know that my status, you can't shake it!"

Lin Langtian floated in the sky, shouting like thunder , in the sky above his head, the huge silver phoenix shadow is also gradually solidified, and the huge wings are slowly flapping, and there is a hurricane sweeping away. That kind of hurricane, even a half-step fortune-telling powerhouse, is enough to tear apart !

"Brother Wu Yun, Lin Dong may not be able to stop him." Lin Ke'er said to Wu Yun with a complicated look in his eyes.

From her point of view, she really didn't want to see Lin Dong and Lin Langtian fighting each other.

People from the Lin clan behind her were also very sad.

These two are the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks of the Lin family, so why can't they coexist.

"You guys know too little about Lin Dong, just watch!"

Wu Yun didn't explain too much, but he didn't worry about you. Even though the other party is using good luck martial arts, Lin Dong's method is enough to deal with it, at least he won't die!

The only Huangpu family that was not affected, they watched the theater today, it can be said that their cognition has been continuously refreshed, the majesty of the four major clans has been trampled to pieces by Lin Dong today.

Now Lin Langtian's strength could no longer shock them, but Lin Dong, who followed Wu Yun, a little-known member of the branch family, was actually able to rival Lin Langtian.

Wu Yun has already far surpassed the younger generation. From his performance of crushing the three major clans just now, people here have already attributed him to the ranks of the older generation.

But Lin Dong and Lin Langtian are different!

The battle between them is still in the realm of young strong people that people can imagine.

Lin Langtian's performance today, undoubtedly, has the appearance of the first person of the younger generation of the Yan Dynasty.

And Lin Dong is doing a counterattack to challenge the first person!

"What about martial arts, I can also defeat you!"

Lin Dong in the sky grinned, his fighting spirit even stronger.

He was not taken by Lin Langtian's aura at all.

After practicing the word "just" in the body script, he has never been cowardly.

He has an admiral body, rough skin and thick flesh. Although he will not be able to suppress Lin Langtian for a while, Lin Langtian can't do anything about him with his strong defensive ability.

"Devil Ape Transformation!"

Lin Dong shouted, his body swelled up extremely, and the blood essence of the ancient dragon ape was stimulated by him. Compared with the original book, he only absorbed a wisp of the blood essence of the ancient dragon ape. Now, he is Refined the blood essence of the entire ancient dragon ape.

After merging that amount of blood essence, Lin Dong could even unleash the strength of the ancient Dragon Ape.

His blood vessels were throbbing, the blood in his body circulated rapidly, his breath soared, and he quickly came from the Qi-creating realm to the Creation realm.

The magic ape transformation can improve its own strength in a short time.

This is not over yet, after performing the Devil Ape Transformation, Lin Dong's aura continued to soar, his body surface flashed with lightning, and his skin was covered with a layer of silvery white light like jade.

The Great Sun Thunder Body has been cultivated to the second level, the level of the Jade Thunder Body.

The golden sun thunder element continuously clings to the ancient sky-scaled halberd.

Today's Tianlin Ancient Halberd is a finished product. The rough black body of the halberd now has a golden dragon pattern and Wu Yun's dense and complicated runes carved on it.

Among the high-level Lingbao, it is already a top existence.

A futon floated in front of him, and without hesitation Lin Dong poured the two forces of spiritual power and primordial power into it at the same time.

Soon, the two forces merged into one, forming a more powerful force of essence.

Admiralty body, magic ape transformation, jade thunder body, and the power of essence!

Lin Dong concentrated all his strength.

All gathered in the ancient halberd.

Driven by the power of the golden sun thunder element and the essence of essence, all the runes on the ancient halberd flickered, and the golden dragon pattern seemed to come alive.


From the ancient halberd, came an ancient and powerful dragon's chant.

The trace of the ancient dragon soul that was silent in the halberd was completely awakened.

"Lin Langtian, bear the anger of my Lin family in Yancheng for twelve years."

Lin Dong roared, and the dragon halberd in his hand turned into a huge dragon shadow, slashing towards Lin Langtian.

The terrifying dragon shadow, with the ancient sky-scale halberd as the dragon head and Lin Dong as the dragon body, contains the golden light of the Great Sun Thunder Element and the golden bell body inside, and the chaotic essence power surrounds the outside.

The terrifying coercion of Yuanli made everyone look sideways at it.

The burst of destructive aura caused cracks to appear in the surrounding energy seals.

This contained Lin Dong's 12-year-long blow of anger, and the momentum alone was not weaker than Good Fortune's martial arts.

Wuci opened his eyes wide, looking at Lin Dong in disbelief, never expecting that Lin Dong could unleash such a powerful attack.

This is the gap between him and top talent.

"It turns out that he didn't use all his strength last time."

Wuci was extremely shocked. The last time he fought with Lin Dong, Lin Dong fought evenly with him. It was Lin Dong's intention to let him.

Facing Lin Dong's current move with all his strength, he has no confidence at all to take it.

Everyone's eyes are full of horror and shock!

Lin Dong's performance far exceeded their expectations.

They have been following Wu Yun all the time, but due to Wu Yun's dazzling performance, people subconsciously ignored Lin Dong.

Then, who knows how hard Lin Dong cultivated. He has been improving himself all the time, hiding his brilliance under his elder brother on weekdays.

Not showing off doesn't mean he can't shine in the sky.

Compared with Wu Yun, it is indeed impossible to stand out.

However, it was not covered by Wu Yun's light.

Lin Dong is the brightest star.

Even Lin Langtian, who is like a peerless arrogance, cannot compare with it.

Boom boom boom!

The two carried their most powerful attacks and hit each other fiercely.

The two figures crossed each other, and an astonishing strong wind swept away, and then both of them retreated hundreds of steps in the sky before stabilizing their figures.

In such a fierce and ferocious confrontation, the burst of Yuanli radiance made people unable to tell who had the upper hand for a moment.

Wu Yun's Ziji magic pupil flickered, clearly seeing the details of the battle between the two through these fluctuations of Yuan power.

It was Lin Dong, whose golden dragon shadow penetrated Lin Langtian's body.

The ancient Tianlin halberd was completely inserted into Lin Langtian's delicate body!