Lin Langtian who seized the woman

"Da Huang Di Dian!"

These four words made Wu Yun's eyes light up.

Not to mention anything else, just hearing the name of the Great Wild Emperor is enough to imagine the force of this martial art.

Only such an imperial code is worthy of the reputation of the Great Desolation Sect.

At this time, Xiao Bei Hun had already begun to teach martial arts to Wu Yun, unlike the martial arts such as Dahuang Prisoner Tianzhi, which could be obtained directly in the Wu Bei space, it was directly taught by it.

The chaotic little mini tablet soul revolved around Wu Yun, and strong but gentle fluctuations gushed out of its light and shadow.

There are no such terrifying imprints as those of the Great Desolation Prisoner.

In the light group of Xiaobeihun, the chaotic rays of light directly condensed into a book of martial arts full of spirituality.

The chaotic book floated in front of Wu Yun, and on the surface of the book, four large golden characters appeared.

Tian Wuxue! Great Wilderness Code!

Just these seven big golden characters, the powerful aura of them far exceeds the Great Desolation Prisoner's Sky Finger on the huge black pillar just now.

"Heaven...Tian Wuxue!"

Xiao Diao said shyly when he saw the Chaos Book.

Even the overlord of the Tianyao Diao family knows only one martial art of this level.

It is the most powerful sky demon secret technique of their clan!

"Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful martial art in this ancient stele."

"This ancient sect must have been unusual before."

Xiao Diao couldn't help but sigh.

"Heavenly martial arts! Heavenly martial arts that are above good fortune martial arts and spiritual martial arts!"

Lin Dong opened his eyes wide. He had already felt the power of good fortune martial arts from Lin Langtian. With the power of burning and reclamation.

How powerful it would be if the Tianwu School was two levels higher.

This has exceeded the level that Lin Dong's small brain can imagine.

In his current state, he really couldn't imagine how shocking that power would be. At this time, Xiao Diao was a little puzzled again, " It

's just, how did this Good Fortune Martial Monument reach the level of quasi-heaven-level spiritual treasures?


The little mink was amazed.

Because, Tian Wuxue is too powerful, a small Quasi-Heaven Rank Spirit Treasure, it is not worthy of it!

"It's not that it can't reach it, it's just that its power has been dispersed!" Wu Yun explained with a serious face.

After getting in touch with the soul of the stele, Wu Yun already knew that the Good Fortune Martial Stele was integrated with the entire Great Desolation Ancient Stele, and its original level was even higher than the Heavenly Rank Spirit Treasure.

It's just that, in the ancient stele of the Great Desolation, under the land of the inner space, there is a palace of the strange demon king suppressed, which is a strong man at the second reincarnation level.

Suppressing this royal palace will disperse nearly 90% of the power of the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument.

And this stele soul is not really so immature, it was just born.

This is its new birth, or second life.

In that battle with the strange demon, it had experienced a near-destructive injury, and the soul of the stele was re-condensed.

Xiao Diao and Lin Dong couldn't understand.

Wu Yun didn't explain too much to them. It's still too early to say about the strange demons.

Their strength is too weak, and they are not qualified to face strange demons until they reach the wheel mirror.

Looking at the chaotic book of the Great Desolation Emperor, Wu Yun took a deep breath, and a trace of mental power drifted out to touch it.

Lingwuxue already has the spirit of martial arts, and Tianwuxue above it is naturally more spiritual.

At the moment of contact, the seal of the Great Desolate Emperor on Wu Yun's forehead emitted the same light and made contact with the Great Desolate Emperor Code.

When the two are connected, it turns into a chaotic streak that directly penetrates Wu Yun's forehead and sinks into his head.

Wu Yun's body trembled suddenly, overwhelming information exploded in his mind, and extremely powerful martial arts moves flashed through his mind at an astonishing speed, like lights and shadows flickering.

That kind of speed was so fast that he couldn't even keep up with his thoughts, but it gave Wu Yun a feeling that was deeply imprinted in his mind, and when his thoughts moved, they flashed out very clearly.

Not only that, in addition to these martial arts information, there are also a series of cultivation experiences and comprehensions about this imperial code that appeared in Wu Yun's mind.

This is the inheritance of martial arts, and it is more thoroughly integrated than the skills that are rewarded for signing in.

Wu Yun closed his eyes for a long time before slowly receiving the vast amount of martial arts information, experience and comprehension!

The Dahuangdi Code is not a single martial art, but all the martial arts inheritance of the Dahuangdi, which contains what he has learned throughout his life.

Among them, the Great Desolation Prisoner's Sky Finger is also included!


The light cluster of the small stele soul suddenly parted and floated out.

Wu Yun immediately understood its meaning.

Another person has entered the deepest part of this nothingness.

He is going to stop people.

All good fortune martial arts are in the deepest part, and they need to pass the test of the stele soul to come in and get them.

"It should be him!"

Wu Yun smiled, and walked out with Xiaobeihun.

Among these ten people, except for him and Lin Dong, it is almost impossible for anyone to get here.

If there is, then this person must be Lin Langtian, or Master Mu.

"Qin Shi!"

Seeing the spirit body, Lin Dong said in surprise.

"No, he's not Qin Shi!"

Wu Yun said with a playful look, shaking his head.

"What a strange spiritual body, hehe, it's him, Lin Langtian's mysterious primordial spirit." Xiao Diao immediately realized something was wrong and said excitedly.

Then his little mouse's eyebrows frowned, because he discovered that there were three different spiritual forces in this spiritual body, which was extremely weird.

"You actually have the spiritual power of three people. What the hell are you, a combination of monsters?"

Both of them looked at Qin Shi strangely.

"What are you talking about?"

Qin Shi asked in a daze.

At this time, he had obtained a good fortune grade martial art from a standing beam of light.

"Qin Shi? Lin Langtian? Mysterious primordial spirit?"

"It's really interesting!"

"However, no matter who you are, you will die!"

Wu Yun said coldly.

"Sure enough, I was discovered by you, but I have already got what I want!"

Qin Shi's voice suddenly became vicissitudes, with some multiple remixes, very complicated.

As soon as the words were finished, Qin Shi's mental body retreated sharply, and he entered the starry sky outside in one fell swoop, turning into a shooting star and fleeing away.

Here, everyone has only one spiritual force, and they will be able to escape soon.

"Go, get out, kill him!"

Wu Yun's mental power quickly wandered, and he also jumped into the starry sky and returned to his body.

Their current state is just a wave of mental power being pulled into the Wubei space. If they want to kill someone, they must go out first.

The stele soul of the good fortune stele is still very ignorant, it is only an auxiliary spirit treasure, not offensive.

"It seems that Qin Shi's physical body must be abandoned. Fortunately, we didn't refine his soul." When he was

about to return to the whirlpool, Qin Shi's spiritual power suddenly split into two.

One of them returned to Qin Shi's body in a daze of mental strength, and the other one really set its sights on that woman from the Cyanwood Sect.

"It's just you!"

His spiritual power quickly wound up, completely enveloping the woman's spiritual power.


In the square around the Good Fortune Martial Monument, countless eyes locked onto the ten figures on the stone platform without blinking. Ever since the light of the Martial Monument surged, the figures on the stone platform had been there for half an hour. Nothing moved.


While everyone was waiting expectantly, there was a sudden movement on the stone platform, and Qin Shi opened his eyes first.

At the same time, the huge Good Fortune Martial Monument suddenly trembled violently, and countless bright beams of light surged madly from the Martial Monument under the shocking eyes, filling the sky!

Countless beams of light burst out from the overwhelming self-made chemical weapon stele, and the momentum far surpassed all the people before, and the people in the square were also stunned by the movement before them, all with dull faces. Looking at the beam of light in the sky.

"It is said that only good fortune-level martial arts can produce such a scene!"

"I didn't expect good fortune-level martial arts to appear first."

"This Qin Shi is really amazing!"


Just when people were surprised, Qin Shi In his body, an invisible primordial spirit had already left his body, and no one noticed it under the cover of the beam of light that filled the sky.

That dao primordial spirit directly merged into the head of the female disciple of the Cyanwood Sect next to her, and at this moment the female disciple also opened her eyes.

The stele of good fortune shook, and eight beams of light suddenly rushed out from the stele of good fortune and intertwined above her head.

"Only the eighth-rank martial arts!"

The people around sighed, especially the people from the Cyanwood Sect, with Qin Shi's fortune-level martial arts in front, the eighth-rank martial arts seemed too inconspicuous.

People looked away from the woman from the Qingmu sect, and looked at Qin Shi enviously.

However, at this moment, Qin Shi looked dazed, and his eyes were full of question marks.


am I? Where am I?

What did I do?

Why do they think of me like this?"

Qin Shi's head was blank, he only remembered that Lin Langtian suddenly said that he wanted his body, and then he lost his body. control.

When he woke up again, he was under the watchful eyes of everyone, and was watched enviously by a group of people.

"Bi Luo!"

An elder of the Cyanwood Sect shouted, his tone was a bit disappointed, he finally won the seat, but he only got an eighth-rank martial art.

The one named Bi Luo didn't respond to her elders, but raised the corners of her mouth slightly, looking at Qin Shi with a smirk on her beautiful face.

Satisfied, he escaped again!

He had brought the fortune-level martial arts that he had just obtained into this Lan Biluo's body, but Qin Shi didn't get anything, and he still had to blame him

, "Run away, you're going to die!"

Lan Biluo said to Qin Shi, who was in a daze, said via voice transmission.

Qin Shi's expression changed, and he looked around, not knowing who was transmitting the sound to him.

The feeling of panic is getting stronger and stronger.

He got up quickly and flew away quickly.


The members of the Qin family didn't know what to do, so they hurried to catch up.

However, at this moment, Qin Shi's head is in pain like tearing apart, he is full of unknowns and fears, and he just wants to return to the clan as soon as possible.

Seeing Qin Shi running away like crazy, a sly smile flashed in Lan Biluo's eyes.

"Wu Yun, Lin Dong, you would never have thought that we would take away a woman this time!"

Bi Luo said secretly proudly.

At this time, the Ancient Fortune Stele vibrated one after another, Wu Yun and Lin Dong both opened their eyes, and at the same time, countless beams of light filled the sky.

The number of beams of light had surpassed the scene created by Qin Shi just now, and there was even a little magical chaotic light shrouding Wu Yun and the two of them.

"My God, it's two good fortune-level martial arts again!"

"As I expected, Wu Yun and Lin Dong really got good fortune-level martial arts. It looks like it's better than the good fortune-level martial arts that Qin Shi got just now." Even better."

"Should be a middle-level good fortune martial arts, or advanced!"

"It's too powerful. From now on, Wu Yun and Lin Dong's status in the Dayan Dynasty should be unshakable!"


Everyone They all looked at Wu Yun and Lin Dong with burning eyes. Apart from envy, there was also deep awe in their eyes.

"Where is Qin Shi?"

Lin Dong looked at the first time, and Qin Shi had disappeared on top of the ten futons.

"Mr. Lin Dong, he ran away!"

"Mr. Wu Yun, Qin Shi ran away!" Damomen, Wumeng, Tiandaomen

, Lin's clan and others pointed at the direction where Qin Shi fled just now. .

Lin Dong didn't hesitate at all. A high-level Lingbao-level black long sword appeared in the Qiankun bag, and he directly chased after it.

Wu Yun also took out the Scarlet Fire Sword to follow, and Lin Langtian couldn't escape anymore.

Be sure to kill him as soon as possible.

"what happened?"

The people around didn't understand why the two of them seemed to be chasing and killing Qin Shi, but they didn't kill Qin Shi before.

The members of the Qin clan hurried after him.

Looking at the two chasing them, Lan Biluo smiled again on her pretty face.

She got up immediately, came to the front of the Cyanwood Sect team, said to the head elder,

"Elder Green, let's go!"

She took the Cyanwood Sect people and left in another direction.

In front of her, Lan Biluo kept touching her body quietly, as if she was full of curiosity about this body.

Her eyes were full of complex colors.

"Master Mu, is there still a way for us to go back to the past?"

Lin Langtian's voice spread through Bi Luo's body, and only she could hear it.

Different from Qin Shi, Lin Langtian's soul has been fused with Master Mu's primordial spirit, becoming a new twin soul primordial spirit.

At this moment they seized Lan Biluo's body.

This made Lin Langtian very uncomfortable, he was still a man at heart.

Originally, they only wanted to get the opportunity of the Good Fortune Stele and then left, but Wu Yun did not expect that Wu Yun would get the recognition of the soul of the stele, and found their primordial spirit in the Good Fortune Stele.

There was no other way, so the golden cicada had to shed its shell and get another body.

At that time, there was no choice around, only Lan Biluo was the most suitable.

Now that they have consumed a lot of power to fuse their primordial spirits, it may be very difficult to replace them again. For a long time to come, they will continue to use this woman's body.

"Langtian, don't be discouraged. Taking away a woman's body also has the benefits of being a woman. We have experienced men, intersex people, and then women. The experience and understanding of the human body can be said to be unparalleled.

This is also a kind of unique gift . The advantages!

With this experience, I was finally able to practice a peerless martial art that I obtained in my previous life, Ten Thousand Phases of Heaven! "

Master Mu said a little excitedly. His martial arts has reached the level of Tianwu, but the cultivation conditions are extremely harsh.

This method is also called the third generation method, and it has three independent functions. Dharma.

It takes three reincarnations to complete the practice. The third is to cultivate the upper part with the body of a man,

the middle part with the body of a hermaphrodite, and

the lower part with the body of a woman. The

reincarnation of the third life can only be practiced to the peak, and it

is very heaven-defying Master Mu himself practiced the upper part .

Lin Langtian trained him the middle part after he came from the palace. Now if they merge with Lan Biluo, they can let Lan Biluo practice the lower part.

In this way, they can also practice Wanxiang Tiangong doesn't need to go through three reincarnations, because the three of them represent one reincarnation.

By mistake, he also helped him embark on the path of practicing Tianwu.

Master Mu has a complicated mood, and I don't know why he should hate Wu Yun and Lin Dong should thank them!

"Master Mu, no matter what price I pay, I will definitely make life worse for Wu Yun and Lin Dong. "

Lin Langtian said in an extremely sharp voice.

Master Mu: "Don't worry, there will always be a day, believe me, let's hide in this Cyanwood Sect first. Now that the two of them are too sharp, we hide in the Qing Dynasty, and wait for the cultivation of Wanxiang Tiangong to be successful, and then we will settle accounts with them. Today's pain, let them pay back ten times and a hundred times in the future! ! "