Dayan County, the Lin Clan Association caused shock in all parties

Inside the ancient monument of the Great Desolation!

Wu Yun brought Luo Cheng and others down to the ancient stele of good fortune.

Today, the bluestone square before the Ancient Stele of Fortune has been paved again, covering the underground palace again, leaving only a secret passage to the underground palace.

After all, what is stored inside is the treasure of the sect, so it cannot be kept open like this.

And Lin Dong is retreating below, refining and devouring the ancestor talisman with all his heart.

This process cannot be disturbed.

"Ho Ho Ho!"

Seeing Qing Tan and the familiar Lin family members, Xiao Yan flew up excitedly, it was guarding the exit of the secret passage, and now it flew over happily, licking Qing Tan like a good dog .

"Wow, Xiaoyan, how did you become like this!"

Qingtan touched Xiaoyan's head excitedly, Lin Zhentian and others also looked at Xiaoyan curiously.

Compared with the appearance when he left, Xiao Yan is now more handsome, with a pair of thunder wings on his body, and his whole body is covered with crystal armor. The python tail can no longer be called a python tail, but a dragon tail.

Because of the cultivation of body script and rigid characters, its physique is incomparably strong. Just from the surface, its intimidating power is even stronger than that of its elder sister Baiyun.

Today's Xiaoyan also has the strength of the Good Fortune Realm.

"Lin Dong is still retreating down below. He is at a critical moment and cannot be disturbed. So you can't go see him for the time being. It shouldn't be long before you can leave the seclusion. When he comes out, maybe he won't be weaker than me."

Wu Yun smiled, pointed to the bottom of Qingshi Square, and said to Lin Zhentian and others.

"Yun'er, what is your strength now?" Luo Cheng swallowed and asked curiously.

"Great achievement in the good fortune realm, I broke through to the Tianfu master not long ago, and the general Nirvana realm powerhouse is no longer my opponent."

Wu Yun did not hide too much about his old father.

"Tianfu master? Nirvana realm?"

Luo Cheng and the others opened their mouths in shock. Once upon a time, the three realms of good fortune were all out of reach for them. Now that a year has passed, Wu Yun's The strength has surpassed the Creation Realm, and has reached a realm that they don't even know!

"Then what's going on here?"

Luo Cheng looked at the magical space of the ancient monument and asked again.

Facing Wu Yun, who has undergone tremendous changes, he has too many doubts.

"Father, don't worry, sit inside and let me tell you slowly."

Wu Yun led them to an ancient palace next to it. This is Wu Yun's palace. There are many people in the palace, including housekeepers, maids, and odd jobs. Boy wait.

These people are serving his life.

After all, the suzerain's mansion should have a certain style.

At this time, hearing the movement outside, a beautiful and gentle woman came out of the door.

Knowing that Wu Yun's family is going to move in, Jiang Xue, who is looking forward to it, has already started to tidy up and prepare the room. Waiting here, seeing everyone coming, she came out to greet everyone enthusiastically like a hostess,

"Brother Wu Yun, this is you!" Your family?"

She gave a salute, and said crisply,

"Little girl Jiang Xue has met all the elders!"

Luo Cheng and the others couldn't help being curious when they saw a beautiful woman like Jiang Xue waiting for them so politely. looked at Wu Yun.

Especially Qing Tan, who was immediately alert on her small face, those sharp eyes stared at Jiang Xue with some meaning... found the enemy!

However, before Wu Yun could introduce Jiang Xue, another sweet voice came from behind,

"Senior brother, your family is here, why didn't you inform them!"

The seductive Mu Qianqian in a red dress came with a sword, her pair of peach blossom eyes swept over everyone with agility and charm, and the charm of her natural body was subconsciously released. Next, the small steps are very enchanting.

Luo Cheng and the others were immediately impressed. Different from Jiang Xue's gentleness and sweetness, this Mu Qianqian was bold and unrestrained, and her charm was something that men could not ignore.

Only Qingtan squeezed her two small fists... Intuition told her that there are two enemies!

Mu Qianqian had an eyeliner in the suzerain's mansion, and when the door of space appeared, Mu Qianqian rushed over after receiving the news.

As for the Sovereign Mansion, their second daughter came the most times!

"Qianqian, there are elders here, be more elegant!"

Wu Yun said in a slightly serious tone, and at the same time, a burst of spiritual power surged out, shocking Luo Cheng and others, so as to avoid being misled by Mu Qianqian's charming body and causing embarrassment things.

Their cultivation base is not high, but they can't stop Mu Qianqian's charm now, even Mu Qianqian is a little restrained.

Therefore, Wu Yun made an early move.


Mu Qianqian quickly put away her charm, her demeanor became much more dignified, and she didn't dare to make too many moves.

"Little girl Mu Qianqian, I have met all of you uncles!"

After Mu Qianqian finished her salute, she gave Jiang Xue a provocative look, and Jiang Xue gave her a blank look without showing weakness.

Among the ancient monuments of the Great Desolation, their two daughters are the two most outstanding women, plus they are both close to Wu Yun, so that kind of hostility is naturally unavoidable.

She then looked at Wu Yun's family members with some curiosity. It must not be easy for these family members to cultivate peerless geniuses like senior brothers!

However, to Mu Qianqian's disappointment, these people are very ordinary.

But her eyes quickly fixed on the young, delicate and lovely face beside Wu Yun.

That cuteness is not weaker than her!

But Mu Qianqian still restrained her expression very well, and smiled at Qingtan, when the enemy is not divided, she must not think about it.


Luo Cheng and the others looked at Wu Yun in embarrassment.

Even a fool would not believe that Wu Yun and the two girls were not tricky.

Both Luo Cheng and Luo Tong looked relieved, thinking that Wu Yun had a bright future!

Everyone entered inside, while Mu Qianqian and Jiang Xue were familiar with serving tea and water and taking care of people.

The sudden enthusiasm of the two beauties made the atmosphere a bit weird.

"Xue'er, Qianqian, go and tell your father to come over. I have something to discuss with them."

Wu Yun hurriedly sent them away.

After the second daughter left, Wu Yun narrated all the experiences of himself and Lin Dong after they left Yancheng.

Wu Yun: "So, father-in-law, Mr. Lin, this is the former sect of the Great Desolation Sect. The space of the ancient stele is larger than that of Tiandu County. Now more than 30,000 people have moved in."

Luo Tong, Lin Xiao, etc. The middle-aged generation was very shocked, while Lin Xia and other young people looked at Wu Yun with admiration.

"Unexpectedly, in just over a year, you have made such a big name. The Great Desolation Sect is not even weaker than the four major clans!"

Lin Zhentian was deeply impressed.

Luo Cheng: "Yun'er, you really surprised my father. Naturally, I have no problem. Being able to help Yun'er build the sect can be regarded as the final role of this old bone."

Wu Yun and Lin Dong are so promising, as They are naturally very happy to accept the family. This is equivalent to the country that Wu Yun and Lin Dong have laid down, and it can be regarded as their own sect.


When Murray and Jiang Lei arrived, Wu Yun introduced them to each other, and then discussed and arranged the two families.

Three days later!

All the people in the Ancient Tomb Mansion were moved into the ancient monument, including the coffin of the owner of the tomb mansion, and the spiritual seat was also moved to the Hehuan Hall founded by Mu Qianqian, and worshiped as the patriarch.

Wu Yun then came to Yancheng and met with the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, the Talisman Association and the City Lord's Mansion!

These three families used to have a lot of affection for him. Now that he wants to rise and needs manpower, he can naturally take care of these people who have helped him.

Regarding Wu Yun's proposal, the three of them readily agreed without even thinking about it.

In the final analysis, this world is still for cultivation, for martial arts to go one step further.

Back then, everyone in the ancient tomb mansion of a Nirvana-level powerhouse fought to the death, but now Wu Yun can give them a chance, the inheritance of an ancient sect, what a rare opportunity, they have no reason to refuse.

All Wanjin Chamber of Commerce settled in.

Yanxuan took the Talisman Tower to seek refuge with his disciples.

Ziyue's father, the city lord will quit immediately.

Nearly 10,000 people joined the three major forces!

Xuan Su is the happiest of the reunion after a long absence, because Wu Yun said before that if he reaches the peak of martial arts and succeeds as a talisman master, he will come back to repay her!

As a strong woman, Xuan Su has not started a family so far, nor did she plan to start a family before, but she has a soft spot for Wu Yun, the little brother.

Originally, she didn't have any delusions, but now Wu Yun has risen rapidly and become the number one figure in the Great Yan Dynasty. Although he has not yet reached the peak, this goal does not seem difficult to achieve.

During the more than a year since Wu Yun left, Xuan Su always had sleepless nights, worrying that he would miss Wu Yun in his next life.

We meet again now, and we can still be brought by Wu Yun's side forever.

With such a good opportunity, it is impossible for Xuan Su to let herself have any more regrets.

Even if the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce does not follow Wu Yun, she will go.

There is no way, her face is fleeting, she can't wait any longer, she can't afford to wait.

This time, Xuan Su had some active ideas!

Similarly, there is also Ziyue, she has some ideas about this junior brother. When Wu Yun left, she felt regretful, which caused her to be depressed for more than a year.

With the outstanding Wu Yun left in her heart for comparison, in Yancheng, there is no man she can look up to.

This time, she also decided to go crazy.

In the space of the ancient stele, there was a lot of excitement. As the suzerain, Wu Yun was too busy, and he had to decide on almost many matters, big or small.

Having to manage the lives of more than 40,000 people at once, Wu Yun finally experienced why those bosses needed a secretary.

One person is really too busy, and Wu Yun still has to practice, so it is easy to ignore some things.

He desperately needs a helper.

This assistant will do the work of the secretary, help him collect, screen, and arrange the things to be dealt with every day, the people to meet, and also be able to do some things on his behalf.

For the job of suzerain secretary, Wu Yun immediately thought of Xuan Su, she has almost all the advantages of a capable secretary.

Should be particularly competent.

Wu Yun found Xuan Su immediately,

"Sister Xuan Su, there are too many things about the sect, you have to help me!

" I'm at your beck and call!"

Xuan Su said with a smile, she believed that with her ability, Wu Yun would definitely need her, even though she was not good at cultivation, but in terms of dealing with personnel, Xuan Su thought she still had some skills.

"I want to arrange a position for you, mainly to serve me exclusively, so..."

Wu Yun immediately explained the functions of secretary to Xuan Su.

"Please don't worry, the suzerain, if I don't dare to do this, I will definitely be able to do it!"

Xuan Su said confidently after hearing this, and she was very happy about the job she was about to do.

"In the ancient monument space, you just follow me and remember the way I handle things. If I leave in the future, you have to make decisions for me on some matters!"

Next, Wu Yun made consecutive appointments.

In addition to the established Yin Yang Hall, Martial Arts Hall, and Physical Training Hall, Mu Qianqian, Martial Temple, and Mu Lei are in charge!

Now add the Fushi Hall, which is in charge of Yanxuan!

Jiang Xue's school hall is divided into Martial Dao Academy and Fu Dao Academy. Jiang Xue is still in charge of Martial Dao Academy, and Ziyue is in charge of Fu Dao Academy.

In addition to monks, there are ordinary people, tens of thousands of people, and it is also a small society, so the commercial system and political system are also less. The role of Xia Wanjin and Shicheng Lord is reflected. Good order of life here.

All construction is proceeding in an orderly manner, and everyone is busy every day.

Under Wu Yun's modern thinking, many advanced management methods quickly showed results. One month later, the various regulations of the sect were initially established and basically completed, and the development of the sect was on the right track!

Under the leadership of Wu Yun, everyone is thriving and full of hope for the future.

Especially Mu Qianqian, Jiang Xue, Ziyue, Xuan Su and other women are particularly active, full of energy every day, and there is a tendency to surpass each other in performance.

On the other hand, Qing Tan, who was at her leisure, followed Wu Yun's butt every day. Unfortunately, because she was too young, everyone didn't regard her as a competitor.

Little loli, it seems that she has no competitive advantage!

It's a pity that Qingtan didn't find out, and every day he took Wu Yun's hand to show off to others, thinking that he was very powerful!

But Qingtan still sneaks out from time to time to meet his master.

Wu Yun didn't point out this, he deliberately left a door leading to the outside space, just worried that the old man Boxuan would break in if he couldn't see Qingtan.

He was in a dilemma during this time, how to deal with old man Bo Xuan.

This guy will definitely not let go of a genius like Qingtan who has a very evil body. This kind of physique is a powerful physique that the Temple of Darkness dreams of.

If Qingtan follows him, she will inherit the Palace of Darkness in the future and become a queen of a generation!

But Wu Yun was a little bit reluctant, Qingtan's journey would not be so smooth, and he would suffer a lot.

Now that he has the ability to protect Qingtan, he doesn't need her to fight, and he can live comfortably while lying flat.

"Let's see Qingtan's choice then!"

Wu Yun sighed.

Another month has passed, and Wu Yun hardly needs to take care of the sect's affairs now, Xuan Su can arrange it properly.

It can be regarded as a secretary who has something to do!

Once the system is established, there is no need to worry about adding more people in the future.

Wu Yun was finally able to put his mind on cultivation.

Prepare to hit the pinnacle of Creation Realm!

Another month passed, and finally there was movement in the underground palace.

Lin Dong successfully refined and devoured the ancestral talisman!

The cultivation base has reached the Great Achievement of Good Fortune Realm, and he has also become a high-level talisman master!

When he left the customs, he was very happy to see that his family members were already inside the ancient monument.

"Calculating the time, the clan meeting of the Lin Clan will be here in one month. Grandpa, do we still have to attend?"

Lin Dong took the initiative to propose it. It has always been Lin Zhentian's dream to participate in the clan meeting and be promoted to the inner clan.

As for the clan, Lin Dong couldn't get close at all. If it wasn't for his grandfather and father, he wouldn't want to say that he was a member of the Lin clan.

Plus now that Lin Langtian died, Lin Dong no longer had the passion to join the Lin clan. Before joining the clan association, his greatest pursuit was to defeat Lin Langtian.

Lin Zhentian was a little distracted. Once upon a time, he wanted so much to return to the inner clan, but now, he no longer has that urge.

Now life in the Great Desolation Sect is no better than that of the clan.

Not only him, but the people of the clan are also happier. "Whether or not I go now is not that important to me. From now on, it will be your young people's world. Donger

, you can make this decision!"

The sect is very grateful, of course, the Tiandao sect is more defensive, unlike the Lin clan, which has disciples like Lin Langtian who are ruthless and ruthless to their own people.

"Yun'er, I want to go to the Heavenly Knife Gate!" Luo Cheng said.

"Well, adoptive father, I'm going to go too."

Wu Yun said to Lin Dong again, "Second brother, I finally killed Lin Langtian, and now the Lin clan has no one to deal with you, and the clan has targeted you After so many years, it's time to get some benefits from the clan!"

"Yes, brother is right, Lin Langtian can't represent the entire clan, and I can't hate everyone in the Lin clan just because of one Lin Langtian. "

Lin Dong nodded, no matter what, his ancestors, his roots are still in the Lin clan.

Returning to the inner clan with his current strength, I believe the Lin clan will be overjoyed.

"Okay, let's set off for Dayan County now!"


Dayan County, also known as Huangjun, was the most prosperous county in the Dayan Dynasty, and the imperial capital of the Dayan Dynasty was located in this huge county. Among them, this is the center of the Dayan Dynasty.

It is the place where the strong are most concentrated, and the real top forces in the Great Yan Dynasty are also here.

In this world, the power is not completely determined by the imperial power, and the royal family is just a relatively powerful force.

There are many big cities in Dayan County, basically a top force occupies a city.

The largest is naturally the imperial city, where the imperial capital is located.

The second place is Lincheng, where the Lin clan is located, and the four major clans are lined up. Lincheng can be tied with the imperial city, which shows that the Lin clan has a high status in the Great Yan Dynasty.

The next ones are Wang City, Huangpu City, and Qin City.

There is also a Tiandao City in Tiandaomen, but it cannot be compared with the imperial city, the city of the four major clans.

Among the top forces, it can only be regarded as the middle and lower level.

Lin City and Tiandao City are in two directions, a little far apart.

After rushing to Dayan County, it was only three days before the meeting of the Lin clan.

Wu Yun had no choice but to accompany Lin Dong and the others to attend the Lin clan's clan meeting first, and then visit the Tiandaomen.

Because of killing Qin Shi, Wang Yan, and Lin Langtian, Wu Yun was worried that Lin Dong and the others would go to the clan meeting alone. Maybe if the patriarchs of these three clans really took action against Lin Dong, with their Nirvana state strength, Lin Dong would be defeated. The movement may not be able to stop now.

The much-anticipated Lin Clan Meeting is about to begin, and the flow of people in Lin City has increased. The names of Wu Yun and Lin Dong have already spread throughout the Yan Dynasty in the past few months.

During this period of time, Wu Yun and Lin Dong were basically in seclusion and did not show up.

Therefore, people are looking forward to paying attention to their reappearance.

Everyone knew that Lin Dong was a branch of the Lin family, so for such a grand event, the Lin family would definitely come.

Finally, when Wu Yun and Yancheng's Lin family showed up in Lincheng.

This news spread rapidly, causing shocks from the four major clans, even the imperial city and all parties!

All eyes focused on Lin Cheng!

People are curious and looking forward to what kind of situation Wu Yun and Lin Dong will stir up this time!