Poor Stone Spirit

After fighting against Tong Chuan and Jiang Hao, Wu Yun and the others also discovered that the core of Huangdian is Huangjin.

This is a strange and powerful force, which can make one's own martial arts power to a higher level.

Wu Dao smiled, "You two brats, let's go in!"

Wu Yun and Lin Dong also smiled coquettishly, and then walked towards the gate. When they passed by the blind old man, they looked at each other and walked away at the same time. After a salute, he walked into the stone pagoda.

After seeing the two of them enter, Wu Dao put away his smile, looked at the blind old man sweeping the floor, and said softly: "Senior brother, these two boys are the newly-promoted big disciples, and the one whose aura is calm is Wu Wu. Yun, he is the one who broke senior brother Zhou Tong's record during the Danhe empowerment yesterday, and the other one obtained the spiritual seal inheritance in the Great War of Hundred Dynasties, both are rare and good seedlings."

The broom in the blind old man's hand suddenly stopped one time.

Wu Dao continued, "Senior brother Zhou Tong used three days to obtain Huang Jin. I don't know if these two little guys can do it.

" If you are interested in the disciple who is most likely to comprehend the Great Desolation Sutra, you can pay a little attention." The

blind old man was silent for a while, did not speak, but slowly put away the broom, walked into the stone tower with slow steps .

Seeing this, Wu Dao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Judging by his posture, it seemed that the old man also had a lot of interest in Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

Wu Yun and the two entered the stone pagoda, and their field of vision became wider.

In front of you is the invisible stone palace, and those stone palaces are filled with an ancient atmosphere of vicissitudes.

Daozong's Martial Arts Hall was beyond their expectations. There were no bookshelves or anything like that here.

In this vast stone hall, there are stone tablets of different sizes, and above the stone tablets, there is a faint light lingering.

Martial arts stele!

Every stone tablet is a kind of martial arts!

The almost endless stele of martial arts here made Wu Yun and the two of them swallow their saliva. This is the background of the super sect. Such a large amount of martial arts is so terrifying.

At this moment, there are figures standing or sitting in front of many steles, all looking intently at the steles, obviously immersed in the world of martial arts.

Wu Yun also scanned the martial arts on these steles curiously.

Good Fortune Martial Arts!

Spiritual martial arts!

On these steles, the worst thing is good luck martial arts.

This dazzling array of densely packed steles numbered at least tens of thousands.

It turns out that they are all martial arts above the good fortune level.

This had to surprise Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

In their Great Yan Dynasty, it would be shocking to produce a good fortune martial art, and it would easily cause competition among major forces.

But here, more are everywhere.

This is the super sect, and this is the foundation of their superiority over many dynasties.

Even the Great Desolation Sect is not enough compared to it.

Although there are many martial arts in the good luck stele, there are only dozens of good fortune level martial arts!

Of course, the Good Fortune Stele does not fully represent the background of the Great Desolation Sect, after all, it is prepared for disciples who are under the Nirvana state.

It was just because the Great Desolation Sect was destroyed so suddenly that many things were not passed down and were destroyed in that great war.

Fortunately, the soul of the stele remembered the Great Desolation Emperor's Great Desolation Emperor's Code, so that this Heavenly Martial Arts can be passed down!

"We've learned enough good fortune martial arts and general spiritual martial arts, so there's no need to look for them here."

Wu Yun shook his head as he looked at the numerous steles.

He has a lot of skills, martial arts, and secret techniques now, and he doesn't have time to learn these martial arts.

"Let's go to the wild rock first."

The two passed quickly, and soon came to a huge platform, and in the center of the platform, a huge gray boulder about a hundred feet stood quietly.

The boulder is in the shape of a sphere, dark gray all over, it seems to be covered with moss, and some fine cracks can be vaguely seen emerging, and an indescribable fluctuation is constantly emanating from the boulder.

From a distance, Wu Yun could feel the familiar fluctuation, which was exactly the same as Tong Chuan's wildness.

It's just that the smell here is more intense, and when he got here, his spirit was a little bit in a trance, that feeling, as if he was placed in an ancient barren land, looking around, the world was full of barrenness, a kind of barren Feelings permeate the heart, and even the vitality in the body is eroded by this feeling, and it moves more and more slowly.

The huge barren rock is surrounded by barrenness. On the edge of the barren rock, there are many disciples sitting cross-legged and practicing.

When Wu Yun and Lin Dong came over, many disciples noticed them.

The two are now celebrities in Huangdian, almost everyone recognizes them.

Wu Yun, who ignored the eyes of these disciples, walked up to the stone platform first, and saw two ancient characters on the stone.

"Huang Jin!"

Under the big characters, there are a line of boys, who are exactly the way of Huang Jin's cultivation.

Although this wild strength is a strange power, it is also the same as other martial arts. It has a special method of cultivation. Its skill is called Huang Jue!

According to the detailed cultivation method on the stone tablet, Huangjue is divided into ten levels, and it is a compulsory exercise for disciples of Huangdian.

But this is also a skill that belongs exclusively to the Huangdian, because to practice it, you must first rely on the wild stone, absorb the wild energy from the wild stone, and then condense the wild energy seeds in your body, so as to nourish and grow this seed with the original force. Seeds, and with the growth of the seeds, Huang Jin will gradually become stronger.

After studying and understanding the exercises, Wu Yun and the two were ready to try to practice.

However, the barren energy around the barren rock was too thin, so they just stepped onto the boulder.

"Wu Yun, Lin Dong, you'd better not get close to the barren stone, or you will be eroded by the barren force!" A disciple couldn't help but reminded aloud.

"Thank you for the reminder!"

Wu Yun sent a smile to the other party.

Then continue walking towards the rock.

There is a powerful force of barrenness that can erode vitality.

But Wu Yun and Lin Dong were not worried, because they both had the Devouring Ancestral Talisman.

Although Huang Jin is weird, it is always a kind of strength.

Within the range that the devouring ancestor talisman can devour.

Under the shocked gazes of the disciples, the two got closer and closer to Huangshi!

At this moment, behind the stone tablet not far away, a blind old man in gray also walked out slowly with a broom in his hand. He raised his head, and his pair of gray eyes without pupils locked on the direction of Wu Yun and Lin Dong. Then, Bu The wrinkled old face seemed to be slightly surprised.

The closer they got to the barren rocks, the stronger the barrenness became, and even their clothes were eroded, discolored, and cracked!

"It's almost there, let's practice here!" The

two sat down cross-legged, and could feel the wild energy wrapping around them.


They shouted in their hearts at the same time, and the power of devouring surged out, devouring these entangled barren forces.

The surrounding disciples swallowed their saliva. If Wu Yun and Lin Dong were in the area, their vitality would have been eroded long ago.

But now, Wu Yun and Lin Dong not only withstood the majestic and terrifying arrogance, but also cultivated as if nothing had happened.

The blind old man who saw this scene in the distance couldn't help but squeeze the broom tightly in his hand!

Wu Yun activated the Huang Jue and began to practice.

A trace of wild energy was absorbed by him and entered the dantian.

His physical body is strong, and he is not afraid of the erosion of Huang Jue at all, so he can devour Huang Jin unscrupulously, and soon condenses a small prototype of Huang Zi in his dantian.

Lin Dong was similar to him, devouring Huang Jin quickly.

After a while, the wild energy around them became thinner!

The two had to get up and approached the waste rock again.

At this moment, they have walked within ten feet of the barren stone!

But there was no intention of stopping.

"It's too slow to absorb like this. Let's go directly to post with Huangshi. I feel that the wild energy exuded by Huangshi is just like that." Wu Yun suggested.

"I also think it's too slow." Lin Dong nodded, "It's more interesting to suck the barren stone directly!" The

two ignored the surrounding barren energy that was several times thicker, and quickly approached the barren rock.

Then, under the surprised gazes, the two of them slowly raised their arms and touched the barren stone.

This made the peripheral disciples almost drop their jaws.

The broom that was pressed against the ground in the blind old man's hand also shook slightly at this moment, and there seemed to be a ray of light passing by in those gray-white pupils.

Touching the barren stone, Wu Yun felt a rough feeling of caress, and there was a trace of coldness coming from the stone.

Suddenly, an indescribably huge and terrifying wave, like a volcano, suddenly spewed out from the barren rocks, and finally rushed into his body viciously.

"Wow, that's a lot!"

Wu Yun was pleasantly surprised. Although his body was shaken violently, even his bones made a slight clicking sound, and a dark gray color appeared on his arms, but it didn't affect him at all.

In the next moment, his devouring power erupted, frantically absorbing these wild energy into his dantian.

The dark gray color on Wu Yun and Lin Dong's bodies quickly dissipated, and they soon returned to normal.

Not only were the disciples stunned, but the blind old man was also taken aback.

He almost couldn't bear it just now and wanted to blow Wu Yun and Lin Dong away!

"According to this speed, I'm afraid they will be able to condense into barren species within half a day!" The

blind old man murmured, "This speed is much stronger than that of Senior Brother Zhou Tong. If this matter is true, Enlightenment knows, I'm afraid I'll be dumbfounded again!"

"It's much more refreshing to swallow like this."

Wu Yun smiled slightly, just now it was like inhaling fog on the periphery, and now sticking to the barren stone, it's like aiming at Like drinking water from the tap.

The majestic column of barbaric energy crazily flowed into the bodies of the two of them. Compared with the breathing and licking cultivation of the surrounding disciples, the two of them were almost powerful predators!

The wild seeds in their bodies are becoming more and more solid, and will soon be fully formed.

At this time, a huge amount of Huang Jin actively gushed out from the barren rock, and it was several times more violent than before, striking the two of them fiercely.

This attack, with obvious intentions, seems to be to expel the two.

"Brother, there seems to be something wrong with this barren rock!" Lin Dong was slightly surprised.

Wu Yun: "Hehe, this barren rock already has a spirit, comparable to a treasure of pure essence. We plundered its energy in this way, which aroused its resistance!"

He felt a little bit, and knew that this barren rock was the same as Feng Tianzhentu. Lingbao of the same level!

"Brother, shall we continue?" Lin Dong asked.

"Go on, the more it resists, the more excited I get, suck it for me!" Wu Yun smiled, it's just a treasure of pure essence, and he didn't tame one or two!

At this time, on the surface of the barren stone, a dark gray light suddenly surged, and then the light squirmed, and finally converged like lightning, turning into two gray beams, passing along the stone surface like lightning, and then attacked Wu Yunhe Lin Dong.


The surrounding disciples all stopped their cultivation and looked at the barren stone in surprise, it actually attacked people on its own initiative.

However, after thinking about it, they could understand that Wu Yun and Lin Dong had gone too far. They actually did such a thing to a stone!

"Hehe, you really dare to resist!"

Wu Yun condensed a black Primordial Spirit Sword Qi in his heart, and shot it out, shattering the gray glow.

Lin Dong's body also had a black light, blocking the gray light.

"It aroused the repulsion of Huangshi again!" A strange flash of light flashed on the blind old man's old and unwavering face.

Zhou Tong back then also lived like this.

"It's still exciting!"

"Second brother, suck it!"

Wu Yun increased his devouring power.

Huangshi resisted even more fiercely, waves of wild energy gushed out, forming a powerful repelling force, trying to push the two of them away from the shock!

"Don't resist, let's leave after condensing the wild species!" Wu Yun said to the wild spirit inside him.


Huangshi trembled immediately, it had never seen such an arrogant person, how could it be threatened by a kid in Nirvana, its majestic treasure of pure essence.

In the Huangdian, it was enshrined as an ancestor. If you are happy, you will release more wild energy to let the disciples practice, and if you are not happy, you will fall asleep.

Today, I was actually pressed and sucked by two disciples, and I still sucked it forcibly!

It got angry, and immediately sent out an incomparably majestic repulsive force.

"I'm giving you face!"

Wu Yun snorted coldly, "Feng Yun, hold it down!"

His thoughts moved Feng Tian's map, and Feng Yun was the name he gave to Feng Tian's map.

Immediately, invisible rune chains shot out from the mini Great Desolate Ancient Monument, and the rune chains quickly climbed into the barren stone, sealing the repulsive force that spewed out.

Next to him, feeling the strong resistance of the spirit of the wild stone, the stone talisman in Lin Dong's heart also lit up, and a gentle white glow shot out from Lin Dong's fingertips and poured into the wild stone!

Under the induction of Lin Dong, the white light quickly penetrated through the layers of defenses of the barren stone, and finally reached the deepest part of it. There was a strange fluctuation emanating faintly. This kind of fluctuation was actually a little shivering. Feel.

The spirit of the stone talisman must teach the spirit of the barren stone inside to be a spiritual treasure!

The spirit of the wild stone was stunned, with a large black net covering its head, and a white fist waving head-on.

It can't resist, it can't fight, and it can't scream!

Too bullying!

With the spirit of the stone talisman and Feng Yun working together to help them hold down the spirit of the wild stone, the two of them can operate freely.


Waves of extremely majestic arrogance, like a flood breaking through a river embankment, rushed into the bodies of the two at an astonishing speed and poured into the dantian.

Under this almost insane infusion of wild energy, the gray air mass in the dantian became more and more condensed, and finally trembled suddenly, condensing into a gray bead about the size of a fist!

Wild Seed, it's done!