Lin Langtian Can't Escape

Qin Shi ran away in a daze, wanting to escape from the Great Desolation Ancient Monument as soon as possible.

But his speed couldn't compare with Wu Yun and Lin Dong's.

In just a few quarters of an hour, they were overtaken by Yu Jian.

"Qin Shi, maybe you should be called Lin Langtian.

Sui die!"

Lin Dong took the lead, and after catching up, the ancient sky-scale halberd in his hand directly struck four combos.

"No!" Qin Shi shouted in shock.

However, the four terrifying halberd shadows of fish, python, jiao, and dragon had already penetrated his body, and

Qin Shi had no power to resist at all. block.


He spat out a mouthful of blood violently, his body's internal organs had been smashed to pieces, his eyes were wide open, his eyes were filled with confusion, and he could not rest in peace.

"En~ died just like that?"

Lin Dong looked at the ancient halberd in his hand, with deep doubts in his eyes.

This is not Lin Langtian!

With Lin Langtian's strength, even if he lost Qin Shi, he would be a little weak, but it's impossible that he couldn't even block a set of his attacks.

"He's not Lin Langtian!"

"The golden cicada is out of its shell, Qin Shi is just a cover!"

Wu Yun frowned, his face a little ugly.

Having a grandpa is really hard to deal with.

The primordial spirit in Lin Langtian's body was really troublesome, it was difficult to kill him completely, and he always found a chance to escape.

That primordial spirit old fox is too cunning.

"Damn it, let him escape again!" Lin Dong tightly held the ancient halberd in his hand, furious.

"Escape? Hmph, as long as he is still in the space of the ancient monument, he cannot escape."

Wu Yun said coldly, he hurried back with his sword, and came to the ancient stele of fortune.

Lin Dong also hurriedly followed his elder brother, with some anticipation in his heart. Looking at his elder brother, he seemed to have a chance to find Lin Langtian.

Wu Yun felt a little uncomfortable being run away by Lin Langtian again and again. This guy's immortality was always a hidden danger.

So this time, Wu Yun must keep him in this ancient stele.

Quickly returning to the Good Fortune Martial Tablet, at this time Mu Qianqian, Huang Pujing and the other six people had also woken up, and there were continuous beams of light plundering from the Good Fortune Martial Tablet.

These people have obtained the ninth rank of martial arts!

Seeing Wu Yun and Lin Dong come back in a hurry, Huang Pujing, Mu Qianqian, Lin Keer and others all stood up from the stele.

Wu Yun went straight to the Good Fortune Martial Stele, put his palm on the Martial Stele, and the seal of the Great Desolation Emperor on his forehead shone with light, connecting to the soul of the stele.

"Seal the space of the ancient stele, and don't let people go out."

Wu Yun instructed the soul of the stele.

The little stele soul was very obedient, and immediately countless beams of light appeared on the ancient stele. Unlike the previous light and shadow, these beams of light shot out directly and disappeared into the surrounding void.

At the same time, outside, the Great Desolation Ancient Monument vibrated, and the incomparably complicated runes on it began to work, and the originally weak sealing power became stronger at this moment.

Those who were still thinking about rushing in outside were ejected one after another.

"What's going on, the seal of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument seems to be strengthened in advance."

"Isn't there a weakest period of at least seven days?"

"What about the people inside, they can't get out!"


People outside panicked Shocked, such a turn of events left them at a loss.

At the same time, in the space of the ancient stele, people felt the pressure from the space, and the cracks in the surrounding space that were originally weak are slowly being stitched together and become stable at this moment.

Space is being sealed.

The tablet soul can manipulate the sealing formation on the ancient tablet. Although the sealing formation has been destroyed and many things are missing, as long as the tablet soul activates, it can still seal the space for a short time.

At this time, the soul of the stele shot out a light and shadow, which entered Wu Yun's mind, and a wonderful image appeared in front of Wu Yun's eyes.

In the starry sky, the spirit power belonging to Lin Langtian, Qin Shi, and Master Mu was divided into two, and one of them was the spirit body of the woman from the Cyanwood School.

Then, in a beam of light outside, a primordial spirit flew out of Qin Shi's body and shot into Lan Biluo's body.

Finally they woke up and went to chase Qin Shi, Lan Biluo led the people from the Cyanwood Sect to escape from another direction.

The picture continued, to Wu Yun's surprise, after they quickly chased them out, the two tigers guarding outside, Xiao Yan, was going to follow them, but after Bai Yun saw the people from the Cyanwood Sect fleeing in the opposite direction, he immediately called Xiao Yan, He went after the people from the Cyanwood Sect.

No one saw Master Mu's primordial spirit, but Bai Yun seemed to have seen the other party, but she seemed to be hesitating at the time, unable to tell who was who.

So after Wu Yun went after Qin Shi, she was smart and resolutely went after the Cyanwood Sect members.

The screen ends here.

The soul of the stele once again presented to Wu Yun the process of Lin Langtian and Mu Shi Jinchan's escape from their shells and what happened afterwards.

The soul of the stele is still very weak, and cannot leave the central good fortune stele, and can only record the situation around the stele.

Great, my tiger!

Wu Yun put away his hand on the Good Fortune Stele, deeply moved.

The little tiger has made a comeback!

At this time, Lin Dong also realized that something was wrong. Bai Yun and Xiao Yan should have been in front of the ancient stele.

Lin Dong: "Hey, big brother, why don't you see Bai Yun and Xiao Yan?" Wu Yun smiled like an old father, "Because they are chasing Lin



It turned out that his Huzi also did a serious job.

"Let's go and help quickly, Lin Langtian is not easy to deal with, I'm afraid they will suffer."

Wu Yun stepped on the Scarlet Fire Sword and was about to fly out again.

The people around looked at Wu Yun and Lin Dong in a foggy state, not knowing what they were going to do.

Mu Qianqian: "Brother, what are you doing?"

Lin Ke'er: "Lin Dong, isn't Brother Lin Langtian dead?"

Huang Pujing: "Why are you killing Qin Shi again?"

"Brother Wu Yun, yes Did you close the rift in space?"


It's not just the three girls who have these doubts, the people around them who see them going back and forth are full of doubts.

In addition, the space crack closed earlier, it should be caused by Wu Yun's communication with the soul of the stele, that is to say, Wu Yun closed the exit channel.

People couldn't figure out why he did this, but now that the space is closed, everyone's lives are in Wu Yun's hands.

Master Mu's methods are too advanced, and these people can't see it.

In this wave, Master Mu is on the third floor, Wu Yun and Lin Dong are on the second floor, and everyone is on the first floor.

Only the clever and lovely white clouds are in the atmosphere!

"Wu Yun, Lin Dong, why do you still want to kill my young master?" The few people from the Qin clan who chased them back came back with Qin Shi's body. They couldn't figure out that their young master was so cooperative , how could he still be killed.

"If you want to know why, come with me!"

Wu Yun didn't bother to explain much, and obtained the recognition of the owner of the stele soul, he is the owner of the Great Desolation Ancient Stele.

After finishing speaking, he went directly to the direction Bai Yun chased out with his sword.

Lin Dong followed closely behind, and hurriedly followed with some excitement. This time, Huzi's performance made him very pleased.

"Xiao Diao, that mysterious primordial spirit is so powerful, can he keep taking over others, don't chase after him and get out of his shell again?"

Lin Dong communicated with Xiao Diao with some lingering fear.

Xiao Diao: "Probably not. A single primordial spirit is the same as my demon spirit. No matter how powerful it was in life, the primordial spirit without a physical body cannot withstand consumption.

That mysterious primordial spirit is more powerful than mine . It is not much stronger now, three times is his limit, I suspect that he has the power to seize the third time because of the fusion of Lin Langtian's soul, otherwise it is impossible to do it."

Lin Dong was a little relieved after hearing this. Otherwise, Lin Langtian is really slippery.


Lan Biluo took the people from the Cyanwood Sect out. Originally, she wanted to hide in the space and find a chance to explore the treasures here.

This time, people from the four major clans came to the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument together, because they discovered the treasures of the ancient sects, and made good fortune under the square with the bluestone floor of the ancient monument.

It's just that there is a powerful guardian monster there, and this time their four major clans have prepared a powerful formation to deal with that monster.

It's a pity that I met Wu Yun and Lin Dong. Before their plan was launched, Wu Yun abolished three of the four major clans.

However, before the underground plaza opened, she discovered that the surrounding space was being sealed step by step.

The cracks in the space that came out are closing!

The sealing power of the Great Wilderness Monument suddenly recovered?

She was surprised, but immediately understood that it was Wu Yun and the others who had killed Qin Shi, found out that it wasn't him, and then manipulated the soul of the stele to prevent her from escaping.

At that moment, she no longer hesitated, gave up the idea of ​​exploring the ground, hit the crack with a palm, and prepared to escape.

"What's so great about this Wu Yun? How did he get the approval of the stele soul?"

Master Mu was extremely puzzled. He really didn't know how Wu Yun and Lin Dong could be more powerful than him and Lin Langtian.

But the situation was critical, and he couldn't help him to think about it, Lan Biluo gave a sweet voice, and led the people from the Cyanwood Sect to continuously attack the space crack that was about to close.

The people of the Cyanwood Sect didn't know what was going on, seeing this kind of change, they naturally just wanted to get out quickly, and didn't want to be trapped in the ancient monument.

However, just when they wanted to escape.

"Roar! Roar!"

Two violent roars of tigers interrupted them.

Baiyun shot a white tiger's fierce light wave directly, knocking down the Cyanwood Sect's people from the air.

"It's Wu Yun and Lin Dong's two demon tigers, what's going on, why did they attack us, and didn't provoke them!"

The members of the Cyanwood Sect were very puzzled.

"Don't worry about it, kill these two beasts quickly, it's important to escape!" Lan Biluo urged.

No explanation at all.

The appearance of the two tigers gave her an ominous premonition.

She still far underestimated the abilities of Wu Yun and the two tigers.

It was discovered and caught up by the other party so quickly.

At this time, Xiaoyan spread his thunder wings and flew into the air, blocking their thoughts of escaping.

Bai Yun watched Lan Biluo covetously from below, her tiger pupils had some strange golden lights flashing, and when they blinked, the whole pupils became a little more strange.

The mighty beast king's aura made the members of the Cyanwood Sect dare not act rashly.

Two tigers surrounded more than a dozen members of the Cyanwood Sect.

Lan Biluo didn't dare to hide her strength any longer, she directly gushed out a powerful source force, condensed one after another wonderful palm prints, and hit Xiaoyan.

Seeing the other party making a move, the familiar palm print was exactly Lin Langtian's method, Bai Yun and Xiao Yan no longer hesitated to fight against him.

Although the two tigers only have the strength of a small achievement in Qi creation on the surface, but they have practiced the body script and have been strengthened by Leijieye, Yangyuanye, and Wanshouguo many times. It can already be swept away within the gas-making territory.

Especially Baiyun, she has comprehended a few white tiger supernatural powers, and her strength is already comparable to Xiaocheng in the Good Fortune Realm.

After the fusion of Lin Langtian and Master Mu, Lan Biluo, who seized the house, was only a minor success in Qi creation, and her current strength is far inferior to that of Lin Langtian before.

However, among the group of people in the Cyanwood Sect, there are still three masters who have achieved great success in creating Qi.

For a while, the two tigers also fought quite hard.

The two sides were entangled, and it seemed that it was difficult to tell the winner in a short time. Soon the space was completely sealed, and the two tigers successfully prevented Lan Biluo from escaping from the ancient monument space.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Wu Yun and Lin Dong rushed over quickly.

When the two arrived, the two tigers stopped, and the members of the Cyanwood Sect also stood back to back in a group, looking at Wu Yun and Lin Dong vigilantly.

"You two, I don't know where my Cyanwood Sect has offended you two?" An elder of the Cyanwood Sect clasped his hands.

"It's none of your business, we're looking for her!"

Wu Yun pointed directly at Lan Biluo.

"Why did Biluo offend the two of you?" The members of the Cyanwood Sect looked at Lan Biluo with doubts.

"She is no longer your original disciple, he... is Lin Langtian!"

Wu Yun was so aggressive that he shrouded the people of the Cyanwood Sect, and said with a sarcasm,

"Hehe, Lin Langtian, you really know how to choose a partner. directly became a woman."

Not to mention, when Wu Yun looked at the women from the Cyanwood Sect before, Wu Yun still thought they were just average, but now that Lin Langtian has suddenly taken her away, her temperament has been upgraded to a higher level, her femininity is a little more heroic, and she seems to have a special taste .

The members of the Cyanwood Sect took a few steps back one after another to distance themselves from Lan Biluo.

After looking closely, they were shocked to find that Lan Biluo's eyes were very strange at this moment, and there was a chill all over her body.

Xiao Diao: "My good fellow, you don't discriminate who you are when you seize the house, and you become a woman directly. Isn't this some kind of eccentricity?

" The clan of the Lin family has such a good face."

Lin Dong looked at Lan Biluo with a strange expression, the mountain that had once weighed on his heart that was insurmountable turned into a feminine woman, which he couldn't accept for a while.

His enemy looks so cute, dare you believe it!

With this appearance, Lin Dong was not as hateful as Lin Langtian's original appearance.

It's not easy for him to be cruel to women.

"Hey, you've become like this, I'm still not good at destroying flowers."

Wu Yun frowned and shook his head. He usually doesn't beat and kill women, at most he just suppresses them!

"Second brother, go ahead, you're good at killing women."

"Brother said that, I don't like dealing with women the least!" Lin Dong said shyly.

At this time, Mu Qianqian, Lin Ke'er and the others had already followed up, looking at Lan Biluo who was surrounded in the middle, they couldn't believe it for a while, this woman could be Lin Langtian, who was the favorite of countless girls The proud son of the Lin clan!

Why hide in the body of other women!

"Wu Yun, Lin Dong and you are really haunted."

At this moment, Lan Biluo's voice became a little muddy, vicissitudes, Lin Langtian, Mu Lao and the others could no longer hide or avoid.

Lin Ke'er: "Brother Lin Langtian, you...!"

Huang Pujing: "I didn't expect you to be such Lin Langtian!"

Mu Qianqian: "Brother, why don't you kill him, he's so beautiful, bring him back to him How good you are warming the bed."

Lin Fan: "Who are you, you are not Lin Langtian!"

With Lin Langtian's cultivation base and spiritual strength, he can't take away others at all, there must be something Something helped Lin Langtian.

Wu Yun: "Lin Langtian has always had a mysterious primordial spirit in his body. He can be so outstanding because of the help of that primordial spirit. The previous Qin Shi was also controlled by him, which disturbed my judgment!"

" It turns out that you were the one who killed Young Master Qin Shi, Lin Langtian, no wonder you asked Young Master Qin Shi so many times before, but Young Master Qin Shi still treats you as a close friend, I didn't expect that you were trying to take his body away, you are hateful!"

Qin Shi An elder of the family said with great grief and indignation.

"It's no wonder that Langtian's character is unpredictable, and he is ruthless and ruthless to his clansmen. It turns out that someone is playing tricks in his body. Who are you? Let Langtian out quickly."

The elder of the Lin family pointed at Lan Biluo.

All of a sudden, Lan Biluo was accused by thousands of people.

"Jie jie jie..."

Lan Biluo let out a terrifying, strange laugh, which was very penetrating.

"Hateful, hateful!"

She looked up to the sky and sighed!

In Master Mu's heart, at this moment, all thoughts are in despair. He has just seen hope, Ten Thousand Phases of Heaven, the supreme triple reincarnation state.

That's it!

"Langtian, you shouldn't be greedy for the opportunities here, you can escape by leaving early!"

Master Mu's primordial spirit shouted, full of regret and grief.

Now they have three souls in one body. Although Master Mu's primordial spirit dominates, Lin Langtian's thoughts can still affect his decisions and choices.

This greed directly ruined their chance to escape.