The Devouring Ancestral Talisman Appears

Wu Yun actually refined the Great Desolation Ancient Stele into his own spiritual treasure.

This is simply too shocking. Not to mention the three of Mu Qianqian, even Xiao Diao was also very surprised. This kind of spiritual treasure with its own space is not something that ordinary sects can have.

But now, Wu Yun is really in his hands.

"Brother, you are really amazing. With this Great Desolation Ancient Monument in the future, we can build our family and martial arts hall into it." Lin Dong proposed excitedly.

That way you don't have to be separated from your family. Think about it, the former Great Desolation Sect also lived in it.

The size of the world inside is several times that of Yancheng, comparable to a county, and it is really the best choice for building your own power.

"Well, I have exactly the same intention." Wu Yun nodded, he had this idea when he got the inheritance of the Great Desolation Emperor Seal.

However, there is a hidden danger in the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument. That is the Palace of Nine Kings. This guy was sealed in the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, if he escaped, it would be a catastrophe.

Before letting the family members in, he had to make sure that this guy couldn't break the seal. Wu Yun thought about it. In the original book, when the seal of the Nine Kings Palace was loosened in the later period, it continuously released demonic energy, hoping that other strange demons could sense his position and rescue him.

But later, the devilish energy he exuded was purified by the Lord of Life and Death, who is now Jiang Yinyin, so he failed to report the letter successfully.

That is to say, as long as the spread of his devilish energy can be restrained, the Nine Kings Palace will not be able to break the seal for a long time.

In contrast, Wu Yun has great confidence. As long as the seal is strengthened, the Palace of Nine Kings can be suppressed longer and more stably.

He has the complete book of formations and so many original runes, and he only needs to find good formation materials to greatly enhance the power of the seal.

In addition, Wu Yun can also invite the Eagle Martial Arts Hall to settle in the Great Desolation Ancient Monument and become a member of the Great Desolation Sect.

With the inheritance of the Great Desolation Sect, the Eagle Martial Arts Hall would be very willing to join. In that way, Jiang Yinyin could sit on the Ancient Monument of the Great Desolation, with double guarantees.

After refining, Wu Yun can enter the Great Desolation Ancient Monument at any time. He can communicate with the monument soul with just a single thought.

The four of Wu Yun entered the ancient stele again, and they began to swallow the elixir to improve their strength. Ding, the sign-in location has been refreshed, please sign in at Yin Puppet City!

At this time, the system releases the check-in task again. Yin Puppet City, where the headquarters of the Yin Puppet Sect is located, is his next destination.

Five days later! Wu Yun ate more than a dozen Nirvana Pills and successfully broke through the Creation Realm. Although it is said that he used the Nirvana Pill, Wu Yun's breakthrough came naturally. He could break through a long time ago with his realm training, and his foundation is very solid.

After breaking through, Wu Yun came out, wearing the Great Desolation Ancient Stele as a pendant on his body, and Lin Dong and the other three were still cultivating inside.

Wu Yun rode the white cloud and headed towards the Yin Puppet Sect at high speed. In the past few days, through Little Diao's cruel interrogation of Elder Zuo, they have already got the news about devouring the ancestral talisman.

The last time the ancient stele space was opened, Teng Cha, the suzerain of the Yin Puppet Sect, did get a mysterious thing from it.

After getting that thing, Teng Cha went back and kept retreating. But there is a powerful seal on the Devouring Ancestral Talisman, and Teng Cha has not broken it after three years of research.

So he planned to break the seal forcibly after ten days with the power of all the strong men of the Yin Puppet Sect. Yin Puppet City is located in the famous Xuanyin Mountain Range in Dahuang County. The mountain range here is shrouded in a sharp cold like a bone-cutting knife all year round. Ordinary people dare not stay too much in it, otherwise That is, the cold air will enter the body and frostbite the meridians.

Because in the depths of the Xuanyin Mountains, there is an earth Xuanyin stream with a very fierce reputation. I don't know how deep this Xuanyin stream is, and there is a terrifying cold wind in it. Wind qi comes from all directions, resulting in countless large and small vortices of cold vortexes. Once drawn into it, even a strong person in the good luck realm will surely die. Mountains are undoubtedly forbidden places.

And Wu Yun got the news from Elder Zuo that Teng Cha was going to use the power of the cold energy to attack and devour the seal on the ancestral talisman.

He rode the white cloud and ran wildly all the way, finally arrived at the Yin Puppet City the next day. The Yin Puppet City is built on the main peak of the Xuanyin Mountain Range. The entire city is built close to the mountain. It is extremely majestic. There are dense figures coming and going in it, showing the almost terrifying popularity.

Wu Yun didn't hit the door directly. With his strength, it's no problem to hit the door, but he was worried that after the other party knew his strength, they might hide the Ancestral Devouring Talisman first, which would make it even more difficult to find.

Wu Yun will not show up until he sees the Devouring Ancestral Talisman. After entering the city, Wu Yun put Baiyun into the ancient monument of the Great Desolation, and then quietly investigated the Yin Puppet Sect.

He walked along Xuanyin Mountain, all the way to the top of Xuanyin Mountain. The place is extremely vast, with various majestic buildings standing on it, and in the center, there is a huge square of nearly a thousand feet.

The square was made of black rock, and endless cold air permeated from below, and in the sky, it condensed into a cold mist and drifted away.

According to the information provided by Elder Zuo, Teng Cha will choose this place to break the seal tonight.

Wu Yun hid in the forest on the top of the mountain, and the vision of Ziji Demon Eyes spread out, looking down at the huge square in the distance, and immediately discovered that there were many runes and array foundations in the square, as if it had been arranged Formation.

As the sky gradually dimmed, a large number of people from the headquarters of the Yin Puppet Sect came to the square on the top of the mountain.

The strength of these people is above the Shaping Realm, and Teng Cha specially summoned them from various branches in order to break the seal.

When they arrived at the square, these people found their respective positions and sat down cross-legged according to the array. Not long after, a dim sun and a bright full moon slowly appeared in the sky at the same time.

At the time when the sun and the moon alternated, the cold air of Xuanyin Mountain was instantly fierce, and even faintly, there were countless whining sounds like ghosts, which was creepy.

This day was specially chosen, and the cold air tonight will be the most intense and powerful time of the year.

After everyone was seated, two figures flew over and landed in the center of the square. Both of them are powerful creatures.

One of them was gray-robed and white-haired, and his attire was similar to that of the previous Elder Zuo, so he must be the Elder Right of the Yin Puppet Sect.

The other person was dressed in a dark red robe, and his hair showed a strange black color. Occasionally, when the breeze blew, the hair fluttered like a black hole wriggling, and there was a faint suction emanating from it. And open.

Undoubtedly, it was the suzerain Tengcha, and Wu Yun felt an extremely powerful aura of runes on his body.

"Elder Zuo hasn't come back yet? It takes so many days to kill a kid in the Qi-creating realm, doesn't he know the importance of this matter!" Teng Cha said with a slight frown.

"Sect Master, Elder Zuo has always acted calmly and knows the seriousness of the matter. If he hasn't come back now, he must have encountered something and couldn't get away. His natal brand has not been extinguished. There should be no danger, but I don't know why he hasn't come back yet. Those sent out to investigate will not be able to report back until tomorrow." Elder You sighed, he was also worried about his old partner.

"Could it be that he was trapped in the ancient stele of the Great Desolation?" Teng Cha couldn't help but think so. In Dahuang County, if Elder Zuo could not come back, he could only think of the ancient monument of Dahuang.

"If that's the case, Elder Zuo won't be able to come out until three years later!" Elder Right looked around Xuanyin Mountain and couldn't help worrying,

"Sovereign, Elder Zuo is not here, are you sure you have to gather the power of the whole sect to crack that thing?" Is it a seal? This gathering of people, the movement is so big, it must not be hidden from other people's eyes. Now, there must be many people around our Yin Puppet City who are watching. Those few people may be hiding around." Teng Cha: "It doesn't matter, without Elder Zuo, we will continue, the cold air in Xuanyin Mountain will reach its peak tonight, if we miss today, we will have to wait another year. "

"As long as I can crack the seal in the talisman, I will definitely be able to quickly enter the Nirvana realm. At that time, not to mention the Great Wilderness County, even if you look at the entire Great Yan Dynasty, it will be difficult to find someone to fight against." After three years of research on that wonderful talisman, and now he has finally figured out some clues, Teng Cha is not going to wait any longer, he is very confident, with his strength achieved in the realm of creation, he has no opponent in Dahuang County.

In the forest, Wu Yun was also looking forward to seeing the Devouring Ancestral Talisman soon. One of the most powerful treasures in this world.

It's exciting to think about it. He secretly released his mental power and looked around. Sure enough, apart from him, there are also many strong men lurking in the night, and all of them are above the half-step Good Fortune Realm.

Not surprisingly, these people are all from the Great Demon Sect and the Wumeng. on the square!

"It's almost time." Teng Cha looked up at the darkened sky, suddenly stretched out his arm, and slowly swung it down. His plain voice resounded clearly in the ears of every Yin Puppet Sect expert: "Set up the Nine Yin Demon Profound Formation!" As soon as Teng Cha's voice fell, the many strong men of the Yin Puppet Sect in the square immediately shouted loudly, and then all backed away, biting the tip of their tongue, a mouthful of blood Vigorous primordial force shot out violently.

Wu Yun's eyes fixed, and he became a little serious, but he didn't rush to make a move, but watched them cast this formation with great interest.

something. All the blood essence flew into the air, gathered together, turned into blood lines, and finally spread out, forming a huge blood-colored array about a hundred feet in size directly in the air.

With the initial formation of the formation, above the top of the mountain, the energy of the heavens and the earth rioted. Such a movement made the entire huge Yinpuppet City feel it. Everyone in the city looked towards the mountaintop here. The big move that the Yinpuppet Sect had prepared for a long time began.

"Arouse the cold air!" Teng Cha's eyes could not hide the excitement, and he shouted again.

Hearing his command, the powerhouses of the Yin Puppet Sect in the square frantically poured out their energy, gathered in their palms, and clapped their palms together on the black square.

Rumble! In an instant, cracks appeared on the square, and these cracks spread quickly, covering the entire square like a big net. Then, endless black cold air gushed out from under the cracks.

As soon as the icy black air came out, the huge blood-colored array in the sky radiated a crimson glow, forming a bloody mouth, sucking in fiercely, devouring all the black air.

The incorporation of the cold air caused the already huge blood-colored formation to swell again. Terrifying energy completely enveloped the entire sky over Xuanyin Mountain.

Rumble! Above the sky, there was a burst of muffled thunder. Wu Yun nodded secretly. With his gaze comparable to that of a formation master, it can be seen that this formation is very powerful.

Not only to draw out the cold air in the mountains, but also to use it. It is not weaker than the formation of the Ancient Tomb Mansion.

Even the current him felt a little danger from the gathered power.

"It seems that no matter how small the sect is, they should not be underestimated. They always have some hidden means of suppressing the sect." Wu Yun said vigilantly in his heart.

The power of this formation has been able to threaten the strong in Nirvana. No wonder Fujisha dared to use it to break the seal.

It's a pity that he is still too young, the black-eyed old man, but a boss at the reincarnation level, the seal he set up can't be cracked by the little puppet sect.

Forcibly breaking open, Wu Yun estimates that he must at least reach the runner level to be able to do so. Now that the formation is complete, it's time to take out the Devouring Ancestral Talisman Wu Yun's eyes were already shining with purple light, looking expectantly at Teng Cha in the center of the square.

Under the expectant vision of Wu Yun's Ziji Demon Eye, Teng Sha moved, and an extremely powerful elemental force gushed out of his body, condensing on the palm of his hand.

He stood up abruptly, with his palms down, and the terrifying light of Yuan Li instantly flourished, and then he slapped heavily on the square.

boom! The entire Xuanyin Mountain trembled, and the powerful palm was controlled very skillfully, blasting out a huge black hole under his feet.

"Buzz!" Wu Yun's talisman suddenly reacted and trembled violently. Even the rune given to Wu Yun by the black-eyed old man in the Qiankun bag emitted a warm force.

In the black hole, there was an extremely ancient and vast wave. The powerhouses of the Yin Puppet Sect all looked over curiously. At this moment, wisps of black light bloomed from the black hole.

The light rose slowly, and finally suspended under the huge blood formation, forming a black light cluster.

Ziji Demon Eyes looked over, the black light group was not big, about ten feet in area, and its surroundings were filled with black rays of light, through which the eyes could see.

In the center, quietly suspended an ancient rune the size of a human head! Ancient, chaotic, primitive!

This rune is filled with the breath of immortality. The black ancient runes are hidden in the deepest part of the light cluster, as if they have fallen into a deep sleep, but when the runes fluctuate, they faintly change into various black holes, a terrifying wave that devours everything quietly seeps out , making the world change color.

"Swallow the ancestral talisman!" Wu Yun's Adam's apple surged, he had been greedy for this ancestral talisman for a long time. Even if he keeps signing in and getting many powerful rewards, Wu Yun's vision has improved a lot, but he still longs for the ancestral talisman.

The ancestral talisman is a treasure born in this world. It possesses the power of heaven and earth. Obtaining it can make Wu Yun aspire to the ceiling of this world's combat power faster.

"Let the second and third brothers come out and have a look!" Compared to Wu Yun, Lin Dong and Xiao Diao had much higher expectations for the ancestral talisman, and they were also more enthusiastic about the ancestral talisman.

Wu Yun touched the Great Desolation Ancient Stele with the palm of his hand, and suddenly, rays of light flashed, and Lin Dong appeared beside him.

Xiao Diao's demon spirit also came out of the stone talisman instantly, floating between the two of them.


"En devouring the ancestral talisman!"

"Swallowing the ancestral talisman, it really is devouring the ancestral talisman!" As soon as Lin Dong and Xiao Diao came out, they sensed the existence of the ancestral talisman, and the eyes of each person and Diao were shining brightly. , hotter than seeing a beautiful woman.

"Brother, let's go and grab it!" Xiao Diao said excitedly, with such urgency, it was like a man who had been abstinent for decades suddenly came to Goulan.

"Don't worry, the power gathered by the formation is still there, let's watch them perform for a while!" Wu Yun stopped.

The Nine Yin Demon Profound Formation is powerful enough to threaten Nirvana Realm powerhouses, if they go out now, Teng Sha might mobilize the power of the Great Formation to deal with them.

Although Wu Yun was confident that the power of the formation could not kill him, he would still be injured and hurt if hit.

Let him bombard the ancestral talisman, the ancestral talisman can't be broken anyway. Although Xiao Diao and Lin Dong were impatient, they patiently waited for the order of their elder brother to act. The formation also made them feel the danger.

At this moment, the movement here has attracted the attention of people in the entire Yin Puppet City, and many people have gathered around.

But they didn't dare to act rashly and watched quietly. Teng Cha's eyes were fixed on the black ball of light, and he was bound to take it down today.

His body slowly floated up, and his hands moved quickly, forming strange imprints. Then one after another extremely powerful pillars of Yuanli light swept out from his hands and pierced into the huge blood formation in the sky.

The terrifying blood formation suddenly churned violently, and layers of blood light spread out, like a cloud of blood, covering the top of the mountain.

Rumble! The sound of thunder resounded in the blood formation, but there was no thunder light!

"Nine Yin Demon Profound Formation, break!" Teng Cha's face was cold and stern, he shouted violently, and flew directly to the bottom of the blood formation, and then suddenly drew his finger, and the heaven and earth primordial power roared immediately.

The big formation was roaring, and the blood light condensed like lightning into a huge blood-colored beam of tens of feet, which ruthlessly bombarded the black light group below.

The gazes of Wu Yun and the two became tense, and the heartbeats of the people around who watched this scene both openly and secretly.

boom! The bloody beam of light blasted into the black light group below. The motionless black light finally moved a little, but it was only a little movement, not as violent as people imagined.

It's just a circle of weak black light, spreading out from the light cluster. This terrifying and huge blood-colored beam of light couldn't shake the black light group, it didn't move at all, it just had some ripples on the surface.

Shocked, horrified! What the hell is this thing that can withstand such a powerful attack without moving?

The people in this simple scene were dumbfounded. They don't know how to devour ancestral symbols. Even Teng Cha was a little confused.

Got the treasure, but didn't get it all! This feeling can only be felt by Teng Cha. Wu Yun and the others were not surprised. They knew the ancestral talisman, so they were mentally prepared. If the ancestral talisman was blown away so easily, they would not be able to wait for them to look for it.

However, now, although everyone doesn't know what it is, they also understand that this thing must be extraordinary, and everyone who sees it has a greedy heart.

Wu Yun: "Get ready for action!"