Sign in to the Yin Puppet City and get the Chaos Talisman

Hearing Wu Yun's words, Xiao Diao and Lin Dong were eager to try.

However, the power of the Scarlet Formation has not yet been exhausted.

"Hmph, my suzerain doesn't believe it today, combined with the power of my entire Yin Puppet Sect, I still can't crack your seal!" Teng Cha looked gloomy, looking at the rippling black light ball with extreme unwillingness, and continued to attack.

When he reached out with both hands, they directly turned into two huge palms of Yuanli, which were inserted vigorously into the formation.

"Nine Yin Demon Xuan Formation, the power of Nine Yin Demons, destroy all dharmas!" He shouted coldly, and the roar of his origin force caused the blood-colored light array to violently churn. A black chill was sucked into the blood formation.

Suddenly, in the blood-colored formation, the endless black cold air condensed into a giant black dragon that was hundreds of feet in size.

The black flood dragon took shape, and under the control of Teng Cha, with a flick of its huge body, it turned into a black lightning bolt, blasting towards the black light group below, and the huge body squirmed.

Rumble! Yuanli suddenly roared, the momentum was huge and terrifying. This more powerful attack finally had some effect.

Zizizi! On the black light group, the black light film erupted with violent ripples and fluctuations, and finally burst open with a bang.

The strong men of the Yin Puppet Sect all smiled triumphantly, and the sound of the explosion made them hear hope.

"Hey, is the seal broken!" Seeing this scene, Lin Dong also clenched his palms, subconsciously thinking that the seal was broken.

"That will be so easy!" The little mink curled its mouth.

"It's not that the seal was broken, it's just that I saw the seal." Wu Yun laughed and said leisurely. I saw many black veins in the black light group wriggling at this moment, and finally shot out quickly, and then condensed on the light group. In the blink of an eye, they condensed into a phantom the size of a human head.

It was exactly what the black-eyed old man looked like. That is an afterimage left behind! When the remnant appearance appeared, he stretched out his finger and pointed at the black dragon that was condensed by the cold air, and the black dragon that possessed the mighty vitality was wiped out in an instant, turning into a dead gray light.

This terrifying power can even annihilate the power of heaven and earth.

"Death energy, the power of death!" Xiao Diao said in amazement.

"The power of death?" Lin Dong turned to look at him puzzled. Xiao Diao: "This is a power that can only be mastered by a strong person who has reached the Profound Death Realm. He can control life and death with a flip of his hands.

" A cultivation level above the wheel mirror."

"Death Profound Realm, wheel mirror, control life and death, deprive vitality, so strong?" Lin Dong was shocked, this was beyond his imagination.

"These are all realms above the Nirvana Realm. You are already a first-class powerhouse in the world. You are still far away!" Teng Cha still did not give up. With a wave of the sleeve robe, a universe bag flew out.

One after another, bright and shining pills flew out, as many as one million pills. The huge amount of pills melted into billowing Yuanli, turned into a thick mist of Yuanli, floated upwards, and merged with the blood array.

The origin power of millions of pills flowed in, and the blood formation became more churning, and at the eye of the formation, a huge blood-colored eyeball condensed.

With the formation of blood eyes, the energy of heaven and earth exploded out of thin air, turned into billowing ripples, and spread out.

"Nine Yin Demon Profound Formation, Nine Yin Blood Eyes!" The blood eyes came down, and in the light group, the phantom of the black-eyed old man also raised his head.

His pair of black pupils were as dead silent as without a trace of fluctuation. He spoke slowly, and the ancient voice spread over the square.

"Those who have not been approved will have no fate!" After finishing speaking, he stretched out his finger again, and lightly tapped on the bloody eyeball.

With the pointing of this finger, the whole world seemed to be filled with a touch of gray in an instant, and became even darker. A deadly power spread, and some lush trees on the top of the mountain unexpectedly At this moment, it withered quickly, that kind of appearance, as if even the vitality had been sucked away.

And that terrifying blood-colored eyeball was slowly filled with the color of death gray, and then heard the sound of cracking, the eyeball had already turned gray and white, with cracks all over it.

Pooh! The gray and white eyeballs were cracked and fragmented. Puff puff! In the square, all the strong men of the Yin Puppet Sect vomited blood, and their aura was weak. Some people in the center even had black hairs that turned white in an instant, deprived of the power of life, and aged a lot.

The big formation was broken, and the entire Yin Puppet Sect was cast a shadow. The formation lingering over the square finally disappeared, and Wu Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After seeing the horror of this formation. He now has a deeper understanding of the power of the old man with black pupils. Fortunately, he accepted the breaking rune of the other party at the beginning. impossible.

This seal is not just as simple as sealing the runes, but also has the strength left behind by devouring the ancestor talisman and the black-eyed old man.

Treasures like the Devouring Ancestral Talisman have a talisman spirit, and it doesn't agree with it, so you can't get it by force. Therefore, what the old man with black pupils said is right, without getting

the "key" from him, it is impossible to get the Devouring Ancestral Talisman. Teng Cha faced the black-eyed old man in the air, and he was speechless.

He was extremely lost and depressed at the moment! The elder on the right sighed, flew up into the air, and appeared next to Teng Cha, looking at the phantom of the black-eyed old man sitting on the black light ball, he couldn't help but smiled wryly and comforted: "Sect Master, it seems that this matter has to be resolved." From a long- term perspective, today we have exposed that we have a treasure, and it will inevitably attract people's attention."

"It's time for us to play!" Wu Yun jumped into the air, and then the Red Fire Sword flew out of the Qiankun bag and appeared on his chest. Under the feet, it turned into a stream of light and flew down.

Without the bloody formation, Wu Yun had no scruples.

"Hey, big brother, wait for me!" Lin Dong immediately followed excitedly.

"Treasures of heaven and earth, those who are destined to get them, it seems that you, the Yin Puppet Sect, are not the ones who are destined!" Wu Yun had already flown to the bottom of the black light group, face to face with Tengsha and others, and said indifferently.

"It's them, Wu Yun, Lin Dong!" Immediately, a strong man from the Yin Puppet Sect below revealed their identities.

After these few days of fermentation, someone had already passed the portraits of Wu Yun and Lin Dong to the Yin Puppet Sect.

Those members of the Yin Puppet Sect stood up one after another, looking at Wu Yun and Lin Dong as if facing a formidable enemy, ready to strike at any time.

"It turned out to be the two of them!"

"Killing Teng Puppet, they should dare to appear in the headquarters of the Yin Puppet Sect in such an upright manner."

"Could it be that they are afraid of Teng Cha!" secretly saw Wu Yun and Lin Dong appearing , many people are very surprised.

"You are not dead yet, where is Elder Zuo?" Elder Right glared angrily.

"He's here!" Wu Yun gently communicated with the Great Desolation Ancient Monument. On his chest, the miniature tablet suddenly shot out a stream of light, and immediately the figure of Elder Zuo appeared in Wu Yun's hands.

Yep? Everyone was stunned for a moment, looking in surprise at Wu Yun's move just now. A Qiankun bag cannot hold a living person, and Wu Yun's trick of Elder Zuo just now bluffed many people.

"Sovereign, I'm sorry, I'm not his opponent?" Elder Zuo hurriedly said to Teng Sha as soon as he came out.

Then, directly persuade to surrender.

"Sovereign, surrender quickly, you are no match for them!"

"Elder Zuo, what are you talking about?" Elder Right said in disbelief.

"Hurry up and let Elder Zuo go, or you will die without a whole body!" Teng Cha: "Send it to your door, I think you are tired of work, just to avenge my puppet."

"Haha, little friend Wu Yun, don't pay attention to this Tengsha, with our Wumeng here, he dare not do anything to you." A bold voice came out, and immediately three figures flew out, all of them were from the Creation Realm. Cheng's strength.

"Wumeng, Wuzong!" Teng Cha's face became even more gloomy.

"Hehe, there is also our Great Demon Sect, Brother Wu Yun, where is my family Qianqian now?" There were three figures again, all dressed in black, and the leader of them was a middle-aged man with a hulking back and a hulking waist. His eyes were piercing, with a sharp luster flashing faintly. He looked at Wu Yun with admiration in his eyes.

"Great Demon Sect, Mu Lei!" They and Wu Zong's people stood on the left and right sides of Wu Yun, forming a confrontation with the Yin Puppet Sect.

Wu Zong: "By the way, little friend Wu Yun, and my idiot, he is waiting for you at the ancient stele in the wilderness. I don't know if he will come with you."

"So it's the two suzerains!" Wu Yun cupped his hands, The big movement of the Yin Puppet Sect still attracted them.

"Wuci and Mu Qianqian are fine, I'll let them out right away!" Two rays of light shot out from the ancient stele in the wilderness, and the figures of Wuci and Mu Qianqian immediately appeared beside Wu Yun. " Ci'er

!" "Qianqian!" Wu Zong and Mu Lei looked astonished, as if they came out of Wu Yun's body. However, at a close distance, they also saw clearly the place where the light came out just now, and saw the small stele against you in front of Wu Yun. "Father!" Mu Qianqian and Wuci said excitedly, they didn't expect to see their father as soon as they came out! It's just that the atmosphere is obviously not right now. Wu Yun: "Today is the day when the Yin Puppet Sect is destroyed. If you want a share of the porridge, tell your father to control the Yin Puppet City. Teng Sha and this elder will be handed over to Lin Dong and me." Hearing this, Mu Qianqian and Wuci were overjoyed. They now knew how powerful Wu Yun was, so they naturally carried out what they said to him 100%.

"Yes, brother!"

"Yes, big brother!" The two returned to their fathers and began to lobby. They also heard what Wu Yun said just now.

"Father, believe me, listen to senior brother first, you are not needed here!"

"But, that treasure!"

"The treasure is also senior brother, so don't worry about it!" , Mu Qianqian said quietly,

"Father, all the people here may not be the opponent of the senior brother. The ancient monuments of the wilderness have been refined by the senior brother. Listen to him."

"Hiss!" Tell Murray to shut up obediently. On the other side, Wu Zong hissed coldly when he heard Wuci's advice.

Then, the two followed Wu Yun's instructions strangely to control the Yin Puppet City.

"If you want to destroy my Yin Puppet Sect, it depends on whether you have that ability!" Teng Cha's face was ugly, he didn't expect these two old guys to listen to a junior like this, but he still didn't believe that Wu Yun had the strength to fight against him .

He has already reached the Great Achievement of Fortune Realm, and his strength is not even a little bit stronger than the Xiaocheng powerhouse. He shouted violently, and his voice spread throughout the Yinpuppet City,

"All the disciples of the Yinpuppet Sect obey, who dares to contaminate the power of my Yinpuppet Sect! It doesn't matter if you shoot or kill!"

"Second brother, I'll leave that right elder to you, no problem!" Wu Yun said to Lin Dong.

"Of course it's no problem, big brother, look at me." Lin Dong directly struck out with his long halberd, killing Elder Xiang You.

"Today, I will avenge my puppet!" Seeing that a fight was about to start, Elder Zuo said eagerly,

"Sovereign, surrender quickly, Wu Yun, let me go, I am willing to follow you!"

"No need, you have already been abolished !" Wu Yun said disdainfully, he killed Teng Puppet, and killed so many people from the Yin Puppet Sect, this enmity is impossible to resolve, and he is not at ease accepting the people of the Yin Puppet Sect if they send him off.

Wu Yun directly punched Elder Zuo at Teng Cha, but Teng Cha didn't care at all, and tore Elder Zuo into two halves.

He was now full of killing intent, and his hands surging with black energy were displaying terrifying martial arts to kill Wu Yun.

"The Bone Mark of Myriad Demons Erosion!" The black mark enveloped the world, and Teng Cha suddenly slapped it out with his palm. That black mark tore apart the night sky and exploded towards Wu Yun with an unstoppable shocking aura.

It can be seen that this Teng Cha didn't make any tentative moves, but wanted to kill Wu Yun with a real palm. The current situation made him understand that he must kill Wu Yun as soon as possible and take back the treasure, otherwise, I'm afraid it will change sooner or later.

"Great Desolation Prisoner's Sky Finger!" Wu Yun's Yuan force surged, and he directly used the good fortune level martial arts. Now he has also broken through to the good fortune level, and the strength in his body is enough to use this martial art.

With his hands, he created extremely complicated and mysterious seals, and as the seals moved, layers of dark clouds immediately appeared in the sky, and even the energy of the heavens and the earth began to fluctuate violently. At an astonishing speed, they converged towards the sky above Wu Yun.

The printing method changes, like a dragon and a snake walking, it is extremely strange, the sound of cold shouting, with a special majesty, rumbles and spreads above the sky.

"One finger imprisons the heavens and the earth!" Amidst the tumbling dark clouds on the top of the mountain, an incomparably huge purple-gold finger slowly condensed and appeared.

With that kind of pressure, even everyone below felt suffocated. Rumble! Wu Yun's giant purple-gold fingers slammed down, directly breaking Teng Cha's palm prints, and then suppressing them on his body.

Sheng Sheng hit Teng Cha from a high altitude to the ground. Creation-level martial arts, so terrifyingly powerful! Everyone who saw it looked at Wu Yun in horror, this young man is incredible.

Especially Murray and Wu Zong. They were just surprised that Teng Cha had broken through the Great Creation Realm, but in a blink of an eye, Wu Yun crushed Teng Cha with his palm. With such strength, their son and daughter did not lie to them.

Both of them were extremely grateful, but fortunately they did not choose to be enemies with Wu Yun. Injuring Teng Sha with one move, Wu Yun didn't continue to attack, but summoned the ancient Blood Bat Dragon from the ancient stele of the wilderness.

This old dragon has been in the space of the ancient stele for many years, and he has been guarding his heart. With some spiritual wisdom, he can be regarded as a member of the Great Desolation Sect. During this time, he has eaten a lot of Nirvana Pills With the trend of promotion to the peak of the Creation Realm, some battles are needed to help it improve.

"Blood Bat Dragon, it's time to come out and move around, kill him." A huge light shot out from the ancient tablet on Wu Yun's chest.

"Roar!" The huge bat wings spread out, as if covering the sky and the sun. The body of the ancient blood bat dragon was so huge that it almost covered the entire top of Xuanyin Mountain under it. Its breath was frightening, full of ancient smell.

"My God, what kind of monster is that?"

"That's the guardian monster of the underground palace in the ancient stele of the wilderness, with the strength of the Great Creation Realm, how can it follow Wu Yun!"

"This monster was killed by Wu Yun . Subdued."

"But, where did it come from?" Many people in Yinpuppet City have been to the Great Desolation Ancient Monument and know about the ancient Blood Bat Dragon.

They were all shocked at the moment. As soon as the blood bat dragon came out, it immediately locked its target on Tengsha. To be favored and reused by the new suzerain, the ancient blood bat dragon is very active, waving the pair of fleshy wings and constantly sending out sonic attacks on Tengsha.

At this moment, the entire Yin Puppet Sect is in chaos. The melee continued. Under the leadership of Wu Zong, Mu Lei and other six small-accomplished powerhouses, they simply swept all the way, killing all the disciples of the Yin Puppet Sect in the entire square.

They cannot let go of this opportunity to destroy the Yin Puppet Sect. Soon it took control of the entire Yin Puppet Sect headquarters.

And Wu Yun flew towards the black light group that was still hovering quietly in the air. At this time, the Yin Puppet City was in chaos. To prevent any accidents, Wu Yun thought it would be better to put away the Devouring Ancestral Talisman first.

The phantom of the black-eyed old man was still on it, motionless. This phantom had no consciousness, so Wu Yun didn't dare to approach it like this.

Otherwise, if he points it out, I am afraid that the Nirvana state will not be able to stand it. Wu Yun reached out and took out the rune given to him by the old man with black pupils from the universe bag, and held the broken rune in his hand before he dared to approach it.

This time, the phantom of the black-eyed old man finally stopped pointing out his finger of death. Wu Yun approached with the unsealed rune, sensing the devouring ancestral talisman, bursts of black light burst out from the rune, and under the illumination of the black light, the phantom of the black-eyed old man began to fade, and disappeared completely after a while. go.

The pressure hanging over the sky finally disappeared with the disappearance of the black-eyed old man. The black light from the broken rune irradiated the light ball that devoured the ancestor talisman, and the light ball shrank rapidly and finally turned into a ray of light, which was sucked into the broken rune in Wu Yun's palm.

Finally got the Devouring Ancestral Talisman! Wu Yun breathed a sigh of relief. Ding! Arrive at Yin Puppet City, do you want to sign in?

At the same time, the system beep sounded.

"Sign in!" Sign in successfully and get a reward, Chaos Talisman! The chaotic talisman, the birth of the innate soul, is the purest innate soul, possessing chaotic attributes, capable of absorbing and compatible with the power of all attributes, in which runes can be bred to form a rune fetus!