I'm Coming to Kill You

All along, they underestimated Wu Yun's strength and means.

In other words, he had never really understood Wu Yun's strength and means.

So much so that Master Mu himself felt that he could escape from Wu Yun's hands.

With this luck, he stayed.

But how did he know that Wu Yun did not simply communicate with the stele soul, but directly became the master of the stele soul.

He has obtained the inheritance of the Great Desolate Ancient Monument!

At this moment, facing everyone's strange gazes, Lan Biluo's eyes seemed a bit complicated, hatred, unwillingness, humiliation... Various emotions intertwined.

Her hair suddenly flew up in a mess, her eyes were bloodshot, and her whole body seemed to be possessed by a demon.

Lan Biluo has already gone crazy!

"If you want me to die, then everyone will die together."

Suddenly, she roared hysterically, and there was a little ferocity and distortion on that beautiful face.

"Great Heavenly Phoenix Seal!"

She formed a seal with her two plain hands, and her elemental force gushed out crazily, directly condensing a huge phoenix shadow in the sky.

Without hesitation, he began to use good fortune-level martial arts.

Seeing Lan Biluo's Great Heavenly Phoenix Seal, everyone understood that she was really Lin Langtian.

The huge phoenix seal directly enveloped Wu Yun and the others.

"Lin Langtian, you have become a woman, and your palm prints have become weaker!"

When everyone was trembling, Lin Dong faced the difficulties directly, and the golden light burst out from his body, forming a golden ancient clock to envelop him.

As soon as the powerful golden bell body was displayed, Lin Dong's defense power was fully stretched, and he brazenly slammed into Lin Langtian's Great Heavenly Phoenix Seal.


The violent collision of Yuan Forces directly shook the surrounding space, and the roar of Yuan Forces raged away. Just that kind of impact force, I am afraid that ordinary strongmen who have only half-stepped into the realm of creation will be enraged.

Wu Yun's mental power surged out, forming a spiritual barrier that blocked the shock waves of the original force.

However, Lan Biluo had no intention of entanglement at all. After hitting a big phoenix seal, she turned around and ran, heading towards the direction of the Creational Martial Monument.

"Do you think you can run away this time!"

Lin Dong sneered, and quickly chased after him. At the same time, dragon hair needles as thin as a hair flew out of his Qiankun pouch.

Lin Dong, who was already a talisman master, had grown much stronger with that kind of mental power armor technique, coupled with the keen observation ability of Ziji Demon Eye, Lan Biluo's flight trajectory was tightly controlled.

The fire of the spirit is attached to the dragon beard needles, and each needle is like clusters of small flames, and it catches up to Lan Biluo in no time.

"Despicable means, hateful needles!"

Lan Biluo's face was pale, and a large amount of mental power frantically surged out of her body, trying to block the flying dragon whiskers.

Lin Langtian in her body still had a deep memory of the pain caused by the dragon's beard needle.

A large amount of spiritual power blocked the dragon's beard needle, but it couldn't stop the spiritual flame it carried.

Lin Dong's spiritual flame followed the opponent's spiritual power and burned over.

Neither Lan Biluo nor Lin Langtian was a talisman master, and the master's nerves had been weakened several times in a row, and it was already difficult to resist the spiritual flame.


Lan Biluo screamed tenderly, the flames of her spirit directly burned the sea of ​​consciousness, the pain penetrated deep into her soul.

Layer by layer, layer by layer.

When Lan Biluo was screaming and her defenses were slackening, Lin Dong's dragon whisker needle, which Lin Dong had been holding, inserted it ruthlessly without hesitation.

Hundreds of thousands of dragon hair needles shot into Lan Biluo's body at the same time.

Then, the dragon's beard needle, which had lost its spiritual support, curled up automatically, and all of Lan Biluo's flesh and blood were pulled and gathered into small meat balls.

All the dragon beard needles were pulled together, and Lan Biluo's skin cracked inch by inch, and her body twisted.


The pain caused in this instant caused Lan Biluo's scream to resound throughout the space of the Great Desolate Ancient Monument.

The voice was so shrill and painful that the people around all trembled when they heard it.

The dragon beard needle is too thin, some people can't understand it.

So many people questioned,

"What did Lin Dong do to make her scream like this?"

However, this was just the beginning, Lan Biluo endured the severe pain and wanted to continue running away, Lin Dong naturally would not give up .

However, Lan Biluo's speed had slowed down at this time.

She charged up again, and her hands kept forming seals, as if she wanted to create a Great Heavenly Phoenix seal.

Lin Dong's speed increased sharply, completely ignoring the other party's energy storage. The golden sun thunder element from his whole body was poured into the ancient sky-scale halberd in his hand, and the dark golden dragon pattern on the ancient halberd emitted a deep golden light. There was an ancient and low dragon chant sound.

"Woman Lin Langtian, come and taste my great dragon halberd!"

Lin Dong shouted, and the thick and long ancient sky-scaled halberd inlaid with dark golden dragon patterns pierced out quickly and fiercely, a terrifying golden dragon The shape of the halberd is sharp, and it is shot at high speed.

call out!

The thick dragon-shaped halberd shot away quickly.

However, Lan Biluo's powerful phoenix seal did not hit Lin Dong. Instead, it bombarded the huge bluestone square in front of the Good Fortune Martial Monument. She wanted to use her body to forcefully accept Lin Dong. moving attack.

At this moment, Du Lindong's dragon halberd has arrived, the halberd's light is thicker than Lan Biluo's waist, such a powerful halberd light, without stopping, directly pierces through Lan Biluo with the force of a dragon going out to sea. Bi Luo's delicate and frail body.


With a loud sound, the dragon-shaped halberd light exploded Lan Biluo's body fiercely, forcing out the white light and shadow primordial spirit in her body.

This time, she didn't even have time to scream, her body was shattered into countless pieces, raining blood all over the sky.

The scene was extremely shocking, that delicate beauty had no hair left after being bombarded.

Lin Dong's methods were so cruel that the hair on the back of the people stood on end.

I call it a good guy in my heart!

"This Lin Dong is a little more ruthless than a man!"

"Not only a little more, but even more ruthless than three."

"Determinate and decisive, a role model for my generation!"

"Tough hands destroy flowers, I would like to be called Lin Dong !" Action is the strongest!"


Most people don't reject Lin Dong's methods. The people here are all licking blood from the knife edge. They are old and have never seen any scenes. Some people even appreciate Lin Dong's ruthlessness. means.

However, Lin Ke'er, Huang Pujing and other women from big families frowned, feeling a little unbearable.

In my heart, I felt that Lin Dong was very rude and harsh.

In the eyes of women, the tricky way of destroying flowers is always so unacceptable.


The second after Lan Biluo's body exploded, the Great Heavenly Phoenix Seal that she sent out on the bluestone square in front of the Good Fortune Martial Monument also shattered with a bang.

The last big phoenix seal she played successfully blasted through the Qingshi Square.

It revealed the world under the square.

On the ground floor of the square, there is an extremely huge underground palace. In that palace, there is a terribly majestic Yuan force, and on the ground of those palaces, countless round pure Yuan pills are piled up like mountain peaks.

Not to mention, there are tens of thousands of fiery red pills floating in the midair of the palace. Each of these pills contains terrifying energy, which is the same as the pills Wu Yun got in the stone pavilion before. All of them are actually the extremely precious Nirvana Pill!

A majestic, powerful and ancient aura emanated from this underground palace.

The crowd had already gathered around, feeling the ancient aura rushing towards them.

Everyone stared at the underground palace dumbfounded, and immediately their eyes became hot. At this moment, everyone understood that this underground palace is the real foundation of this ancient sect!

This is where their treasure lies!

"My God, those are all Nirvana Pills."

"A mountain of pills, am I dazzled?"


Some people gasped, some swallowed their saliva!

On the other hand, Huang Pujing, Lin Ke'er and other members of the four major clans were not surprised, because they knew the secret here earlier.

If it weren't for the interference of Wu Yun and Lin Dong, the four major clans might have been exploring the treasures here by now.

However, when everyone was staring at those Danshan Mountains with fiery eyes, in the middle of the main hall of the palace, an extremely huge and ferocious behemoth that was sleeping cross-legged slowly opened its eyes.

There was an ancient smell emanating from that giant beast.


A terrifying roar that seemed to come from ancient times suddenly sounded from under the collapsed square, and then, a fierce ancient aura that changed the expressions of everyone present suddenly rushed into the sky from under the square !

Master Mu and Lin Langtian's fused primordial spirit rushed directly to the ground.

Taking advantage of the wonderful existence of the primordial spirit, he hid in a corner of the hall, between the crowd and the giant beast, and was temporarily safe.

He also wants to use the guardian beasts here to create chaos and look for opportunities.

A roar full of ancient taste suddenly came from the bottom of the collapsed square, and then, a blood-red beam of light suddenly rushed out of it!

"Chi Chi!" The

bloody light streaked across the sky, and the bodies of all strong men who were stained by this bloody light were torn apart almost instantly. There was a terrible scream.

"Quick back!"

Someone yelled, seeing how terrifying the power of the blood light was, the complexions of the strong men present also changed drastically, and they retreated hastily. The guardian beast of this treasure is obviously a very powerful existence.

Lin Dong was the closest, but he was not affected in the slightest. With the Golden Bell Body and the Dacheng Yulei Body, he had no problem at all in the face of such an impact.

The strength of this ferocious beast is stronger than that of the ancient dragon ape in the ancient waste stream, and it is only the strength of the Great Creation Realm.

As for Lin Dong, the attacks in Good Fortune's territory can all be prevented.

Immediately afterwards, the earth shook, and huge cracks spread rapidly on the ground. Then, a loud noise sounded, and countless huge boulders flew out from the ground, smashing towards the surroundings crazily.

And in the burst of that boulder, a huge shadow also rushed out from the ground violently, the blood red wings vibrated, and suddenly there was a strong wind in the world, flying sand and rocks.

"My God, what kind of monster is this?"

People looked at the huge monster rushing out of the ground, their pupils shrank suddenly, and they all backed away.

In the mid-air where countless gazes locked on, a huge monster nearly a hundred feet long was floating in the sky. This monster was blood-red all over, and its body was covered by huge blood-colored scales. Under the sunlight, it reflected icy cold Solid gloss.

Its long body is winding and entangled, like a giant dragon. On its back, there are two huge blood wings. The wings vibrate, and the energy of this world seems to be rippling along with it.


As soon as the bloody monster appeared, it raised its head to the sky and let out a roar. Suddenly, a ferocious sound wave spread out, and some unlucky people who got close were immediately shaken until their eardrums burst and blood flowed.

The strength of the Great Creation Realm is enough to frighten the group of people on the ground who can't reach the Good Fortune Realm.

The bloody monster stared fixedly at Lin Dong in mid-air, with a trace of fear in his eyes, because Lin Dong was not affected by it at all.

"It turned out to be an ancient blood bat dragon!" Xiao Diao suddenly appeared on Lin Dong's shoulder, staring closely at the giant monster, and there was some excitement flickering in his fine eyes.

Obviously, with this appearance, Xiao Diao is a demon spirit who is greedy for it!


Lin Dong became serious when he heard this word.

But all monsters, those who have anything to do with dragons, are extremely powerful.

"This ancient blood bat dragon is similar to the ancient dragon ape among them. It is not a real dragon, it just has some dragon blood in its body, but this guy's dragon blood is more pure!

" Staring at the ancient blood bat dragon fieryly, he said, "Second brother, if I can swallow this guy's demon spirit, my strength should be able to return to the peak of the Creation Realm."

This kind of ancient monster, for him It is a great supplement.

Lin Dong's eyes had turned into purple pupils. Under the purple pupils, Lin Langtian and Master Mu's primordial spirit couldn't hide. They looked at the primordial spirit hiding in the corner and the ancient blood bat in front of him. Long, Lin Dong didn't know who to attack first.

At this time, Wu Yun Yujian flew up and came directly to Lin Dong's side.

"Second brother, you suppress this monster first, don't kill it, Lin Langtian, I'll help you keep an eye on him, and make sure he won't escape. After you suppress this monster, come and deal with him!"

Wu Yun shouted loudly road.

The reason why Lin Dong suppressed it instead of killing it was because Wu Yun thought, since this ancient blood bat dragon is a guardian beast, it is also a member of the Great Desolation Sect.

He has received the inheritance of the Great Desolation Sect, so naturally this guardian beast is also his own monster.

Wu Yun stared deeply into the depths of the underground hall, not daring to act rashly, fearing that Lin Langtian's primordial spirit would be forced to break into the underground hall.

There was an extremely terrifying aura in it.

Although he got the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, Wu Yun was not sure if the terrifying existence inside would attack him.

He was afraid of throwing a mouse, so he had to stare at Lin Langtian's primordial spirit to prevent him from escaping.


Lin Dong responded happily.

Fighting alone against the ancient monsters of the Great Creation Realm, which can be said to be the most powerful opponent he has ever faced, Lin Dong was full of fighting spirit and became serious.

He leaned forward, with the ancient skyscale halberd in his hand, the light flickered continuously, and he swung four consecutive strikes.

The four halberd lights drove the power of the dragon soul in the ancient sky-scale halberd, whistling and slashing towards the ancient blood bat dragon.

Facing Lin Dong's powerful attack, the Blood Bat Dragon flapped its wings and a black light appeared, trying to block the halberd light.

However, it blocked three of the four halberd lights, and the fourth Heavenly Dragon Halberd still slashed at its body. The ancient blood bat dragon let out a mournful roar, and the scales on its body were all blasted There were many cracks, and the lavender blood quickly fell down the scales, splashing white smoke on the ground.


The fury of the ancient blood bat dragon, its wings vibrated at the moment, and the wind blew up between the sky and the earth, turning into tornado storms, sweeping towards Lin Dong crazily.

Lin Dong's body surface was flickering with thunder, and the color of glazed jade was reflected on his skin. He simply ignored this tornado storm. Lin Dong could bear the bone-eroding wind that was comparable to the level of wind destruction at the peak of the Creation Realm. The storm created by the ancient blood bat dragon is even more so.

Facing the storm, Lin Dong went straight through the storm and came to the ancient Blood Bat Dragon. He actually fought with it.

A series of glazed fist marks that shone with thunder light hit the blood bat dragon, making it scream incessantly.

The ancient blood bat dragon fought back, but its claws and wing blades couldn't cut through Lin Dong's skin.

Under such brutal beatings, the ancient blood bat dragon was knocked down from the sky to the ground in a short while.

Until it dared not resist anymore!

Then let Xiaoyan and Baiyun look at it.

At this time, the people around did not dare to act rashly anymore, and Lin Dong once again vigorously demonstrated what fighting power is.

Even if they were greedy for treasures in the underground hall, they would not dare to cross Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

Lin Langtian and Master Mu's primordial spirits sighed deeply when they saw this, without any further hesitation, they immediately drifted towards the depths of the hall.

"Don't chase!"

Wu Yun stopped Lin Dong who was about to chase him, and ordered,

"Don't let everyone act rashly."

After speaking, he jumped down cautiously with a solemn expression, and approached the underground palace step by step. .

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on a throne above the main hall, where there was a gray-white skeleton sitting cross-legged!

The skeleton sat quietly cross-legged on the throne, exuding a sense of ancient times. However, Wu Yun could sense an extremely dangerous aura from its body.

And Lin Langtian and Master Mu's primordial spirit had floated to the back of the skeleton, and they were also cautious, not daring to make any energy fluctuations.

They also sensed the danger of the skeleton.

Among the dao primordial spirit, Lin Langtian's face was revealed, and he was looking at Wu Yun proudly, as if he felt that Wu Yun had nothing to do with him.

Wu Yun frowned, because Lin Langtian's expression was extremely embarrassing. Although he didn't speak, Wu Yun understood the meaning.

Lin Langtian: Come and kill me!

At this moment, the dead skeleton slowly raised its head, and a light flashed in its eye sockets, looking at Wu Yun.

Boom boom boom!

Wu Yun's heart beat faster and he was extremely nervous.

Sensing the movement, Lin Langtian and Master Mu's primordial spirit did not dare to move.

The eyes of the skeleton shot at him like two sharp knives, and terror struck his whole body.

At this time, the seal of the Great Desolate Emperor on Wu Yun's forehead appeared, and the light shone brightly, and a chaotic light enveloped Wu Yun.

In an instant, Wu Yun no longer felt the fear of being stared at.

His aura suddenly became similar to this underground skeleton.

The same skeleton sitting cross-legged on the throne calmed down when seeing the seal of the Great Desolate Emperor, and relieved the pressure covering Wu Yun.

However, it seems that there are two completely different forces in the body of the skeleton.

Let him struggle a bit!

The seal of the Great Wilderness emitted warm rays of chaotic color, floating towards the bones.

Wu Yun seemed to be able to feel the feelings of the bones!

Very wonderful feeling.

Feeling the aura of the seal of the Great Desolate Emperor, there seemed to be different fluctuations in the hollow pupils of the skeleton.

The sudden change made Lin Langtian and Master Mu dumbfounded!

At this time, Wu Yun had already lifted his steps and walked towards them step by step.

But the skeleton sitting cross-legged on the hall did not move.

Wu Yun smiled at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't say anything, but the expression on his face said it all,

"I'm here to kill you!"