Lin Clan Hidden, Big Harvest

Wu Yun and Lin Dong rode Bai Yun and Xiao Yan into Lin City.

They were not fast, but they walked straight towards the Lin clan.

Pedestrians on the road looked at this majestic young group riding a monster tiger, and all cast curious eyes. The two of them looked very powerful, and the passers-by made way for them.

Soon someone recognized them, and immediately started talking to the people around them.

Discussions about the two quickly swept through the entire forest city.

Many people have never seen them, but they have already heard of their names.

Nowadays, in Dayan County, there is almost no one who does not know Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

There is a kind of fame called stepping on others to get to the top!

Qin Shi, Wang Yan, Lin Langtian!

These three people can be said to be the romantic figures of Dayan County, the favored sons of the younger generation, almost like the three young masters of the imperial city.

However, such an awesome genius was actually killed by Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

The death of San Shao can imagine how much shock it will bring to the entire Dayan County.

Undoubtedly, as Wu Yun and Lin Dong who killed them, they naturally became famous.

Anyone who knows the third master knows Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

Lin Clan Mansion!

Because the clan meeting will be held in three days, the high-level clan members gathered in the lobby to discuss various matters.

Coincidentally, the patriarch is here today!

Suddenly, a young disciple hurried in and panted,

"Patriarch, elders, Wu Yun and Lin Dong have entered the city and are walking towards the clan mansion."

Hearing the names of these two people, everyone in the hall Immediately, his face turned serious. Now Wu Yun and Lin Dong have become a point of humiliation for the Lin, Wang, and Qin families among the four major clans.

"They actually dare to come to Lin City, patriarch, just killed them to avenge Langtian."

An elder in black robe said angrily immediately.

He is a person who supports Lin Langtian's lineage, and Lin Langtian's death will deal a great blow to them.

"Hehe, kill the two of them, it's easy to say, go kill them if you have the ability." Someone immediately mocked.

There was an immediate quarrel in the lobby!

"Could it be that my dignified Lin family was insulted like this!"

"Langtian died in vain like this?"

"Insult, I don't think it 's worth mentioning!" "In vain, I think

I deserve it!"

"Now Wu Yun He and Lin Dong are no longer what they used to be, they got the inheritance of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, destroyed the Yin Puppet Sect, and unified the Great Desolation County, this matter has spread throughout the dynasty."

"I think everyone knows about the Great Desolation Ancient Monument. The treasures of that sect are so rich that Nirvana Pills are piled up into hills. After this period of training, the strength of Wu Yun and Lin Dong, not to mention reaching the Nirvana Realm, at least in the Creation Realm, I can't think of anyone Can deal with them."

"Not to mention, there is a skeleton guardian of Nirvana in the ancient stele of the Great Desolation."

"Killing them, what do you use to kill them, I am afraid that we may not be able to do it even if we pay the entire Lin clan. "

Besides, Lin Dong is a member of our Lin family, strictly speaking, he did nothing wrong!"

"Everyone should be very clear about why Lin Langtian was killed."

"Over the years, Lin Langtian relied on With my own talent, I keep suppressing people from different families. I have no love for people of the same clan, and only ruthlessly suppress them. This kind of genius has more than a death sentence, so don't let it go!"

"We should try to contact Lin Dong and separate the family Regardless of background, he can still surpass Lin Langtian, and he has already proved his worth."

"If we offend Lin Dong and let go of such a genius, it will be our Lin family's loss!"


As soon as Lin Langtian died, those who opposed him immediately stood up, counting Lin Langtian's previous deeds, and paying tribute to the branch family. The injury of a man is hard to describe.

Those who really think about the clan are thinking about the future of the clan. Most of them suggest supporting Lin Dong and replacing Lin Langtian as the future of the Lin clan.

"Okay, everything is quiet, but take someone to meet them at the door, and see what they say this time!"

Patriarch Lin Fan immediately stopped and ordered.

Since he arranged for Lin Ke'er to pick them up, he already explained his attitude. He didn't want to offend the two of them, because Lin Ke'er was the person who had the most contact with Wu Yun and the two of them and knew them well.

"If it's not necessary, don't offend Wu Yun. The overall situation is the most important thing. You can't ignore your clan because of some personal grievances."

"Langtian's ending is what he asked for. Don't mention it again."

Lin Fan Said firmly in a deep voice.

Dispel the thoughts of those who want to avenge Lin Langtian.

He was well aware of the horror of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, and with the inheritance of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, Wu Yun and Lin Dong dared to enter the city in such a grand manner. Obviously, they had the confidence to not be afraid of the Lin clan.

At this time, head-to-head confrontation with the two will only lose the interests of the Lin clan.

In the final analysis, Wu Yun and Lin Dong were not at fault!


Wu Yun and Lin Dong finally arrived.

Lin Ke'er was already waiting here, wearing a long blue dress that reached her knees, and a black waist that perfectly divided her figure. Those bright and attractive double pupils overflowed with blue light. When she saw the two of them, her eyes flashed Excited.

"Master Wu Yun, Lin Dong welcomes you to the Lin Clan, please come in!"

Lin Ke'er slowly stretched out her hand, and generously invited the two of them in.

"Miss Ke'er is waiting for us in advance!" Wu Yun had a smile on his face. Judging from Lin Ke'er going out to greet her, the attitude of the Lin family is very good. It seems that they are not going to pursue Lin Langtian.

Lin Ke'er: "Mr. Wu Yun is a big shot now, and our Lin clan naturally dare not neglect, not to mention that Ke'er was lucky enough to get a ninth-grade martial art from the Good Fortune Martial Stele because he accepted the young master's love in the ancient stele of the wilderness. , now that the young master has come to our Lin family, he must treat him well!"

Oh? !

Sure enough, the other party took the initiative to avoid talking about Lin Langtian.

Naturally, Wu Yun wouldn't look for unpleasantness.

He and Lin Ke'er entered the gate of the Lin clan, and followed her all the way to the lobby.

The senior members of the Lin family were all here. When they saw Wu Yun and Lin Dong coming, they all stood up. The patriarch Lin Fan looked at Wu Yun carefully with his old eyes.

"Patriarch, they're here!"

Lin Ke'er stepped aside.

Below Lin Fan, two seats have been prepared.

"Brother Wu Yun, you are truly a hero. It is our honor to be a guest of our Lin clan. Please take the front seat."

A purple-robed elder said politely, pointing to the VIP seat in front of him.

"I just heard about the clan meeting of the Lin clan, so I came here to see the excitement. It's just to accompany the guests, and the main guests are them."

Wu Yun said with a calm expression, and the miniature ancient tablet hanging on his chest issued a message. A burst of light!


The entire Lin clan was shocked!

A door of space appeared in the lobby.

Seeing this scene, the senior officials of the entire Lin clan opened their eyes wide.

This is the Ancient Monument of the Great Desolation!

They stared at the miniature ancient stele and the gate of space with great curiosity. Even their Lin family only possessed earth-level spirit treasures. They had never seen such heaven-level spirit treasures.

Greed flashed in some people's eyes, and no one could face the heavenly spirit treasure calmly.

If the Lin family obtains this kind of treasure inheritance, they will surely become the first family of the Great Yan Dynasty!

"Cough cough!"

Patriarch Lin Fan coughed twice, telling his clansmen to calm down. He couldn't feel any energy fluctuations from Wu Yun's body, which was the most terrifying, because even he couldn't see Wu Yun's body. Strength, that proves that Wu Yun is already above him.

At this time, Lin Zhentian and other people from the Yancheng branch who had already prepared came out from the inside.

Seeing that the lobby was full of high-ranking members of the Lin clan, Lin Zhentian and the others froze for a second.

A person from a small family has never been in the same room with so many high-level clansmen.

"Yancheng split up, Lin Zhentian brought a group of descendants, see the patriarch!"

"Please get up, get up, we are all one family!"

After everyone sat down and talked about some irrelevant nonsense, the topic returned to Wu Yun here.

"This time Brother Wu Yun is coming to Dayan County, besides seeing my Lin family meeting, what else is there?"

An elder of the Lin family asked, they are very concerned about Wu Yun's attitude now, will they continue to find the three Clan stubble.

"Oh, I still have to visit my adoptive father's former sect, Tiandaomen, and other sects, to see if they can find trouble for me!" Wu Yun said with a laugh.

It's obvious what he said... I'm not here to find trouble, just don't mess with me.

"Haha, Tiandaomen must be very happy to have disciples like Brother Wu Yun."

Most of the Lin clan heaved a sigh of relief after receiving Wu Yun's attitude.

Next, they lived in the Lin clan.

During this time, the Lin clan kept inquiring about Wu Yun and the ancient stele through Lin Zhentian, Lin Dong and others.

Wu Yun didn't let them deliberately conceal it, so the Lin clan also knew about some things about the Great Desolation Sect. They were shocked by this. Wu Yun had actually gathered a force not weaker than the four major clans.

Moreover, this sect is still in its infancy, with the inheritance of the ancient sect, it will surely rise and become stronger in the future. You must know that there are countless martial arts in a single Good Fortune Martial Arts Tablet, and there are countless Good Fortune Martial Arts.

It is very possible that Wu Yun's sect can be compared with those sects that are above the dynasty.

After some secret discussions among the Lin clan, they all agreed that Wu Yun's clan was a potential stock, and if the Lin clan could reach this level of relationship, they might be able to follow suit.

With the relationship of the Yancheng branch family, it shouldn't be difficult for them to stuff some people in.

Three days later!

The clan meeting of the Lin clan was held, and all major forces sent important people there.

To Wu Yun's surprise, the Wang family and the Qin family were very obedient, and they didn't jump out to make trouble, as if no one had died.

Wu Yun and Patriarch Lin Fan sat at the highest position and watched the clan competition.

This sitting time has already well reflected the Lin family's attitude towards Wu Yun.

That Wang, the Qin family, were just looking at the wind, and wanted the Lin family to take the lead and try Wu Yun's depth. However, how did they know that the Lin family directly surrendered!

"This Lin Fan is really an old tortoise, he can bear it, even Wu Yun killed him Lin Langtian, the genius of the Lin family, and he can still talk and laugh with others!"

"The Lin family is not aggrieved, a bunch of cowards!"

"Damn it Why don't you just watch Wu Yun flaunt his might in Dayan County like this!"


Secretly, members of the Wang family and the Qin family kept complaining about the Lin family.

If the Lin family didn't take action against Wu Yun, they naturally didn't dare to take action either.

I don't like it, I don't feel angry, but I can only endure it.

Everyone knows that there is no certainty in dealing with Wu Yun now, and the price will be very high, and the family may be wiped out!

The clan meeting went on smoothly, and the Lin clan deserved to be the head of the four major clans, with a large scale and hundreds of families.

On the competition stage one by one, the young disciples of the clan are competing with each other full of fighting spirit.

Lin Dong and Qing Tan represented Yancheng to separate the family, and easily defeated batch after batch of opponents.

At the end of the day, the race is complete!

"Champion of the clan competition, Lin Dong!" the presiding elder announced.

There was no suspense for Lin Dong to win the championship. Not to mention the younger generation, the entire Lin clan, including the patriarch Lin Fan, may not necessarily be Lin Dong's opponent.

"Lin Dong's success is thanks to Brother Wu Yun's cultivation. On behalf of the Lin family, I would like to thank Brother Wu Yun for giving us such an excellent junior as Lin Dong!"

Seeing Lin Dong's strength, Lin Fan felt a lot of emotion in his heart. Knowing that Lin Langtian's loss was not wronged, and that Lin Dong was indeed able to hold up the backbone of the Lin clan!

"Patriarch Lin is serious. Lin Dong and I are brothers, and Lin Dong's current strength is the result of his hard work." Wu Yun said seriously. He knew that even without him, Lin Dong would still be able to come to this point. .

Lin Fan: "The champion of the clan competition can choose a treasure from the clan collection of my Lin clan. In the past

, our Lin clan had offended Brother Wu Yun a lot. To express our apologies, Brother Wu Yun can compete with Lin Dong this time." Let's go into my Lin family's collection together and choose a treasure at random, it's my apology on behalf of the Lin family, and I hope that I can get along with Brother Wu Yun happily in the future."

"This…" Wu Yun was a little surprised, he didn't expect Lin Fan to be so kind, It seems that he really wanted to resolve the conflict caused by Lin Langtian before.

"Although the family collection of my Lin family can't compare to the treasures of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, they are still some treasures that can be obtained. Brother Wu Yun, please don't be disgusted and refuse."

"Then I will be disrespectful!"

Wu Yun cupped his hands and said, he didn't have much opinion on the Lin family.

Next, Wu Yun and Lin Dong went into the Lin family's hideout to select treasures.

The clan of the Lin family is heavily guarded. In a cave in the back mountain, there are some powerful formation guards.

In order to prevent the narrow-minded people in the clan from destroying the good impression he had finally established with Wu Yun, Lin Fan personally sent them into it.

"Is this the place where the Lin Clan's family hides?" Wu Yun muttered to himself, and lightly grasped his palm in front of him, a look of astonishment flashed across his eyes, the formation here has the effect of gathering spirits , the power of heaven and earth is quite powerful, far from being comparable to the outside world.

It can ensure that the treasures inside will not lose their vitality and lose their effect.

There are clusters of light curtains in front of them, and within those light curtains, clusters of light can be seen, all of which are wrapped in spirit treasures.

However, the tallest ones are only high-level spirit treasures, which are obviously not attractive to them.

"There are so many rare materials!" Wu Yun's eyes were not on those spirit treasures, but on those scattered materials.

As expected of the Lin clan, they have accumulated a lot!

Wu Yun discovered a lot of valuable materials with array formations.

He was worried that he didn't know where to find materials to increase the sealing formation of the Nine Kings Palace, and there were many here.

Good guy... I really underestimated the Lin clan.

Wu Yun felt a little excited.

Except for those elixirs, all other treasures such as spiritual treasures in the Great Desolation Sect were destroyed. Even if some could be found, they were all corroded by the devil energy and could not be used anymore.

The ancient battle was too tragic.

Lingbao all went to die with the disciples of the sect.

A lot of materials here have been dusted, and it is obvious that the Lin clan rarely uses them.

Wu Yun picked up all the materials he needed!

Are you stocking up here? Lin Dong looked at his elder brother strangely.

Lin Dong: "Brother, the patriarch only asked us to choose one treasure?"

"I have great use for these materials, don't worry, I can exchange them with him when the time comes, I believe he will be willing." Wu Yun said with a smile.

Nirvana Pill

: "Let's go deeper, all the good things are inside!"

Wu Yun has already searched the periphery, and took away almost one-fifth of the treasures. There are more than 300 treasures, which is quite a lot.

As soon as he walked in, Lin Dong shouted excitedly,

"Well, big brother, look quickly, those are earth-level spirit treasures!"

"I see!" Wu Yun smiled...the Lin clan hides a lot of treasures.