Lin Langtian: "Master Mu, why, why!!!"

The fiery energy fluctuations in the sky stopped in a moment.

Two figures hovered in the air in a strange posture.

The delicate and delicate Lin Langtian's face was pale at the moment, and he threw his body down, and was inserted into the abdomen by Lin Dong with a thick and gold-encrusted ancient halberd.

A few wisps of blood floated in the air.


In front of the silent Great Desolate Ancient Monument, only Lin Langtian hummed in pain, his shallow Adam's apple surged, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Such a picture made the heroes of the world under the ancient monument dumbfounded.

Invincible, Lin Langtian, the most talented young generation of the Yan Dynasty, lost today.

It was a complete defeat.

"Brother Lin Langtian!"



The members of the Lin clan murmured to themselves with disbelief in their eyes.

This scene is the last thing they want to see.

Looking at the performance of Lin Dong and Lin Langtian today, looking at the entire Great Yan Dynasty, apart from Wu Yun, who else can compare with it.

This should have been the pride of the Lin clan, but it turned out like this.

They were heartbroken and extremely sorry.

Not just because of Lin Langtian!

It's the same even if it's Lin Dong.

If the two did not fight each other, then this would be the most powerful era of the Lin clan.

Lin Langtian was dying, his eyes full of femininity were full of unwillingness.

He was already like this, in order to become stronger, he had already given up the dignity of a man, and went to practice the Heaven's Deficiency and Incomplete Yin Kungfu given to him by the teacher, but he still defeated Lin Dong.

"Master Mu, why, why!!!"

Lin Langtian roared out, and his pale face was distorted, as if there were two people, with two facial features constantly changing.

"There is still a chance!"

An old voice sounded in Lin Langtian's body.

At this moment, Master Mu also felt a little powerless.

Lin Dong's growth has far exceeded his expectations, and there is a stronger Wu Yun, which is too terrifying.

You know, he was a strong man beyond the Nirvana state before he was alive, and with his help, Lin Langtian still couldn't defeat Lin Dong.

How on earth did they grow to this point?

A big question mark appeared in Mu Shi's weak soul.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, the seal of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument shook, and cracks appeared in the surrounding space.

Swish Swish Swish!

All attention turned to the ancient monument.

Under the gaze of countless fiery and expectant eyes, the huge ancient monument standing in the depths of the ancient wilderness is slowly emitting a shockingly powerful energy fluctuation at this moment, and within this fluctuation Next, the ancient runes on the ancient tablet, which were clear at the beginning, gradually faded.

"The seal of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument is about to disappear!"

When the ancient runes on the Great Desolation Ancient Monument faded, Wu Yun also subconsciously opened his eyes wide. Full of amazement, after such a long time interval, the energy fluctuations on this ancient monument are still so terrifying, I really don't know how vast and terrifying that ancient sect will be when it was strong and powerful .

Suddenly, beside Lin Dong and Lin Langtian, a huge space crack appeared.

The crack was like a black hole, trying to attract the two of them into it.

In the battle between the two just now, the terrifying energy collided and broke the space barrier at their position, so a large space crack appeared.

"It's now, Langtian, give me your body!"

The old voice sounded again in Lin Langtian's body, a little excited.

Suddenly, Lin Langtian's eyes changed, and he was no longer so feminine. He supported Lin Dong's halberd with both hands, and a terrifying mental power surged out, and he actually pulled his whole body out of the ancient halberd.

A huge stream of blood gushed out and fell in the air. Lin Langtian glanced at Wu Yun and Lin Dong, and then plunged into the space crack without hesitation.

His only hope of escape now is to hide in the ancient monument of the Great Desolation.

Lin Dong didn't expect that Lin Langtian could act like a different person, ignoring the severe damage to his body, and his aura instantly became stronger.

"Hmph, I want to go!"

He snorted coldly, and chased after him without hesitation.

The figure also disappeared into the dark space crack.

"Second brother, be careful!"

Wu Yun shouted helplessly.

Lin Dong's hatred for Lin Langtian was too great, and he resolutely pursued in this situation, and he was unwilling to kill Lin Langtian.

At this time, the runes on the ancient tablet also became weaker and weaker, and the last ancient rune finally disappeared completely.

As the last ancient rune dissipated, the huge ancient tablet suddenly shook violently. The majestic cloud-like energy penetrated from the ancient tablet, and finally lingered on the surface of the ancient tablet. It formed a huge energy vortex of hundreds of feet!

The vortex rotates, and the power of this world is directly drawn by the arrogance. At the end of the vortex, it is filled with darkness and coldness, giving people a very mysterious feeling.


Xiao Yan just finished eating Feng Ying, and roared with a mouth full of bird feathers, as if worried about Lin Dong.

"Let's go!"

Wu Yun rode on Xiaoyan's back, holding Baiyun in his arms, and said to Mu Qianqian and Wuci.

Then they also jumped into that huge space crack.

"Brother, wait for me!"

Mu Qianqian yelled coquettishly, then rushed to Wu Yun's back, sat directly on Xiaoyan's tiger buttocks, and hugged Wu Yun's waist with both hands.

bang bang!

Hit someone with the ball.

This elasticity seemed to hit Wu Yun's heart.

Mu Qianqian is slightly bigger than Jiang Xue!

Wu Yun thought about it secretly.

At this time, there was a huge pressure from the surroundings, and it seemed that there was a force repelling him from entering, but this force could not affect Wu Yun. Instead, Mu Qianqian just hugged Wu Yun, and kept squeezing hard in front of him. It's cumbersome, it seems to be in contact with a negative distance.

What a leprechaun!

Wu Yun's Adam's apple surged, and my junior sister is too good at it!

There is a thing called talent, born with a beautiful body, self-taught!

After Wu Yun entered and in front of the ancient stele, the people who looked at the crack with burning eyes dared to act.

The following situation was undoubtedly falling into a riot. A sea of ​​black people rushed out in a storm. The black shadows were like locusts, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, and then madly rushed towards the energy vortex.

But obviously, it is not that simple to enter the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, that repulsive force, without the strength of the Shaping Realm, it is difficult to enter.

Therefore, after the countless figures rushed into the energy vortex, not long after, one after another figure flew out again, and landed on the ground in a state of embarrassment, as if being spit out by the energy vortex.

Of course, most people broke in smoothly.


Chi Chi!

On the vast and desolate land, there is silence, and an ancient vicissitudes permeates from the land, making the whole space rippling with the taste of loneliness.

Today, this loneliness is about to be broken. Suddenly, the space in the sky squirmed, and immediately the space cracked countless cracks, and figures fell from the sky with a trace of embarrassment. Force, slow down the speed, and fall steadily to the ground.

Wu Yun, the figure of Mu Qianqian riding on a tiger, descended from the sky.

Looking at the vast space beyond sight, Wu Yun also had some shock in his eyes. This magical means of constructing space inside the stele is really incredible.

The mustard seed hides Sumeru, the three thousand realms of Sumeru!

This is the mysterious little world!

On the ancient stele outside, Wu Yun could see that among the many runes on it, there were original space runes.

But the space runes are only a small part of it, and he couldn't see the entire rune structure of the ancient tablet for a while.

Too complicated.

The ancient sects here must have been very strong before, otherwise they wouldn't know so many primitive runes.

Moreover, this Great Desolation Ancient Monument is a powerful spatial treasure, and the most precious thing here is undoubtedly itself.

On the back of the tiger, Wu Yun gazed into the distance. At this time, there were scattered figures around him.

After these people came in, they all looked around with some doubts.

"Brother, the space of the ancient stele is very magical. All the people who came in were randomly placed. If they didn't hug you just now, they would probably be separated from you now."

Mu Qianqian said quietly, she relaxed and hugged Wu Yun Before the jade hands left, they gently squeezed Wu Yun's waist.

"So that's the case, wouldn't the second younger brother be unable to catch up with Lin Langtian!"

Wu Yun frowned.

"Yeah, after entering, it almost falls everywhere, and this ancient monument has a lot of space, even if you enter one after the other, you may fall into the two farthest corners." Mu Qianqian nodded obediently. Nodding, analyzed.

"Let's explore by ourselves first!" Wu Yun sighed.

Wu Yun wasn't worried about Lin Dong, and Xiao Diao was following him, even if Lin Langtian had a Mushi in his body, he wouldn't be afraid.

Moreover, Lin Langtian had already been severely injured. In this case, he would definitely run for his life. If he met Lin Dong, he would die even faster.

The scourge will last for thousands of years!

Wu Yun sighed because Lin Langtian was not able to stay this time, and he had to jump around for a while longer.


Wu Yun felt the ground under his feet tremble suddenly, and then he saw that on the ground in the distance, a huge crack suddenly opened, a giant two-color insect that was tens of feet in size, It rushed out from the ground, swallowed the three unlucky guys with a single mouthful of saliva, and the shrill screams immediately rang out in the sky.

"Wow, senior brother, that bug is disgusting!"

Mu Qianqian grabbed Wu Yun's arm and said coldly.

After devouring the three unlucky eggs, the ugly sandworm also cast its gloomy gaze on Wu Yun in the distance, but it didn't rush over. Yan grinned at it and drooled, the sandworm burrowed back into the ground.

"Junior sister, be serious, or senior brother will break your body right now!"

Wu Yun took Mu Qianqian's hand away from his arm, his eyes swept her body aggressively, and threatened.

Ever since Mu Qianqian practiced the Jade Girl Hongchen Scripture, that kind of seductive coquettish attitude has been exuded from the bottom of her heart, coupled with the natural body fragrance of the coquettish body, it has an aphrodisiac effect, which can make people unable to extricate themselves invisibly .

Now that Mu Qianqian is so proactive and acts boldly and presumptuously, no matter how good Wu Yun's concentration is, he is still a man of blood.

It's dangerous to tease like this!

"Senior brother, I haven't completed my skills yet, so why don't I use my senior to practice my skills, to improve my charm skills, what's the matter, brother, there are only two brothers and sisters in the Hehuan sect, and sooner or later, the senior sisters will belong to the senior brother."

Mu Qianqian said bluntly, she couldn't hide the coquettish look in her eyes.

Her words were still so captivating that Wu Yun couldn't tell whether it was true or not.

The practice of natural beauty is to bring out the charm of the body and be able to retract it freely.

Obviously, Mu Qianqian can't do it now, so she frequently charms Wu Yun.

It is actually very dangerous to do so, but the object is Wu Yun, and Mu Qianqian enjoys it.

Wu Yun hugged Mu Qianqian into his arms, and then grasped it with both hands, imprinting Mu Qianqian's delicate and flushed pretty face, her red lips pursed.

He was sucked hard by Wu Yun!

"Stop flirting. If you want to practice, you should change the time and place, or else I won't be able to control myself."

After Wu Yun kissed, he pushed Mu Qianqian away.

Mu Qianqian froze in place, her first words should just be gone.

"Oh, senior brother, why are you doing this?"

Mu Qianqian punched and punched in the air, with nowhere to rest her body.

Her heart was beating endlessly, her face was red and her ears were flushed!

It's okay to play lip service, but she's afraid of the real thing.

Wu Yun licked his mouth, feeling somewhat aftertaste, natural beauty is different, some things can't be described in words, the taste of it, only you can feel it, in short, it's very sweet!

"Junior sister, I want to tell you clearly that I can easily resist your charm because of my pupil technique and strong mental power. It's not because I'm firm-willed, a gentleman, and ignore beauty.

On the contrary, senior brother Humans are so vulgar, how could there be any reason not to eat the meat that was brought up, and it was so delicious!"

Wu Yunyu said earnestly.

For him who was an LSP in his past and present lives, he has always been open to anyone who comes.

Of course, Wu Yun is rational, and Mu Qianqian's current cultivation skills are obviously not the time to pick them.

In the future, you will be able to benefit even more.

Mu Qianqian didn't dare to tease her, she put away her flattery.

However, she was very happy in her heart. This was the first time Wu Yun had confided to her so seriously. Although it was a bit vulgar, it also proved that the senior brother had her in his heart, and it was not that he was not interested in her.

In fact, Mu Qianqian's initiative was not entirely for practicing kung fu. A large part of the reason was because she was attracted by Wu Yun's physique.

Because of practicing the Acacia Sect, she is very sensitive to a strong physique, because this is the great tonic she needs.

Among all the men I met, only Wu Yun and Lin Dong had the strongest physiques, and Wu Yun was even stronger than Lin Dong.

To a certain extent, Wu Yun also has a strong attraction to her.

"Understood, senior brother."

Mu Qianqian pouted, and finally spoke properly.

"Senior brother, most of the monsters in the space of the ancient monument are directly inherited from the ancient times, and they are all extremely fierce. If they are not careful, they will become food in their stomachs.

Even if it is me, I dare not intrude randomly!

It is said that There are also monsters in the nirvana realm, senior brother, you should also be careful!"


Wu Yun nodded!

He naturally knew that the crisis contained in it was no small matter, even he had to be careful.

[Ding! Arrive at the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument, do you sign in? ]

At this time, the system's notification tone finally came.

Wu Yun smiled at the corner of his mouth, conveying his thoughts without hesitation.

"Sign in!"